Take Her to HeVan

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Take Her to HeVan Page 11

by Lucy Kelly

  “Oh, my head is spinning,” she groaned, lifting a hand to her head.

  “Marla, you’re awake. Thank the Goddess,” Karlo swore. He took her mouth in a deep kiss.

  She flexed her legs and felt Karlo harden within her again. “This is a dream, isn’t it?”

  “No, love, this is real. Let’s go inside and we’ll explain.”

  “We?” she asked in a sharp voice as she tried to look around, but it was very dark.

  “Charl and I will explain,” said Karlo as he started toward the house, following Charl.

  “I’m naked! Why are we outside naked? Was the bed in the pasture? Are those wings?”

  She would have asked more questions, but her teeth started chattering and her body started shivering.

  “We’ll answer all your questions inside. I need to warm you up, love,” said Karlo just before they stepped inside.

  He took her into the living room because the bedroom downstairs was off limits. Until her questions were answered, he didn’t want to presume by taking her to her bedroom upstairs. Besides, they needed to remove their wings so their backs would seal. He didn’t want to release any joining pheromones in her bedroom.

  As they approached the couch, Marla was looking around. Her head was still spinning and questions were bubbling up inside her. She was having difficulty separating dreams from reality. This had to be a dream, right? People didn’t walk around with wings sprouting from their backs. Of course, in her dream they didn’t have normal white angel wings. No, she had dreamed up colorful parrot wings for her guys. She didn’t see Charl.

  “Come on, honey, I want to put you down on the couch so I can wrap you up in the afghan blanket. Charl is in the kitchen right now, but he’ll be here in a minute.”

  That was all Marla needed to let go, and Karlo lifted her up and then laid her down. She got a good look at him in the light of the living room. She was still feeling a little foggy and her body would shake every so often from the cold.

  “Are you sure I’m awake? You have wings. How can you have wings?” she asked.

  Charl came into the room. He’d actually pulled some towels from the bathroom; one was around his hips, another he handed over for Karlo to put on, and several to help keep Marla warm. He didn’t want to bring any of the blankets from the bedroom because they were saturated with joining pheromones. The last thing they wanted was to have Marla fall asleep again. They couldn’t make another flight.

  “Before we start explaining, Charl and I need to remove our wings. The openings in our skin are releasing a potent mix of pheromones and the medical we checked with says they may harm you if you are exposed to them for too long. It’s why we took you outside; you wouldn’t wake up. It really scared me, Marla,” Karlo said to her.

  Before she could answer him, Charl bent down and kissed her lips before tucking the towels around her. Marla drew her head back quickly but he had already moved away from her face. Karlo grabbed a couple of coats from the hall closet, which he tucked around Marla to help her get warm.

  “Here you go, beautiful, this should help warm you. I’ll start a fire in the fireplace in just a minute. Can I get you anything else?” Karlo asked her anxiously.

  Marla didn’t know what to say. She’d spoken to Charl earlier when Karlo was asleep. He was acting differently now, much more lover-like and she was shaken. Did she just have sex with both of them for real? She just stared at him with big eyes, saying nothing. When another shiver shook her body, he moved away and went to the fireplace where Karlo was already laying fresh logs on the hearth.

  Since the two brothers were occupied in getting the fire going, she took the opportunity to check them out. She took a close look at where their wings were coming out of their backs, trying to see if this was a trick of some kind. There was no obvious harness; they were both naked except for the towels. As she watched, she saw a dribble of blood roll down Charl’s back toward the towel around his hips. Shocked, she looked at Karlo and he was also bleeding a little. She gasped and the two men, hearing the sound, turned as one to look at her.

  “You’re bleeding,” she accused. A part of her wondered why this bothered her so much. She should be more freaked about the fact that they had wings in the first place and not because they had small, barely bleeding wounds. What was wrong with her?

  “We’ll stop soon and be healed up in no time,” said Karlo soothingly.

  “The fire has started nicely; we’ll be right back,” added Charl, pulling Karlo from the room. He pulled him through the house and into the downstairs bedroom. “We need to pull off our wings and leave them in here. Then this room is off-limits to Marla until all the bedding is laundered and the other surfaces are wiped down. We don’t want her to have any more problems.”

  Karlo understood and was in full agreement. He turned his back to his brother. “Go ahead, pull them off. Mine already feel loose. Later, we have to talk about our flight and what it means for our people.”

  “Were you as shocked as I was? I wonder when Nephilim stopped carrying their females during the flight,” Charl mused as he removed his brother’s wings.

  When they first broke through the skin, they burst a gland, which produced the joining pheromones. The chemical would continue to escape and be distributed through the air with the movement of the wings until they were removed. When the wings detached, a second reservoir, this time of strong immunizing and healing secretions, were released. They helped in the rapid healing of the wing’s eruption site. Almost overnight, the wing slits parallel to their spines would heal, leaving fine scars.

  When Karlo’s wings were removed and placed on the bed, he performed the same task for Charl. Normally, their Join would remove the wings. They were her property and proof of her joining, as well as a visual image of her Ankida’s lineage. They would be displayed in one of the main rooms of the home. For now though, Karlo and Charl left them on the bed.

  They needed the pheromones to dissipate and keep Marla away from them until they knew she would be safe. Karlo went over to the window and opened it. The air was cold and fresh. It would help air out the room and dissipate the concentration of pheromones. Already they had started affecting him again.

  After removing their wings, they went into the bathroom to wipe any residue off their backs. Their wounds were already starting to close and were no longer seeping.

  Karlo put on a pair of jeans, not bothering with underwear because he was in a hurry to get back to Marla. He handed a second pair to his brother. The two of them were right to hurry but when they returned to the living room, Marla was gone.


  Sonny Ray and Buddy Joe were going back and forth about the best way to approach the two angels when they came back out of the house. It was a dark night but since Karlo was standing in the lit doorway, they could see Marla in his arms.

  “Did you see that, Buddy Joe?” whispered Sonny Ray.

  “They’re nekkid!”

  Eyes bugging out, the two watched as Karlo moved across the packed-dirt driveway away from the house. They were trying to figure out what they were doing to each other when the second angel came outside carrying a bowl.

  “They’s be baptizing her. That’s why them’s all nekkid,” said Buddy Joe when he saw them pour the water over her head.

  They were both amazed when the two angels, holding Marla between them, leapt into the air. Soon the three figures were high enough in the sky they couldn’t see them clearly.

  “Do ya think them angels are taking her to Heaven?” asked Sonny Ray. He was the eldest but Buddy Joe had paid the most attention in Sunday school.

  “Mebbe. If they are, we’re goin’ to Hell fo sho. Cuz they won’t be a comin’ back an then we cain’t ask them to talk to God fer us.”

  “We gotta wait then. I don’t think it’s fair for us to go to Hell. We’s just tryin’ to get by. We was workin’ hard for Mr. O’Brien; this is on his head,” Sonny said emphatically.

  Buddy Joe just nodded; he ha
dn’t taken his eyes from the sky. Under his breath, he was repeating the prayers his mama had taught him to say each night before he went to sleep. It was the only prayer he knew by heart.

  They were starting to get discouraged when they heard a whooshing sound and the three glided back to earth to land in front of the house. Moments later, they watched them all go back inside.

  “Thank you, God. They came back. We should go and talk to them now afor they go flyin’ away agin,” said Buddy Joe.

  “Jest wait. Iffin they turn on some more lights, we’ll walk on up there. Iffin they don’t, I’m not gonna be the one to wake ‘em up,” Sonny Ray answered.

  They were about to go back to their truck to wait until morning, when they saw lights go on and the three walking around the front room. Slowly, they began to approach the house.


  When the two men left the room, Marla took the opportunity to get away from them. She needed to think and right now that meant being by herself. Yes, she wanted answers, but there was no way she was going to stay on the couch naked except for a knitted afghan, some towels, and a couple of coats. She wanted clothes, real clothes that covered all her skin. Naked, she felt too vulnerable. Anything she could do to give her an edge, she’d take.

  Thinking about those wings, she rushed upstairs. Well, she didn’t rush very quickly. A lot of sore muscles were making themselves felt. Her legs, especially her thighs and ass, were really sore. She hobbled up the stairs more than she ran.

  She wasn’t about to get dressed when her skin felt so sticky. She had fluids leaking out of more than one orifice. Eww. She ran into the bathroom and took what her grandfather called a navy shower. Get wet, turn off the water and soap up, then rinse off and get out. As much as she would prefer a long soak in a hot tub, she didn’t want either of the guys coming upstairs looking for her. Drying off as quickly as she washed, she hurried back into the bedroom.

  Not wanting to rub her tender parts against anything rough, she dug through her underwear drawer for soft white cotton undies. With Karlo around, she hadn’t been wearing them often, preferring to wear her prettier pieces. Right now though, comfort was king. Going with the white theme, she also took out her nurse-like, white, cross-your-heart bra, and then leggings. Still feeling chilled, she added socks and her ankle boot leopard print slippers and a soft oversized sweater that hung to mid thigh.

  Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she saw it was about two-thirty in the morning. Wow, she’d been asleep for about five hours. She was still yawning as she dressed quickly. Stepping quietly to the top of the stairs, she was about to go back down when she heard Karlo call to her in a frantic voice. Before she could take more than one step down the stairs, he appeared at the bottom.

  “Don’t move, I’ll come get you,” he said, running up the stairs. “Why did you leave? I was worried.”

  “You’re not the only one who needed to put on clothes. I was cold and icky. I cleaned up; I wasn’t about to sit around naked for this discussion,” she said, giving him a get real look. “Where did your wings go? Were they really real? How could they possibly fit inside your body? I’m guessing that thing you crashed into my hay barn isn’t some secret experimental aircraft, is it?”

  She gasped on another thought. “You guys aren’t going to kill me because I know about you now? Are you here to take over the planet?” She was really starting to freak out. She was fully awake now and knew this wasn’t a dream. Aliens!

  “Marla, I love you just as much right now as I did yesterday when I thought I was human. We are on this planet to find women, not hurt anyone,” he said as he carried her down the stairs.

  Karlo brought her into the living room and back to the couch. When he put her down, she moved over to one of the large overstuffed chairs on either side of the fire. She’d left the afghan upstairs and this was warmer than the couch. It had the added benefit of letting her sit alone. She wanted to be separated from them both when they started in on their explanations.

  “Okay, start explaining,” she said. “You can start with how you’re not exactly human. Then I want to hear about how you’re here for women. I’m not going to let you take me away from Earth.”

  She was really surprised she was holding it together so well. Of course, if she had called 911 about the aliens in her house and how she’d had sex with them, she doubted if she’d get the response she desired. Nope, she was on her own. She’d feel better, though, if she had her shotgun—and her dog. Where was Rusty?

  “What have you done to Rusty? Where is he?” she asked.

  “We didn’t do anything to Rusty. I’m as curious as you are about him. I promise we’ll look for him in a minute. First let us explain…please?” asked Karlo. Marla looked closely at him and finally nodded.

  Charl handed her the pad and pen that normally sat next to the phone. “I saw these and thought you might want to write down questions for us. It’s a long story and if we save questions to the end, it will save time,” he added, when it looked as if she were going to object.

  Marla closed her mouth on the objection he so rightly guessed she was about to make and took the pad and paper. She couldn’t help but feel she was being manipulated and she didn’t like it at all.

  Karlo had run upstairs to get the small blanket Marla had left upstairs. When he came back down, he also had another warmer blanket from her bed in his hands. He saw the mulish look on Marla’s face and immediately knew Charl had done something to anger her. He started to chastise his brother in Nepha.

  “Hey!” she interrupted. “First rule, only languages I can understand will be used in this house,” she said, standing up. She didn’t like being the only one sitting down. “What did you just say?”

  “You’re right, Marla, and I apologize. I was upset with my brother for angering you and was using harsh words. I promise to only use bad words in English from now on,” he said with a smile. Marla didn’t smile back. She put her hands on her hips and glared.

  “Charl didn’t make me angry. This entire situation has got me on edge. I can’t help but notice the promised explanation hasn’t started yet. Enough stalling, the two of you sit down right there,” she said, pointing to the couch as she tapped a foot. She was going to take some control here. She waited until they complied.

  Karlo and Charl sat side by side on the couch looking up at their mate as she laid down the law. With her soft slippers, white leggings, and large pink sweater, she looked like an angry pixie. Even though she was small, they didn’t mistake her for a child with her wonderful curves. She was just so cute and they were so happy to see her awake and alert. They couldn’t stop the smiles from spreading across their faces.

  Marla didn’t ask about the smiles, she pointed to Karlo. “You start,” she said as she turned to go back to the chair.

  Before they could say anything, there was a knock on the kitchen door.

  “What the hell? It’s the middle of the night,” said Marla.

  The three of them got up and went to the kitchen. Karlo headed to the door, picking up the shotgun along the way. Whoever was there didn’t need to know it wasn’t loaded. Charl pushed Marla behind him.

  Opening the door, Karlo was shocked to recognize the two men who had set the fire only a few days ago. “Are you here to cause more trouble?” he growled, pointing the shotgun at them.

  “No, Mr. Angel, sir. We want to confess our sins and to beg you to ask God not to send us to Hell for bringing troubles to Miz Jones,” said Sonny Ray.

  He’d been practicing what to say for the last hour as his brother prayed. The entire time he spoke, he looked down at the ground. He just knew he’d be struck down and unable to talk if he looked the angry angel in the eye.

  Marla heard every word they said and instantly understood what it meant. Even though she hadn’t gotten an adequate explanation for herself, she felt the need to protect these two men. She’d think about why she needed to protect them later. Stepping forward, she peeked from between
their shoulders at the two men who had gone to their knees on her porch, heads bowed.

  “Are you truly sorry for what you did?” she asked them, squeezing Karlo’s and Charl’s arms, letting them know she wanted to handle this. She was grateful when they let her, though they didn’t move from in front of her. Not having knowledge of their culture, she was unaware they were predisposed to let her act while they protected.

  “Yes, ma’am,” said Buddy Joe, daring to peek up at her briefly and then dropping his head again when he saw the anger on the men’s faces.

  “If you don’t want to go to Hell, then this is what you have to do. First, you can never speak of these two men as angels to anyone, ever. Next, you have to go to the office of my lawyer, Mr. Edwards, and give him a detailed statement of all the things you did and why. After that, I want you to leave town and for the rest of your lives you have to do at least two good deeds every day. Follow the Ten Commandments and sin no more,” she threw in at the end, because she figured they would need specific instructions.

  “Yes, ma’am, thank you, ma’am,” said Sonny Ray, scrambling to his feet. He wanted to get away before they changed their minds.

  “God bless you, ma’am. We’ll do like you say. Oh, and your dog is just fine; he’s only asleep. We put him in the shed,” Buddy Joe added as he walked backwards, nodding his head up and down. The two men got up and started backing away from the house, making promises as they went.

  “Then go now and I don’t ever want to see either of you on my property again,” Marla said before turning to Karlo. Sonny Ray and Buddy Joe had no problem complying with that demand. The two angels were still shooting angry looks at them. Still, maybe Miz Jones was an angel, too.

  “Karlo, will you and Charl go and find Rusty? I’m worried about him. While you do that, I’m going to take a few minutes to calm down and put my thoughts in order.”

  Karlo and Charl didn’t say anything. They gave the two men hard looks and watched them scramble away. Eager to do anything to make Marla happy, they both rushed outside. They would get the dog and make sure the two men left the property at the same time.


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