The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6)

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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6) Page 21

by Wendie Nordgren

  Fitz said, “Teagan, I see the look of fearful torment on your face. Felix is captured, and you are safe as long as you keep a guard detail with you at all times and aren’t so foolish as to wander off alone.” He had brought Peter up to his shoulder and was rubbing small circles on his back.

  “Until this is settled, I won’t even go to the Academy without my guards.”

  I looked up at the wall-mounted vid-screen. Since their capture, I had kept a live feed open upon it at all times and watched Felix, Flavian, and Maxim in their confinement cells. Flavian hadn’t received any further punishments from my husbands for what he had done to me, and it was souring my feelings toward Drex, Nico, Zared, and Fitz. Had they forgiven him for what he had done to me? Was Papa intent on being the one to punish him? Due to my feelings of hurt and anger, I didn’t broach the topic. It seemed my husbands were purposefully avoiding me. Perhaps, they sensed my mood and didn’t want to fight. However, I also suspected that Drex, Nico, and Eli worked together to discover those who were working with the traitors.

  Flavian persistently asked to speak to Clark. Clark had refused. At least he was loyal to me. All of the cadets were loyal to me, and none of us understood why Flavian and Maxim weren’t being tortured for answers, unless they had already confessed everything they knew which hadn’t been shared with me. Felix was recovering from the knife wounds I had inflicted. He would be well enough to stand trial, and this time I intended to be there for it.

  When we docked on Parvac, Papa, his entire Military Advisory Committee, and my own came aboard the Empress. They didn’t come to my deck but instead went to the confinement cells. I rushed to join them eager to learn what my prisoners’ punishments would be. I arrived in time to see Papa enter Felix’s cell. He was sitting upright on his bunk and watched Papa approach. I moved closer afraid that Felix might hurt my Papa in some way. Everyone was silent, waiting to hear each of Papa’s words, to hear him confront Felix for all of the pain to which he had subjected us.

  Papa’s hands reached out and closed around Felix’s throat. Felix brought his own hands up trying to break Papa’s hold. Papa tilted his head back as Felix attempted to gouge at his eyes. Papa squeezed harder. Felix started to turn a deep red and made ugly sounds as he tried to get air in through his nose and mouth. He brought an arm up between Papa’s hands, trying to break his hold. Papa didn’t budge. He just kept squeezing Felix’s throat. Felix kicked and tried to twist away. His gasps for air, and feet and legs as he thrashed against the bunk, made the only ugly sounds. He started to claw at Papa’s hands and left lines of bloodied flesh on Papa’s skin. Papa made no sound. He kept squeezing.

  I saw desperation and then fear enter Felix’s eyes from where I stood, but all he could see was Papa. The empty, sightless look I had seen in Luca’s eyes as he died in my arms appeared on Felix’s face. Only then did Papa remove his hands from Felix’s throat. He took Felix by the chin and back of his head and in a quick move twisted. I heard a snap. He had broken his neck. Papa clasped his hands behind his back and gazed down at Felix. Then, he turned and left the cell. Noticing my attendance at Felix’s execution, he paused. It was as though he were afraid to look at me, afraid of what he might see in my eyes, but Papa wasn’t a coward. He lifted his eyes and stared into mine.

  Raising my chin, I stared right back. Then, I gave him the lowest curtsy I could manage, bowing my head to him as I did so. All of the officers went down to their right knees beside and around me. We remained that way in silence.

  “Rise,” Papa ordered. When we stood, I noticed Eli, Drex, Nico, Fitz, Rovek, and Captain Ricimer. Papa said, “Open these cells.”

  Captain Ricimer obeyed. I wondered what Papa would do to Flavian, another male I hated with a passion. Papa motioned for Flavian to exit the cell. I anticipated watching Papa’s fist hitting him square in the face. Flavian came out, stood at attention, and saluted. Maxim did the same.

  Papa said to Eli, “You have done well.”

  Eli bowed to him. “It was a team effort, Emperor Probus.”

  Papa shook hands with Eli, Flavian, Maxim, and Rovek. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Papa turned his attention to me. “Daughter, I use my warriors to accomplish my goals. Attaining certain goals often requires pain, sacrifice, and subterfuge. You volunteered to be one of my warriors, but rather than fighting, I needed you to play a part, one that you played quite well. Capturing Felix took months of careful planning. We have Eli and his team to thank for it.”

  “The list…”

  “Prefabricated,” Papa said.

  “The Inquisitors opposed to...”

  “No one dares oppose me, daughter.”

  “Flavian and what he did...”

  “He drugged you, Teagan. Other than kissing you and removing your attire, he did nothing to you. It was a ruse. If you hadn’t truly feared him and believed him, Felix wouldn’t have either, and he would still be roaming free to strike at us again.”

  “Clark and the boys...”

  Papa said, “Every cadet faces the harshest loyalty tests devisable. They passed theirs.”

  I stood with my mouth open and thoughts that made my head dizzy.

  “We will speak of this again. Nico, get her home,” Papa said.

  Nico gave me his arm and escorted me to the lift. I searched the stoic faces of Eli, Rovek, Flavian, and Maxim as we walked by them. They didn’t make eye contact with me. Once the lift doors closed, my confusion turned to anger. I shoved Nico away. “How could you?” I yelled.

  “I didn’t know until we had them confined on the ship.”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “No, Eli told me to keep me from killing Flavian. Yukihyo, Drex, and Fitz didn’t know either.”

  “But, Eli knew and so did my Omnes Videntes? They knew the entire time but said nothing?”

  “They were under orders from Emperor Probus. They owe him loyalty and obedience above you and everyone else. You know that. With Felix alive, none of us would ever have been safe. If you don’t want to be a piece on your father’s stones board, leave the Academy,” Nico said. “Otherwise, play your part with the rest of us.”

  Nico and I stepped from the lift and out onto the Imperial deck where I paced. It was best that no one spoke to me in those moments. Pierce and Lorca had the children in the nursery, and Thunderdrop watched me from his web above Sue. Eventually, I sat with a cup of coffee and noticed that everyone watched me as if in limbo. Sparrow seemed agitated to visit her lab. It was all she had been talking about.

  “Xavier, take Sparrow home.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Go. Take Violet, Poppy, and Kaoti with you. I need to sit here for a while.” I wondered if it might be better to spend the night on my ship. I wasn’t in the mood to speak to Papa, not right now and maybe not tomorrow. “Go! All of you, out!”

  Finally, they listened. I watched the vid-screen in silence. Felix’s remains had been removed from my ship. The Inquisitors had disembarked along with Papa and his guards. Terre remained with me along with the children, Pierce, Lorca, Nico, Zared, and Farowyn.

  “Chirp?” I looked at Thunderdrop. He showed me an image of bunny rabbits.

  I nodded to him in silent agreement just as the lift doors opened and Vice Admiral Dario Galerius entered. “Now isn’t a good time, Dario. I’ve just decided to leave. You should go.”

  “Is my company unwelcome?”


  “Then, it’s settled. Where are we going?”


  “Captain Ricimer accompanied Tavere,” Nico said.

  With a challenge in my eyes, I looked at Dario. “Take us to Ephors.”

  Dario saluted me and went to the bridge.

  Nico said, “Fitz accompanied him as well.”

  “Whatever. They can find us on Ephors or not. I really don’t care.” To the room, I asked, “Are you coming with us or getting off of my ship?”

sat and folded her hands demurely on her lap. Nico strode off to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich.

  “Teagan,” Zared started.

  “I don’t want to fucking talk to you. You knew. All of my Omnes Videntes knew. You knew that Flavian hadn’t sexually assaulted me, but you allowed me to believe it and suffer. Fuck you, fuck all of you, and fuck Eli.”

  Zared tried to touch me, and I slapped his hands away. He said, “We were under orders from Emperor Probus. Would you have us disobey him and commit treason? You made us swear oaths to him.”

  I felt my ship lift off. Within seconds, my vid-screen was signaling. I answered it and saw Papa. He stared at me before speaking. “Have I frightened my daughter away?”

  I thought my eyes would dislodge. “Frightened me? Frightened me? I’m so pissed off at you! You lied to me! It was all a manipulation! You know what, Papa? Fuck you, too!” I ended the communication.

  Terre, Nico, Zared, and Chef all looked like they were about to have heart attacks and die. My vid-screen came on without me accepting the call. It was Papa. I hurled a pillow at his face.

  “Young lady, you will not speak to me in that manner.”

  “Okay. How about this?” I smiled sweetly. “Fuck you up your…”

  Papa ended the call before I could finish. Nico choked on his sandwich, and Chef whacked him on the back to help dislodge it. Seconds later, two warships were flanking us.

  “Who the hell is that?” I asked. The calls started immediately in answer to my question.

  Answering, I saw Drex. “Dearest one, why have you left? Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to Ephors.”

  “Teagan, your father loves you. I’m certain he didn’t wish for you to witness Felix’s execution.”

  “I don’t give a shit about Felix. I’m glad the bastard is dead. I would have killed him myself if Nico hadn’t pulled me off of him. After everything he did to us, he got what he deserved.”

  “Then, why?”

  “Why? Is that a fucking joke? You don’t know why?”

  Drex looked at me with a blank expression. I ended our call. The other warship was captained by Eli. Rather than speaking to him when he called, I flipped him off and contacted my bridge.

  “Dario, refuse all communication from Inquisitor Eli Beck. Better yet, each time he calls, tell him to fuck off, and then end the call.”

  “Yes, Princess.”

  I stormed into my room, ripped my dress while changing into exercise clothes, and went to the gym. Thunderdrop came with me.

  “Chitter chitter chitter!”

  “You’re right. They’re all fucking assholes. Did they think that I was too stupid and weak to be trusted with plans to capture Felix?”


  I scowled at Thunderdrop. We had the gym to ourselves. Everyone was afraid of me, or so I thought. Terre joined me. She had changed and now activated the treadmill beside me.

  “I can’t believe you told Emperor Probus to go fuck himself. You should apologize.”

  “Nope. Not gonna happen. He can go fuck himself repeatedly. Eli can go fuck himself. Zared can go fuck himself. Everyone who knew that Flavian didn’t really assault me can go fuck themselves.”

  “It was shitty of them,” Terre agreed. The very prim and cultured way she had spoken those words had me laughing.

  “Yes. It was shitty, and I’m pissed.”

  “Felix is no longer a threat to you or your family.”

  “No, but Flavian let me think he meant to kill my children and my family on Tora. Who the fuck does that, especially if he was supposed to be on our side the whole time?” The sounds our feet made were the only ones that we made for some time.

  “Teagan, from what I know of the former Ambassador Felix Jiri, he wasn’t one who was easily fooled, nor was his discovery and capture a simple enterprise. How many have hunted for him, and for how long have they done so?”

  “Chirp chirp.” Thunderdrop showed me a mental image of a rat that squeezed into a small deep hole.

  I shrugged at Terre.

  She said, “Perhaps, your anger will lessen.”

  “Doubtful,” I said in a petulant tone.

  “Teagan, there you are,” Dario said as he walked over to us.

  “Yes, and here you are. Why aren’t you flying my ship?” I wiped my sweat off on the inside of my shirt.

  “She is in capable hands. The Emperor is demanding to speak to you.”

  “So?” I kept up my pace.

  “If I do not bring you to speak to him at once, I will be flogged upon arrival at whichever land port we dock. I do not fear punishment and will submit to it if it is your wish,” Dario calmly stated.

  Terre stumbled to a stop and gaped at me.

  I slammed my hand down against my treadmill’s control panel to stop it. “Damn it!” I turned to Dario who waited patiently for an interpretable response. “You’re a Vice Admiral. Surely, he wouldn’t have you beaten to punish me.” The look on Terre’s face told me otherwise. “Fine.”

  I followed Dario to the bridge with Thunderdrop on my shoulder. Papa was watching the bridge activity from his office on Parvac. He filled the main viewscreen. Dario stood at attention. The bridge crew seemed terrified. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Papa.

  “Daughter, you have every right to be upset with me and everyone else for as long as you deem necessary. However, your mother is undeserving of your temper. She has taken to her bed in distress.”

  Forgetting my fury with Papa and the Inquisitors for a moment, I asked, “What has upset her? Isn’t she relieved that Felix is no longer a threat?”

  “It had nothing to do with Felix and everything to do with you.”

  “What did I do?”

  “You left.”


  “Call your mother, immediately. And, Teagan, I love you. In your anger, try not to forget that I love you.” I could see the hurt in Papa’s eyes before he ended the call. It made me feel like shit, even though my feelings were completely justified. I called Momma, who answered immediately.

  “Teagan, my baby. Please, come home. Don’t leave.”

  I was shocked by her appearance. Momma looked absolutely disgusting. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was red and running, and her skin was splotchy. Momma was the reason I looked ugly when I cried.

  “Momma, why are you crying?”

  “I heard you left immediately after arriving. I haven’t seen you or the babies in weeks, and you left without a word. Why, Teagan? Felix is no longer a threat. Come home where you belong.”

  “Momma, don’t cry. Please. I’m going to Ephors to cool off.”

  “Why?” Momma sniffled.

  “Ask Papa. Feel free to join me on Ephors if you want, but I’m too angry to be around Papa, the Palace, or his Inquisitors right now.”

  “So, you’re not moving to Arachne?” Momma asked as she noisily blew her nose.

  “No, Momma. I’m going to Ephors to clear my head. I couldn’t ever leave you anymore than I could leave my children. You mean too much to me. Alright?”

  She nodded and wiped at her eyes. Her delicate shoulders shook, and for a moment I felt that our roles had reversed. Other than her years spent in captivity, Momma had been protected and pampered. She might be bossy, but beneath it all she was fragile.

  “You really wouldn’t mind if I were to come to Ephors? I don’t want to be separated from you at the moment. How do I go about the arrangements?”

  The question made her seem rather helpless to me. “I’ll tell you what, Momma. Go wash your face, pack a few things, and we’ll come back to pick you up. Alright?”

  She wiped at more of her tears. “You’ll come back for me?” Momma started crying again.

  “Yes, I’ll send a transport for you once we dock.” I tried to make my voice as soothing as possible.

  “Alright, my sweet. I’ll be ready. How long will it be?” Her voice shook slightly as she tried to calm hersel

  “A few hours,” I assured her before ending the call. Then, I used every expletive I had ever learned on Earth, Amphictyon, and Malta.

  “Impressive,” Dario said.

  “Oh, stuff it. Go get my Momma.”

  Thunderdrop and I returned to my deck. Through the viewport in my bedroom, I could see the two warships changing course to follow us. The stars seemed to whiz by much faster on our way to Parvac than they had on our departure away from it. My vid-screen signaled.

  “What?” I asked angrily as I answered it.

  Yukihyo gave me an annoyed look. “Do you mind telling me what you are doing, Lady Wife?”

  Since we had spoken every day and night since I had returned to the Empress, I knew Jazon must have had a recent conversation with him. “Let me guess. Jazon told you about today.”

  “No, Kaoti called. He’s angry with you. He said you tricked him into leaving you behind on the ship and then left. What is your plan?”

  “My plan is to clear my head and calm down on Ephors, but now I have to go home and get Momma. I learned something. It’s all her fault that I look ugly when I cry.”

  “Why is she troubled? I would have thought she would be relieved.”

  “She’s crying because I left. We are going to get her. So, how long before you arrive on Ephors?”

  “It will be a few weeks. We will dock on Arachne in a few days. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  We arrived on Parvac so quickly that I only had time to shower and dress before being alerted that transports were loading into our bay. Momma had been waiting at the land port. Nico and I took the lift down to meet her. She wasn’t alone. Momma had brought along an entire contingent of individuals who were annoyed with me. I crossed my arms over my chest and glared right back at Kaoti. He manipulated me into stopping by holding Poppy at his shoulder. Momma stepped from the transport and rushed to hug me. Then, she started crying again which forced me to pat and attempt to soothe her.


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