The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

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The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings Page 66

by Marquis de Sade

  145. He flogs first his wife, then his daughter, and prostitutes them at the brothel in order to have them whipped while he looks on, but this is not the same man of whom we have already spoken.

  146. Whips with a cat-o’-nine-tails, from the nape of the neck to the calves of the legs; the girl is bound, he excoriates her entire back.

  147. Whips breasts only; he insists that they be exceedingly large. And pays twice the sum when the woman is pregnant.

  Rosette’s cunt is delivered up to the society that evening; after Curval and the Duc have thoroughly fucked it, they and their colleagues thoroughly whip it. She is down on her hands and knees; Messieurs take care to drive the martinet’s steel tips well up into her.

  THE 31ST. 148. He whips the face only, using a bundle of dry switches; he must have charming faces. Desgranges will refer to him on the 7th of February.

  149. Using switches, he impartially lashes the entire body, sparing nothing, face, cunt, and breasts included.

  150. Gives two hundred blows of the bull’s pizzle, these being distributed evenly up and down the backs of lads aged from sixteen to twenty.

  151. He is in a room, four girls arouse and flog him; when at last he is all afire, he leaps upon a fifth girl, who is naked and awaiting him in the next room and, wielding a bull’s pizzle, he assails whatever of her he can reach, maintaining the hail of blows until he discharges; but in order that his ejaculation arrive sooner and the patient suffer less, he is not sent into the second room until his discharge is imminent.

  (Find out why there is one too many.)

  Champville is applauded, the same honors are bestowed upon her that were given Duclos, and that evening both storytellers dine with Messieurs. Later, at the orgies, Adelaide, Aline, Augustine, and Zelmire are condemned to be whipped with switches all over the body save upon the breasts, but as the friends are to sport with them for another two months, they are treated circumspectly.



  THE 1ST OF JANUARY. 1. He loves nothing but to have himself embuggered, and he is never able to find too thick a prick. But, says Martaine, she’ll not lay much emphasis upon this passion which is too simple a taste and one wherewith her auditors are far too well acquainted.

  2. He wishes to depucelate none but little girls between the ages of three and seven, in the bum. This is the man who had her pucelage in this manner: she was four years old, the ordeal caused her to fall ill, her mother implored this man to give aid, money. But his heart was of flint. . . .

  And this man is the same one of whom Duclos spoke on the 29th of November; the same again who appears in Champville’s story of the 2nd of December. He has a prick of colossal proportions, he is enormously rich. He depucelates two little girls every day: one of them in the cunt, in the morning, as Champville related on the 2nd of December, the other in the bum, in the afternoon; and he has a quantity of other passions as well. Four women held Martaine when he embuggered her. His discharge lasts six minutes, and he bellows like a bull while it is in progress. His simple, straightforward, and adroit method of threading her needle, even though she was a young thing of four; describe all that.

  3. Her mother sells the pucelage of Martaine’s older brother to a man who sodomizes boys only, and who would have them exactly seven years old.

  4. She is now thirteen, her brother fifteen; they go to the home of a man who constrains the brother to fuck his sister, and who alternately fucks now the boy’s ass, now the girl’s, while they are in each other’s clutches.

  Martaine proudly describes her ass; Messieurs request her to display it, she exhibits it from the platform.

  The man she has just spoken of, she continues, is the same person who figured in Duclos’ story of the 21st of November, the Comte, and who will appear in Desgranges’ of the 24th of February.

  5. He has himself fucked while embuggering the brother and sister; the same personage Desgranges will refer to on the 24th of February.

  That same evening, the Duc depucelates the bum of Hébé, who is a mere twelve. The operation succeeds only at the price of infinite trouble: she is held by the four duennas and administered by Duclos and Champville. And as there is to be a festival on the morrow, in order that things run smoothly then, Hébé’s ass is also, on the evening of the 1st of January, surrendered to the society, and all four friends take full advantage of it. She is carried away unconscious; has been buggered seven times.

  (Martaine must not say that she has a uterine deformity; that would be false.)

  THE 2ND. 6. He has four girls fart in his mouth all the while he embuggers a fifth, then he changes girls. All rotate: all fart, all are embuggered; he does not discharge until he has finished with the fifth ass.

  7. Amuses himself with three small boys: embuggers and has each of them shit, puts all three to each task, and frigs the boy who is inactive.

  8. He fucks the sister in the mouth while having her brother shit into his mouth, then he reverses their roles, and during both exercises he is embuggered.

  9. He embuggers none but girls of fifteen, but only after having, by way of preliminary, flogged them with all his strength.

  10. For an hour he pinches and molests her buttocks and asshole, then embuggers her while she is flogged with exceeding violence.

  The ninth week’s festival is celebrated upon that day: Hercule weds Hébé and fucks her cuntwardly. Curval and the Duc take turns sodomizing first the husband, then the wife.

  THE 3RD. 11. He embuggers only during mass, and discharges at the moment of the Elevation of the Host.

  12. He embuggers only while kicking a crucifix about in the dust; the girl must treat it with like contempt.

  13. The man who amused himself with Eugénie on Duclos’ eleventh day has the girl shit, wipes the well-beshitted ass; he possesses an outsized prick, and embuggers, ploughing into the asshole behind a consecrated Host.

  14. Embuggers a youth, has a second youth embugger him, both ploughing, as above, behind a protective Host; upon the nape of the neck of the boy he is embuggering rests another Host, and a third youth shits thereupon. He discharges thus, without changing position, but while uttering fearful blasphemies.

  15. He embuggers the priest while the latter is in the act of saying mass, and when the priest has performed the consecration, the fucker withdraws for a moment; profiting from this brief interval, the priest buries the Host in his ass, the fucker returns straightway to work and re-embuggers him, tamping in the wafer.

  That evening, Curval, with a Host depucelates in the bum the young and charming Zélamir. And Antinoüs fucks the Président with another Host; while fucking, the Président’s tongue pushes a third into Fanchon’s asshole.

  THE 4TH. 16. He likes to embugger none but very aged women while they are being lashed.

  17. Embuggers only very aged men while being fucked.

  18. Has a regular intrigue with his son.

  19. Will embugger none but monsters, or blackamoors, or deformed persons.

  20. In order to combine incest, adultery, sodomy and sacrilege, he embuggers his married daughter with a Host.

  That evening the four friends avail themselves of Zélamir’s ass.

  THE 5TH. 21. He has two men alternately fuck and flagellate him while he embuggers a young boy and while an old man sheds a turd into his mouth. He eats the turd.

  22. Two men take turns fucking him, one in the mouth, the other in the ass; this exercise must last no less than three hours by the clock. He swallows the fuck emanating from him who fucks him in the mouth.

  23. He has himself fucked by ten men, whom he pays so much by the discharge; during a given day he withstands as many as twenty-four without himself discharging.

sp; 24. For the purposes of ass-fuckery, he prostitutes his wife, his daughter, and his sister, and watches the proceedings.

  25. He employs eight men at a time: one in his mouth, one in his ass, one beneath his left testicle, one beneath his right; he frigs two others, each with one hand, he lodges a seventh between his thighs and the eighth frigs himself upon his face.

  That evening, the Duc deflowers Michette’s ass and causes her frightful pain.

  THE 6TH. 26. He has an elderly man embuggered in his presence; several times over the prick is removed from that ancient asshole, it is placed in the mouth of the examiner, who sucks it, then sucks the old man’s prick, sucks his asshole, and penetrates it while he who has been fucking the old man now embuggers the lecher, and is lashed by the lecher’s governess. For the lecher is still a young man.

  27. He vigorously constricts the neck of the fifteen-year-old girl he is embuggering—choking her neck has the effect of tightening her anus; meanwhile, he is flogged with a bull’s pizzle.

  28. He has large spheres of quicksilver inserted into his bowels. These spheres rise up in his entrails, then descend, and during the excessive titillation caused thereby, he sucks pricks, swallows fuck, has shit out of whores’ asses, bolts turds. This ecstasy lasts a good two hours.

  29. He would have himself embuggered by the father while he sodomizes that father’s son and daughter.

  Michette’s ass is surrendered to the company that evening. Durcet selects Martaine for his bedroom companion, following the precedent established by the Duc, who has Duclos, and by Curval, who has Fanchon; Martaine has begun to exert upon Durcet much the same lubricious influence Duclos exerts upon Blangis.

  THE 7TH. 30. He fucks a turkey whose head is gripped between the legs of a girl lying on her belly—while in action he looks quite as if he were embuggering the girl. While he is at work he is being sodomized, and the moment he discharges, the girl cuts the turkey’s throat.

  31. He fucks a goat from behind while being flogged; the goat conceives and gives birth to a monster. Monster though it be, he embuggers it.

  32. He embuggers bucks.

  33. Wishes to see a woman discharge after having been frigged by a dog; and he shoots the dog dead while its head is between the woman’s thighs. But he does not harm the woman.

  34. Embuggers a swan after having popped a Host up into its ass; then strangles the bird upon discharging.

  This same evening, the Bishop embuggers Cupidon for the first time.

  THE 8TH. 35. He has himself placed in a specially prepared wickerwork structure provided with an opening at one end; against this opening he places his asshole after having anointed it with mare’s fuck. The structure he is in represents a mare’s body and is covered with horsehide. A genuine horse is fetched in, mounts the artificial mare, embuggers him and meanwhile he fucks a pretty white bitch he has with him in the basket.

  36. He fucks a cow, it conceives and gives birth to a monster which, shortly thereafter, he fucks.

  37. In a similar basket he places a woman who receives a bull’s member in her cunt. He watches this entertaining spectacle.

  38. He has a tamed serpent which he introduces into his anus; while being thus sodomized, he embuggers a cat in a basket. Firmly contained therein, the animal can do him no harm.

  39. He fucks a she-ass while having himself embuggered by an ass. (For this delight an elaborate machine is indispensable. We will give a description of it elsewhere.)

  That evening, Cupidon’s ass is presented to the society.

  THE 9TH. 40. He fucks the nostrils of a goat which meanwhile is licking his balls; and during this exercise, he is alternately flogged and has his asshole licked.

  41. He embuggers a sheep while a dog licks his asshole.

  42. He embuggers a dog whose head is cut off while he discharges.

  43. He obliges a whore to frig a donkey, he is fucked while observing this spectacle.

  44. He fucks a monkey’s asshole, the animal is enclosed in a basket; while being sodomized, the monkey is tormented in order that its anus will constrict about the libertine’s member.

  That evening, the tenth week’s festival is celebrated by the marriage of Bum-Cleaver and Michette; the union is consummated, ’tis a dolorous experience for the bride.

  THE 10TH. Martaine announces that she is going to move on to another passion, and that the whip, of central importance in Champville’s contributions of December, will enjoy only a secondary one in hers.

  45. The procuress is obliged to find him girls guilty of some felony or other; he arrives, frightens them, says that they are going certainly to be arrested but that he will take it upon himself to protect them provided they will submit to a violent fustigation, and, afraid as they are, they let themselves be whipped till they bleed.

  46. Has a woman with beautiful hair brought to him, saying he simply wishes to examine her hair; but he cuts it off very traitorously and discharges upon seeing her melt into tears and bewail her misfortune, at which he laughs immoderately.

  47. With all sorts of attendant ceremonies, she enters a dark room. She sees no one there, but overhears a conversation regarding her—give details of this conversation—which is of a nature to frighten her nearly to death. Finally, she receives a deluge of slaps and blows without knowing whence they come; she hears the cries accompanying a discharge, then is taken out of the room.

  48. She enters a kind of subterranean sepulcher which is lit by nothing but a few oil lamps; they reveal all the horror of the place. After a moment, during which she is able to observe everything, all the lamps are extinguished, a horrible series of screams and the rattlings of chains are heard, she collapses in a swoon; if she does not faint, the noises are multiplied until finally she does fall unconscious from terror. Once unconscious, a man swoops down upon her and embuggers her, then abandons her, and valets later come to her rescue; he must have very young and very inexperienced girls. Novices, if possible.

  49. She enters a similar place, but provide a few details to distinguish it from the sepulcher above. She is stripped, thrust naked into a coffin, the coffin’s lid is nailed down, and the rhythm of the hammer driving the nails finally excites the man’s discharge.

  That afternoon, Zelmire was taken down to the cellars we have previously mentioned, which had been prepared in the manner we have just described. The four friends are there, naked and equipped with weapons; Zelmire swoons, ana while she is unconscious, Curval depucelates her bum. The Président has been seized by the very same sentiments of love (mixed with lubric rage) for this girl that the Duc has for Augustine.

  THE 11TH. 50. The same Duc de Florville, of whom Duclos spoke on the 29th of November, and of whom Desgranges, in her fifth story, will speak on the 26th of February, wishes to have the corpse of a beautiful and recently murdered girl placed upon a bed covered with black satin; he fondles the body, explores its every nook and cranny, and embuggers it.

  51. Another individual requires two corpses, those of a boy and of a girl, and he embuggers the youth’s dead body while kissing the buttocks of the girl’s and driving his tongue into its anus.

  52. He receives the girl in a small room filled with most convincing wax representations of dead bodies, they are all pierced in various ways. He recommends that the girl make her choice, saying he intends to kill her in whatever way she prefers, inviting her to choose the corpse whose wounds please her most.

  53. He binds her to an authentic corpse, knee to knee, mouth to mouth, and flogs her until the back of her body is covered with blood.

  Zelmire’s ass is made the evening’s treat, but before being served up, she is subjected to a trial, and she is advised that she will be killed that night; she believes what she is told but, instead of dispatching her, Messieurs are content each to give her a hundred lashes after having generously embuggered her, and Curval takes her to bed with him. She is further embuggered all night.

  THE 12TH. 54. The girl must be menstruating. She arrives at his h
ome, a valet conducts her to a room in the cellar where the libertine stands awaiting her, but he is near a kind of reservoir of icy water, more than twelve feet across and eight deep; it is concealed in such a way the girl does not notice it. She approaches the man, he topples her into it, and discharges the instant he hears the splash; she is pulled back out at once, but as she is menstruating, severe disability is the very frequent result of her adventure.

  55. He lowers her into a very deep well and shouts down after her that he is about to fill it with large stones; he flings in a few clods of earth to frighten her, and discharges into the well, his seed landing on the naked whore’s head.

  56. He has a pregnant woman brought to him and terrifies her with threats and words, flogs her, continuing his ill-treatment of her until she either has a miscarriage there and then, or will surely have one when she returns home. If she disgorges her fruit while under his roof, she receives double payment.

  57. He locks her into a black dungeon, surrounded by cats, rats, and mice; he gives her to understand she has been put there for the rest of her life, and every day he goes to her door, frigs himself, and banters with her.

  58. He inserts sheafs of straw in her ass, ignites them, and watches her buttocks sizzle as the straw burns short.

  That evening, Curval announces he will take Zelmire to be his wife, and does indeed publicly marry her. The Bishop officiates at the wedding, the Président repudiates Julie who therewith falls into the greatest discredit, but her libertinage speaks strongly in her favor and the Bishop is disposed to protect her somewhat until the time shall arrive for him to declare himself entirely for her—he will so declare himself later on.


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