The Convoy

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The Convoy Page 8

by Drew Bell

  Chapter 7

  Doctor Lalia Tarrus was escorted by two of the Admiral’s men unto a shuttle. The long ride towards CLERGY 5 was lengthened by the endless and mindless banter between the two guards about the latest Larragut Paras concert. The celebrity had an enormous fan following amongst the young Callos, apparently this following reached even the older hardened Callos males. Lalia rolled her eyes as the two discussed whether they preferred Larragut’s brown or blue dyed feathers.

  “Fellows.” She asked with pursed lips and the flattering of eye lashes, “I really need to gain access to my laboratory. If you would.”

  The two guards looked at Lalia and laughed:

  “Sorry lady, as pretty and famous as you are. You’re crazy; you’re going to the psych ward.” One guard laughed.

  Another guard chuckled; “Yep. You are a crazy. You’ve gone wacko!”

  Lalia thumped her back against her seat; these two morons wouldn’t let her go. Her thoughts turned to the creature she had hidden, hopefully some mechanic realized the significance and done as she had requested. Whether she had succeeded or not would be apparent when she landed; a hospital crew waiting for her meant she had succeeded (partially at least), a crew to take her to CLERGY 6 meant she had failed.

  The hanger to CLERGY 5 parted for her shuttle, and the vehicle landed. The guards called into the command tower;

  “This is shuttle OVA 9123 from CLERGY 1, transporting Doctor Lalia Tarrus to the pysch ward.”

  The tower responded:

  “This is CLERGY 5 tower automated response system. Hanger floor is available for landing. If there are any problems report it to the lead mechanic.”

  The guards opened the door to the shuttle and white robed hospital staff waited to unload Doctor Tarrus. Lalia was pulled by the arms and placed in a wheel chair; her wrists strapped to the chair to prevent escape. Lalia recognized two of the doctors; Doctor Melric was the vessel captain in charge of CLERGY 5, and Doctor Belar was the head of the psychiatric ward. Doctor Melric signed off on the patient transfer forms as Doctor Belar took Lalia by the chair and wheeled her towards the psychiatric ward.

  Lalia pleaded with Doctor Belar, the two had been friends in school;

  “Terr, please I am perfectly sane. Sign me out.” She asked her friend.

  Doctor Belar continued to walk as she said in a quiet sympathetic voice;

  “I am sorry Lalia. I can’t do that. Doctor Melric has already told me you are to be treated for four weeks.”

  Lalia gasped: “Four weeks! In two weeks we already be to Phlasia! I can’t be hospitalized for four weeks; this is a crucial window for Phlasia research.”

  “Actually,” Doctor Belar explained, “The Admiral just announced that by redirecting resources to the Idinuim Repulsors, we should arrive to Phlasia within two weeks. Quite remarkable technology you’ve invented…”

  Lalia interrupted;

  “Thanks. The Admiral can’t decide how long I need to be treated; I haven’t even been formally diagnosed. Giving a prescription doesn’t even make sense!”

  Doctor Belar rolled Lalia into a small hospital room, and an orderly lifted a struggling Lalia into a bed.

  “Don’t let him do this. He is hiding something and wants me to be quiet!” Lalia shouted.

  “I am sorry Lalia. I really am, there isn’t anything I can do. Four weeks of treatments isn’t so bad. I’ll take care of you.” Doctor Belar offered as she walked out of the room.

  “Don’t do this! This isn’t right! I’m not crazy!” Lalia screamed as she struggled with her restraints.

  As she was struggling in her bed Doctor Melric opened the door and walked into the room. He coldly spoke:

  “Screaming doesn’t help your situation.”

  He approached closer to Lalia’s bed; she snarled back at him and tried unsuccessfully to spit at him.

  “Neither does that. Lalia…” he tried.

  “You’re disgusting. You are going to lie about my craziness to cover up for your Admiral.” She spat, teeth showing.

  “It won’t be hard, you already look crazy. You are doing all the work, quite well, actually.” He began to pace the room, and stood with his hands behind his back peering out the window into space. His blue suit customary of military uniforms and his red boots evidence of a pedigree of warriors.

  “The Admiral needs only for you to remain silent about your venture away from the Convoy. It threatens everything we stand for. I will not allow you to threaten our society.”

  Lalia eyed him, and then she spoke:

  “I am not threatening society. I was simply looking…” she caught herself.

  “Ahem.” He cleared his throat and then whispered, “Anything you may have found out there threatens our very existence. Not because it is a pathogen, but because it is a sense of exploration. Beliefs spread faster than disease, and are an enemy I can’t shoot at to kill. The Admiral needs only the next two weeks to ensure our way of life remains static. It is my duty to make sure you keep your pretty mouth shut.” He ran his fingers across her lips as she struggled.

  A hospital orderly approached the door and alerted Doctor Melric:

  “Sir, we have reprogrammed the Doctor’s automated assistant to respond to your voice. It is ready to sweep CLERGY 5 for traces of anything foreign to the Convoy.”

  The Doctor returned his gaze to Lalia:

  “I am sorry dear. I need to go look through your stuff.” Doctor Melric left with the orderly for Lalia’s lab.

  Lalia struggled at her harnesses. Screaming:

  “Let me out of here. Please someone! I need help.” She stopped as she choked on her tears; she laid there in her bed sobbing.


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