Suburban Cyborg

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Suburban Cyborg Page 42

by Gloria Martin


  Anna sat under the ambient light of the EastBlack restaurant’s best table. Soft jazz music bathed the restaurant in a rich sound that complimented the chandelier-laden room. The only thing richer than the deep cream room with its elegant square tables were the people eating eight-course gourmet meals. Senators, celebrities, heiresses all being served by waiters in tailored black and white suits.

  “They’re late,” Keith grumbled, pulling his dress shirt sleeve back to stare accusingly at his gold watch.

  Anna jumped, stopping her study of the room. Sure enough she and Keith were sitting across from two empty plush, white leather chairs.

  “I know,” Anna said, sitting up straight.

  “Then can I at least order my food since the plan is clearly to waste our precious time?”

  “Wait—is that them?”

  Anna stared ahead at two tall very handsome men. Both very different yet very striking in his own way. One was blond, lean with a wicked smile. He was flirting with waitresses even as he approached the table. The one with darker hair, who she figured was Aiden Sinclair, smiled at her and nodded a greeting. Women at nearly every table turned their heads to look at the broad-shoulder force of nature striding towards her. He was very much at ease as he unbuttoned his navy sports coat and pulled out a chair.

  “I’m sorry for making you wait, Ms. Smith, Mr. Gulson,” Aiden said, extending his hand.

  Anna took it and shook it firmly. Her cheeks felt hot and in this moment she hated her porcelain skin. Keith cleared his throat and drummed his fingers on the linen tablecloth as Brody sat.

  “Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Montgomery-West,” Keith said with a thin-lipped smile, “I see our time does not mean as much to you both as it does to your fathers.”

  Brody froze, seeming shocked by Keith’s rudeness and Anna forced a smile. Keith stared at them, face hardened and Anna could tell he was not having it.

  “That was my fault,” Brody said with a sheepish grin.

  “Oh, taking responsibility are we? How refreshing,” Keith said, raising his hand stiffly to signal a red-headed waitress.

  “So, what can we do for you?” Anna said, stealing a quick glance at Keith.

  Aiden smiled at her wickedly, seeming to appraise her, but he did not answer. Anna felt a tightness form in her groin as she met Aiden’s dark eyes.

  “I believe my partner asked a question,” Keith said, looking up from the wine list over his dark frames.

  “Are you usually so rude to your clients?” Brody asked with a scoff.

  “You are not our clients,” Keith said, handing the waitress the wine list after ordering a bottle of Bordeaux.

  “My father—” Brody said, raising his eyebrows, but Keith held up his large dark hands, silencing him.

  “Your fathers are our clients. Why are you two here and not your fathers’ assistants?” Keith asked, tenting his fingers at his lips.

  Anna blanched at Keith’s directness. He was usually like this but he seemed more irritated than usual. Keith’s respect for promptness was legendary and he was dictatorial with the management of their business, but it was Anna’s creative eye that added a certain flare to all of their projects. In her gut, she knew Keith was right, but she was so curious. Anna loved a good adventure and this, whatever this proposal was, was going to be good. It also helped that both of the legendary bad boys were absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous.

  “What my friend means to say is, we respect our clients and we would hope that our clients would return the same curtesy,” Anna said, aiming for an impassive expression.

  “Understood,” Aiden said, looking sheepish.

  “So? Now that the formalities are taken care of. What is this about?” Keith asked.

  “We have a project,” Aiden said, clearing his throat, and casting a casual glance around the restaurant, “My father is giving me the E—Excalibur.”

  Anna cast a glance at Keith who was taking turns staring at Brody and Aiden with his eyebrows tightly knit together.

  “That building is derelict,” Keith said flatly.

  “That seems a bit harsh,” Brody said with a snicker, taking a sip from the wine that had been poured a few seconds earlier.

  “We don’t have the availability to work an entire building,” Anna said askance.

  “We don’t need the whole building,” Aiden said, smirking at her, his eyes darkening.

  “Do tell,” Keith said, sitting up straight.

  “The penthouse is all we want,” Aiden said, shrugging nonchalantly.

  “Is the building up to code?” Anna asked, pulling out her navy notebook.

  “Yes, it’s my father’s pride and joy. He kept all of the paperwork up to scratch,” Aiden said, nodding with certainty.

  “We would need to see it, the paperwork, of course,” Keith said, offering a small smile.

  “I will have my assistant send it over,” Aiden said, seeming to puff his chest out.

  There seemed to be a standoff of testosterone between Keith and Aiden. Anna cleared her throat, trying to cut into the tense mood.

  “What will be the purpose of the penthouse?” Anna asked.

  “Partying,” Brody said with a toothy smile.

  “Shocker. I suppose Anna and I would need to review our calendars,” Keith said, pulling his napkin from his lap and dropping it on the table.

  It was clear to Anna that Keith had no intention of ordering a meal.

  “Is that it then?” Brody asked.

  Keith rose to his feet and Anna followed.

  “We will be in touch,” Anna said, shaking Aiden’s hand and then Brody’s. Brody winked at her making her throat go dry.

  “I was hoping we could have dinner together, but I understand we were late and your time is precious,” Aiden said, staring at Anna.

  “Another time then,” Anna said.

  And with a quick nod, Anna and Keith turned and left. Anna cautioned a quick look back to see Aiden and Brody were both staring at her.

  “Over my dead body,” Keith said, holding the door open for Anna.


  Anna paced the plush, carpeted floors of her Upper West Side loft. Cars beeped their horns below but the noisy neighborhood scarce bothered her now. Her mind was filled with thoughts of two very different but very handsome men. Just the thought of how Aiden looked her up and down as she was walking away left an uncomfortable wetness between her legs.

  Keith, however, was resolute in his no. What had Anna pacing was that Keith was not here. It was the weekend, days since the dinner meeting, and Keith was spending the weekend the way he usually did - with his sister in Rochester. Anna had all but given up on convincing Keith to change his mind. What she had not told Keith was that she had received another email from Aiden to meet her for dinner—again. Anna jumped hearing some crashing noise down below and then let out a deep sigh when she realized it was just a cab driver rear-ending a town car. No one seemed hurt but the drivers were screaming and shoving each other in true New York fashion. Anna smiled and shook her head at the spectacle developing four stories below. In the back pocket of her jeans, her phone vibrated wildly. She looked at her phone and saw a curious area code: Connecticut.

  “Anna Smith,” she said curtly into her cell phone.

  “Hello, it’s Aiden Sinclair. Have I caught you at a bad time?” Aiden’s low voice rang through the receiver.

  Anna’s mouth went dry and, until she heard him say “hello” a few times, she did not realize that she had not responded.

  “Anna? You still there?” Aiden asked, clearing his throat.

  “Um, yes, hello. How can I help you, Mr. Sinclair?”

  “Well, I was in the neighborhood and I think I just saw you.”

  Anna perked up, looking around her empty loft.

  “From below,” he said with a low laugh.

  Anna pulled the sheer curtains back where the two drivers had gotten into a row. The cab driver had his finger in the town car driver’s
face and now that Anna was looking closely, she realized the driver of the town car was wearing a black chauffer’s uniform. From the back seat of the car, the window was rolled down and a familiar handsome face was framed below. She covered her mouth to hide a smile as he waved up at her.

  “Well, I’m waiting on a tow and for Jeff to calm down. Mind if I join you? I know you’ve been ignoring my dinner invitation by the way.”

  Anna bit her bottom lip, turning her back to the window. She had a responsible reply in her head. It went something like “this is a bad idea” or “this is unprofessional” and even “I’m off the clock.” However, none of this came out of her mouth.

  “Only until your tow comes, smart guy. Our decision is still no,” Anna said, trying to keep some modicum of sternness in her voice.

  “Yes ma’am,” he said darkly.

  She could hear the mischief laced in his voice, but she could use some excitement. All she had to keep her company tonight were the files she brought from the office and some old episodes of her favorite television shows that were still unwatched on her DVR.

  Anna tucked her hair behind her ears as she walked to her dark wood front door. The buzzer was echoing in the rafters of her high ceilings and her heart was pounding in her chest as she pressed the black panel button and let him in. The seconds it took for the elevator to bring him up felt like hours to Anna. She could not decide yet if this was a terrible idea. She was undeniably attracted to him but she never crossed the line with clients—or potential clients.

  There standing on the other side of her door frame, tanned, tall and staring down at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes was Aiden Sinclair. She proffered a weak smile and extended her arm for him to come in. He nodded a thank you and entered, appraising the loft as he walked in.

  “Very cozy. You live here alone? It’s a big place,” Aiden said, looking back at Anna.

  “I can take care of myself, and no I don’t,” Anna said with a smirk.

  “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “Sure you didn’t. Can I get you something to drink?”

  Anna turned for the enormous kitchen putting two glasses on the granite island.

  “So, where’s your roommate? I don’t want her to think I’m intruding,” Aiden said, flashing her a sheepish smile.

  “Him,” Anna said flatly.

  Aiden looked at her curiously, not understanding. Anna swallowed, realizing that he was probably unaware that she and Keith live together.

  “What I mean is my roommate is a man.”

  “Oh. Should I go then?”

  “I—well—it’s Keith. He’s out at his sister’s.”

  “Keith? Your business partner? Your very scary business partner.”

  Anna laughed and nodded. Keith’s no nonsense personality had that effect on people.

  “I didn’t know you and he were together.”

  Anna’s eyes flit up at him and the trace of possible jealousy or even disappointment she thought she saw playing on his sculpted face made her curious.

  “Why do you care?”

  Aiden’s mouth fell open then it closed like he was going to speak and changed his mind.

  “So your boyfriend says no to my offer and you just go along with it? You don’t strike me as a woman that lets a man tell her what to do,” Aiden said, seeming to compose himself.

  “You change the subject well enough. Keith is not my boyfriend. We are partners and on this matter I happen to agree with him.”

  “Why? You don’t even know me and you don’t trust me or my friend?”

  “You mean Broderick Montgomery-West?” Anna said, scoffing.

  “Brody. You’re laughing, huh? That will hurt his feelings. I think he has a crush on you.”

  “Me? We don’t know each other.”

  “But he’s seen you. He thinks you’re beautiful. I have to say, I agree with him.”

  “Isn’t there some sort of bro-code where you shouldn’t be flirting with someone your best friend likes?”

  Anna felt her mouth go dry. Aiden skulked closer to her and she felt like her feet were anchored to the tile floor of the kitchen. She could feel the heat rising from his body as he inched closer and she knew it matched the heat in her cheeks. Wetness was pooling between her legs and her brain was working overtime to come up with an excuse to push him away. The problem was she did not want to move a muscle. She had been curious about Aiden, and quite frankly Brody as well as, as soon as she saw them.

  “If you’re so concerned about Brody,” Aiden said, stealing a quick kiss on her jaw, “I can tell him you said hello—in the morning. Unless you want me to leave now before I see exactly how good you taste?”


  Anna blinked, leaning forward before her good sense could make her leave him. Her lips landed on his, warm and soft. She felt his hands in her hair and then running down her spine to the curve of her hips as he lifted her onto the kitchen island. She groaned as his tongue entered her mouth and his hands hiked up her dress.

  “Aiden, we shouldn’t,” Anna said, throwing her arms around his neck.

  She felt him smile into her neck, but he said nothing. They both knew that they both wanted this. Anna could care less about his intentions for the apartment and Aiden could clearly care less about Brody.

  “God, you smell so good,” Aiden said in a low voice, nibbling on her neck and chest.

  Anna’s clothing seemed to fall off her body. Aiden’s sport coat, slacks, and dress shirt joined them. Anna’s body was writhing with pleasure as his hands seemed to glide over every inch of her body. She was sure her panties were soaked and he had not even penetrated her—yet. Aiden pulled her into a deep kiss and Anna felt his hands running up her upper thigh, settling on the front of her panties. She moaned as he pulled them to the side and a massive cock slid inside of her. Gasping, Anna spread her legs wider on the counter taking more of him inside of her.

  “Oh God, Anna,” Aiden moaned, cupping her ass and lifting her onto him.

  She held his neck, tightening as her body came apart in his arms. Turning, he slammed her into the wall, grinding fast against her. Anna’s body was shaking, slick with sweat. She was groaning loudly, too loudly, but she could not help it. He had her hands pinned above her head, his lips planting deep kisses on her neck, lips and she was coming hard, again.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come, Anna,” Aiden said, his face collapsing in her neck.

  Her hands fell to her side, as he released and stepped back. She missed his touch instantly, but he was watching her, appraising her for a reaction. She could not believe it. The party boy seemed nervous, self-conscious like he was waiting for her to say something, anything.

  “I—I’m sorry,” Aiden said, wiping his face.

  Anna blanched. Why was he apologizing she wondered? That was easily the best sex she had had in ages. Her orgasm was actually real, guttural and her body was still tingling with the aftershocks of him touching her.

  “I mean I’m not sorry, but I—really just wanted to talk to you about the project. I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Aiden said, looking down at the floor.

  She suddenly felt cold and wanted desperately to have her clothes back on, to have her apartment to herself.

  “So—so you fucked me so I would take your project,” Anna said more as a statement than a question.

  She felt humiliated and shoved past him to grab her clothing, before looking at the door. Anna wanted him gone, and the way Aiden looked at her, like he had suddenly forgot English made it all worse.

  “Anna, that was amazing, but—”

  “No explanation needed. You want our services. Well, we don’t need your business.”

  “I know. I know. Can we talk with clothing on? I can explain. I think you’re incredibly sexy, but I, God, I can’t, I’m not explaining myself the way I want to.”

  “Save it. I’m sure you have a great speech prepared, but I’m done talking. Get out and do not call me or my company again.�

  Aiden went to speak, his jaw slack and ready to spew excuses, but a deadly glare from Anna shut him up. He dressed, not daring to look up. Anna threw on her clothes, casting venomous looks at him every chance she could. When they were both dressed, the heaviness of the awkward silence stretched out like a heavy blanket. Aiden pursed his lips and turned to leave. Anna waited in the kitchen for the familiar slam of her door. When it came, she slumped her shoulders, and buried her face in her hands.

  She could already hear Keith saying I told you so, but this was one of those times she just did not want to hear it, or see his beady eyes looking at her over his glasses like she was a villain. He did not mean anything by it, but he always looked at her like a little sister. It had been that way since college. Right now, more than anything she wanted to go back in time to get the last thirty minutes back, to stop herself from looking out the window right when Aiden was looking up at her. Keith warned her of his reputation yet still it was such bizarre behavior. What was really going on with Aiden Sinclair?


  The taxi seemed to hit every pothole and every curb as Aiden sat in the backseat replaying the mortifying exchange between him and Anna. He had a plan when he came over. He was going to explain the whole plan to her. How he wanted to peacefully end his roommate arrangement with his best friend Brody. How he wanted to keep the peace between their families since massive amounts of money was at stake. How Aiden was instantly attracted to Anna and wanted to take things further. However, none of this came out of his mouth. He had just frozen. Something about her made his mouth feel dry and his head feel empty. She was not just another one-night stand and the more he looked at her standing naked in her kitchen, the more vulnerable he felt.


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