Stolen- Knocked Up

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Stolen- Knocked Up Page 1

by Fiona Thompson

  2014, All rights Reserved. Fiona Thompson

  Logan and Samantha’s lives are pretty charmed---for a while. The triplets are growing and Samantha announces to the world a new pregnancy.

  Only problem is, she’s pregnant with twin girls. Logan fears one of his enemies will seek to kidnap them after birth and sell them into the reproduction traffic ring. So he issues a lock down and hires extra guards.

  But when he is betrayed and one of his own men kidnaps Samantha while she’s about to pop, Logan will go the distance to bring her back—and save his family.

  Filled with love, lust, pregnant encounters, and birth in captivity, Sold 2 has it all!


  “Come back here, Tommy. Ben. Jamie!” Samantha bellowed across the giant field. There were tents and families spread out for the annual royal cook out. Pregnant woman everywhere, owned by rich men of prestige and fame.

  In this backward world Samantha called home, only select woman could reproduce naturally and those woman were sold to the rich. Samantha was one of those woman, but lucky for her Logan Drake—the wealthiest man in the world—fell in love with her. And she with him. No longer did he view her as an object, but now they were a real family.

  Samantha was a person again and she hoped one day more wealthy men would come to realize love was the answer, not ownership.

  “I’ll go get them miss.” One of her nannies said and ran down the hill.

  Samantha smiled her thanks. She didn’t think she would ever get used of having a servant to help raise her two year old boys, but now that she was expecting again, it was such a treat to get to sleep in late or take it easy.

  Still, those blond haired boys that looked just like their father were her life and Samantha couldn’t wait to add to the family.

  Still small, but clearly showing, her baby belly pushed against the pink fabric of the dress she wore. On her feet were white strap heels. Her blond hair was always swept back and her makeup, made her look like a glamour queen rather than a wife and mother.

  Not everything was perfect about her life. Samantha was still a symbol to the world of Logan’s wealth but still she smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Logan blew into her ear and Samantha shivered.

  There was something about him that was special. They shared a slow drawn out kiss. Samantha’s head spun as she caressed his cheek and he rubbed her belly.

  “I’ve already booked the tour.”

  Samantha resisted a roll of her eyes. “Really, Logan. Wasn’t once enough?”

  “Are you kidding?” Logan laughed. “Parading my pregnant wife and triplets on stage for all to see? The crowd is going to love me more than ever.” His dimples shined, he was so happy.

  And Samantha was happy too, if for other reasons. “They boys haven’t been on tour since they were six months old. I hope they’re up for it.”

  “I hope you’re up for it.” Logan kissed her fingers. “For now, I just want to get you home. I have plans for tonight, none of which the boys are included in.”

  To Samantha it sounded like heaven. “I can’t wait.” She swung her wrists around his neck and Logan drew her in tight, blowing against her neck.

  “I love you, baby.” Logan purred. “More and more every day, I swear it.”


  They both gasped and turned around as three little boys with outstretched arms ran toward them. With happiness, Logan scooped all three of them up in his arms. As was customary, Samantha let them walk out in front and she trailed behind. But she didn’t mind. She loved watching how the boys talked and laughed with their father.

  Logan was so good with them. Samantha couldn’t wait to add to their brood. And she had a feeling with how she was showing so early in her pregnancy, she was adding more than one. Soon enough they’d find out. It was almost time for the gender test.


  Logan let Samantha live without a collar, but sometimes in the bedroom, she put it on again just to please him. Not only that, but she loved it.

  Completely naked, she stood in their bedroom. Her hands gripped the bed frames, her fingers gripping deep into the wood. Her head reared back, exposing the tender flesh of her neck. The leash she wore, was tugged on as Logan wrapped his hands around it, pulling it tight, forcing her head back toward him.

  His hands ran over her smooth skin. Feeling every inch of her perky, full breasts. Ready to explode with breast milk, not for the triplets, but for him. Her nipples were long and extended from her body and he ran his palms over them.

  Samantha’s mouth parted and she moaned. Her hands gripped the tall poster beams tighter as his hands traveled down, caressing over her growing belly. It was so smooth, and sexy the way it jetted out from her middle. Logan kissed the back of her neck. His teeth gripping the skin between them. He twisted, driving her to madness with a shriek.

  Using her belly like a handle, he bent Samantha over, his hands rubbing against her hips His legs behind hers, he forced hers wider. Her legs were toned, muscular, and sexy in the spike heels she wore. Her body quivered as his cock slammed against her pussy, driving her to bliss.

  Samantha’s lip quivered as Logan yanked on the chain. She could barely breath and it excited her more.

  “Are you ready for it?” Logan whispered, running his tongue along her back.

  Was she ever. Samantha nodded in a frenzy. “Take me. Please don’t make me beg for it.” She gasped as Logan’s hands gripped her hips, forcing her open even further as his cock plunged deep into her warm pussy.

  Logan groaned, pushing. Her hips moved in time with his, driving him deeper. And with a passion that wasn’t so much hidden anymore. Once they played games. But not anymore. Samantha gritted her teeth and her eyes flew open with a gasp. Logan felt bigger.

  Somehow he felt bigger than ever.

  He rocked himself in. “Oh God, baby. You feel so good, hon. I’m going to cum so deep.” He moaned, his hands tight against her hips.

  “Not yet.” Samantha was breathless. “Oh…oh…Logan.” She gritted her teeth as he pumped faster and faster. A moment later, her body was quivering as Logan shot a thick load into her. Everything inside tingled and her arms shook from the strain she put on them.

  Logan spun her around and hungrily their lips met in a frenzy of passion. He pushed her down on the bed and he was between her legs. Tangled up, Samantha caressed him and couldn’t catch her breath as his cock hardened again, pushing against her pussy.

  Samantha smiled, gripped his ass and plunged him in deep again. Who said marriage was boring?


  The weeks passed and Samantha’s body blossomed almost as fast as it did when she was pregnant with her triplet sons. Her belly rounded and her lower back appeared more arch, making her appearance more plump.

  Her breasts were full, perfect little globes thanks to the breastfeeding she was still doing—and for Logan’s little kink, Samantha rarely saw rest. Because of this and the new pregnancy, they swelled. Rounding with delight. Her skin was stretched to the max and her perfect large breasts ached daily for relief.

  It was full on summer and while Samantha would miss her sons, she was happy to see them off to camp. They’d be back in less than a month. Boy, the house was going to be quiet without them. But it gave her and Logan some time alone before the mansion they resided would get even busier.

  That morning, Samantha was getting ready for the doctor to arrive for her important appointment—the sex of her babies. She was sure from how the babies moved, it was more than one. They were still only light flutters, but Samantha knew what was in her future. Kicks and prods like she was pregnant with some sort of alien experiment.

  Logan didn’t seem to mind. He wrapped his arms around her
back and his hands rested on her middle. She wore only a satin white cami. Her belly stretched it wide and the fabric pulled taught against her protruding, extended nipples. His hands gripped her belly and rose the fabric up. The mirror displayed she wasn’t wearing any panties and her full swollen, pussy was in view.

  She gave a moan as Logan suckled on her neck. “You’re a bad boy, working me up so much before the doctor gets here.”

  “You look so sexy, I can’t help it. I can imagine how huge and round you’re going to get,” Logan shivered, “oh baby.”

  Samantha smirked. “Later, for now, how about you just hand me the dress.”


  It wasn’t like Samantha to deny Logan sex, no matter where they were—parties, private yachts, jets—but she was nervous about the ultrasound. Her pregnancy was a lot different than her previous one and maybe it was normal, but she was nervous.

  Samantha laid on the bed. Her belly pushing the fabric of her dress high and in the air. Her arms were tucked under her head and her eyes closed. She drew a deep breath as Logan stroked her face.

  “Mrs. Drake. It’s nice to see you again.” The doctor said. “It looks like you’re growing well. Nice and plump.”

  Samantha smiled as he lifted her dress high and above her belly. It glistened wet as he smeared it with lotion. It rippled with small movements from the baby—or babies—inside her. She waited with baited breath as the image came on the screen.

  “It’s two. Twins.” The doctor announced happily.

  Logan gripped her shoulder and gave her head a kiss. “That’s great, baby! Now we’re going to have five boys, wow this house is going to be getting loud fast.”

  “Two girls.” The doctor corrected as he stared at the screen. “These two are definitely girls.”

  Girls. Samantha broke out in a huge grin, imagining the dresses and the tea parties, but when she saw the look of horror on Logan’s face, Samantha’s heart sank. He didn’t want girls. Her body had betrayed him. Did something wrong.

  “Logan?” Samantha whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, no. No, baby. I’ve always wanted a daughter.” Logan smiled, took her hand and kissed it. He stroked his cheek against it. “Doctor, give us a moment. And make sure this information doesn’t leave this room. I do not want it in my wife’s chart.”

  Samantha blinked in surprise and the doctor looked equally as shocked. “Yes, Sir. Mr. Drake, Sir.” The doctor nodded and cleared the room.

  Logan sat on the bed and pulled his wife’s dress down. Smoothing the fabric down around her belly. Samantha thought maybe he’d want sex then, but it was clear his head was a million miles away. Whatever his thoughts were, they put a horrified look on his face.

  “Why the secrecy? The fear?” Samantha stroked his hand.

  “Two girls in our society? My place at the height of wealth and fame?” Logan shook his head. “We tell no one. No one. Once they’re born, we’ll go double security. Triple it. I’m not going to let them out of my sight.”

  It sounded like he was getting paranoid. “What are you saying? You think someone would try to kidnap our daughters?”

  Logan became red faced. “Damn right. And I know exactly who it would be. Jonas Trace. That bastard has always wanted to one up me. And to take my daughters right under my nose? Raise them to be breeders?”

  Samantha’s eyes went wide and she instinctually wrapped her arms around her belly. “Breeders?! Our daughters? No! What do we do, Logan?”

  Logan gripped both her hands. “We keep the gender a secret until the birth. We do the tour, the photoshoot. Then we retreat to our house in the mountains for the birth. After that, I’ll retreat from public life.”

  “But, the wealth—the prestige.”

  Logan kissed her. “We’ll still have our wealth. But better yet, I’ll have my family. No one is going to take that from me.” Logan gritted his teeth. “No one.”


  Living under lock and key wasn’t so bad. By winter, Samantha’s belly was full and round with life. Now all that was left was to give birth.

  Thanks to all the guards they had, Samantha was safe and no one, except for a few members of the staff, knew she was having twin girls.

  A well kept secret.

  A fire was burning in the fireplace of Logan’s study. The boys were sound asleep upstairs in their room. And Logan laid back in his office chair in complete bliss.

  His legs spread wide, naked Samantha had him straddled, but still her feet in her high heels touched the floor. She watched Logan’s open mouth, his slow breathing while she moved her pussy up and down on him.

  Logan moaned, holding her bursting baby belly on both sides, feeling how the skin moved in and out from the large forms inside her. “My God…” he moaned. “Feels so good, baby. Every year, you’re better than the year before.”

  Samantha leaned forward and hungrily kissed his open mouth. He groaned, gripping her as she sped up the tempo and brought them both to the brink of madness. Logan’s lips shivered against hers and Samantha squatted down, going faster until they were both quivering messes in each other’s arms.

  Samantha leaned back and Logan kissed her belly, his tongue smearing along it. “Not sure what I did to deserve that, but boy am I glad I do.”

  She laughed as someone knocked at the door. Samantha got up and hurried to put on her dress.

  “Sir!” The door burst open before Samantha finished buttoning the dress over her belly. “We’re under attack. It’s Jonas and his men. It has leaked to the press that the staff are readying a pink nursery. Not blue.”

  Logan’s eyes went wide and he grabbed Samatha’s hands. “Quickly.”

  “Go get the boys. Make sure they’re okay.” Samantha said.

  Logan started to argue.

  “Logan,” Samantha said forcefully. “I can’t walk that fast. You have to protect our sons.”

  The guard stepped up. “I will see she is safe, Sir.”

  “Safe.” Logan kissed Samantha forcefully. “I will see you soon. Promise.”

  “Promise.” Samantha said with a smile and then rubbed her aching lower back.

  “Ready, Ma’am?” The guard took her by the arm and led her from the study. Samantha waddled with a large stance in her legs to keep up with him.

  “Can we slow down?”

  “We can’t. It’s dangerous.”

  “Why are we going toward the front door?” Samantha asked and she screamed as the door opened and someone lunged for her. “Help me!” She said to the guard, but he pulled her arms back and restrained her inside.

  “Logan!” Samantha screamed as a bag was put over her head.


  “Stop it!” Samantha screamed as she was thrown into a dark room. She couldn’t see anything thanks to the blindfold she wore. But there was no light seeping in from her bandage and the area smelled like day old onions and garlic.

  The floor was wet when she hit it and Samantha groaned and grabbed her belly. Did no one care that she was nine months pregnant with twins? If they wanted the babies for themselves, couldn’t they at least want them healthy and uninjured.

  “Give her to me.” A voice said.

  “She’s mine. Keep off.”

  Samantha’s lips chattered as all around, men groped every part of her. “Stop!” Samantha screamed and held her arms defensively as they gripped the moving melon of her belly, squeezed her firm, full breasts, and some lips suckled against her breast.

  They ripped off her clothing while she screamed and her hands were handcuffed in chains. The chains were yanked up high and Samantha kicked her feet until they no longer could reach the ground. The gears ground together and the chains creaked as Samantha’s hips angled toward the ground. She was almost suspended in mid-air fully naked, her breasts flopping in the breeze against her chest.

  Samantha bit her lip and didn’t say anything. When a pair of hands touched her—strike that, two pairs of hands touched her—she quivered in fear
. What was going to happen? What were they going to do with her?

  She was terrified. Absolutely terrified. Her eyes filled with tears and they puddled against her blind fold. There was nothing she could do to stop them. And if she escaped, was let go, would Logan ever forgive her for betraying him? Would he understand she had no choice.

  The voice spoke and it was him. Logan’s arch rival, Jonas Trace. “Let the record show that we have her, Samantha Drake, and for the world to see, I will show everyone how we are to treat a breeder cow. A piece of property. A piece of meat, but Logan is trying to destroy all that by falling in love.” Jonas said the word like it was horrible. “Others are following suit and they will ruin our perfect system of wealth, fame, no attachments. Just possessions.”

  Samantha shivered and shook her head. Already the chains ached her wrists and her belly felt so full, so extended, each breath brought her pain. Every movement from the twins made it feel like her stomach was growing, stretching, toward the ground. They tumbled and spun, pulling her flesh out further, and further, until Samantha wished she would just pop in two.

  Jonas seemed to sense her discomfort. His hands rubbed her giant mound of a belly and over her popped belly button. “Look at how she slithers to my touch. A woman? Or a means to an end? She’s so large and extended, there’s no woman here. Just a baby factory, as it should be. Large and no longer in possession of her body. Her babies own it. Logan Drake should have owned it. But he treats her with respect fit only for a person.

  “I’m going to show him how it’s done.” Jonas gritted his teeth.

  “Please, no.” Samantha begged. “Logan, please!”

  But he wasn’t there. It was just a video camcorder set up to get it all on tape. Samantha was terrified of what Logan would think once he saw it. Terrified if he would view her as damaged goods, but she had to get through it. Somehow she had to survive.

  She jerked away as Jonas slid his hand down her belly and over her swollen, juicy pussy. She closed her eyes as her legs trembled and tried not to feel the nervous sensation building in her clit. But he kept dragging it between her legs so his entire arm massaged her like she was a challenge. A puzzle he needed to win.


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