by Drew Bell
Chapter 35
CLERGY 1’s hanger doors refused to open to the attacking fleet, Captain Barras’ shuttle signaled for a prepared attack. Lights on both side of the shuttle flashed as warning.
“Don’t open the doors!” Alvar shouted to his soldiers from above them on scaffolding, approximately one-hundred Callos responded to the call of duty; each stood armed waiting for the enemy-filled shuttles to land.
“Each traitor to the Admiral will be arrested.” Alvar thought to himself, “Or killed.” He amended.
“Sir, we are all ready!” A soldier beneath him shouted.
Alvar turned and entered the hanger command tower, Ralt shuddered in his seat; the Admiral’s brother fiddled with his gun. Alvar was obsessive, the gun turned over and over in his hand, a bloodlust began to fill his eyes.
“Sir. Did you want me to open the hanger?” Ralt asked cautiously for clarity.
“Yes. Open the fu…” Alvar screamed, waving the gun at Ralt’s head, the shrieking of the metal sliding against metal drowned out Alvar’s command.
The doors parted open slowly, shuttles hovered in wait.
“Am…I done?” Ralt stuttered.
“You’re done! Get out!” Alvar pulled at Ralt’s collar and yanked him out of his seat throwing him out of the tower against the guard rail, “Run!” He screamed leveling the gun at a groveling Ralt. Ralt obeyed and ran out, bumping against the armed Callos soldiers as he went.
Each of the dozens of shuttles lowered themselves into the hanger, armed Callos stood waiting. One, than two, than each of the shuttle’s dropped quickly to the ground; CLERGY 6 guards piled out armed as well.
Alvar stood on the scaffolding safe above, waiting to give an order; he looked at the gun in his hand. Unsure whether to proceed with detaining the traitors or to fire upon them. Several of his soldiers looked upward for direction.
“Shoot!” He yelled, the veins in his neck and forehead bulging.
Plasma bolts shot across the hanger in both directions, as some of the Captain’s guards jumped out from their shuttles to fire they were struck; falling to the floor. By the time each of the shuttles had emptied there were some casualties on both sides.
One of the Callos guards called:
“Use the shuttles for cover, fall back!”
The guards each fell behind their wall of shuttles and peeked above to fire in response to the never-ending firing from the soldiers. Alvar fired two shots at the guards, neither hit, but he jumped in his crazed laughter. Then he noted that one of the guards had a small band around him, they were moving towards the side of the hanger in a flanking formation.
“To the side! They are flanking you!” He cried to the soldiers below, the roar of the lasers droned him out.
Terk led a small squad along the side of the hanger using crates for cover, when the opportunity came they made a break for the stairs up the scaffolding to where Alvar stood.
Alvar stood square in the center of the scaffolding, his gun at his side, his eyes on Terk.
Terk stood opposite of him, his legs spread apart and his gun at his side. Terk’s squad fanned out behind him, each prepared to fire.
“Tell your men to stand down!” Terk ordered.
Alvar twitched slightly, a single eye blinked and he cocked his head to the side.
“Tell your men to stand down!” Terk repeated.
“Only by the Admiral’s orders will force them to stand down.” Alvar hissed back, his arm snapped upward, he fired at Terk. Terk’s left shoulder was hit, he spun slightly but didn’t lose his footing; he raised his arm and fired. Alvar twisted slightly and fell against the scaffolding’s railing, he laughed hysterically.
“Is my brother proud of me now?” He laughed maniacally.
Terk approached him and looked down in pity;
“Let me help you up. Tell your soldiers to stand down.” Terk ordered, offering a hand for assistance.
Alvar laughed even harder, wheezing. He swung his leg dropping Terk to the floor; he pounced on Terk and attempted to strangle him. Terk’s guards were unsure of how to react; watching helplessly. Terk kicked Alvar in the gut, throwing him to his feet, Terk fired his gun at the standing Alvar.
Alvar was struck between the eyes, his red-rimmed eyes lost some of their intensity, and his crazed grin disappeared. He leaned slightly towards the command tower, and then over-compensated the other direction falling over the guard rails into his soldiers below, laughing the whole way, he whimpered as he hit the soldiers beneath him.
The soldiers below crumpled under his weight, they redirected their fire towards Terk and his squad. Terk directed his squad to the safety of the command tower, the firing stopped soon after the soldiers realized that Alvar was dead.
“Stop! Stop! I surrender!” A soldier yelled, dropping his gun and raising his arms above his head. The soldiers around him did the same and in turn were surrounded by Terk’s guards.
“Captain, please hurry.” Terk whispered under his breath.
“Sir!” A soldier yelled to Terk, Terk turned to face him.
“Yes, soldier?” Terk asked.
“Disturbing news. Something is coming from behind Phlasia.” The soldier directed Terk’s attention out through the hanger’s windows; an enormous black figure began to obstruct Phlasia.