The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6)

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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6) Page 26

by Wendie Nordgren

  Inquisitor Flavian went down to his knees at my feet which brought him to eye-level. I regretted that I hadn’t waited until this moment to punch him. “Princess Probus, I beg your pardon. Had there been any other way to gain our objective without causing you pain or torment, I swear on my life that a different course would have been chosen.”

  I reached out telepathically to Zared, questioning the truth and sincerity of Flavian’s protestations. Zared communicated, “He deeply regrets how he was forced to flush Felix from hiding, but is gratified that he and his team managed to do so where so many others failed.”

  “What should I do?” I silently asked.

  “The gracious thing to do would be to forgive him and thank him for his service. After all, he and his team did succeed where we failed.” I could feel Zared’s despondency and tried to soothe him.

  Silently, I said, “You have never failed me, my love. I cherish you.” I looked at Terre and said aloud, “I’m not sure what I should do. I was thinking of flogging him, but my wrist hurts.”

  Terre said, “General Cassian is quite muscular. He could do a better job of it than either of us.”

  “Didn’t my husbands already begin punishing you, Flavian?” I asked sweetly.

  “Yes, Princess Probus.”

  “What did that entail?” I asked as I took a sip of my coffee.

  “Punishment for an intimate crime against a female is being sliced to death by the blades of her champions,” he said quietly.

  “How many cuts did they make before you escaped during the explosion?”

  “Fifteen, Princess Probus.”

  “Which cuts hurt the worst?” I asked.

  “Those delivered by Fitz Jiri, your highness.”

  I remembered that Fitz had come to me that day in the infirmary freshly showered. He had been ridding himself of Flavian’s blood. “I see.” I took another sip of my coffee. “What is your next assignment?”

  Flavian’s eyes locked onto mine. “We are to sow dissent within the ranks of the Earth Loyalists.”


  “Earth’s leaders have extended an invitation to the Empire with the intention of fostering more peaceful relations and cooperation between our governments.”

  I thought about that bit of information. I had grown to despise Earth and my memories of it. His words could only mean one thing. A trip to Earth was in my future. I scowled. Papa hated diplomatic missions and thought that I was better suited to them. “Earthlings….” I shook my head.

  “Oh, Teagan! I have always dreamed of visiting Earth. It is my ancestral planet. There are so many things to see!”

  “Like what?” I asked with heavy cynicism.

  Terre’s doe-shaped eyes widened at me making her look adorable. “You lived there! Did you see Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, or the Sahara Desert?”

  I snorted at her. “I cleaned trash from dirty streets and lived in a housing community under an ancient overpass. I never got to go anywhere or see anything. Only wealthy people got to do things like that.” My eyes grew wide, and I sat up. “Shit! I’m swimming in credits! I’m not poor anymore!”

  Terre nodded at me in agreement.

  “Flavian, go find out how many credits I have. Go! Shoo!”

  Terre asked, “You don’t know how much you have?”

  “Nope. No idea. Yukihyo handles all of that for me. He’s really good with finances.”

  Flavian stood, bowed low to me, and left the observation deck with a grin on his face. I noticed that his scars were fading.

  “If we did go to Earth, we could do anything we wanted, eat at fancy restaurants, and see all of the places wealthy tourists go.” Having credits changed everything. I had taken two thoughtful sips of coffee when Flavian returned. “What? Go do what I asked.”

  He bowed to me. “I have done so, Princess Probus. Additionally, I looked into the finances of a few Earthlings. Rupert Warren of Earth has eighty-three billion credits. After calculating your newest marriage contracts, you have two and a half billion credits.”

  I gaped at him.

  He continued. “However, the Emperor’s wealth exceeds that of Rupert Warren.”

  I looked at Terre. She reached over and pushed up on my jaw. “Even after buying Farowyn a starship?”

  “Yes, Princess Probus.”

  I was astounded but also sad.

  “Teagan, what’s wrong?” Terre asked.

  “Nothing,” I told her. I didn’t want to upset her. All of the credits I had were worthless. They hadn’t saved Luca or our baby. With all of the intimate attention my husbands gave me, I still hadn’t conceived. Phillip, Dr. Savelli, and Dr. Fotri had assured me when I had confided my fears of not being able to carry another child that I was perfectly healthy, so why wasn’t I pregnant?

  Zared entered the observation deck and strode forward. I hid my face to his chest as his arms came around me. “Think of Neema, Niklos, and Peter. Think of those of us who remain together,” he said softly.

  “I know. I do. I just wonder what might have been.”

  Zared stroked my hair.

  Drex showed up next. “Dearest one, has Inquisitor Flavian upset you?”

  “No, Drex. He was trembling in fear at my feet and begging for my forgiveness.”

  Drex asked, “Do you wish him tossed from an airlock?”

  I sighed. “No, he was following Papa’s orders.” I turned to face him. “Do not ever leave me out of plans again. You are never to lie to me.”

  Flavian bowed. “I swear to obey, Princess Probus.”

  Drex said, “Dearest one, you and your lady need amusement. Boredom causes your mind to dwell on the past.”

  Terre said, “Oh, I suggest we paint since needlepoint is out of consideration due to your wrist.”

  I frowned. “I can’t paint. Ms. Laura is an artist, though.”

  Terre laughed. “It doesn’t have to be any good. It’s just for fun.”

  Officers left to search for supplies.

  “They won’t have stuff for us to use,” I said grumpily.

  Drex said, “Of course, they will. There are storage rooms all over the ship with all sorts of amusements and games.” He sat near me and filled himself a cup.

  He was right. Soon, officers had an area set up for us. I rolled my eyes at them. They had been trained to kill with their bare hands but had been running around gathering playthings for Terre and me. Terre spent a few minutes giving me some basic instruction before she became engrossed in her canvas. I stared at my supplies in consternation.

  Cedrenus said, “We could work on your chemistry assignments if you would prefer.”

  I scowled at him and grabbed a brush. “What should I even try to paint?”

  Terre said, “Something that makes you happy.”

  I looked out of the viewport at the stars but didn’t think a black canvas with white polka dots would be fun to paint. What made me happiest? I thought of Yukihyo and painted a tilted, white, horizontal oval with pink and gold striations. An oval with a jade-green disk followed. Then, I painted a green and gold iris around a black pupil, and a brown one after it. Remembering Luca’s eyes, I painted his next. Zared’s eye was challenging. It was difficult to give the black emotion and depth, but the effort made painting Thunderdrop’s eyes easier. My hand felt cramped by the time I had finished. Paint decorated me almost to the extent of my canvas. On a blended background of pinks, orange, and gold, was a blurry depiction of the eye color of each member of the family I had created for myself, my children and husbands with Yukihyo at the center blending them altogether.

  “That’s interesting,” Terre commented. “What is it?”

  I tilted my head. “It’s what I love most, and what matters to me more than anything. Let me see yours.” I got up and walked to Terre’s canvas. “Wow.” Her painting actually looked like something. I recognized the beach on Thalassa on a calm day. A male figure stood alone in the water with his muscular back visible from the hips up. “Do I
detect blonde hair?”

  Terre blushed. “I don’t know what you mean. It’s just the lighting is all.”

  “Uh huh. Well, it’s really pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  From a few feet away, my painting looked like a pink and gold nebula with small gas clouds. Quietly, Flavian asked, “Will you return our sons to us?” He knew what my painting was supposed to represent because I had what mattered most to him.

  I looked at Clark. He, along with Levi, Tyler, and Stayton, had renounced their Houses and sworn to me when we had believed the Inquisitors’ subterfuge. “They can do whatever they want with no hard feelings. I formally release them. It was a misunderstanding, but I know on whose side they are.”

  “House Flavian is loyal to House Probus, has been so for several generations, and will continue to be so for many more, stars willing. Clark is the last of my line.”

  I said, “You never know. Clark might find himself a girl who is willing to put up with him on Earth if we visit.”

  My team perked up from where they sat working on assignments. Feeling guilty, I spent much of the week catching up. Flavian was still a total bastard in my opinion, but he was a good chemistry tutor.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When we docked on Scipio, Tora and her crew were waiting for us. I ran to Yukihyo’s arms and molded myself to his chest, luxuriating in his scent and warmth. His deep chuckles rumbled through my ear. “I have missed you just as much, Lady Wife.”

  “How long have you been here?” I gave him a squeeze.

  “Long enough to locate Soren and Felicia. He has her alone in a house in the mountains. We are prepared to take him but thought it best to coordinate with the local authorities. Shall we liberate Felicia?”


  Tracy said, “The poor woman is going to be devastated finding out the man she loved was only using her.”

  “That is the part of all of this that truly troubles me. Felicia has only ever been kind to me. She doesn’t deserve the pain this will cause her.” Thoughts of her kindness on my first trip to Scipio made me feel incredibly guilty. This was what I had given her in return.

  Phillip sauntered over to Terre. She had suddenly become nervous and shy. “Did you miss me, goddess?”

  “No, not at all. We have conversed enough while in transit to assuage me of such sentimentality.” The blush on her cheeks said something entirely different to all of us.

  Phillip’s grin intensified, and his blue eyes sparkled.

  I hugged Hiroshi and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for bringing them all back to me. I was terrified there for a while.”

  Hiroshi stroked my hair. “We will speak of that later, little sister. Now, we have a visit to make.”

  The Enforcers were at the house when we arrived. Eli spoke to them. “What seems to be the problem?”

  They had the stone and plasti-glass home surrounded. “The male inside of the dwelling holds a female hostage and threatens to harm her. We haven’t been able to get a clear shot.”

  I could hear Felicia’s terrified cries from within the structure, and rage fueled me. I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. Soren was a bastard.

  “May we?” Zared asked. Jazon stood at his side. They had assured Izaac that they could handle the chef.

  After a brief discussion, they were granted permission to proceed and together entered the house. Seconds later, Felicia ran from the house and into my arms. Her usually neat hair was in disarray around her. I held her while she trembled and cried.

  “I’m so sorry, Felicia. I’m so sorry.”

  Confused, she asked, “Sweet baby, how did you know? How are you here?”

  “We came as soon as intelligence reports confirmed that Soren was working for a traitor to the Empire. You’re safe, now. It’s all over.” I didn’t know if my words of comfort were more for Felicia or myself.

  “Phillip! Oh, Phillip!” she said as she left my arms and threw herself into his. “You have come to rescue me even after I was foolish enough to leave you for another.” Felicia’s long hair tumbled down her back. Her arms lifted to twine behind Phillip’s head, and she kissed him with a searing, passionate intensity that made me blush.

  Tracy elbowed me, so I looked at her. She pointed at Terre who was looking outraged. “Excuse me! Your behavior is rather forward and inappropriate.”

  Felicia sucked Phillip’s lower lip as she ended their kiss. Phillip had the terrified look of a stag staring down the barrel of a blaster rifle. Felicia smiled at Terre. “It’s alright. Phillip and I are old friends. I’m sure he doesn’t mind. Do you, darling?”

  Nervously, Phillip asked, “Felicia, are you hurt?”

  “Not physically, no,” she answered.

  An Enforcer said, “Lady Felicia, may I take your statement?” He led her away.

  Zared and Jazon led Soren out and handed him over to the Enforcers. Zared gave me a nod of his head. He and Jazon had learned all they needed from Soren’s mind while they had him alone. After a few hours on site, we were allowed to go about our business.

  Phillip said, “I’m starved. Let’s eat.”

  We all went to the Waterfall restaurant. Once we had been seated, I left my chair in favor of Yukihyo’s lap.

  “Teagan, people are staring,” Terre admonished.

  “They were staring anyway,” I said. The Parvac Princess and her entourage were making the news. Yukihyo and I shared a plate.

  Hiroshi chuckled and said, “Lady Terre, this is where Yukihyo proposed to Teagan.”

  She straightened her napkin on her lap. “I suppose that is rather romantic.”

  “Can we visit the Singing Rocks tonight? Please?” I begged.

  Yukihyo laughed. “We will do whatever my Lady Wife wishes.”

  Smiling, I said, “Then, let’s go to the Baths next. I’d like to get my hair done.”

  Phillip pulled out his vid-screen and reserved the entire place for us.

  Once we arrived, Jazon and Tracy disappeared inside. Terre stayed at my side and gazed around in appreciation. “This is lovely.”

  I said, “The spas on Parvac could learn a thing or two from this place. Tina! Patna!” I called out as I waved. We hugged and made small talk. I thought that the eyes of Cedrenus, Binder, Ross, and Izaac might fall out of their heads and burst on the tiles. Tina and Patna were gorgeous and busty.

  Eli grinned beside me, but it wasn’t at the antics of my team. Following his gaze, I watched as two large bouncy breasts, that were hidden only by the flimsy white fabric of the skimpy attire of an attendant, jiggled up and down as a redhead ran to Phillip and crushed her lips to his. Becca. A furious scream made me jump. Yukihyo chuckled quietly behind me.

  “Get your hands off my male!” Terre screeched as she inserted herself between them and shoved Becca. All was silent but for the trickling of fountains. “Don’t dare touch him again!” Terre yelled. She was livid when she took Phillip’s arm and looped it with her own.

  Becca looked stunned but curtsied like a proper attendant. “My apologies.”

  “Don’t let it happen again!” Terre snapped. A large bulge grew in Phillip’s pants. “Put that away,” Terre scolded.

  “Fine by me,” Phillip said with a sexy grin.

  Terre blushed figuring out where he meant to put it away. “You’re ridiculous.”

  When Terre’s back was turned, Phillip winked at Becca. She gave him a sly wink and a thumbs up. Yukihyo and Eli chuckled quietly. I whispered, “They did that on purpose to make her jealous?”

  Yukihyo winked at me. Then, he accompanied me throughout the spa and joined me for various treatments. My hair had become difficultly long, so I had it cut even with my shoulder blades. I felt like a new woman by the time we left the Baths for the Singing Rocks. Felicia assured me that she was alright and needed to rest, so I left it at that.

  Once we had parked and walked out to find a good spot, I laid on a large blanket with Yukihyo, Nico, Fitz, Zared, Drex, Dario, and Eli
. Tracy and Jazon had gone off alone to cuddle in private, and so had Terre and Phillip. I did my best to spy on Phillip and Terre. Just as Phillip brought his hands up to cup Terre’s face and brought his lips down to hers, Yukihyo blocked my view.

  “Hey!” I complained.

  “Give them some privacy.”

  “Is he proposing?” I asked. I grabbed Yukihyo’s hand and kissed his knuckles. “This is where you presented me with our marriage contract.” My heart felt absolutely gushy.

  Zared said, “No, but he might be planning to do so tomorrow at the Lake of Mist.”

  Thoughts of the Lake of Mist brought visions of a wet, naked, Yukihyo surrounded by floating pink flower petals to mind, and from his grin he knew it.

  The next day, Farowyn’s arrival on Scipio caused an even greater stir than ours. He and his men were the first Eloneave to set foot on the planet. I groaned knowing what it would mean. I had hoped to avoid stuffy parties with political leaders during our rescue mission. Since saving Felicia had required no effort on my part other than offering emotional support and my condolences, I had selfishly been looking forward to enjoying the city of Polybus.

  Strong arms surrounded me, and I leaned back against Fitz. “I know that look,” he said. I sighed in response. “It is fortunate that you returned for me on Parvac. Diplomatic functions happen to be a specialty of mine. Allow me to serve on your behalf in the introductions between the Eloneave and Scipio’s dignitaries.”

  I swirled around in his arms. “You mean it?” I asked hopefully.

  “I do. Enjoy yourself. We return to Ephors soon.”

  I smiled and squeezed him. “Thanks, Fitz! You’re the best! I really wanted to go shopping with the girls tomorrow. It will cheer Felicia up.” I ran off to make plans.

  After a morning of shopping with Felicia, Tracy, and Terre under the watchful eyes of our husbands, we had lunch and then took her home. Soren was in serious trouble for not only holding her captive, but for galactic espionage. Terre had been polite to Felicia, but I knew she was furious with her for kissing Phillip. After making sure that Felicia was settled and alright, we left. However, the men in our lives decided to go with the theme of our rescue mission and kidnap us.


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