Rise of the Flame

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Rise of the Flame Page 23

by K.N. Lee

  The shadowy figure drifted closer and sniffed him. Kavien noticed how he smelled like sulfur and pitch. He grimaced and looked away. He couldn’t bring himself to confront those eyes.

  Just as quickly as he appeared, the shadowy figure was ripped from before him. Kavien came to his feet, relieved. It was unbelievable how strong Wexcyn was becoming. He needed to focus. He needed to follow through with the plan. If he did not, there would be no greater or more intimidating, judge for his actions. Soon, Wexcyn would invade the Overworld and all of their days would be dark.

  Kavien smoothed his hair and breathed in relief. He regained his composure, and his resolve, and made his way to the Temple of the Moon.


  The Sisters were expecting him. Once Kavien reached the Temple of the Moon, four women, covered from head to toe in purple robes met him at the stone gates. They opened the gates and led him into the quiet courtyard. Lines of women walked by, chanting a soft song that reminded him of the ladies in his village when he was a child.

  The sun was setting and the fragrant Yuvoria flowers filled the air with their toxins. Kavien breathed their citrus scented aromas in deep. It instantly relaxed him as he followed the women along the black walkway.

  The temple was an intimidating structure. It was perfectly square with large black windows, and ivory stone walls. The outside was deceiving. The temple was much larger than it appeared. There were catacombs and tunnels underground that spread along the entire city. Underneath their feet were thousands of Sisters, preparing, waiting.

  Inside the large brass barred double doors waited Sister Eloni.

  She stood in the center of the silent entryway, her robes floating as she hovered above the ground. In public she would stay grounded, but in the privacy of her home, there was no need. She was not human. There was no need to pretend amongst her kind.

  Kavien stepped inside and the women closed the doors behind him, leaving him alone with their leader.

  Sister Eloni floated over to him, with excitement. She circled him, sniffing him. She groaned with pleasure. “He has been here, hasn’t he?” She asked with a wide, white-toothed, smile.

  Kavien nodded with a grimace. He was annoyed that she continued to press her face to his clothes, breathing in Wexcyn’s scent. He wanted to go back to the palace and burn the clothes.

  She finally pulled back and clapped her hands with glee. She laughed. “Wonderful. I am so pleased.” She came around to face him. “It seems my work is successful. He is getting stronger every day. It won’t be long now.”

  “He is. Which brings me to ask you, where is your sense of urgency? Why isn’t the Storm dead yet?”

  “I would like to offer him to join us first.” She said it matter-of-factly. “He is one of the most powerful people in the world, after all. He can help us defeat the Silver Elves. It should not be hard. The Silver Elves dislike the Tryans as much as the Shadow Elves.”

  Kavien rolled his eyes. “We both know that won’t happen. This Tryan prince needs to die. He cannot be allowed to make it to The Barrier. I would like Kyril’s fate to be secured.”

  Sister Eloni smiled. “I can handle it. You will have one less realm to worry about. I assure you.”

  “I want you to pay him a visit. I want you to find him, and kill him.”

  Sister Eloni’s smile faded. She straightened herself up and looked at him. “I already have someone to take care of it. Either he will be brought to us as an ally…or he will be dead. We cannot lose.”

  Kavien gave her a hard look. “I want results.”

  “It isn’t as easy as that emperor. Such things take time and preparation. None of the last batch of girls were sufficient vessels. I had to sell most of them in the city.”

  “I don’t care. Use one of your own. You have plenty, don’t you?”

  “One of my own?” She repeated.

  Kavien stepped closer, towering over her. He looked down into her green eyes. “You use humans like cattle, why can’t a few of your kind be sacrificed for our cause. It would be an honor for one of your girls, wouldn’t it?”

  She regarded him for a moment and finally nodded. “As you wish.” She smiled again. “Look at you. Young Kavien is taking charge. I like it. I remember when you were just a boy. Dragnor had to whip you good a number of times,” she laughed and his glare silenced her. “I apologize. I only meant that he trained you quite well. You needed discipline. Everyone needs discipline. Look at you now. What respect you command just with your presence.”

  Kavien was losing his patience. There was nothing more he hated than to be reminded of his childhood. He could remember when Dragnor took him from his family just fine. Sometimes he wondered if he was really the lucky one or not.

  “So quiet this evening,” Sister Eloni said to him. She shrugged and turned towards the three dimly lit hallways behind her. “This way.”

  He followed her down the hall in the center. The ceiling suddenly vaulted high into the sky. He glanced into the other two halls as he passed by. He’d never been down any. For years he had avoided visiting Sister Eloni. The things she did, even made him uncomfortable. Now, there was no choice. There was so much pressure on him. Seeing Wexcyn reminded him that this was the time for action.

  Sister Eloni pulled out a wand. It was made of bone. He wasn’t sure what creature the bone came from, but it was thin, and nothing fancy. One might look at it and think nothing of it. It was always handy and hidden in the folds of her sleeve. She swirled it as they went into the hall, sealing the entrance. She waved it again and two young women quickly flew over to her from the other end.

  They landed and bowed before her. They both lowered their hoods. With heads low, they spoke in unison. “Yes honored Sister. You called.”

  Sister Eloni stopped and Kavien did the same.

  “Names.” Sister Eloni folded her arms before her.



  He looked down at the young women. They were of low rank, merely apprentices. Their hair was chopped close to their scalps. Over the years, it would be allowed to grow as long as their ankles, displaying their advancement in the ranks.

  Sister Eloni tapped both of their heads with her wand and they came to their feet. They were now mindless. She glanced at Kavien, no trace of a smile on her face. “Which one?” she asked in a voice as cold as the air in that narrow hallway.

  Kavien gulped. He did not like this part. He had no choice. He examined the girls. They levitated before him, their eyes glazed over with white clouds. They were both so young. He hated that they were little more than children, thirteen at the most. His shoulders slumped and he nodded to the one on the right. Adna had perfect skin and full lips. Her beauty was against her this night.

  Sister Eloni nodded. “Good choice.” She waved the wand down, pointing its tip to the ground.

  Tanvi rested her feet on the floor and her eyes returned to green. She was awake. She looked at her friend and swallowed hard. She looked nervous.

  “Take her, child. Bring her to the ceremony room, shut the drapes, light the candles.” She paused. “You know what to do, right?”

  Tanvi nodded.

  “Good, go then.” She motioned the girl forward.

  Tanvi grabbed the hood of Adna’s robes and pulled her along, in the air. Like a kite, Adna’s body floated along as her friend tugged her along.

  “Wait,” Sister Eloni called. Tanvi paused, horrified that they had changed their mind and would now use her as a vessel. She looked over her shoulder with large, frightened eyes.

  “Try not to spill any of the blood onto the floor. I’d hate to lose even a drop.”

  The girl nodded. A look of alarm came to her face as it settled into her mind what she would have to do.

  “And lick the blade clean. That part is very important. All right?”

  The girl nodded. Kavien was uncomfortable. He couldn’t believe what he had asked that girl to do. He couldn’t believe just how low he had stoope
d to please others.

  Sister Eloni smiled. “Good girl. It is your lucky day.” Once she was down the hall and out of their sight, Sister Eloni looked back to Kavien. “And you, my boy. Go on and wait in the Room of Calling. I’ll bring you your results in about an hour. How’s that for urgency?”

  Chapter 31

  The sky had been dark for days. They were deep in the Attguart Jungle, the fairies’ first line of defense against intruders. The trees were alert and watching. The creatures were both stealthy and vicious. Liam and the Order had to be at complete attention.

  No one had slept since they entered. Such a thing would have been suicide. The ground itself was alive. It heaved and rolled like waves. They remained on their horses, tense, hoping that they wouldn’t be sucked in like quicksand.

  Their only defense against the elements was the small troupe of fairy healers. Rowe and Nani were steady at his side. Sona rode just behind with the men and women of the Order. Tuvin tried to lighten the mood with his lute. He sat on his horse and played with his eyes closed. The melody only made them wish they were at home with their families.

  It was pitch black in that jungle, but as long as Nani and the other fairies continued to light the way with their glowing wings everyone would be fine.

  Sting flies buzzed around them, waiting for a chance to rip into their exposed flesh. They craved a blood meal and the scent of Tryan and fairy blood tantalized them. The sting flies had translucent wings that were lit much like Nani’s. Their sharp tails were equipped to sting and suck the blood from their prey.

  Liam batted them away, trying to see the dark path. The jungle that led to Tolrin was laced with a dark Enchant that was set to deter any strangers or unwanted guests. Liam hoped that Nani remembered the way home, for any wrong turn could lead them into an eternal nightmare, or death.

  “I never thought the fairy colony was in such a creepy place,” Wilem mumbled in disappointment. “Look at this place. Where is the sun?”

  “It’s too dark here,” Jorge whispered. His eyes struggled to see ahead of them as he and Wilem rode close behind Liam. “It smells funny. I’m tired. I’m hungry. I don’t like it.”

  “The fairies are protected by this forest,” Liam explained. He dug in his saddle pack and handed Jorge a piece of dried meat. Jorge accepted it from across the horse and frowned at it.

  “I want real food.”

  Wilem snorted a laugh.

  “You have any more of those apples?” Jorge asked.

  Liam sighed and looked over at Jorge. “No.”

  Jorge took a small bite of the meat and grimaced.

  “Once we’re in the colony, you’ll see how beautiful their home is. It will be just the way you imagined it, and more. I promise. We’ll have tables full of delicious food prepared for us. Warm beds. Bubble baths.”

  Wilem made a face at Liam. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “I just want to get out of here alive. My mom always said the fairy village was only meant for fairies. Why exactly are we going there again?” Jorge asked, taking another bite of the meat.

  Liam exchanged a look with Rowe.

  Rowe chuckled. “You remind me of a certain someone,” he grinned at Liam. “Always so cautious and worried. Don’t worry lad. We’ll all make it there in one piece. You’ll be running and playing in the sun soon enough.”

  Jorge looked skeptical but remained silent. He handed the rest of his meat to Wilem, who ate it in one bite. Liam started to laugh when he heard a whistling sound.

  Nani paused. She held up a hand and listened. Liam tensed as he tried to see through the darkness ahead of them.

  One of the fairy Clerics fell from the sky. Nani began flying backwards to Liam. Her wings flapped quickly, so fast that he could barely see them. The light of her wings went out and Liam and Rowe heard her scream. An arrow shot through the darkness and sliced Nani across the face. The sound of her startled scream filled the forest.

  Liam gasped and rode ahead. The Order and spread out into the darkness, making a circle that protected Liam and the heir to the Raeden throne. Liam blanched when he saw what had caused the sudden chaos. A wyvern flew above them. A Shadow Elf sat in its saddle. And behind that Shadow Elf, who grinned down at Liam, a swarm of wyverns lifted into the sky. Each had its own elf and the held their bows pointed down at them.

  “Nani!” Rowe shouted and he and Liam both sprang from their horses.

  Wilem and Jorge shivered as they listened to the screams as arrows were shot into the heads of the soldiers surrounding them. They rode closer to Liam, afraid to be alone while arrows zipped past them.

  “I knew it!” Jorge exclaimed. “We are going to die!”

  “Shut up! You’ll lead the monsters right to us.” Wilem ordered in a frantic whisper. He leaped from the horse as it was shot in the rear. The horse squealed and Wilem pulled Jorge off, just in time. The horse collapsed with a loud thud.

  Rodev ran towards them. He waved his hands frantically. “Prince Liam! It’s a trap! Go back. Go back!”

  Liam and Rowe looked to each other. “No. I must get Nani.” Liam continued running. Rowe followed. The air was thick and putrid and it was pitch black. To their dismay, the ground felt slimy and squished beneath their boots.

  “Something’s out there sir. Stay back,” Rodev insisted as he came to stand with the other men in the Order. They all drew their swords.

  Liam’s heart raced. It grew silent and Liam made his sword glow brighter. It emitted a yellow light and he slowly moved it around to better see their surroundings.

  Nani broke the silence, her wings buzzing, as she flew into Liam. He saw her small face bloodied by a thick gash in her cheek. He saw the terror in her eyes by a quick flash of light as an explosion erupted behind her.

  Liam wrapped his arms around her as they fell to the ground.

  “Wilem!” Nani called as she reached out to the frightened boys. “Run! Run!” She repeated frantically.

  Rowe ducked down beside them. Arrows zipped past and the flames from the explosion raced to burn them.

  Liam had to think fast. “Sona!” He shouted and reached for her. She dove from her horse and rolled to him. The commotion was deafening as the army scrambled to arm themselves and prepare for the threat.

  Fire. The perfect revenge since Vleta had killed scores of Shadow Elves with her own flames.

  Rowe knelt down, his eyes wide from watching the approaching fire. Liam squeezed his eyes shut. There was a series of explosions all around them. Shards of broken tree branches flew past, one sharp piece slashed Liam’s cheek before he covered them all in his shield. The bubble of energy encompassed them as the fire blazed all around.

  Wilem and Jorge curled into balls as they shielded their heads. Sona stayed close to Rowe, looking up as the fire licked and fought to penetrate the shield.

  The screams of those that Liam missed tore at his very soul. His gut wrenched as he listened to those dying soldiers. There was nothing like the sounds of those being burnt alive. He would never be able to get those screams out of his head.

  The others were lucky. They couldn’t feel the heat blanketing them. Nani looked into Liam’s face, channeling her energy to him so that he wouldn’t pass out again. Liam laid back, his head against the muddy ground as he tried to focus. He tried to calm his heart beat and breathing. His energy was channeled into the shield, yet it was difficult to control.

  Liam felt Nani’s cool fingertips press into his temples and opened his eyes. Realization hit them all and Nani felt her heart break when she saw the tears in Liam’s eyes. They flowed silently as he thought of all the men and horses that were perishing in the fire as they sat there safe from the danger. He tilted his head upward to look to where they left the horses and saw nothing but red and orange fire. The gold of the flames ravaged everything.

  “Focus Liam,” Nani whispered, wincing as she started to feel the heat try to enter their shield. “Or we’ll all die.” Her voice cracked and she nestled h
er head into his shoulder, hiding her own tears.

  They sat like that for what seemed an eternity. The fire finally began to die down and Liam was able to release the shield. He called a storm to quench the flames. He cursed himself for not being able to do both tasks at once. Otherwise, he could have saved some of his men.

  They huddled together as the rain soaked them. Cold and shivering, they looked in awe at the destruction all around them. Midnight nuzzled Liam’s shoulder. He was safe. He was the only horse that had survived. It was his bond with Liam that shielded him during the fire. They were connected. A bond between a chosen animal and a Tryan lasted forever.

  “What was that Liam?” Nani’s face was twisted in confusion.

  Liam cupped his face in his hands as he sat there, utterly defeated. He looked at her with reddened eyes that were full of pain and hate.

  “Wexcyn is behind all of this. Can’t you all see that? Don’t you all know what is happening?”

  “Don’t speak the name of the traitor, lest you to draw his attention.” Everyone felt their bodies shudder as the voice called from the darkness. They all held their breaths in terror.

  Liam could hear Jorge’s soft cries, and it grew even darker until they could barely even see each other anymore. A bitter cold wind swept through, stinging their faces.

  As he welcomed whatever spoke, they heard a low growl. Then it sounded as if hundreds of feet walked towards them. Liam’s resolve began to waver as he heard the sounds grow closer. He could barely see his own hand before his face and felt as if whatever was there could see him perfectly clear.

  “Liam,” he heard Nani call softly. “Come back.”

  Liam stood his ground. His eyes narrowed as he tried to see what approached. The growl didn’t sound like any animal he’d ever heard, or person. It had an unnatural tone. He swallowed hard and out of the darkness he saw a figure stand before him.

  Liam’s mouth opened as he looked up at the being. It was composed of nothing but shadows that flickered and reached out. It was as if many shadows had been combined to create this one being and its eyes made Liam’s skin crawl. What good was his sword against a shadow?


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