Take Her to HeVan

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Take Her to HeVan Page 24

by Lucy Kelly

  “The spa jets would probably help with the bruising,” Karlo added.

  Marla was only listening to them with half an ear. She had noticed a gift basket on the table and wanted to see what was in it. Picking up the card, she saw the basket was filled with essential oils and a few other things with seduction in mind.


  Ask your guys to give you a massage (they learn a special one on HeVan). Have them use the lotion in the plain tube for your chest. It will help with your bruising. I hope this night is everything you ever wished it could be. Sleep in, and then you can give us the nitty-gritty on all your “O’s” tomorrow.

  Becky, Sarah, and Tammy

  “Hey, guys, look at what we got. Becky, Sarah, and Tammy left us some stuff. They think you should give me a massage. They even gave us some special lotion to use,” Marla said as she turned to her Ankida and showed them the note and the basket.

  Charl smiled. Now he understood something that Marcus had said to him earlier. Karlo was also smiling. The Kuan Haddis, a female pleasure massage, was the perfect idea.

  “Do you want only the massage or would you like to soak for a bit first? Charl and I would be happy to join you in the tub,” Karlo said to her as he jiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  Going back over what they had been saying since they all walked in, she quickly agreed. Karlo had her relax on the couch looking over the gifts in the basket, as well as a few others he brought over from the credenza, while Charl went into the bathroom to turn on the water.

  By the time the bath was ready Marla had oohed and aahed over some pretty gifts that had been left in the room. The short nap she’d had in the limo was enough to revive her. She knew Charl and Karlo were intending to pamper her, and she was going to let them. At the same time, she was going to insist on those O’s, for all of them!

  When she walked into the bathroom, she saw that Charl had stayed busy while the spa tub had been filling. He had lit dozens of candles and placed them around the room. A few of them were scented so the air was lightly perfumed.

  Those scents blended with the subtle lavender aroma coming from the spa. Charl was already undressed. He reached to help Marla remove her clothes so she wouldn’t feel any discomfort. Karlo took off his own garments and, after quickly folding them and placing them on the counter, he helped his brother with Marla. Karlo stepped into the spa tub so Charl could hand Marla to him. He didn’t want her to try to get in and out of the deep tub on her own.

  For the rest of their lives, he and his brother would always do whatever was necessary to make sure Marla was safe and happy. Never again would she have bruises like these on her beautiful soft skin, he vowed. When she turned her head in his direction, he smiled and kissed her nose.

  “Just relax and let the heat and the jets soothe you. I’ll wash your hair,” Karlo said.

  “Mmm,” was the only response Marla could make.

  The three of them took up most of the room in the four-person spa. But there was enough room for Karlo to wash her hair while Charl started washing her feet. Marla allowed them to do what they wanted. She closed her eyes and just let herself feel. She knew both Charl and Karlo had gone a little crazy when she’d been taken. She was letting them take control for now because she knew they needed it.

  To be honest, she really needed the pampering she was getting. They often knew what she needed even before she did. For the next little while, she planned to go with the flow and let them have their way. She would know when to assert her own will and right now wasn’t the time, not yet. And besides, it felt so good!

  When Marla was totally relaxed, Karlo stayed in the tub, sheltering her in his arms, while Charl got out of the tub. He quickly dried off and then went into the bedroom to check that all of his arrangements were in place. He had the hotel send up a pile of extra towels and then he’d taken one of the sheets from the bed in the other room of their suite. The result was a perfect spot for her massage. He didn’t want to jar her with harsh lighting, so he went around the room and lit several more candles.

  Before, he had taken the tube of cream and added it to a pot of warm water, which also held the massage oils. He gave a mental thank you to the catering staff at the hotel for providing the warming pan and the small can of Sterno to keep it heated. Once he was certain everything was in place, he returned to the bathroom.

  Not willing to break the peace with words, Charl merely nodded to Karlo and he stood with Marla in his arms. Charl had another sheet and he and Karlo quickly wrapped her up. While Karlo got out of the tub and dried off, Charl took Marla into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

  Marla was warm and sleepy. The air hitting her wet body chilled her for a moment before she was once again wrapped up in strong arms. Neither of the two men spoke. Unwilling to break the silence, she let herself go with the flow, letting her mind float. Charl placed her on the bed as she looked around the room. Once again, the air was scented, and the low light promoted relaxation. She hoped they weren’t going to try to put her to sleep; she had plans. Since neither of the men was putting on clothing, even lounge pants or a towel, she wasn’t too worried.

  And since they were both semi-erect, she also started making plans.

  Each of the men knelt beside her and uncovered an arm from under the sheet. They started on her hands. She was surprised that being massaged by two men at the same time wasn’t more distracting. Their movements were perfectly mirrored so the sensations blended.

  When they reached her shoulders, both men stopped to change from the massage oil they had been using to the tube of ointment from the gift basket. Their touch became much lighter as they worked the ointment into the skin of her chest.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. “The lotion is sending tingles all through me. My skin has become really sensitized. It feels amazing.”

  Hearing that, they restarted the massage. When their fingers reached her nipples, she experienced a small orgasm. That was the beginning of a sensual journey. Soon after, another orgasm rolled through her. Moments later, she began to relax from that one. Then came another and then another, like a wave of peaks. She didn’t even try to count them; she tried to concentrate on the feeling. Then she couldn’t concentrate on anything; she could only experience.

  Charl and Karlo were amazed and thrilled at Marla’s response to the Kuan Haddis. In their language, Nepha, the words meant, “Opening the heavens joyfully.” Marla’s joy was evident and both men reacted strongly, their own erections hardening almost to the point of pain, pre-cum leaking out.

  As the massage moved past the junction of her legs and down her thighs, she was able to get a breath. And while she was really, really enjoying their attention, this was their wedding night, too.

  When she moved her legs instead of remaining passive, they both stopped immediately. Marla tried to speak and discovered she couldn’t. Her mouth was dry and her heart was racing. She swallowed a couple of times. “Water, can I have some water, please?” she croaked out.

  Charl got up and poured her some water from the pitcher he had on the bedside table. After gulping down half the glass, she handed it back to him. Marla waited to speak until he turned back after putting down the glass. She wanted to look into their eyes. She knew they would pay attention to anything she said. They always listened to her. It was one of the things she loved about them. And she did love them both, very much.

  “I’m not up to any kind of sexual gymnastics, guys. Still, this is our wedding night. So we’re going to have a little more sharing in the orgasm department. I want one of you to make love to me right now. After that, I want the other one to make love to me.” She could see they were about to object. “We either do this my way or you’ll be sleeping on the couch for the next month. I’m not about to tell my children or my grandchildren that I didn’t have the perfect wedding night because of that asshole Jake. Are you going to cooperate?” she asked as she opened her legs

  Charl moved to the end of the bed and look
ed at her. He looked into her eyes; they were filled with love, dark with passion, and to his great relief, empty of pain.

  “You are beautiful, my love. Are you sure this is what you want?” Charl asked.

  Marla didn’t say anything. She merely rolled to the side, grabbing a pillow to cushion her chest, as she raised her ass in the air while lowering her shoulders. Charl moved up onto the bed. He moved his own limbs around hers, caging her in. Taking one hand, he fit himself to her and thrust home. Her tissues were swollen from her earlier orgasms, which made her very tight. Charl didn’t know how long he would be able to hold on, the sensations coursing through him nearly sent him over the edge.

  As Karlo waited, he drank in the sight of his brother and their shared mate. He listened to her passionate responses, the little sounds she made as they pleasured her. He knew their future would be filled with happiness. The fact that she so readily accepted and loved not only him increased his own joy. He and his brother would be able to look after her, the ranch, and their children. He hoped they would have many children.

  Over an hour later, the three of them slept, Marla snuggled in between the two men.

  The next day, as anticipated, Marla didn’t wake up until after eleven. By that time, all of her new things were packed up, along with her gifts, and the truck loaded. All she had to do was shower and dress. There was a goodbye brunch and plans were made to get together another time. By one-thirty, they were back on the road heading for home.

  “What was going on with Becky and the hotel cameras?” Marla asked them once they were on the road.

  Karlo explained about the woman and her two children Jural had found when they were looking for her. She’d heard the story before when she was in the hospital and now it was coming back to her. Unfortunately, it was too late for her to thank them in person. She made a mental note to send them a gift. After all, without that little girl, she might not be alive right now.

  When they drove up to the ranch house, she was happy to be home again. She spent a good ten minutes giving Rusty the welcome he felt he deserved.

  Cell reception was spotty, so she still had the old landline, a big clunky black dial phone her grandparents had put in more than fifty years ago. Checking the answering machine, there had been a couple of calls from people in town wanting to make sure she was okay. Though she figured what they wanted most was gossip.

  And didn’t that make her feel a twinge of guilt thinking badly about them. Still, many of them had allowed Jake to influence them when she needed help and he’d prevented her from getting it. So the guilt didn’t last.

  One call she did return was from her attorney. He wanted to see her. He said it was important. When she returned his call, he said he’d come by that evening, if it was okay. Curious, she called him and agreed.

  Karlo and Charl insisted on cooking, so after a quick trip out to check on her animals, she went upstairs to unpack all her new things and ended up falling asleep.

  When Mr. Edwards arrived, Karlo went upstairs to check on Marla and found her just waking up.

  “Hi, honey, did you have a nice nap? Your timing’s perfect, Mr. Edwards has just arrived. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” Karlo said.

  “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll just be a minute. I’m going to wash my face,” she told him as she got up.

  Karlo took her arm and helped her up, giving her a kiss before leaving her. A few minutes later, she entered the kitchen. She still couldn’t wear a bra, so she’d put a sweater on over her t-shirt so Mr. Edwards wouldn’t be embarrassed.

  “Hi, Mr. Edwards, would you like to join us for dinner?”

  “No—thank you, though. I need to get on home. I just wanted to let you know I’ve filed the papers with the court to close the probate. There are a few papers you need to sign and then I’ll be on my way.”

  “At least let me offer you something to drink. Some iced tea?”

  “Fine, that would be just the thing. It’s been a warm day.”

  “Why don’t the two of you sit outside on the porch and I’ll bring the iced tea out to you?” suggested Karlo.

  They nodded their thanks and went to sit at the table and chairs set at the corner where the porch wrapped around the back of the house. Marla really liked to sit there and look out over the ranch. There was just enough elevation to give her a bit of a view.

  Once they were seated and the ice tea served, Mr. Edwards brought out a small accordion file and opened it, taking out one piece of paper and a pen. He also removed two envelopes and set them aside.

  “Congratulations, by the way, on your wedding. I can see that Karlo loves you. And if I didn’t say so before, I’m really happy to see you’re alright. Many were fooled by Jake O’Brien. I’m glad you were able to see through him. Are you recovered from your ordeal?”

  “Just a few bruises, I’ll be fine. Getting all of this out of the way will help. I won’t have it hanging over my head anymore.”

  “Well, then we’ll just finish up this last thing and I’ll get out of your way. Now, as I told you before, I’ve filed all of the paperwork at the courthouse. I did that this morning after I was informed of the wedding. I just need you to sign, acknowledging that, and also the receipt of these two envelopes,” he said, handing her the pen.

  Marla didn’t even bother reading the entire document. She trusted Mr. Edwards to look after her interests. Wanting to put this behind her, she took the pen and signed her name on the line next to the peel-and-stick arrow.

  Putting down the pen, she leaned back in her chair and took a long drink of her iced tea. Yeah, the trials and tribulations of the will were behind her. Still, it also meant the last thread connecting her to her grandfather had been cut. Her attention had wandered and Mr. Edwards brought her back when he picked up the two envelopes and held them out to her.

  Marla reached to take them. They both had her name on them. The first had a number one in the corner and the second had a number two.

  “Do me one last favor and open them in order,” he said, folding the paper she had signed and putting it in his inside suit pocket along with his pen.

  “The papers left in the file are your copy of the will and a few other documents you’ll need. I’m going to leave you to open those on your own. You take care now,” he said.

  Getting up out of his chair, he patted her shoulder before leaving.

  Marla didn’t say goodbye to him. She was staring at the first envelope. She recognized the handwriting; it was her grandfather’s. Laying down the second envelope, she turned the first one over and, working her finger under the flap, she slit the end and pulled out the paper inside.

  Dear Marla,

  Well, you’re probably sore at me, cursing my name for putting that wedding clause in my will. I’ll admit you have every right; it was mighty presumptuous of me. My only excuse, weak as it is, is that I wanted you to have what I found with your grandmother and your Pa found with your Ma. You spent so much time looking after us; you never paid attention to the men staring after you.

  Anyway, I’m hoping you’ve found your special someone and I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t matter. That clause in the will wasn’t serious, as if I would keep your heritage from you for a band of gold. No, honey, the ranch is yours, either way. I only wish your Gran and I could have seen you married off.

  One more thing, and then I won’t be pestering you anymore. The ranch wasn’t in as bad a shape as I let on. When you were born, we started a trust fund for you. That’s why I always insisted on having our accountant do your taxes. The second envelope has the paperwork on that. I knew you didn’t want to raise cattle the way I did, so I sold off the stock and added that in along with the insurance money from your folks’ accident. You’ve a nice little fund to get you started with the llamas and the yaks or whatever they are, small joke. I did research when you weren’t lookin’ at the alpacas and I know you’ll do really well.

  The ranch is in good hands for another generation
. I made sure you’d start clean. You already know the mortgages are all paid off, as well as the taxes, and all my personal bills. If God lets me, Gran and I will be checking in on you now and then. For now, don’t worry about me. I’ve been missing my Anna and it’s time my boy and I had a long talk. I’ll be telling him and your Ma all the stories my Anna hasn’t told them already.


  Marla didn’t notice the tears rolling down her cheeks. Charl did when he came out to tell her dinner was ready. Seeing them, he sat down and put his arms around her.

  “What’s wrong? Did Mr. Edwards have bad news?”

  She didn’t answer him. Handing him the letter, she wiped the tears from her cheeks and reached for the second envelope. When she finished reading the papers and comprehended all her family had done for her, the tears came back full force. She had over six hundred thousand dollars in a trust fund account available for her immediate use.

  “Why didn’t he say anything to me? He kept this all a secret. He was always so gruff. We could have discussed all my plans for the ranch. I would have loved to talk to him about my plans and pick his brain.”

  As soon as the tears fell, she wiped them away as she ranted. Karlo, wondering why they hadn’t come inside to eat, came out to find out what was going on; the food was going to get cold. He took the chair on the other side of Marla. Charl handed him the letter and picked up the papers Marla had let fall from her hand.

  Marla wound down and then remained quiet as Charl and Karlo read through all the documents. When they were done, Charl put them inside the folder so they would be kept safe. Then the two of them waited for Marla to speak. The three of them sat quietly, saying nothing for about five minutes.

  “I want to go back to HeVan and meet all of your family. We’re going to probably need to do that soon because I want to have a baby. I want us to have a big family. We’ll raise alpacas and children with a few more dogs and cats and maybe a hamster. We’re going to have a wonderful life here on the ranch and make enough visits back so our children can decide where they want to live and what they want to do. Any questions?” she asked, looking back and forth at them.


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