Rise of the Flame

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Rise of the Flame Page 30

by K.N. Lee

  Lilae didn’t know what else to do. She buried her face in his shoulder and finally breathed with relief.

  Chapter 41

  Sona still refused to speak to Liam. He suffered her silence with a fake smile. He would have to apologize, but still, he didn’t think he did anything wrong. Liam drank a special honey drink that the fairies had prepared for him. Wilem and Jorge drank theirs as well. The sugar made them smile and bounce with excitement.

  “Let’s play hero ball!” Wilem jumped up and down in front of Liam.

  Jorge laughed. He tugged on Liam’s sleeve. “Come on Liam. Please.”

  Liam stood and rustled Jorge’s hair. “Maybe later Jorge, Wilem and I have some business to attend to.”

  Jorge frowned. “Business? I’m coming too.”

  Liam smiled warmly. “Sure, you can come along.”

  Wilem drank all of his juice and wiped his mouth. “Are we going on another adventure Liam?” He grinned.

  Liam hugged Wilem. “Not today. Soon. Right now we need you to summon Vleta. We can go to the wheat field, where she won’t scare the fairies.”

  Wilem grinned. “Great! I’ve been wanting to play with her again! Can we take her for a ride along the valley? I want to get a better look at the Mother Tree.”

  “She’s not a toy, Wilem. She is a very dangerous weapon.”

  “But she was so much fun to fly,” Wilem grumbled. He lowered his head in disappointment and followed behind.

  Jorge caught up to Liam. “I agree with you Prince Liam. That dragon is dangerous.”

  Liam gave him a sidelong gaze. Jorge really did remind him of himself at that age. Wilem reminded him a lot of Rowe.

  “I will take you to see the Mother Tree. I promise. I just need to ask Vleta a few things so that I can complete my quest.”

  “Are you taking us on your quest, Liam?”

  Liam looked to Wilem, then to Jorge. “No. You will be much safer here, with the fairies. There’s food and safety here. But don’t worry, I’ll come back for you. I promise.”

  “If you’re still alive.”

  Liam paused at the sadness in the boy’s voice.

  Liam hugged Wilem. “I’m not going to die. Don’t you worry yourself with such things.”

  Wilem pulled away and looked to Liam with tear-filled eyes. “Everyone dies.” He sniffled. “Everyone I love, anyway.”

  Liam felt bad for him. Wilem was such a cheerful boy that one could almost forget that he had lost his entire family line. He remembered all of the bodies scattered around the Raeden palace.

  “I’m going to be all right Wilem. Trust me.”

  Wilem didn’t respond. He walked quietly along the cobblestone path as they made their way out of the colony square and to the expansive wheat fields. His eyes brightened a little when he saw the tall golden wheat that stretched far into the horizon. The sky was the most perfect blue, with scattered puffy white clouds.

  Liam closed his eyes. It was nice to have the sun shine on his face again. Those days in the Attguart Jungle had been extremely tough for more than one reason. He could only find comfort that he had managed to save those boys and his friends. The other soldiers in the Order were in the Underworld now. He hoped they had made the journey safely.

  Jorge beamed. He started to run through the field with his arms outstretched. His energy seemed to bring Wilem out of his grim mood once again. Liam smiled. “Call Vleta for me and you boys can play. Once I’m done talking to her, you can give her a ride. How does that sound?”

  Wilem didn’t hesitate. He pulled the necklace off and held the talisman out with his right hand. “Vleta. Wilem of Raeden summons you,” he said confidently. The glow reached out and along its rays came the large black dragon.

  Vleta was a majestic, massive creature. Her scales shone beneath the sunlight and her eyes looked them all over. There was an ancient wisdom in her eyes, and one could see it just from looking at her. If she were a woman, she would have surely been a queen. Her long neck reached down and went close to Liam’s face.

  “It is about time that you have summoned me,” she said in an unreadable tone.

  Liam waved the boys off. “Go on. I’ll call you when I am done.”

  “Do you think I was created to just sit in that talisman? I know what has been happening. Many people have died and I could have protected you.” Liam swallowed as Vleta was scolded him. This moment reminded him of Lady Cardelia being angry about Liam playing in the mazes all night. This, was much more serious than that.

  “Well,” she pursued. “What do you have to say for yourself, Storm?”

  Liam sighed. He held his hands out. “They caught us off guard. I would have summoned you if I’d known what was going to happen.”

  “And running off for revenge like that? How do you explain that? You are an important person. We cannot afford to have you die for such foolishness.”

  “It wasn’t foolish to me. My men were killed. My healing troupe was killed.”

  “And so you thought you would just run off and join them in the Underworld?”

  Liam pursed his lips. He let out a long sigh and calmed his temper. “I know, but I had to find out who was behind all of this.”

  Vleta stood tall. She towered over him, her head blocking the sun. “I could have told you that.”

  Liam’s mouth parted. “What? You knew?”

  Vleta gave a nod. “I did.” She tapped a talon on the ground. Even though it was an inappropriate time, Liam almost laughed. Right at that moment, Liam thought of how much Vleta reminded him of Lady Cardelia.

  Liam looked up at her. “I’ve never been in possession of something as valuable as you Vleta. I thought it wise to keep you hidden. I didn’t know.”

  “No use fretting over the past now. What’s done is done. I only wanted you to know that I am a weapon, a tool, a guide. You have me. Now use me. What would you like to know? I know that’s why you are here.”

  “The Bellens. How can I stop them?”

  “The Bellens are a nuisance. They have hidden for centuries. The Shadow Elves crave nothing more than revenge on their brothers, the Silver Elves. The Mithrani have numbers greater than anyone knows. They have infiltrated the human world, and blend so well that the humans have no idea that they are even there. And then, dear boy, you have its leader…the Cursed. His power is so great that he can destroy the world, if given the right motivation.”

  Liam settled onto the ground. Vleta rested on her belly. “What do you mean by that? Isn’t he motivated already?” Liam looked over his shoulder. He could hear Wilem and Jorge laughing and playing.

  “He can be swayed either way. He can be an enemy, or he can be an ally. It depends on whose influence over him will be strongest.”

  Liam shook his head. “I don’t understand that.”

  “The girl. She will. It is her duty.”

  “The Flame…Lilae?” Liam perked up at the mention of the girl from his dreams.

  Vleta gave a little nod. “Yes. She is his prisoner. She has the power to have him switch sides.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. She is in danger.” He balled up his fist, thinking of Lilae being the prisoner of their enemy. “I have to rescue her.”

  Vleta sat up. “You don’t.”

  Liam raked his fingers through his hair. “Why?”

  “Because that is not your journey. She has to get out of it herself. You, my friend, simply have to make it to The Barriers. That is where you will meet the Guardians, and they are the last link to the Ancients since they closed the Overworld. They will tell you what must be done. And then, the real journey begins, and we can only hope the Flame will be alive to join you.”

  Liam felt sick. He hadn’t met her yet, but he already felt so connected with her. He cared about her. He didn’t know how he would continue without her.

  “You care for her. I can tell. That says something about your character.”

  Liam looked embarrassed. He looked around to make sure no one
heard what was just said. He still feared what Sona would think about it all. “I dream about her,” he spoke softly. He pictured her face.

  “And she dreams of you.”

  Liam cleared his throat. “What of the others? Am I to go to The Barriers alone? We’ve heard nothing from the other Chosen.”

  Vleta’s golden eyes stared at him. “The Inquisitor is here.”

  Liam shot a look at her. “What?” He was stunned.

  “Has been the whole time.”

  Liam looked confused. “Who is it?”

  Vleta seemed to think a moment. “I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t tell you.” She made a clicking noise in her throat. “Perhaps they don’t know who they are yet. Perhaps they are spies.”

  He pushed himself up and looked around for Wilem and Jorge. “A spy. One of the fairies? Or one of my friends?”

  Vleta stretched her wings. They blocked all light from shining on him. “It is a friend. Or an enemy. I am not sure which yet.”

  Liam felt his pulse racing. Rowe’s face popped into his head. His best friend. He’d saved his life a number of times. Sona’s scowl, yet she loved him, she’d saved his life before as well. Nani’s smile, she always tried to protect him with her power. She was more devoted to him that she admitted. He didn’t know who to trust. Liam loved them all. He prayed that it was because they didn’t know, and not that they were a spy.

  “Wilem! Jorge! Come back now.” He called to them. He needed to find out who the Inquisitor was, immediately.

  “Get to The Barriers. Do it quickly. We don’t have much time left. I can feel Kyril dying.”

  Liam nodded. He was ready for action. “Thank you Vleta. I will do my best.”

  The boys ran over. They had sticks of wheat in their hair as if they’d been rolling around in the field. They panted as they stopped before him, their faces flushed from whatever game they had been playing. Liam had to make it to The Barriers. For them. For everyone in the realm.

  Wilem smiled up at Vleta. “Hello.”

  It almost appeared that she smiled back. “Hello Master. Would you like to take a ride?”

  Wilem jumped up and down with glee. “Yes! Come on Jorge!” He ran over to climb onto her back.

  Jorge grumbled, but did what his young master commanded. Once he was on top, he wrapped his arm around Wilem’s waist, as Wilem held onto Vleta’s neck.

  Liam waved at them as they took off. He laughed at the look on Jorge’s face. They were lifted into the air and went high into the sky. He stood there for a moment. His smile faded.

  There was much to do. The Barriers weren’t that far from Tolrin, but now he had to worry about one of his friends possibly betraying him. It left him feeling exposed. He had no way of figuring out which one it was.

  Chapter 42

  Nani was proud to lead Liam, Wilem, and Jorge to the Mother Tree square. It was a bustling citadel, made of white stone. The Mother Tree was a large tree that sat in the center. It was tall, reaching high into the sky, and shading the entire massive citadel with its branches and leaves. Pixies buzzed around in droves, looking like nothing more than tiny beads of light. A thick, sparkling, haze clung the area. Wilem and Jorge were afraid to step into the haze.

  “What if I breathe it in?” Jorge asked. “Will it hurt?”

  Nani giggled. “Of course not. The air is pure. Come on in, just step into the citadel and you’ll see what I mean.

  Liam grinned. He couldn’t wait to show the boys what happened once one breathed in the air of the Mother Tree. He stepped onto the white stone steps of the citadel and breathed deep. Wilem and Jorge followed his example. Fairies smiled at them as they entered their sacred circle. They flew off into the different buildings of the square.

  There were child fairies going to school in the large building towards the back. There were other fairies visiting the shops or talking to the tree with their hands pressed to her trunk. They asked for guidance, they prayed, they offered blessings to it. Liam waited for the boys to breathe. Nani laughed and flew up higher. Liam took Wilem and Jorge’s hand.

  “Come on boys!” He bent his knees and leapt into the air.

  Wilem and Jorge both yelped when they felt themselves being lifted into the air. Jorge held onto Liam as if he might die if he let go. Wilem’s eyes widened. And then, he cheered, taking his hand out of Liam’s.

  “How’s it feel boys? To fly?” Liam asked as he chased Nani, who zipped in and out of the crowd.

  “This is amazing!” Wilem went higher and higher.

  Liam held his hands out. “Not too high Wilem, you will fall if you leave the Mother Tree’s haze.

  “Oh! Ok!” Wilem came back down a little.

  Liam flew towards Nani. She beamed at him. “I knew they would love it here. Thank you, my friend.”

  Nani nodded. “Anything for you Liam. I do love those boys. I am glad we were able to rescue them, if no one else. The other fairies are quite taken by them as well. It is rare that we ever see Tryan children, the others find them very interesting.”

  Liam smiled warmly. “It is the same way I felt when I first met you Nani. On my first trip to Tolrin. They always said you would be my Cleric one day.” He settled down on the ground, near the Mother Tree. “I thought there was nothing more outstanding than to have my own personal fairy.”

  Nani landed beside him. She put her hand on her narrow hips. Her purple hair was brushed down now, yet it was as wild as ever. Wisps of it were still clung to her face, but she didn’t seem to mind. “It’s almost as if we were betrothed Liam,” she teased with a grin.

  Liam laughed. Nani couldn’t be his enemy. It wasn’t possible. There wasn’t a malevolent bone in her body. “You’ll make a good bride to a nice fairy man. Perhaps Vars, or Ved?”

  She made a face. “Gross. They are ancient! I’m your age, Liam.”

  Liam laughed harder. He held his stomach. “Sure, you’re my age for now. But you’ll live much longer than I. When you’re a hundred years old, you won’t remember who I was.”

  Nani’s smile faded. She turned away, towards the Mother Tree. “Don’t speak like that Liam. You’ll live as long as I. I’ll never let you die. I’ll feed my very essence to you through my power, to let you live. I won’t see you dead. I won’t.” Her voice cracked.

  Liam sighed. Her words were touching. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back to him. “I didn’t mean anything by that comment. You’re right. We’ll grow old together.” He looked around at her face. She gave him a sidelong glance. “But you’ll still be beautiful, and I’ll be nothing more than a shriveled up old man, with saggy skin and a walking stick.”

  Nani couldn’t help but laugh. She pinched his check. Her eyes sparkled. “You’ll always be the most handsome man to me. For a Tryan, of course.”

  “Of course,” Liam nodded with a wink.

  “Come, get the Mother Tree’s blessing,” Nani motioned him forward. “The ships should be ready by tomorrow.”

  “Oh that’s good. I’d hate to leave Tolrin, but I am ready to make it to The Barriers.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll make it on time.”

  “You’re really not afraid, are you Nani?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m not.” She winked at him then. “Take off your boots here.” She pointed to the trench cut out for shoes. She slipped off her thigh high boots and put them inside. Liam did the same, and put his boots in beside hers and the others. He looked up to see Wilem and Jorge playing with fairy children who were on a break from school.

  Liam and Nani stepped off of the stone floor and down the stairs until their feet touched the smooth dirt that provided sustenance for the tree. Her roots were large and stretched out on all sides. Liam looked at it in awe. To think, this was created by their Ancients energy. Her sacrifice had become a powerful monument for her people.

  A pixie landed on his nose. Liam gasped. He could see a tiny, smiling, face, surrounded by short, curly, blonde hair. Liam wiggled his nose. It tick

  “Oh, it’s Allie,” Nani said with delight. “Hello Allie,” she spoke to the pixie. She looked to Liam. “She likes you. Figures.” She shooed Allie away. “Sorry Allie, Liam is here to be blessed. No time to waste.”

  Allie giggled and flew away with a swarm of pixies that seemed to race around the tree and up into the branches and leaves. Liam’s eyes watched her with wonder until she disappeared.

  He followed Nani into the shade of the Mother Tree. There was a low hum that came from her. The tree was alive and aware. He got on his knees and pressed his hands onto her bark. She spoke.

  “Oh, what have we here? The prophecies never lie,” she said to him. “I am happy that you have come to see me. A blessing, shall we?”

  Liam felt nervous. The tree spoke to him through his link with it. Its voice made his bones rattle, but the sensation was like an itch that he couldn’t scratch. He looked to Nani and gasped. He couldn’t see her. No one was there any longer.

  “Don’t panic. They are all still there. This moment is for you and I. And you and I only. Now, which blessing would you like?”

  Liam thought very carefully. He could ask for vitality, to keep his strength up on the journey. Or, he could ask for a number of other things. The decision was too difficult.

  “Let me make it easy for you. I grant you, the blessing of protection.”

  Liam looked up. “Protection?”

  He could feel the Mother Tree smile. “Yes. You need it. Many want you dead. But, it is only good for one time. So, please, be careful. This blessing is not to be squandered, but I can tell you are a smart man. Good luck, on your journey.”

  The link was broken. Liam breathed in deeply. Everyone had returned. Nani sat beside him, cross-legged. She watched his face. Liam began to speak and Nani held her hand up to silence him.

  “Don’t tell me which blessing you received. It is for only you to know.” A loud bell rang and she came to her feet. “Let’s gather the boys. The children need to return to their studies.”


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