The Baby Decision

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by Merle Bombardieri

  Early Praise for The Baby Decision

  “Bombardieri is magic. In this book, she takes you by the hand into the depths of the scary and sometimes overwhelming baby decision and step by step, she helps you find clarity. The Baby Decision is a must read for everyone of child-bearing age.”

  — Mara Altman, Author of Thanks for Coming, Baby Steps, and Bearded Lady

  “The intelligence and generosity of Bombardieri’s perspectives are a gift to all women and men; she deeply honors individuality while reminding us of the compassion that is all of our potential.”

  — Bina Venkataraman, writer and climate policy expert

  “I am so excited about The Baby Decision. Being thirty-one, my peers are beginning to struggle with this question in a big way. When I read about the distinction between ‘growth’ and ‘safety’ needs, a light bulb went off over my head. You broke that down so clearly and so quickly. This is such an important book!”

  — Katie O’Reilly, Journalist, memoirist, contributor to, BuzzFeed, and Bitch

  “The Baby Decision is an indispensable guide to greater awareness and freedom for anyone wrestling with one of life’s most important decisions. Bombardieri provides a lens that illuminates the architecture of healthy decision-making. Brimming with humanity and respect, informed by research and infused with clinical wisdom, this book is a gem.”

  — Stephanie Morgan, MSW, Psy.D. Psychologist, Private Practice. Co-author, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, and Compassion and Wisdom in Psychotherapy.

  “A perfect guidebook for any person making the life changing decision to have a child, or be childfree. Merle Bombardieri offers cogent, insightful, practical, and always deeply kind suggestions to help her readers make their own best decision with clarity, courage, and peace.”

  — Deborah Rozelle, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, trauma and adoption expert; co-editor and author of Mindfulness-Oriented Interventions for Trauma: Integrating Contemplative Practices

  “This book is an invaluable tool for anyone making this enormous life decision . . . In clear and compassionate prose, The Baby Decision guides productive thought and discussion. Most important, it makes two things clear: first, it’s OK to feel uncertain and conflicted. And second, you CAN come to a decision and move forward.”

  — Jenna Russell, Boston Globe reporter, co-author New York Times Bestseller, Last Lion, and Long Mile Home

  “Intelligent, sensitive, and exceptionally useful support to all in the process of the conscious decision making about transition to parenthood or childfree living. A tremendous contribution!”

  — Janet Surrey, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Meditation Teacher specializing in Diversity, Mothering, Adoption, and Substance Abuse. Her latest book is The Buddha’s Wife: The Path of Awakening Together

  “Bombardieri is a master at teasing apart the details of the decision-making process. Her thoughtful and thorough exploration of each facet of the decision-making process—among the array of parenting options, is an invaluable resource for those contemplating parenthood, and professionals who help them work through the process.”

  — Carol Sheingold, MSW, LICSW—adoption professional and bio-adoptive parent.

  “This book offers an accessible, doable, and empathic approach for any person struggling with the baby decision.”

  — Phyllis B. Fitzpatrick, LICSW, Private Practice, Former Adoption Social Worker

  “This is the essential guide for any person or couple considering parenthood.”

  — Kayla Sheets, Genetic Counselor, Founder of Vibrant Gene

  Praise for the first edition of The Baby Decision

  “I think the millions of young women turning the decision over in their heads could profit by reading it. . . . Full of sentences you’ll chew over and savor. Best book on the subject.”

  — Ann Ulmschneider, Childfree Advocate

  “Imaginative and sensitive . . . Millions could profit from reading this book.”

  — Caroline Bird, pioneering feminist economist and author of The Two-Paycheck Marriage and Born Female

  This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, or any other kind of personal professional services in the book. The reader should consult his or her medical, health, or other competent professionals before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.

  The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

  Copyright ©2016 by Merle A. Bombardieri

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Published by

  Orchard View Press

  Stow, MA 01775

  Author Contact:

  Follow us on Twitter: @thebabydecision

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  Printed in the United States

  First Printing, 2016

  Paperback ISBN 978-0-9975007-0-7

  ePub ISBN 978-0-9975007-3-8

  Kindle ISBN 978-0-9975007-2-1

  Edited by Andi Cumbo-Floyd

  Cover and interior design by Barbara Aronica-Buck

  To Rocco


  Introduction: The Great Cradle Debate

  Safety or Growth—It’s Your Choice

  The Decision Maker’s Bill of Rights

  How to Use This Book

  Chapter 1: A Bird’s-Eye View

  Is This a Woman’s Decision?

  How to Get Your Hand Off the Panic Button

  Deciding Under Emergency Circumstances

  How Long Is Too Long?

  Will the Wrong Decision Ruin Your Life?

  Anxiety-Proof Yourself


  Chapter 2: Secret Doors

  Inner Conflict

  Looking Back

  Body Talk

  Visions of Baby



  Looking In

  Nuts and Bolts of Parenting Couples Exercises

  Chapter 3: In and Out of the Pressure Cooker

  You Can Go Home Again

  The Family Tree

  An Unhappy Childhood

  My Parents/Myself

  My Mother/My Wife

  Friends and Other Meddlers

  The “Babies Are Wonderful” Crowd

  Games Parents Play with Childfree People

  Games Childfree People Play

  The Conformity Syndrome

  Stilling the Angry Voices

  Is There an End in Sight for the Childfree?

  Chapter 4: Poison Vials

  Poison Vials About Parenthood

  Poison Vials About the Childfree Choice

  Poison Vials About Preparing for Parenthood

  A Final Word About Poisons


  Chapter 5: Which Way Happiness?

  Building Blocks of Happiness

  Happiness and Marriage

  What the Experts Say About Happiness


  Chapter 6: Tug-of-War,
or What to Do When Couples Conflict

  Games Couples Play

  Decision-Makers’ Bill of Responsibilities to Partner

  First Aid for Battling Couples

  Working It Out

  Don’t Become a “Single” Married Parent

  Is Counseling the Answer?

  Before You Head to the Divorce Court . . .

  The Second Time Around

  Separate Faces—An Exercise for the ABP

  A Final Word About Conflict

  Chapter 7: Breaking the Age Barrier—Delayed Parenthood

  Advantages of Delayed Parenthood

  Disadvantages of Delayed Parenthood

  The Medical Story

  Motherhood Over 35 Is Not for Everybody

  Am I/Are We Too Old to Parent?

  Minimizing the Problems of Older Parenthood

  Reasons for Delaying Parenthood

  Talking to Parents and In-Laws About Older Parenthood

  Chapter 8: Only Child—A Singular Solution

  Advantages of an Only Child

  Disadvantages to Having an Only Child

  Deciding to Have a Second Child

  Considering a Third Child

  Chapter 9: Alternative Parenting

  Gay Parenting

  Checklist for Gay Couples Who May Become Parents

  Single Parenting

  List of Possible Decisions for Single People Considering Parenthood

  Another Possibility/ The Reframe

  Will My Child Feel Weird and Alone?

  Why Be a Single Parent?

  Joys of Single Parenthood

  Difficulties of Single Parenthood

  It’s Your Choice

  Considerations for Potential Single Parents

  Pregnancy Through Intercourse

  Donor Insemination

  Chapter 10: Solving Fertility Problems

  Early Stage

  Pregnancy Loss

  Self-Care After Pregnancy Loss


  The Middle Stage

  Coping with a Pregnancy after Infertility or a Miscarriage

  Bill of Rights for Women Pregnant After Infertility

  Later Stage: Thinking About Stopping Treatment

  Psychological Actions to Help You Consider Stopping

  Grief Work as Preparation To Stop Trying

  Chapter 11: Adoption

  Guidelines for Considering Adoption

  Common Forms of Adoption

  Open Adoption

  Special Needs Adoption

  Legal Risk Adoptions

  Transracial or Multi-Cultural Adoption

  An Overview of the Adoption Process

  Simultaneous Trying

  Ground Rules for Pursuing Adoption and Pregnancy Simultaneously

  Chapter 12: Help!

  Seeking Professional Help

  Choosing the Right Kind of Help

  What to Look for in a Therapist

  How to Find Help


  Chapter 13: Embracing Your Childfree Life

  Living with the Childfree Choice

  Looking to the Future

  Making It Final—Sterilization

  If You Are Considering Making It Final

  Using What You’ve Learned About Yourself to Grow

  The Childfree Person—A New Kind of Pioneer

  Chapter 14: Small Pleasures: Looking Toward Parenthood

  Three’s Company—Preparing for the Baby

  Look Forward to the Creativity and Joy You Hope to Experience

  Lessons from Room Nineteen: How to Be a Mother Without Being a Martyr

  Survival Tactics

  Advice for Full-Time, At-Home Mothers

  Advice for Working Mothers

  Advice for All Mothers

  Chapter 15: Grape Juice on Mommy’s Briefcase, or How to Combine Motherhood and Career Without Losing Your Mind or Your Job

  Juggling Career and Motherhood

  Who’s Changing the Diapers—Parents as Partners

  Guidelines for Shared Parenting

  Father Power

  Finding Your Own Path to Shared Parenthood

  Day Care? Where?—Mother’s Dream or Nightmare?




  Choosing the Right Kind of Day Care

  Guidelines for Evaluating Your Child Care Choices

  Chapter 16: How to Make the Most of Your Decision

  Should You Announce Your Decision?


  Acknowledgments for First Edition

  APPENDIX 1: Bibliography

  The Decision

  Social Commentary

  Personal Growth

  Marriage/ Relationships

  Childfree Choice






  Balancing Careers and Children

  Fatherhood and Shared Parenthood


  Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender


  Pregnancy Loss

  The One-Child Family

  Single Parents, Single Women


  APPENDIX 2: Resources


  Birth and Postpartum

  Infertility and Pregnancy Loss





  Gay Resources

  APPENDIX 3: Interview with Kayla Sheets, Genetic Counselor

  APPENDIX 4: My Own Baby Decision


  About the Author

  How to Contact Merle

  The only right is what is after my constitution;

  the only wrong is what is against it.


  Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.


  Laura and Michael Rose have everything they could possibly want, or do they? She’s thirty-two, a successful physical therapist who also paints. He’s thirty-five, an environmental engineer and avid hiker. After eight years of marriage, Laura and Michael enjoy each other more than ever. They seem to have the perfect balance of independence and relatedness. Apart, she does yoga; he plays guitar. Together, they meditate, hike, and hang out with friends. They ski in Vermont and snorkel in the Bahamas. What more could they possibly want?

  Possibly, they want a baby. But they don’t know. And the question is driving them crazy.

  “Why can’t we decide?” asks Michael. “Are we neurotic? Selfish? Immature? Why don’t we just chuck Laura’s pills and let nature take its course? Maybe things were better in the old days when contraceptives weren’t around. Sometimes I almost wish an ‘accident’ would take us off the hook.”

  “To make matters worse,” says Laura, “we’re not even consistent in our conflict. It isn’t as if one of us wants a baby and the other doesn’t. One minute I’ll say to Michael, ‘I’m just chicken. Let’s throw away the pills,’ and he’ll say, ‘But what about your work? Will you still be able to paint?’ A few minutes later, Michael will say, ‘I’m nuts about kids. I want to be a father.’ Then I ask, ‘But what about our relationship?’”

  Michael wonders, “Will life still be exciting if the closest we get to Vermont is our pancake syrup? We think of our best friends who love being parents and who still practice law together. Then we think of my brother and his wife, who have a sick infant and a spoiled toddler. My sister-in-law wishes she’d never quit her executive job. One childfree friend sends us quotes about how children wreck your life. We’ve read books and articles about this decision, but we still don’t know what to do.”

  Does this story strike a familiar chord? Are you and your partner, like Laura and Michael, caught up in an endless cycle of conflicting emotions and doubts? Do you spend too much time weighing pros and cons without moving forward
? If so, take heart. Now you can find an answer. The baby decision need not drive you crazy. The question that tugs at you like a lead weight is actually a golden opportunity for you and your partner to grow as individuals and as a couple; to deepen your relationship; to choose the kind of life that will bring you both the most happiness. In fact, if you dig deeply enough, you’ll find buried treasure at your feet. But you won’t find this bonanza without a treasure map.

  The Baby Decision is such a map. It will not only help you make a decision that’s right for you but also show you how to use that decision as a springboard to greater fulfillment. It will guide you, step by step, to a decision you can live with happily.

  “Why is this decision so difficult?” my clients and workshop attendees moan. Are we the wishy-washy-est people on the planet? “Wouldn’t most normal, reasonable people have decided by now?”

  I answer their question with a question of my own:

  Do you want this job, which I am about to offer you?

  Listen carefully:

  If you accept it, you will have to do it for twenty years. Before you commit, you are not allowed to try it out or even meet your boss/ coworker. Consequently, you may have no idea if you will like the job or the person. Nor will you know until you start it if you will love or hate it. During the three months of your apprenticeship, you will endure sleepless nights, twenty-four hour shifts, seven days a week. Sound good so far?

  But wait. There’s more. For this grueling job, you will not receive a salary. In fact, you have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to do it. Oh, and also there’s no clause for quitting, at least not for the first eighteen years.

  Are you grabbing the contract, pen in hand and pulling your partner over to the desk to sign up right away?

  When, Dear Reader, you read this, are you still wondering why you and your partner can’t make a decision? Do you have incurable indecisiveness? Or are you just being thoughtful and careful? This book will guide you to an answer that works for you.

  You may be a little skeptical if you’ve read other books, posts, and articles on the topic. Perhaps they offered a little new information, but didn’t get you unstuck. You and your partner may be long on talk because you’re short on guidance. The available literature on the subject has focused primarily on weighing the pros and cons of parenting or measuring an individual’s potential skills as a parent. Although these issues are useful and necessary, they add up to only two pieces of a larger puzzle. And because they overemphasize logic to the detriment of emotion, they’re often less than helpful. This book, however, is much more comprehensive because it will fill in these five, important missing pieces:


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