Filthy Rich Vampire Husbands

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Filthy Rich Vampire Husbands Page 9

by Gisele St. Claire

“Can we not mention this to anyone else right now?”

  “You mean Serena?”

  “Anyone. I can’t deal with their worry on top of everything else. When I’m feeling a little more stable then I’ll tell them. I don’t want to keep secrets from them.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “But for now. Would you keep it between us? I need to get myself on track and then,” I sighed. “I need to confront my father and arrange to see the woman involved in the blackmail.”

  The truth was that as a vampire I needed to visit one of our medical facilities. I’d been on medication helping to keep me on track but for some reason it had stopped working. But Leonie didn’t know that so I accepted her offer of finding me a group. What could it hurt? Leonie found a twelve-step meeting in a church. I entered the closed group, and the Chair called the meeting to order. This was followed by a period of silence and then the saying of the Serenity prayer. Then we were asked if anyone was new here.

  I raised my hand.

  “I’m Smith, and I’m an alcoholic.”

  “Hey, Smith.” People replied.

  “I thought I was just sensitive to it, but I realize I’m craving and so that’s what’s brought me here today. This is my first time coming to a group.”

  The support was useful, and it was reassuring to see other people managing their addictions. Also to see that some people were struggling but that the group supported each other regardless. They gave me a chip that encouraged me to return. I placed it in my pocket.

  I drove us back to Carbon Beach. “Thank you, Leonie, for your support today. Hopefully I can get my life back in order before I do something I can’t return from.”

  She placed a hand on my arm. “I’m here if you need me, Smith, okay? We’re friends now.”

  I reached over and kissed her cheek. “You deserve a great man, Leonie. Nothing but the best okay for you?”

  “Okay.” She laughed. “Now get out of here. I’ve other things to do besides babysit you.” She was joking; it was written on her face and the fact we had this new budding friendship between us gave me something I’d not had for a long time—hope.

  When I got back only Jayden was around so I made an excuse about a headache and that’s where I was now. In my room, spending time thinking things over. I had another meeting tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. You got the picture. I’d call the physicians tomorrow but I was going to go to meetings from now on. Medication on its own had not worked, and I felt the pressure that I couldn’t fuck up again.



  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”


  “Are you going to tell me about any of your day?”

  “Not until we’re at dinner.”

  “Can I tell you about my day?”

  “Nuh-uh. Not until we’re—”

  “Out at dinner. I get it.” Flynn shook his head at me. “So what are we going to do between now and then?”

  “I suggest you get a shower and I’m going to have a nice relaxing soak in the tub. Then knock on the door at eight and we’ll get on our way.”

  “What do I need to wear?”

  “Jeans. Very casual.”

  His eyes narrowed at me as I smiled mischievously at him.

  “I dread to think where you are taking me.”

  “It’s not far. Walking distance. And you’ll have fun. I’m taking my Mr. Serious out to enjoy himself.”

  “Hmmm. Okay. Jeans, a tee. 8pm. We’d have more fun if we shared a bath or shower you know…”

  “Get out of here.” I threw a pillow at him, but he sped through the doorway before it got anywhere near him.

  It was something I’d noticed. I hadn’t picked up the increased speed as much as I thought I would. Not yet. Strength yes, but with speed I was quicker but not to the extent of the others. Maybe I wouldn’t get everything with human and succubus in the mix? I had a monitoring appointment back at the clinic next week, so I’d ask them about it then.

  We reached Broadway and the sign saying Ellens Stardust Diner. I grinned at Flynn’s astonished face. “Come on.”

  On entry we were escorted to a small table. A red banquette ran the whole way down, and Flynn nodded for me to sit on that side while he took the chair.

  “Fun? I’m seated that near my fellow diners they might make me pregnant.”

  “Fun! Now let’s enjoy the flavors of the human food.” I whispered. “And then we can sing.”

  Flynn groaned. “What?”

  We ate Mighty Mo burgers, washed down with soda; followed by ice cream sundaes. In between, men and women entertained us with their singing, and I made Flynn join in. Once he’d lost his awkwardness, he got into it and I discovered he had a pretty decent voice.

  It hadn’t been a place to discuss our business though. We had been sat too close to other people, so we’d kept it to chat about my leaving my apartment.

  Strolling back through the streets to the hotel I apologized. “Sorry, when I booked the place, I never thought about the fact we’d want to chat.”

  “Don’t apologize. It was fun.”

  “Really? You had fun?” I wasn’t convinced.

  Then he launched into a rendition of ‘You’re the one that I want’. Everyone around us stared and smiled.

  “I guess I brought this on myself.”

  Back at the hotel we went into my room and Flynn opened the door between. We’d agreed to have a drink back in my room so I could update him with everything I’d found out. We sat on the couch.

  “…so I’m a Cambion, by all accounts.”

  “Not any more. Now you have vampire in the mix too. It’ll be interesting what your next tests at the clinic reveal.”

  “Yeah. Anyhow, what do you think to my inviting my father to the Bu?”

  “It sounds a good idea. Life’s short. Get to know him. I know you crave family… I think it’s why you made the leap to be with the four of us so quickly. That and our obvious good looks and personality.”

  Flynn had that way of seemingly staring into my soul and those piercing eyes of his almost made you believe he really was doing so.

  “We can get him a room at the hotel.”

  “I think we keep Ted’s business running all by ourself.” I laughed. “Anyhow, tell me all about the committee meeting.”

  Flynn took a sip of his beer. “They know now I’m Flynn Kelly, but they told me that I had genuine talent. They said they understood why I’d submitted anonymously. I’m keeping it under the other name as all the brochures are printed now.”

  “I’m very proud of you.”

  “And I of you. You’ve faced up to some potentially difficult situations and look, here you are now. Still with a smile on your face.”

  “Yeah. I thought it would be so difficult meeting my father, but it wasn’t. He insists we have the DNA test done. He wants to prove he is definitely my father, but Flynn, when you meet him, there really will be no doubt.”

  “I shall look forward to it.”

  “That’s another reason for him to visit too. He can come to the clinic and we’ll get the testing done there. Then when we get the results, we can all go out to celebrate.”

  Flynn grabbed my hand and enveloped it in his. “It’s good to see you looking happier. You had me worried the last few days.”

  “Yeah, it’s been tough, adapting to all the changes; but being here, it’s shown me that a lot of it is just my insecurity. I miss the others like crazy. Once you’ve won your award, I want to go straight home. After anything you need to do like press of course.”

  He shook his head. “There’s nothing like that. We have a meal, they announce the winner. Prizes are given, photos are taken and then we leave. It’s pretentious by being unpretentious.”

  “There are prizes?” My eyes lit up.

  “Photographic equipment, my darling. Nothing I think you would be interested in.”

  A smirk danced
on my lips. “Oh, I don’t know…”

  Flynn sat back. “I don’t want to put any pressure on you. It was clear you didn’t want to be intimate...”

  “Like I said, I felt confused. But I’m not feeling like that anymore.”

  “The others will want to be with you for your first time after your change.”

  “Then film me. I have no idea how it’s going to go, what my strength is like. So let’s take it slow tonight and see where we end up. If it all works out, we send them the video as a taste of what’s to come when we get home.”

  Flynn stood up. “Meet me in my room in ten minutes. The dress code is no clothes at all, and it’ll be your pussy that’s singing.”

  My nipples hardened.

  “I shall prepare my camera, and I’ll see you shortly.”

  I walked through to Flynn’s room. He was in his bed laid under a simple silk sheet. His chest was bare, and I presumed the rest of him was too judging by the bulge I could make out underneath. I could also see the shape of a box and wondered what play he had in store for us.

  He pulled back the sheet at my side and I climbed inside. Then he took out a blue box. A Tiffany blue box.

  “I hope you like what I’ve chosen and we can go back if you’d like anything else, but this is for tonight. After that it’s up to you what you do with it.” He held out the box and I took it.

  Carefully I opened it. Then I gasped. Within was a necklace, the likes of which I had never seen. It looked like a waterfall, diamonds dropping from many strands. “This is too much. I couldn’t possibly…”

  “It's too late. I already bought it. Here.” Flynn took out the necklace. It caught the light from the lamp on the nightstand and dazzled me.

  He walked around the bed and gestured for me to stand, then he placed it around my neck. “There are over three thousand diamonds in this necklace totaling over one hundred carats, and yet to me you are the most beautiful jewel of all.” He turned me back around to face him. The jewels hung down over my chest, some ended in points and others with an extra diamond in the shape of a droplet. Flynn traced down between two of the strands, trailing his finger down to my nipple. “Hmmm, as hard as the diamonds themselves. Twirl slowly for me, Serena.”

  I did as he asked. The necklace shone and moved slightly and Flynn, camera in hand captured it all.

  “Sit on the bed, Serena, and move your legs apart.”

  I smiled. I was so ready to play Flynn’s games and more than ready to come. The desire in me burned, much stronger than before, like an inner fire that needed to be quenched. I positioned myself at the top of the bed so I was leaning against the headboard and I let my thighs drop apart.

  “Touch yourself. Let us see the jewel between your thighs. Watch it glisten.”

  Sucking on two of my fingers, I lowered them between my thighs. I used my other hand to part the flesh playing to the camera. I ran a finger over my clit, moaning with the wave of desire that hit. My head rested against the headboard and I felt my lids half close with lust. I continued to slide my fingers over my clit and then through my wetness. The more turned on I got the more I writhed. My chest was thrust out, the necklace on perfect display, the diamonds shimmering as my heavy breathing caused the jewels to move with my rhythm.

  “I think there is something missing. Let me see.” Flynn placed the camera down on the desk behind him and moved over to the nightstand where he opened the drawer.

  I watched as he took out a vibrator. But this wasn’t any vibrator. I could see that it was silver-colored with what looked liked diamonds on it and judging by what I had hung around my neck, my guess was these were diamonds.

  “A platinum and diamond vibrator.” He whispered in my ear. Then he flicked a switch bringing the vibrator to life. He played with my core, teasing me with the end of the vibrator, letting it slightly enter my pussy. I pushed up trying to get it further inside me but he just smirked and handed it to me. “I’m going to watch. You make yourself come.”

  He picked up the camera once more and positioned himself so he could see my pussy up close. I ran the tip of the vibrator over my clit but then I’d had enough of waiting. I plunged it into my core, pushing it inside me and gasping, my breath coming in short pants while I screamed my delight.

  “Oh my fucking god.”

  I fucked myself with it hard, the diamonds tickling against my pussy as I moved it in and out. With an almighty scream I came hard, bucking furiously as my climax took over my body, the necklace bouncing with every pulse from my heat.

  I collapsed back against the bed but my Flynn was not done with me. “I dressed to match,” he said, and I opened my eyes to find him kneeling on the edge of the bed putting on a cock ring. I reached out my hand to it. It was made of some kind of rubber, and adjustable by a circular silver-colored buckle with a diamond either side. I pulled it a little tighter. “Let me guess, platinum?”

  “Indeed.” He groaned.

  “Move down here.” I told him and I climbed off the bed to stand in front of the camera where I grabbed the chair he’d been sitting on.

  “Sit on the chair.”

  Flynn followed my orders as I had done his. His erection was ripe for the taking and I sat astride him and lowered myself onto his cock.

  A small groan erupted from his throat and I turned to the camera. “Are you watching boys because this is what I can do now?”

  I had increased strength in my body and I used it to full effect. I ground the heels of my feet into the floor as I moved and rotated around Flynn’s cock. He grabbed hold of my ass and pulled me onto him with force. And that was where it became clear. There was no holding back now between us. Okay, we had to watch we didn't damage the hotel furniture, but we had no limits between us. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to my chest. He latched on to my nipple and bit down. At first there was a sharp feeling of pain and then my body lit up as my inner fire went off like a firecracker. I milked his cock for all I could get, squeezing my thighs tight. In return he thrust so hard inside me that my feet lifted from the floor.

  “Flynn, Flynn, oh my God, I’m coming, I’m coming.” I screamed as he grunted with each thrust. He pulled my hair away from my neck and bit down and I came so hard I almost passed out. “Oooooouuuhhhoooohhhh.” My body shook against him. He licked over my neck wound and kept thrusting. I waited until I could feel his balls tighten and then my own fangs bit into his neck. The first time I’d drunk from one of them. My synapses sizzled, I felt the blood power through my body and I came again, as he released his hot cum inside me. I withdrew my fangs and licked the wound in his neck, fascinated as I watched the bite close up and heal in front of my eyes.

  Flynn opened his eyes to look at me though his lids were still hooded with lust. “You have no idea how sexy you look with my blood on your lips.” He said and then he smashed his mouth onto mine so the blood we had taken mingled creating a taste better than any wine I’d ever had to drink. After we parted I walked over and looked into the camera and I flicked my tongue around my teeth before turning it off.

  “Send it them.” I said. “In the morning. Then tomorrow evening we can re-enact it maybe?”

  “Look at you.” Flynn said. “You look like you could last all night long.”

  “Shall we test your theory out?” I climbed back on the bed.



  When I woke Serena wasn’t there. She’d left the adjoining door open and with my hearing I could make out the sounds of her singing in the shower, the words from one of last night’s diner tunes. The poor girl couldn’t hold a note but I wasn’t about to avail her of that fact. She was happy, and best of all, she was wide awake.

  I padded over to the laptop, downloading the video and watching it over as I got ready to send it to the others. My morning wood reawakened and leaving the video to do its thing, I went into the shower myself where I gripped my cock hard and made myself come to thoughts of what I’d just seen on the video.

  On leaving the shower I finished up edits and sent it through the group chat we had. That should give the guys something to think about.

  Serena walked into the room, dressed in a robe with a towel turbaned atop her head. “I placed the necklace back in the box. It’s beautiful, Flynn, and I shall look forward to wearing it on an evening out… and another evening in.”

  “On many evenings in, I hope.”

  She loosened the towel and began to dry off her hair. “So do you fancy a last walk around Manhattan today? Maybe Central Park? Then we’ll get ready for the awards dinner.”

  “Yes, that sounds great. Oh, and I’d be ready for a call from the guys at some point. Might be worth having a relax in the room for another hour yet...”

  The call came soon after. “Holy fucking shit. Get this woman home right now.” Carter yelled in my ear.

  I laughed. “We’ll be flying back right after the award ceremony.”

  “You do know none of us will get anything done today except rub one out to that video? Hell, it’s embarrassing. I have a constant hard-on.”

  Serena took the cell from me, her hearing meaning she’d heard every word. “Save it for me, baby.” She said huskily before passing it back.

  “And that’s done me no good at all. No good at all.”

  Laughing, I ended the call.

  That evening we dressed in our finest and made our way to the hotel where the dinner and awards were taking place. We were greeted by the awards delegation and shown to a seat at one of a number of circular tables in front of a stage. Our submissions were behind large glass cabinets which ran down either side of the walls. Each table held an award committee member, a nominee and their significant others, plus other interested parties such as gallery owners and private collectors. Serena looked ravishing in a red satin gown that swept across all her curves. It dipped low at the front in a v and she’d worn the necklace to accompany it. No one appeared able to take their eyes off her, myself included.


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