Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1) Page 29

by Bianca Sommerland

  Alder’s throat tightened. Damn it, how much had Jesse endured from the assholes he’d been with?

  Danica’s hand pressed against his cheek. She met his eyes with a penetrating gaze that seemed to reach his very core. Then she kissed him, whispering against his lips. “He’ll be all right. We’ve got him. Just tell him how much you want him. That’s what he needs to hear.”

  She was right. And he did want Jesse. He needed to give him everything. And to make sure Jesse knew he’d never regret a fucking moment of what they shared.

  He drew away from Danica until only the head of his dick was in her sweet, tight pussy, then thrust back in. Letting out a soft moan, he lifted her up, so her back was on the sofa, but her hips were lifted. Putting himself at the perfect angle for Jesse.

  “Others fucked this up for you, Jesse. But I trust you.” He spread his thighs, opening Danica a little more as he thrust into her. And opening himself so Jesse would understand he was ready. “Fuck, I want you. I need this.”

  Jesse cursed softly. He moved away, returning to slide his fingers, slick with lube, over the tight ring of Alder’s ass. Then he laughed. “Hold still. I have a bad feeling all the twinks you’ve fucked were experienced and didn’t need prep. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” Alder wasn’t worried. When he was younger, he’d used his fingers to get himself off. How difficult could this be? “Just do it.”

  “No, I won’t, ‘just do it’. Fuck. You’re stubborn.” He bit Alder’s shoulder hard as he penetrated him with a single finger. “And so fucking tight. Try to relax.”

  “I am.” Alder ground against Danica, sensing that she was close to the edge and needing to keep her there. She seemed to be turned on by what Jesse was doing to him. Which made it a bit easier to take the stretching as Jesse worked a second, thick finger into him.

  But the burning pain had him tightening and jerking away.

  “Distract him, Danica. Fuck, he’s the worst virgin I’ve ever been with.”

  Alder scowled, trying not to tense even more because he was getting annoyed. He wasn’t a fucking ‘virgin’. What the hell?

  “Jesse, sweetie, your pillow talk can use some work.” Danica’s tone held a hint of laughter. “Alder, I’ve never…a man has never fucked me there. But I want you to be my first. So you need to show me how it’s done.”

  Since when did she use vague terms for sex? He grinned, smoothing her damp hair away from her cheeks. “I’ll be gentle. And not make you feel like you’re doing it all wrong.”

  “I don’t mean to…” Jesse groaned, pressing his fingers in deeper as he lowered his voice, his lips against Alder’s ear. “I want you so bad. But I need this to be good for you.”

  Panting as the burning became a deep heat that shot from his ass to his dick, Alder nodded. “I’ll try to relax.”

  “Good.” Jesse added more lube, his thrusting fingers building up a pressure so intense, Alder couldn’t help moving with him. He drove into Danica, sweat beading on his temples, on his chest. The invading presence left him and he felt something firm and blunt spreading him open.

  He ground his teeth as every muscle in his body stiffened.

  “Press back against me, Alder.” Jesse kissed his throat. “You’re ready.”

  Pressing back, Alder’s lips parted. The burning from before increased a thousandfold. He fought the urge to pull away. For a moment, the pain seemed even worse. Growing until Jesse withdrew. A cool spill and then more pressure.

  He felt the head of Jesse’s cock inside him. Pushing in slowly.

  “God, Alder.” Jesse latched on to his hips, gasping with his lips parted against Alder’s shoulder. “Take me.”

  Those words sent a shot of emotion right into Alder’s heart, and a jolt of lust right to his dick. He kept still, the pain nothing compared to having Jesse so close. He ground his teeth as Jesse pulled back again, but more lube and he slipped in with little resistance. Filling Alder so much that the warm heat of Danica around his dick, and the slow stretch of Jesse inside him was almost too much.

  He needed to share this with them. To make it last as long as possible.

  “Please don’t move.” He groaned as Danica clenched down. “Angel, that’s not not moving.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can picture him inside you and it’s so fucking hot.” She delved her hands into his hair, her thighs tightening around him. “One day, I need to watch you two together. Can I?”

  “If he doesn’t kill me taking his time now? Sure.”

  “Impatient fucker. You said don’t move.” Jesse laughed, kissing Alder’s shoulder. “I’m warning you, I won’t last. You’re so fucking tight, you feel so fucking amazing, I’m surprised I’ve lasted this long.”

  “What about you, baby?” Alder met Danica’s eyes. “Aside from the fantasy, are you close?”

  “I came when he told you you were ready.” She blushed, clenching down on him again. “But yes, I’m close.”

  Jesse chuckled. “Good. Then let’s see if I can get you both off. Move with me.”

  Alder wasn’t sure what Jesse meant, but he figured it out before long. As Jesse slid back and thrust into him, he was forced deep into Danica. As the pace quickened, he found himself slamming into her. Harder than he’d ever done before, but the way she moved against him, she was enjoying every fucking second. Her pussy seized around his dick and she threw her head back, crying out.

  Her pleasure threw him over the edge. He grabbed the back of the sofa, groaning as pleasure ripped through him, like a tremor powerful enough to break through the core of the earth and split continents. He came so hard his muscles tensed and the pleasure surged from the base of his spine, right into his balls, spreading until his whole body was shaking.

  Jesse let out a low growl that seized him right by the balls. If he could come again, he would have. Instead, he gasped in air, struggling to keep his weight off Danica as his arms and legs and his whole fucking body went liquid.

  He was so damn spent, he moved to lay down with Danica without thinking. But pulling away from Jesse made him wince. His ass was sore. Not in a completely bad way, but moving was a very bad idea.

  “Shh. Don’t move.” Jesse pulled out, stroking Alder’s side and speaking softly. “Give me a minute.”

  Alder frowned as he heard Jesse’s quick steps. He kissed Danica, who looked like she was ready for a nap.

  In less than a minute, Jesse was back, cleaning him with a soft, warm washcloth.

  “Lie down with her while I clean up. I would snuggle with you, but there’s not much space.” Jesse took a knee by the sofa, his jaw tense. “Please don’t think I’m leaving you.”

  “I don’t.” Alder was sleepy, but Jesse’s words set off little alarms in his skull that he couldn’t ignore. “What do you mean, cleaning up?”

  Jesse bunched the washcloth in his hand. “Ah…just getting rid of this. Then I’ll come sit with you or something.”

  Nope. Not good enough. Alder eased away from Danica. He pulled off the condom, using the trip to the trashcan in the kitchen to prove he could still walk. The pain in his ass made it a little awkward, but he managed.

  Jesse seemed to be doing better with remaining vertical though.

  “I feel pathetic asking, but…” Alder looked from Jesse to Danica. “Could you carry her to the bedroom?”

  “I can walk.” Danica protested without lifting her head from where she’d rested it on her arm.

  “Nope. We’re good for more than sex,” Jesse said lightly. But he paused before lifting Danica into his arms and looked over at Alder. “You sure?”

  “Sure about what? Letting you carry the woman I love after I just let you have sex with her?” Alder arched a brow at Jesse, not sure he understood the man at all. “Why wouldn’t I be sure?”

  “Because…” Jesse’s forehead creased. He shrugged. “Hell, I don’t know. I’m not good at the after sex stuff.”

  “You’ll learn.” Alder was happy he h
ad something he could teach Jesse. Aside from how to go down on a woman. It was kinda sad that he had to show the man how people who cared for one another could lay in bed, enjoying the aftermath of hot sex, but it was a lesson Jesse needed to learn if he was going to be with Danica.

  Alder might accept less for himself, but he wouldn’t for her.

  Thankfully, Jesse didn’t seem to have a problem with learning new things. He laid Danica on the bed and reclined beside her, giving Alder a sleepy smile.

  “You’ve told me you loved me before. Is it horrible to bring up now?” Jesse’s eyes drifted shut. “I’m worried it might be, but I wanted to tell you, I never thought it meant anything. I said it back like it didn’t, but it did. I do love you, Alder.”

  Putting his hand over the one Jesse had rested on Danica’s side, Alder smiled. “This is the perfect time to bring it up. And I’m glad you figured that out. Because Danica was right. I never stopped loving you.”

  He knew Jesse was asleep from his soft, steady breaths, but even if the man couldn’t hear him, he had one last thing to say.

  “And I never will.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The entire day was spent lazing around and making love. Danica was tired, but it was an amazing feeling. She still hadn’t gotten to see Jesse and Alder together alone, but she couldn’t complain. They included her in almost everything, but didn’t hesitate to touch or kiss whenever they were close, erasing any concern she’d had about being an obstacle for them.

  She was the only one who woke when their phones buzzed though. She thought it was funny they all had their phones on vibrate, but her amusement died when she saw the mass text message that had gone out.

  From Brave.

  Brave: I hope everyone is doing well. And I understand if you choose not to, but I would like everyone to meet at my place. In an hour. You know where I live. We need to deal with this shit before another show is canceled…Please.

  Ignoring him would be easy. Both Alder and Jesse deserved one goddamn day without having to deal with his bullshit.

  Except, making that choice for them felt wrong. What if Brave wanted to apologize? What if this was the defining moment for Winter’s Wrath?

  She knew the band meant so much to Alder. To Jesse. Who knew if Brave would be willing to reach out more than once?

  Sitting on the sofa in the living room, she tossed her phone onto the cushion beside her and groaned.

  What if this wasn’t for an apology? What if he wanted to give them shit about canceling the show? Act like he was the only one who cared about the future of the band?

  Does it matter?

  She sighed, dropping her head to her hands.


  Besides, if he wanted to tell the guys off, why would he have added her to the text?

  Going to the kitchen to fix some coffee, she poured two cups, not sure how Jesse liked his, but recalling Alder’s preferences. She grabbed a tray, leaving one coffee black, settling on bringing a small mug of milk and another full of sugar and a spoon when she couldn’t find any dishes dedicated to either.

  Setting the tray on the night table, she bent down to kiss Alder’s cheek. “You have to get up.”

  He groaned, pulling her closer. “No, you need to get back in bed.”

  “I brought coffee.”

  His brow creased. He opened his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Coffee first. And wake Jesse up.” She wrinkled her nose. “I would, but I don’t know what he’s like after a nap. He was always in the van, or sharing driving shifts on tour.”

  “He’s fine.” Alder nudged Jesse with his elbow. “Get up. Danica brought us coffee. And something’s up.”

  Jesse shoved to a seating position, instantly alert. “What is it?”

  Smiling, she pointed to the coffee. “How do you like yours?”

  “Black with five heaping teaspoons when I need to be awake for something bad. Want to tell me what that is?”

  Five? She shook her head as she shoveled the sugar into his mug. “I refuse to have conversations until everyone is properly caffeinated.”

  Both Alder and Jesse drank their coffee faster than she’d thought possible. She was still sipping hers when they stared at her expectantly.

  Rolling her eyes, she leaned against the headboard, facing them both. “Brave texted everyone. He’s called a meeting at his place.”

  “Great.” Jesse sighed, throwing his legs over the side of the bed before he stood. “At what time?”

  She checked the time on her phone. “About forty five minutes?”

  Alder inclined his head. “He’s only a few blocks away. We’ve got plenty of time.” He gave her a knowing look. “How long did it take before you decided to tell us at all?”

  Wrinkling her nose at him, she thought about pretending she’d never considered otherwise. Then she rolled her eyes. “Not long. I made up my mind before making the coffee and he said in an hour.”

  Biting back a laugh, Alder grinned at her. “Not bad. If it was me, we’d have about half an hour. Jesse would have us all getting there about twenty minutes late.”

  Jesse snorted. “Not true.”


  “Twenty minutes is generous. I’d keep the asshole waiting at least an hour.”

  All right, she didn’t feel so bad about second-guessing telling them anymore. They did need to have a conversation about not making those kinds of decisions though. From what they’d just admitted, she wouldn’t have been too pleased if she’d been the one being woken up.

  They made their way to the kitchen, Jesse fixing himself a fresh cup off coffee before turning his attention to her. “I know Brave doesn’t live far, but do you have enough time to do your girl thing?”

  Danica glared at him. “Damn it, Jesse. Seriously?”

  Alder sighed and shook his head. “And it begins.”

  Both Danica and Jesse stared at him. “What?”

  “Jesse wasn’t joking when he said he doesn’t understand women. His sister is almost twenty years older than him. He grew up almost like an only child. His parents are…well, let’s just say his father was ready to retire when he was born.”

  “According to him, I don’t exist. And my mother is fine with that now that he’s recovered from his stroke.” Jesse put the bag of sugar away and slammed the cupboard door. “So can we not discuss my parents?

  “I just wanted her to understand you’re not trying to be a jerk.” Alder gave Jesse a level look. “She’s not going on stage. Or to a photo-shoot. So she doesn’t put on more than lip gloss.”

  That Alder had paid enough attention to know that made her smile. She pulled out a fresh change of clothes from her suitcase, which was still in the living room; happy they’d taken a shower that afternoon.

  Before having sex again. Twice. Condoms meant she didn’t have anything much to wash off, but if she was going anywhere important, she’d want to wash again because…well, they’d all worked up a sweat. She was sure she smelled like both men.

  Which wasn’t a bad thing, going to Brave’s place. He’d clearly moved on.

  After they were all dressed, they headed down, taking her car to Brave’s condo. It was only a few blocks, but it was damn cold out and why walk? She gave both men points for not asking to drive. She’d known a few men who seemed to feel less masculine with a woman behind the wheel. Alder and Jesse not joining those ranks made her very happy.

  Both were way too quiet though. She parked, getting out to wait for them on the sidewalk. Alder looked determined, so she wasn’t worried about him.

  Jesse was pale and took his time getting out of the car.

  Taking to his side, she grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. When he blinked at her, looking confused, she gave him a small smile. “I wish I could say this won’t hurt, but…I’m here.” Her smile widened as Alder came up behind Jesse to hug him. “We’re here.”

  With a huffed laugh, Jesse leaned back against Alder and squeezed
her hand. “Fucking lucky for him, because if you weren’t, I wouldn’t be.”

  A few minutes later, they stood in front of Brave’s door. Malakai was the one who let them in and he led the way to the living room. The apartment was much older than Alder’s and the rooms had a more closed setting. At the end of the long hall was a small kitchen, and the open doorway to the living room was halfway there.

  Inside, Tate and Connor were sitting on opposite sides of a long leather sofa. Brave stood by the window, looking out.

  Malakai cleared his throat as he plunked down in the spot between Tate and Connor. “Everyone’s here, Brave.”

  Brave turned, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. There were dark shadows under his eyes, but for the first time in a long while, his golden brown eyes were clear.

  He motioned to the empty, black leather loveseat. “Can you please have a seat?”

  Danica settled in the middle of the loveseat. Sighed when Alder and Jesse remained standing at either side of her. She grabbed both of their belts from behind and tugged them down.

  “Thank you.” Brave shot her a grateful smile, then inhaled roughly. “Look, I know you’re all pissed at me.”

  “Pissed?” Malakai let out a bitter laugh. “Try fucking furious.”

  “Fine. Furious.” Brave bowed his head. “This isn’t an excuse, but I owe you all an explanation for why I’ve been acting like a goddamn head case. If you can’t forgive me, I get it, but I’ll do anything to make this right. I can’t lose this band.”

  “How about you explain first?” Tate suggested, looking more confused than angry. He rubbed his palms on his knees. “Is it the stalker? Because I’d be pretty freaked out if I had a stalker. Actually, maybe you were pushing all of us away to keep us safe, which would be cool of you.”

  Connor sighed and leaned forward to give Tate an exasperated look. “Will you shut up?”

  Malakai glared at him. “You need to back the fuck off him, Phelan.”


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