Rise of the Flame

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Rise of the Flame Page 25

by K.N. Lee

  Lilae hated enclosed spaces and felt the anxiety rise within her until she was nearly delirious with fright. She yelled and kicked until she was exhausted. No one heard her, or perhaps she was being ignored.

  “Is anyone there?” Lilae tried to find a hole to peer out of. She found a tiny crease in the wood and struggled to look through it. She squinted and saw that the room was empty. She heard footsteps from afar and saw the large double doors open. Although her vision was blurred she saw bare feet enter the room. She could tell that it was a woman. Her dress brushed her ankles as she crossed the room to stand before the chest.

  She heard the lock turn and the chest opened with a creak. Lilae looked up at the face of a woman. She had a serious face, aged, but she could tell that she had once been a beauty. The woman held a hand out to her.

  “Thank you.” Lilae pulled herself from the confines of that small space. Her knees were locked and every joint screamed at her. She stretched carefully and looked around the empty room. Two torches lit the room by the large double doors.

  “Don’t waste time. Come on,” the woman urged, motioning for Lilae to follow her.

  “Who are you?”

  She opened the large door and held it so Lilae could walk through into the quiet corridor. “Vasira,” she answered. “I was assigned to you. I am to make sure you’re taken care of. But, above all, to make sure you stay out of trouble.”

  Lilae’s shoulders slumped. Had Dragnor really taken her power? She felt cheated. She had just started to understand it.

  Is it even possible? All of those years wishing she was like everyone else. Now she felt foolish. She was defenseless. Powerless.

  What trouble can I make now? Lilae thought. “I wouldn’t worry about that.”

  Vasira raised an eyebrow as she looked back at her. “Good to hear it. Because I don’t tolerate any foolishness. Especially from a foreigner.” She scrunched up her nose disdainfully. “And let's get one thing straight,” Vasira pointed at Lilae. Her eyes narrowed.

  Lilae stared at her pointed finger.

  “I am not your servant, maid, or anything of the sort. You are a slave, and you better come to terms with it right now. You understand?”

  The woman talked to her like a child. Lilae nodded, annoyed.

  “And what do slaves do?”

  “I can already tell you are going to be a pain.” Vasira glared at her, putting her hands on her curvy hips. “You do whatever you are told. Now come. I don’t have all day.”

  She and Lilae walked a long while through the lower palace corridors. Each turn presented a new maze-like hallway, quiet and dimly lit. It was obvious that only the servants traveled this route. The floors were made of older wood unlike the polished marble and carpets she had seen when she first entered the palace.

  There were stone walls and shorter ceilings. While the halls were mostly empty, she did see uniformed guards placed throughout. They all stared at her as she passed them by. Lilae reached the doors to the harem.

  Inside the large room, Lilae could feel the heat and steam immediately at opening the door. The smell of oils and fragrances filled her nostrils delightfully. Her first memory of that place had been pleasant. She looked for the women who had bathed and dressed her. They were nowhere in sight.

  “Go on; hurry up.” Vasira firmly pushed Lilae forward. “Don’t be shy.”

  Lilae slowly walked in. All eyes turned to her. The room became quiet.

  “Get yourself acquainted with this place.” Vasira then turned to leave. “I’ll come back for you all soon.”

  Once the doors closed securely, an excited chatter arose all around her. The girls left their spots to swarm her. While most were openly curious, there were those that were cautious. She was different in appearance and mannerisms and they were unsure of what to think about her.

  Lilae found a spot on a bench. She drew her legs into her chest. This is where she would spend her day. At least she was outside of the uncomfortable wooden chest. Lilae wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her cheek against her knees. She didn't know how she would adjust to life as a slave.

  She sighed. They were so jovial with each other. She was painfully alone. Lilae’s heart was broken, and she hadn’t any more tears left to grieve. Lilae felt empty, so much so, that she barely cared what happened to her anymore.

  It was warm inside from the steam of the bath and Lilae missed the crisp air of Sabron, the village she had lived in before Partha. She forced the memory from her head. That was all in her past.

  “Girl. What is your name?”

  The voice startled her and she jumped. She looked to the girl who spoke to her. She was beautiful, as were all of the girls of the harem. She had darker skin, with a light brown undertone, and wavy black hair that rested long over her right shoulder. Her gray eyes were similar to the emperor’s and lined with kohl, making them stand out even more. Her lips were mauve and full. She was eerie in her beauty, mysterious and Lilae found herself staring, rather than speaking.

  “I'm trying to talk to you.” Even her accent was alluring.

  Lilae shook her head, unable to stop staring at the girl. “Sorry. I'm Lilae.”

  She smiled and sat next to her. “Rahki.”

  Lilae returned the smile, happy for a diversion from her depressing thoughts. She realized that the other girls had quieted and were drawing closer to listen to the exchange. “Hello, to you all.”

  Rahki giggled. “You talk funny.” The other girls covered their lips as they joined in the giggling.

  Lilae raised an eyebrow. “So do you.”

  Rahki giggled. “What land are you from?”

  “Nowhere,” Lilae said trying to mimic an Avia’Torenian accent.

  “What do you mean? We are all from somewhere. Did you fall from the sky?”

  “I guess you could say I came from Partha,” Lilae explained with a deep sigh. She gave up the accent. “It was the last place I lived.”

  “Where is that?”

  Lilae shrugged. “I don't know. West I guess.”

  “In between Sabron and Glendale,” another girl replied. She seemed slightly older, with a more serious face. “Have you never seen a map?”

  “That's my sister.”

  Sister. Lilae nearly choked on new tears at seeing Jaiza and Risa’s faces in her memory. Their cries haunted her. She pictured them being raped and killed. She nearly shook with sorrow. She squeezed her eyes shut. She had to rid her mind of those images.

  No, she thought clenching her jaw. No tears, not now. They are dead. Forget them or you’re dead too. She couldn’t get over the fact that they were her real sisters and they never knew it. Their cries of horror and pain made her feel ill, made her want to crawl into a ball and weep her eyes out until the pain was gone. The pain will never leave…

  “Faira,” the older girl added and went back to washing her long hair that fell nearly to her waist. She wore a thin gown that was soaked by the large bath. Lilae noticed that the material clung to her breasts, and that she could see right through it, and looked away.

  “I thought you were supposed to be Aurorian.” Rahki hands went to Lilae’s hair. She touched the golden-red mass curiously. “Yes, your hair color is definitely Northerner.”

  “Then why did you ask?” Lilae snapped. The girls all stared at her. She sighed, trying to soften her voice. They were curious. She had to try to be friendly. She needed to make friends with someone, anyone.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I am from Auroria, originally. I do not remember it though. Where are you from?” Lilae asked softly trying to overlook the fact that Rahki’s attention was on her hair. It made her uncomfortable, but she craved such friendliness more than ever now. She needed something to keep her from slipping into a depression that she feared she’d never escape.

  “We are from here. Avia’Torena. Well, from the northern desert actually, a city called Vor’Mavi.”

  “You were kidnapped too?”

  Rahki's brows furrowed.

  “Yes, did the emperor take you from your village?”

  Rahki laughed, then stopped when she realized that Lilae wasn't joking. The other girls were silent now, as they looked at her.

  Rahki shook her head. “We weren't taken against our will Lilae.”

  Lilae looked around at them all. Their beautiful, young, faces were all serious as they looked back at her.

  “We were selected for our beauty and our talents, our fathers were elevated in status when we were chosen.”

  Rahki met Lilae’s eyes then looked at Faira.

  “It is an honor,” another girl from the pool said.

  “Yes, our families have much honor now.”

  “And gold coins,” Faira added, wringing her hair of excess fluid.

  Lilae swallowed and saw the others were nodding. She felt more of an outcast then.

  Rahki touched her shoulder gently. “You were kidnapped?”

  Lilae nodded.

  “Sorry to hear that,” Rahki said softly, her eyes looking down. Lilae was amazed at how long and black her eyelashes were. “That is unfortunate. Perhaps we can be your new family.”

  Lilae smiled. She liked the idea, however unlikely.

  Faira shook her head. She examined Lilae. Her eyes were odd. For a split second, she thought she saw something within them. Just as quickly as she had seen it, it disappeared. She leaned back. “What are you?”

  Rahki put a hand Faira’s leg. Lilae noticed the subtle gesture. Faira was telling her sister to keep quiet.

  Lilae squinted and turned to face them again. “What was that? Why won’t you let her speak?”

  Rahki looked uncomfortable.

  “Mind your business,” Faira said quietly. She still gave Lilae an off look.

  Lilae was definitely interested now. She sat up straighter. “I’m here just like the rest of you. It is my business now.”

  Faira’s lips turned up into a bitter smirk “We are more than just pretty faces. Now, tell me. What are you?”

  Lilae didn’t know how to answer that. Apparently she had many titles, and yet, she still didn’t know who or what she was. She was the girl responsible for her entire family’s death.

  “Never mind all of that.” Rahki took Lilae’s hand and helped her up.

  “Rahki, you would touch a Northerner? Father would not be pleased.”

  Rahki frowned. “She is one of us now.”

  Lilae managed a weak smile. Her smile tried to hide the hurt that was bursting to get out. “Do not worry about me. I don’t need anyone. I never did.”

  Even as she said those false words, Lilae thought of Risa, Sara, Lhana and Pirin. Her guilt for getting them killed boiled within her stomach. At first, all she had wanted to do was cry. Now, she wanted to hurt someone. The Shadow Elf that did this to her.

  Chapter 35

  Rahki spent the evening teaching Lilae about basic Avia’Torenan etiquette and behaviors. Such foreign practices were new to Lilae, and so she forced herself to pay attention. Lilae was appreciative that Rahki took it upon herself to coach Lilae. She needed something to keep her mind off of her thoughts of guilt and grief. What better than learning about a completely different culture to keep her occupied?

  Lilae was in the hands of the enemy. So far, Dragnor was the only clear enemy to her, he had killed Pirin. Emperor Kavien was still a bit of a mystery, as well as Sister Eloni, but they were both responsible for the attack of Lowen’s Edge. The Sisters had been there, and then the soldiers followed. She couldn’t tell for certain who was in charge. Lilae could feel it in her bones that there was something more.

  Lilae observed her surroundings. Her eyes were always searching. She reached for her necklace, to hold it for comfort and gave an exasperated sigh. She kept forgetting that it was gone. It must have fallen off when she was captured. She missed it. She wished she hadn’t taken it for granted.

  Lilae needed to know exactly what she was dealing with. So far she knew that the army was composed of gifted soldiers. She hadn’t been able to tell exactly how many of the soldiers had special traits when Lowen’s Edge was attacked but she knew that the greater majority fought with enhanced skills.

  It was amazing just how different the Avia’Torenians were from any other group of people she’d encountered during her travels. Lilae was used to watching people. She could tell that there was something strange about the Avia’Torenians.

  Later that day, Vasira led them to a narrow dining hall later. Lilae hoped that she would catch a glimpse of the emperor. He always managed to leave before she was taken away by Vasira, and after she was returned. Lilae found herself growing desperate to see him.

  The girls walked in a single file, with their heads held high as if they were proud to be slaves. Lilae was still confused by the honor those girls seemed to have by being chosen by the emperor.

  Lilae followed behind silently, calculatingly. She would observe their mannerisms and customs and try to mimic them as best as she could to fit in. She held her head high like them and tried to walk as gracefully as they did. It was no use. Lilae was too tall. She stood out no matter how hard she tried to blend. Anic was right. It was impossible for her to do so.

  The dining hall was beautiful, small, but the walls were covered in colorful drapes. They all sat on pillows around a rectangular shaped table that was low to the floor. Vasira sat on her knees at the head of the table. All eyes were on her, waiting for her to begin the meal. Once Vasira took her first bite of flat-bread, the other girls all reached for food off of the platters.

  Lilae was starving. She broke a piece of bread and stuffed it with shredded meat from a steaming bowl at the center of the table. The first bite was all too euphoric. She closed her eyes and moaned with delight.

  The flavor was delicious and her stomach thanked her for finally putting something of sustenance inside of it. She greedily ate all of her bread and meat, spooning fluffy rice and sauce into her mouth with each bite. She sat back on her heels and felt her stomach twist with pain. She held her stomach and groaned.

  “Slow down little piggy,” Rahki said. She nudged Lilae and handed her a cup of warm spiced tea.

  Lilae nodded gratitude and blew the steam from the top of the cup. She drank slowly and her stomach started to settle. It had been so long since she had really eaten that her stomach would have to get used to real food again. She was already full and just sat and watched the other girls eat. She looked at them all, feeling afraid of what the future would hold, but still shaken up from Dragnor's assault on her powers.

  As if he knew she was thinking about him, Dragnor entered the room and everyone quieted, put down their food, and bowed their heads. Lilae didn’t bow like the others. Instead, she tightened her grip on her spoon and glared at him.

  What does he want? Lilae was still afraid. However, she had had enough time to think about how much she hated that elf. His eyes met hers. Then, he looked over the other girls.

  “Faira,” he called.

  Faira stood, with her head still bowed.

  “Come. Emperor Kavien wishes to see you.”

  Faira left the room, walking past Dragnor, without glancing back.

  Lilae tensed, and leaned back as he stepped towards her. The other girls all turned to stare at her. Lilae held her breath. He seemed to suck all of the previous cheer out of the room.

  Vasira glared at the both of them. “What do you think you are doing? You think you can just come in here in any time you like, elf? You came for what you wanted, now go.”

  Dragnor ignored her. He stooped low before Lilae. “I hope you’re enjoying being alive. Your time here is short. I will be pleased when you are no longer breathing our air.”

  Vasira slammed her hand on the table. “Get out I said!” She threw her arm out, pointing to the door. “She is my charge now and you may not threaten her whenever you like.”

  Dragnor swiftly came to his feet and like the wind he swept across the room and backhanded Vasira across t
he face. She was knocked to the floor with a crash, spilling her soup onto her dress and the floor. Vasira turn red with rage. She remained silent, nonetheless. She held her face and glared at him, her chest heaving.

  Dragnor lit a flame with his fingertips and grinned at Lilae. His grin held no humor. It was a taunt. He bowed to the other girls and left the room without another word.

  Lilae slammed her spoon on the table and came to her feet. She trembled with anger. The other girls all stared at her, curious to see her next move. She started for Vasira, to help her up and the older woman put out a hand.

  “Sit down,” she ordered.

  Lilae withdrew and pursed her lips. “I was trying to help you.”

  Vasira stood and motioned for an attendant to bring her a towel. She used the towel to wipe the soup from her white dress. “I don’t need your help. I need you to sit down, like I said.”

  Lilae shook her head with a grimace. She flopped back down. “What is wrong with you? I was trying to be nice to you.”

  Vasira ignored her. “Finish your meal girls. We will take a walk through the gardens before bed. And you,” she shot a glare at Lilae, “will spend your evening in solitude… after, you clean this mess.”

  Lilae’s mouth parted. She pushed her food away and covered her face. Her face grew hot. Everyone stared at her. She wanted to run. She had nowhere to go. Rahki slid her hand onto Lilae’s thigh and gave her a friendly squeeze. Lilae removed her hands and sniffled back tears. Rahki kept her eyes down on her food, but her hand offered comfort.

  Lilae smiled weakly, watching Rahki. There would be but one she would let live when she found a way to burn that palace down.


  After dinner, all of the girls left the room with Vasira. She looked back at Lilae.

  “You will clean this mess. Take all of the serving platters, wash them, and put them away. Then, clean the floors until they shine. Only when everything is cleaned like it was before we arrived, will you be allowed to retreat to the garden. There you will stay by the fountains, until I come for you. Understood?”


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