Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1) Page 10

by Bianca Sommerland

  Leaning against the wall, Jesse took out his phone, figuring he’d kill some time playing Candy Crush. But before the game had even loaded, the girl was back. Fully dressed, with her hair in a ponytail.

  She was fucking cute. Jesse tried not to stare, but he couldn’t help notice her incredibly long legs in those painted on jeans and the way she filled out that modified Slayer T-shirt. The shirt was cut just high enough to show off her belly button and fell off one slender shoulder. Her black hair was long and thick, and she had nice lush lips and high, sculpted cheekbones. And the biggest, most alluring pair of green eyes he’d ever seen.

  She smiled at him and held out a cold bottle of water.

  The woman was a goddess.

  Alder’s a lucky man. Jesse took the bottle and uncapped it, thanking her before gulping down the cool liquid. “Ah, that’s good.”

  “I bet.” She tucked her thumbs into the pockets of her jeans. “It was nice of you to come just for a phone number. The guys make you do stuff like this often?”

  “No, they don’t ask me for much really. The beer runs go to the new guys. And I’m doing this as a favor for a friend.” His brow furrowed as she avoided his gaze. “There a problem with that?”

  “No, it’s just…did Alder tell you how we met?”

  “I assume it was before the party?” He’d thought Alder was worried about Brave hitting on anything with a pulse, while in a relationship, but when he’d approached the girl they hadn’t acted like strangers. “Not sure why it matters.”

  She nodded slowly. “Maybe it doesn’t. He’s okay with it and if he tells you and you hate me later, we can work it out then.”

  Chicks are weird. Jesse shrugged, not sure what else to say. Alder was a big boy. If he was dating a guy, Jesse might give the dude the third degree and warn him not to hurt his best friend. He couldn’t do that with a girl. They were all fragile and shit. One of the reasons Jesse had never dated one, even though he found them attractive. He’d slept with a few when he was younger, but he’d been a mess back then and didn’t remember any details.

  As far as anyone knew, he was gay. And he was far enough on that side of the spectrum that any inclination he had toward the fairer sex was irrelevant.

  Point was, he didn’t have the first clue how to deal with women.

  He was just here for a phone number, so it didn’t matter.

  “Let me get a pen. Sophie should be here any minute.” Danica ducked her head and skittered back into the room, leaving the door open, likely trusting that he’d stay put. Which he did.

  “Excuse me, can I help you?”

  Jesse spun away from the door and faced the tall woman standing there, glaring at him. He put his hands up, figuring it was safe to assume this was Danica’s agent. “I’m with the band.”

  One black brow raised, the woman looked him over. Then nodded. “All right, but Danica is very busy. Cole should have contacted me if there were any issues.”

  “I’m not here because of Cole.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  Danica burst through the door, shoving something into Jesse’s hand as she smiled at her agent. “He was just leaving, Sophie. I’m ready.”

  “That’s good, but I’m afraid the photo shoot was delayed. We have enough time to grab something to eat if you’re hungry?” Sophie’s features softened as she reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind Danica’s ear. “I know I threw a lot at you without warning. And I doubt those boys will have any good meals on the tour.”

  Jesse scowled as he stuffed the crumpled paper Danica had given him into his pocket. Granted, the guys ate more junk food than he liked, but he’d personally taught a few to cook. He’d actually planned to get up early and stock the fridge with some fresh meat and fruits and vegetables. After LA they wouldn’t stop for almost two weeks. And with the girl coming along, he’d make sure she was well fed.

  Maybe it was stupid to be offended, but he did his best to take care of his boys.

  “Ma’am, I apologize for butting in, but there will be a lot of good meals. If Danica has any preferences, please let me know.” He folded his arms over his chest as Sophie gave him an amused look. “I’m sure a model has a special diet, but even if you want her eating vegan shit and tofu, I can make that happen.”

  “Danica will no doubt enjoy whatever is available. I’d love it if she would eat tofu, but the girl loves her meat.” The edge of Sophie’s lips quirked. “I can provide you with a menu from her dietitian since you’re being so accommodating.”

  “That’s fine with me.” Jesse forced a smile, fighting the urge to cringe at the idea of following a model’s diet plan. Alder was so taking turn cooking. His girl was turning out to be a lot of work. “Bring a list of food requirements or anything else she needs to the meeting tomorrow.”

  Danica slammed the side of her fist into the open door. “Hello? Danica is right here and quite capable of feeding herself. She will not need special treatment, thank you very-fucking-much.”

  Sophie’s eye widened. “Sweetheart, we’ve discussed your language. Travelling with a band shouldn’t change how you behave.”

  “Oh, it won’t.” Danica inhaled slowly. Then she grinned at Jesse. “If you don’t want to get away as fast as you can, would you like to have an early dinner with us? My agent has just reminded me of my manners.”

  I like this girl. Jesse stuffed his hands in his pockets and grinned at her. “I’d love to!”

  Smile tight, Sophie nodded and led the way to the elevators. Jesse waited while Danica closed her door and walked with her down the hall.

  “Please don’t get the wrong impression of her. Or me.” Danica kept her voice low, slowing her pace before they got within hearing of her agent. “She knows the band will be good for my career, but she’s worried. And I’m not some diva. I might have to exercise more, but I’ll eat anything.”

  Jesse leaned close to her, speaking low. “I get her being protective. And since Alder likes you, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If you were a guy, I’d tell you if you hurt him, I’ll destroy you. But since you’re not, I’ll just ask you nicely not to. He’s a good guy.”

  Danica cocked her head, looking up at him. “If I was a guy? That’s an odd thing to say.”

  Shit. It is, isn’t it? Alder hadn’t known the girl long enough to tell her he was bisexual. Knowing the man, it wouldn’t be long, but Alder wouldn’t appreciate Jesse blurting that out like an idiot.

  So Jesse just laughed and waved it off. “I spend too much time with other men. Don’t mind me.”

  Arching a brow, Danica inclined her head. “I don’t think I’ll mind you at all. You seem like a good guy, Jesse. And you’re a great friend.”

  “We’ll see if you still think that when you hear me yelling at you all to get your asses out of bed the day of a show.”

  “I will. I’ve been yelled at a time or two.” She smiled when Sophie let out an amused snort. “Don’t forget, Jesse. My lifestyle isn’t all that different. I can do this.”

  Jesse put his hand on her arm as they stepped onto the elevator. He met her eyes, somehow feeling like she was someone he could become comfortable with in no time at all. Which would be good for them both on the road.

  “I believe you can.”

  This was guilt food. Danica took a big bite of fried chicken, resisting the urge to moan in pleasure as the tender meat and savory breading filled her mouth. She’d chatted with Sophie and Jesse while waiting for their orders, but once the plate was in front of her, she was entirely focused on enjoying every single bite.

  Sophie was trying to make up for something. Whether it was the original, crazy plan or what she’d come up with since, she knew Danica wasn’t happy.

  Using a delicious meal to put a model in a good mood might not be the smartest plan, but Danica wasn’t about to complain. She knew Sophie trusted her to keep in good shape. Granted, it would take days to bur
n off these calories, but workouts were just another part of Danica’s job. The guys were pretty much all slim and toned, so they must exercise. Whenever she had a chance, she would do her aerobics and the yoga routine she had memorized. No way would she let Sophie regret giving her this treat.

  Sometimes, Danica envied the models who could eat whatever they wanted, and drink every night, and still keep their lithe bodies. But then she opened her eyes and faced the fact that she was damn lucky to still be part of this industry in her mid-twenties. Most of those girls were still in their teens. If they continued the way they were going, they’d be washed out by the time they hit twenty.

  Danica had managed to avoid the status quo, because diversity was becoming more and more in high demand. Sophie had found a niche in the market, which was growing more popular every day. Different ages and ethnicities. She had one model who was making more money in her forties than she had in her twenties, an Asian woman whose smile could light up a room and who had men of all ages begging for her attention. She had contracts with some of the highest-end clothing lines, all trying to keep with the times and prove they were open-minded.

  Danica’s goal was to follow in her footsteps. And with Sophie, the dream could become a reality.

  So she wouldn’t hold any crazy schemes the woman came up with against her.

  “Can you give us an idea of what Danica should expect on the road?” Sophie asked, setting down her glass of red wine. She’d lost the stuffy attitude she usually showed strangers and had been chatting with Jesse about sports, of all things. He seemed impressed with her knowledge of football and they’d been debating recent rule changes, a discussion Danica couldn’t take part in. The only thing she knew about football was that the players had a hard time holding a smile for the camera during a photo shoot.

  Jesse set down his fork and relaxed back into his chair. “We don’t have women on tour very often. Once in awhile, one of the guys will drag a groupie along that he’s enjoyed, but they usually leave at the next stop. It’s not an easy life.” He picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth, pausing as though he was carefully thinking over his answer. “The guys are successful enough to have a nice bus. I’ll head over to it early tomorrow to clean out one of the bunks, get the sheets washed and everything. Brave gets moody when things are messy, so she won’t have to deal with slobs.”

  “But the men she’ll be dealing with. Will they respect her?” Sophie leaned forward, resting her forearms on the table. “She is capable of defending herself, but I’d rather her not have to.”

  Jaw hardening, Jesse met Sophie’s eyes. “She won’t have to. I wouldn’t be with the band if they treated women badly. Yes, sometimes they spend time with wild groupies, but one thing I’ve noticed is they rarely…they don’t go off with fans alone. It might seem crude, but as the band becomes more popular, there’s no avoiding the opportunists.”

  Danica hugged herself, hating that Jesse might soon see her as one of them. Yes, her presence might be good for the band, but she’d come here for an opportunity.

  What if he found out? He was close to Alder, he wouldn’t have shown up to bring her his number otherwise. She didn’t need to share all the sordid details, but she did want to see where he stood on her presence.

  “Why do you think Cole wants me touring with the band? I’ll be honest, being seen with the guys will be good for my career, but I have no idea what it will do for them.” She tugged her bottom lip with her teeth. “There are plenty of pictures out there after last night.”

  Jesse shrugged. “I’m not sure what he’s up to, but I can guarantee he’ll put you to work. He’s all about contracts, so he’ll probably have one for you tomorrow at the meeting. He wants the band to reach the next level. And Sophie, I assume, wants the same for you. I’m guessing, whatever the plan, it will be good for everyone.”

  “Yeah.” Danica took a sip of her water. She was a little surprised that Sophie hadn’t ordered her wine as well, but she probably had her reasons. Among them being the temptation to drink with the band. Danica would be juggling calories if she ended up having beer with the guys, but she knew her limits. “To go back to Sophie’s question, is there anything I need to know? One of the guys I need to avoid before he has his coffee, or—”

  “If any of the boys are up before noon, you should be fine. It doesn’t happen often, but once in a blue moon Tate gets up and wants to practice. So if you want to sleep in, he’ll drive you nuts. Connor is usually the first one up, and he does chin-ups on the bar set up in the doorway of the back lounge. Brave takes over the back lounge for a few hours to write songs. Alder spends a few hours in the front lounge with his guitar, sometimes jamming with Malakai. The two of them get wrapped up in writing the music for the band.” Jesse smiled, seeming lost in thought. “I wouldn’t bug them when they’re bent over the notes, but it’s cool to watch them. One thing I can say is the guys are serious about what they’re doing. Yeah, they can be a hot mess, but for the most part, they’re all artists. If you keep that in mind, you won’t have any issues.”

  Danica couldn’t help but smile as she reached out to touch Jesse’s hand. “Thank you. I was afraid I’d be stuck for hours with a bunch of drunk, obnoxious men who still acted like little boys. But now I’m thinking it won’t be so bad.”

  Jesse patted the back of her hand and chuckled. “Oh, don’t get me wrong. There will be times that you wonder if any of them are adults. They tussle and argue and when they’re playing video games? Damn, I’ve been tempted to leave every one of them at a rest stop. But for the most part, they’re good guys. And the band means everything to them. If Cole thinks you’ll be an asset, they’ll treat you like a queen.”

  “That’s good.” She wrinkled her nose, considering one of the things he’d mentioned. “I don’t play video games. Will they mind if I keep to myself and read?”

  “Not at all. Brave doesn’t play. Both he and Alder constantly have their noses stuck in a book.” Jesse winked at her. “The guys take that as a sign that you want to be left the fuck alone.”

  She nodded, feeling more at ease about the whole thing. She was looking forward to spending time with Alder, but she didn’t want the band to see her as a burden. She had no problem entertaining herself. So long as the guys didn’t think she was being unsocial.

  “What about the media? I’ve noticed you haven’t had as much exposure as you could.” Sophie brought the conversation right back to business. No surprise there. “Cole mentioned getting the band more press. Will the band be comfortable with that?”

  Jesse reached for his glass of water, his brow creasing slightly. “There’s a reason Cole has been with us for so long. I can’t say the guys love the press, but they’ll go along with whatever he comes up with.”

  “Good.” Sophie smiled. “I’ve done my research, and Cole knows what he’s doing. I’m looking forward to working with him.”

  You are? Danica brought her glass to her lips to hide her frown. Other models with Sophie’s label saw her as a money hungry bitch, but those girls were newbies and didn’t appreciate everything Sophie did for them. They hated waking up early in the morning for a photo shoot. They got pissed when Sophie kept them away from the parties and the wild lifestyle.

  Danica had worked with Sophie long enough to understand her narrow-minded, determination to give every one of her models a career that would last. But Cole didn’t seem to have the same vision. He’d seemed very cold with Alder. He’d assumed Danica hadn’t been honest with him. Just a mention of the man had her guard up.

  But maybe that wasn’t fair. Cole was dealing with a bunch of young men and trying to bring them to the next level as a whole. He had every reason to question Danica’s worth.

  After they finished eating, she waited outside for Jesse, waving Sophie on so she could speak to him alone. “I don’t have a pen, but please tell Alder to call me.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

sp; “I know.” Jesse pulled her in for a hug and kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Things move fast in this life, but that’s not a bad thing. Alder will look out for you. And so will I.”

  She let out a light laugh. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I don’t need to. He likes you already. And he’s got good fucking taste in people.” Jesse cupped her cheek and winked at her. “I’m one of his favorites, and I’m pretty awesome. So that says a lot about you.”

  She snickered and held his steady gaze. “I’m happy I got to meet you. You’ve made this whole thing a lot less scary.”

  “Good. Don’t forget that when your agent and Cole are hashing out the details.”

  “I won’t.”

  He stepped away, then paused. “I’ve decided it doesn’t matter that you’re a chick. Don’t hurt him. If you decide you’re not interested, or you’ve got to take off, let him down easy. He doesn’t play games with people. If you fuck him over, I’ll find a way to hurt you.”

  The hesitant way Jesse spoke assured Danica he wasn’t physically threatening her. He wouldn’t resort to that. He’d find another way. One she wouldn’t enjoy, but regardless, it proved he cared about Alder very much.

  And she respected that.

  “I won’t hurt him. I don’t know where things will go from here, but I’m a straightforward kinda girl.” She reached out to squeeze his hand. “Don’t worry. Even though I’m all kinds of hot stuff, I’m still wondering why he’s interested when he could have anyone.”

  “And that’s what makes you the perfect choice.” Jesse brought her hand up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “From what he’s said, he thinks the same thing when he looks at you.”

  She waited in front of the restaurant while Jesse grabbed a cab, then got in Sophie’s rental. They were going straight to the photo shoot, so she had to pull it together, but she couldn’t help wonder how much her life would change on tour with the band. Whatever this would do for her career, she had a feeling it would go beyond all the new interest the media would have in her.


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