Rise of the Flame

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Rise of the Flame Page 34

by K.N. Lee

  “Why are you helping me?” Lilae’s face was wet with tears, her left cheek red from being struck. “I mean, you don’t really know me!”

  Rahki wiped Lilae’s face with a smooth thumb. “I know how you feel Lilae. While most of the girls are happy to be chosen to live in the imperial palace, with this lavish, carefree life, I never wanted to come.”

  Lilae raised an eyebrow, listening.

  “Granted, I was not physically forced. But, how could I disobey my father, and bring shame to my family’s name?”

  Lilae wiped her nose again and rested her head on the table.

  “I had a love once,” Rahki told her as she looked behind her to make sure Faira wasn’t listening.

  Lilae almost laughed at the word. Love…didn’t exist in her world.

  Rahki smiled, almost bitterly. “He was a soldier with over a thousand gold coins to buy my hand, but still, he wasn’t good enough in my father’s eyes.” She looked at Lilae pointedly. “Now, I’m stuck here serving the emperor and my beloved Sethi is married to another girl.” Lilae saw a tear escape her eye as Faira returned with the supplies.

  Rahki quickly wiped her face with her hand and took the tray of materials from Faira. She applied the thick paste generously onto Lilae’s cuts.

  Something about what Rahki said caused Lilae to suck up all of her tears. She couldn’t help remembering how Pirin had said that tears were for the weak. In battle, there is always a strategy, a maneuver to victory. Those who simply retreat or accept a fate other than victory, were weak.

  Lilae was not weak. She would get her revenge one way or another. She glanced up at Rahki with a curious look.

  “Was he human, Rahki? Is that why your parents wouldn’t let you be with him?”

  Rahki swallowed hard. “Yes.”

  Lilae nodded. “What is it like, to be Mithrani?”

  “So, you know.”

  “I do. The emperor told me.”

  “Most of the people in the empire are Mithrani, or of mixed race. Many of the soldiers in the army are of mixed race. That is why they have both human and Mithrani skills. But to answer your question, it is stifling. Especially for the women. We have such harsh constraints. We are a growing race, and I’m sorry Lilae, but your people won’t survive. Bellens, Mithrani, Shadow Elves, and beasts. I could tell you these things, but you still haven’t even begun to understand what secrets lie in the Empire.” Rahki pulled away and lowered her eyes.

  Lilae nodded. “Thank you Rahki. For the truth.”

  Chapter 48

  The sun blazed down at them as they boarded the ship. All of the fairies of Tolrin were assembled and watching as Liam, Nani, Rowe, and Sona joined a few fairies on the small white ship. Its sails were a bright white and set high above, billowing out with the wind.

  Liam looked out at the fairies and smiled. He waved at them, silently praying that they would be all right. “I can’t thank you enough Lady Evee. I really appreciate your hospitality. I cannot wait to come back here when everything is back to normal.”

  She nodded with a sweet smile. She took his hand in her own small grasp. “Please be safe.”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “You do the same, and make sure young King Wilem and Jorge stay out of trouble.”

  Lady Evee looked back at the boys that watched with anticipation. Wilem looked ready to run after him, his eyes glossy. He couldn’t believe that after only a month he had grown to care for those boys. He felt bad for abandoning them, but it was for the best. They would be safe with the fairies.

  “I’m sure they’ll have lots of fun. There’s so much here for young children. I’ve noticed that they are quite taken by the Mother Tree. Perhaps they can join the other children and attend our school in the citadel.” Lady Evee jumped into the air, startled when Wilem ran past her. She covered her heart and smiled as Wilem clung to Liam’s waist, hugging him tightly.

  Liam didn’t know what to say. He feared his voice would waver if he tried to speak. Instead, he ruffled Wilem’s hair and hugged him back.

  When Wilem pulled away his face was wet from tears. “You’re really going to just run off and save the world without me?”

  Liam gave a side smile. “I wish you could come Wilem, but it’s just not safe. One day you’ll have an adventure of your own.”

  Wilem grinned. “You think so?”

  Liam pinched his cheek. “I know so. One day you and Jorge will be young men and you’ll be off to begin an adventure of your own.”

  Wilem shook his head. “Jorge is a coward,” he whispered. “I need brave friends like that big Tryan over there. Yeah, I need a friend like Rowe.”

  Liam chuckled. “You forget that it was Jorge that hid you, and saved your life,” he reminded Wilem. “One day I bet he’ll be bigger than you, and braver than Rowe. You stick to those who are your true friends.”

  Wilem nodded. “You’re right.” He unlatched his talisman and held it out to Liam. “Take Vleta with you. She’ll keep you safe.” The talisman caught the light of the sun and Wilem squinted up at Liam.

  Liam was speechless. He looked down at the talisman and then to Wilem. Wilem put it in his hand and closed Liam’s fingers over it.

  “Just remember,” his face grew serious. “I am only letting you borrow her. You better bring her back, or my adventure will be to hunt you down.”

  Liam laughed loudly and hugged Wilem again. He put the talisman’s necklace over Wilem’s neck and squeezed his nose playfully. “Thank you Wilem, for the offer, but Vleta is yours. She will protect you while I am away.”

  Wilem held onto the gold talisman as it dangled above his chest. He nodded and smiled up at Liam. “See you soon, Liam.”

  “Soon Wilem,” Liam replied and turned to join the others.

  He watched the boy return to his friend and felt sadness in his heart. Wilem had touched his heart, and he would never forget his innocent gesture. Liam waved at them and the ship was ready to set sail.

  Liam held onto the railings as the ship shifted its position. All of the fairies moved out of the way as the ship was lifted from the ground and into the air. The sails puffed and the wings below were outstretched. There was nothing like traveling by fairy ship. They could cover land and sea and he was hopeful that they would make it to the Flame fast enough.

  He avoided glancing back at Sona, even though he could feel her eyes on him. He sighed, watching the fairies and the remainder of his army grow smaller and smaller as they went higher into the beautiful blue sky.

  Liam knew he had made a mistake with Sona and cursed himself for being so reckless. Despite his best efforts he couldn’t resist. When he woke up that morning, Sona was gone. She had left him with a guilty conscience and a pain in the pit of his stomach.

  He looked over his shoulder to see her standing there. Her face was emotionless as their eyes met. She shook her head and turned away. Liam could feel it. Something wasn’t right. Even as they flew above the Kyril realm, he knew, things would never be the same.


  They had only set sail hours ago and already Sona was after Liam. Sona grabbed Liam’s arm and tried to pull him to her. He snatched his arm form her grasp and turned on her. He was done being manipulated. He still felt guilty for sleeping with her. He couldn’t even look at her the same. He almost despised her more, because oddly enough, he didn’t want to do it. She had seduced him, somehow, and he couldn’t quite make sense of it yet.

  “Liam, stop. Please, I need to tell you something.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t really want to talk right now.” Liam pushed her away gently and she frowned at his hands.

  “I see. You can’t talk to me now. Why? After all we’ve been through.”

  Liam looked out at the sky. It was dark and he felt his stomach twist into knots. There was a storm brewing, and it was not of his doing. He was worried that something would happen to the ship. She tugged on his belt loop.

  “This is not the time. We can talk about this when we land.
” They stood on deck of the ship as night fell and the sea rolled beneath them.

  She slapped him and his mouth fell open.

  “What’s wrong with you?” he roughly grabbed her wrist.

  “I’m trying to tell you something,” she replied angrily. “But you are so self- absorbed that you can’t even listen to the most important information I could ever give you.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “What is it? Tell me Sona. What is so blasted important that it cannot wait?” he pursued skeptically. “Go on, I’m listening.”

  Sona stared at him with her mouth opened. She couldn’t believe how he talked to her. “Once I thought I’d always love you Liam. But you’re cruel, heartless, and feel nothing!”

  Liam huffed. “Enough of this! You are the one that is cold. All of these years I thought you were just damaged by your overpowering father, that deep down inside you were really a loving person. I was wrong.” He tried to stress those words to her as best as he could. He hated to hurt her, but it needed to be said. He lowered his voice and pulled her aside. Looking into her eyes was difficult. Her power over him was gone. “I saw something that night we were together. Can you explain to me what that was?”

  Everyone stared now, overhearing their conversation.

  “You make me look like a fool Liam,” Sona spat but tears rolled down her face. “But you are the biggest fool of them all.” She moved closer to him. “What you saw was my love for you. I would have changed for you!”

  Liam shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to do this anymore. It just doesn’t feel right.” His own eyes became glossy. He didn’t want to hurt her but he had to tell her the truth.

  He sounded sincere to her, but it wasn’t enough. It was too late.

  The hurt left her eyes. She reached out and stroked his cheek once more and Liam raised an eyebrow, confused by the change in her. Sona leaned in close to him, looking deep into his blue eyes.

  “When we were children, I saved your life,” she whispered.

  “And I appreciate that. I’ve saved yours as well. Many times. But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well, my father beat me nearly senseless.” Tears welled into her eyes.

  “What?” Now she wasn’t making any sense.

  Her tone turned icy. “He beat me because I was born to kill you. I should have let you die then, and it wouldn’t hurt so much to do it right now.”

  Before Liam could react, Sona stabbed him deep into his chest. Her shiny white teeth flashed in an insane smile as she thrust the dagger deeper and deeper.

  Liam’s eyes widened and his voice was caught in his throat. An odd, stinging sensation, like none he’d ever felt overcame him. He watched his blood seep out onto Sona’s white hands. There was a squishing sound as she withdrew her dagger. The dagger glowed blue, and he finally understood. It was exactly like the daggers that the Shadow Elves were always equipped with. Her betrayal was too extreme to comprehend.

  Liam flushed, his words unable to escape his lips, and reached for her. She stared at him as he tried to grab her, watching the pain she saw in his face. She looked curiously at him, her smile fading. His eye became full of tears as he tried to catch his breath.

  Her voice was too soft for him to hear her. “I had to.” She shook her head. She pushed him as hard as she could and he stumbled overboard.

  Her eyes were wild with a mixture of emotion as she watched his body fall. Thunder broke out and the sky began to churn. As Liam’s body fell, lightning struck out all around uncontrollably.

  “Liam!” Nani wailed.

  Rowe yelled and Sona quickly shoved aside her guilt. She had to do it, and it was done now. There was no turning back. Before Rowe could reach her with his sword a black wyvern darted through the sky.

  “Hurry you stupid beast!” Sona said through clenched teeth. She watched anxiously as Rowe charged towards her. The wyvern reached her, and she quickly mounted its saddle. She and the beast took off into the sky and vanished into the storm clouds.

  “Traitor!” Rowe shouted angrily after her. He ran to look over the ship’s railing where Liam had fallen. Before he could reach the ships side Sona reappeared from the clouds to cause them one last obstacle. One that she hoped would forever end their quest.

  Sona used her blue dagger to send a powerful blast of light into the deck. The light burned through the ships wood and cut through to the bottom, causing the ship to split in two.

  She had used lightning. Liam’s lightning. “No,” he said breathlessly.

  What followed was chaos all around. The fairies all began to flee the falling ship and the raging storm. Nani saw Rowe scramble to find his footing on the sinking ship as it tilted quickly towards the water. She grabbed him, pulling him into the air with her.

  “I have to find Liam!” Rowe yelled at her, fighting her grasp. He strained to get away from her, to jump into those dark, fierce waves.

  “Hold still Rowe!” Nani shouted back. “You cannot swim in those waves! There are creatures in there that would gladly eat you. We will look together.”

  Liam had fallen for what seemed forever until he finally crashed into the icy black sea. He was still awestruck as his body sunk into the water. The waves fought for him and he didn’t have the energy or care to fight back. They tumbled and smothered him, pushing him farther and farther into the watery abyss.

  Liam thought of nothing but Sona’s face as she stabbed him. He suddenly realized just how far her betrayed reached. She had been on Wexcyn’s side the entire time, constantly working her plot to slow them down or end their lives.

  Her betrayal went deeper than she could have known.

  Chapter 49

  Nani was exhausted. She had carried Rowe for miles and finally set him on the black sands of the beach that surrounded The Barrier. He was heavy and after such a long flight, Nani collapsed to the ground. Her cheek was pressed into the sand, the grains molding to her face and embedding into her skin.

  Rowe hurried over to her. “Nani!” he called. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost her as well.

  She moaned as he rolled her over onto her back. She winced at the pain in her arms from carrying him.

  “Are you all right?”

  Nani nodded weakly. “Yes, I’m fine.” She took his hand as he helped her sit up. She stretched her arms and legs and pulled her legs close, hugging them. “Oh, Liam,” she sighed, her heart aching like never before. She looked out to the ocean, her eyes stinging with wetness.

  Rowe scooted close to her and wrapped his arm around her. She turned to him, those tears finally bursting free.

  “How could she?” Nani screamed. She sobbed into his chest and Rowe had to wipe his own face.

  Rowe had just lost his best friend. He had set out on the journey, knowing how dangerous it was but he had vowed to not let anything happen to Liam. He had failed.

  Nani’s shoulders gently bounced with her soft sobs. Rowe smoothed her hair and watched as the red sun began to rise. They had flown all throughout the night searching for Liam until Nani could go on no longer. They had seen nothing but water and rain.

  Nani suddenly sat up, her eyes narrowed as she looked into the sky. “I will rip her eyes out when I find her. I always knew there was something wrong with that filthy whore!”

  Rowe’s jaw was clenched. He couldn’t get Liam’s face out of his head. He had seen the look of shock and pain. It had morphed into sorrow at seeing someone he thought cared about him, hurt him. The look in Liam’s eyes made Rowe’s stomach churn with grief. He hadn’t stopped Sona in time. Nothing more than revenge would distract him from the grief he felt.

  He slammed his fist into the sand. He growled. “I’m with you Nani. We will hunt her down, together.”

  “How could she do that?”

  “I really believed that he loved her. She fooled us all.”

  Nani snorted. “She didn’t fool me!” Nani felt a chill run up her spine and shivered as she looked up. They heard
loud swooshing sounds and looked up into the sky to see wyverns flying all around them. They seemed to come out of nowhere, perhaps from the jungle, or the clouds, but Nani and Rowe were completely exhausted and caught off guard.

  They were on their feet in an instant and Rowe realized he didn’t have his ax, or his sword. All he had was a knife in his boot and a dagger in his belt. Nani clung to him like a frightened child. They both felt a wave of dread come over them when they noticed that on each wyvern was a fully equipped Shadow Elf, and they were flying straight for them.

  “Rowe,” Nani called in a frightened little voice.

  He held her close. “They’re waiting for us. We’ll go on for Liam. I kill, you heal. Got that Nani?”

  Nani swallowed a lump in her throat, but nodded as she watched the elves line up and block their path. “Yes. I am with you. For Liam.”


  Nani squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to believe what she was seeing. Rowe shook her roughly. He stopped shaking her to catch a Shadow Elf by his wrist and break it in half. He punched the elf square in the face and knocked him out. Rowe was never one to leave an enemy alive. He picked up the elf’s head and snapped it with his hands.

  With a battle cry, another Shadow Elf almost flew into Rowe while he was turned away. Rowe came to his feet and he backhanded it in the face with his fist, shattering the elf’s jaw. Teeth flew along with the elf’s saliva and fell to the muddy jungle floor. Rowe kicked it in the head as it tried to get up.

  “Nani! Get up!” He yelled at her again. His voice was hoarse, but all she heard was the commotion all around. She couldn’t believe what was happening. As they tried to flee the wyverns Nani and Rowe had stumbled upon something neither could believe. They were in the middle of an attack. The Shadow Elf army was killing their brethren. Helpless Shadow Elf women and children screamed and ran and it was apparent that not all Shadow Elves were on the same side.


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