Filthy Rich Vampire Husbands

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Filthy Rich Vampire Husbands Page 12

by Gisele St. Claire

  “But how did she know I was there?”

  “No idea, you’ll have to ask her yourself. I must go, Flynn.”

  “Okay. You take care.”

  “Cynthia?” Jayden said. “Why would she give a fuck what any of us do?”

  “I’ve no idea.” Flynn said.

  “Well, she features in my blackmail.” I said. “But other than that. I have no idea why she’d be playing us all.”

  “Looks like we need to do some more investigating on this woman.” Vern said. “I’m trusting you guys. I’m going back to the hotel to tell Serena what you just told me. Then I’ll be in touch. Don’t try to talk to this woman until we know how Serena wants to handle things.”

  We nodded and gave murmurs of agreement.

  Leaving the room I pointed up the beach. “Talk of the devil, that’s her.”

  Vern stared and then turned to us.

  “Well, she’s not a devil, boys. But she is a shapeshifter.”



  “I know Cynthia’s a bitch but why would she try to ruin our relationship?” I asked my father when he returned from seeing the others.

  “That’s something that the lady herself needs to be asked. Looks like she’s been using those skills of hers to get up to who knows what trouble.”

  “Good job my father has a knack for reading the supernaturals among us, isn’t it?”

  “Well, that’s all thanks to the magicks I’ve learned over the years. Magicks which can help with a certain Miss Delaware.”

  My relief at there being an explanation for everything couldn’t be captured in words. Suddenly there was hope. Promise for the future. But before that, there were a lot of loose ends to tie up…

  “Looks like we need to go find her, don’t we?” I told him.

  “Or you lead her to you?” He said with a hint of mischief.

  It took Smith to call Leonie and get her to arrange a night out with Cynthia again. With Smith’s promise of an explanation afterward, Leonie rang Cynthia telling her that she had a lot of gossip to tell her about me and my four lovers.

  In the meantime the rest of us talked everything through, with Smith telling me all about his drinking and the blackmail. About the photos of him with Cynthia.

  We arranged to meet in the bar at the Dream again, which Ted closed for an hour for a ‘private function’.

  “Well, well, what’s this? Is someone staging an intervention?” Cynthia stood before us, arms crossed. Her hair hung in ringlets around her pale face. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at us all, her chin lifted in disdain.

  “I know you’re a shapeshifter.” My father addressed Cynthia. “I’d like to know why you’re causing my daughter grief.”

  “Awww, did Serena get her feelings hurt?” She pouted before turning to Leonie.

  “Well, I thought you were my friend, but like everyone else you’ve pushed me to one side. Story of my life.”

  I stood up. “Why did you do it, Cynthia? Go to all this trouble to create problems for us? What did we ever do to you?” My patience was wearing thin and the vampire in me wanted to tear her limb from limb.

  She sauntered over, sashaying her hips while balancing on her Louboutins. She took a seat among us, not a hint of remorse on her face.

  “Well, let’s see.” She turned to Flynn. “Dearest, Flynn. I was your fiancees best friend. We went on double dates and saw each other often and yet when she left, it was like I no longer existed.” Her gaze moved over to Jayden’s. “Then there’s you. Enjoying your fame through your childhood and you’re given the chance to act an on-screen romance with me, and you turn it down. In one fell swoop my potential reality-show career is dead in the water because of you.”

  He looked at the floor.

  “Carter. I’d pursued you for ages and eventually we fucked. Then you fucked me over. Told me it was a mistake and just like that, I’m the dirt on your shoe. And Smith, well, I thought we’d get along, with our common interests in addictive substances. But you never gave me the time of day. Always looking at me like you were so much better than me.”

  She looked over them all. “No, you made damn sure I knew I wasn’t good enough for the filthy rich playboys. The final straw came when she arrived and I met her at your party.” She nodded at Carter. “You dismissed me like some not needed servant, so you could focus all your attention on her.” She looked at me with derision. “A nobody from New York.”

  “She’s more than you’ll ever be.” Smith said.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well it’s about time the tables were turned so I’ve been a little busy.” She crossed one leg over the other.

  “Your pathetic attempt at compulsion doesn’t seem to have worked. See you can’t manipulate a shapeshifter. So, your secret life of a vampire is about to hit the press after all.” She told Smith.

  Leonie touched my arm. “She’s unhinged. Compulsions, shapeshifters. She needs a shrink.” She whispered.

  “When did this happen? Us getting together?” Smith asked, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “I don’t remember any of it.”

  “Easy. All you need is one sad drunk in a car and I shapeshift into Serena and take you back to 66. You had no idea what you were doing other than trying to get in my pants. So I let you make out with me a little. Imagine my surprise when I discover you’re a vampire. Those teeth sure did feel good against my neck. I shifted back into my own body but you were so out of it you didn’t notice until after I took the selfie and then you passed out.” She looked at me. “I can see why you’re hooked. It made me come in my panties.” I leaped forward but Flynn held me in place, shaking his head at me. “A nice sum of money has ensured Denny is going to leak the photos of that bite far and wide.” She tipped her head back and laughed. “He’s happy he can pay his debts. He doesn’t realize he doesn’t really owe anyone anything. Serves the bastard right. He dated me back in high school. Took my virginity and then didn’t want to know. I’ve waited a long time to make him suffer. Tricky when your ex is a demon.”

  “Why are you admitting to all this?” Jayden asked.

  “Because it’s fun to see your faces and because I’m not finished and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. For once I have the power, the upper hand, and you have to take notice of me.” She inhaled deeply, the satisfaction licking at her features. “I shapeshifted into my brother’s form. I robbed the place easily by shapeshifting into Denny’s form. The staff let me go everywhere, no questions asked. I shapeshifted into your father. That was fun. Did you believe Daddy was a drug dealer?”

  “If he did, he had the brains to come ask me himself.” Smith’s father pushed open the door and stalked in. “I don’t take kindly to people imitating me and playing games. If you play with the big boys you have to accept the consequences, Miss Delaware.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “I don’t need to threaten you.” He looked her over coolly. "Slowly over the years I’ve been purchasing your dear daddy’s empire under pseudonyms because he’s made one too many wrong decisions. I knew there was something about him. I’ve never liked the man. I couldn’t understand why someone with his background became an overnight success. Now I know you’re a family of shapeshifters, it makes a lot more sense. He cheated his way to the top. Seems fitting that my own identity subterfuge should bring him down.” He went in his pocket and brought out the cell phones, throwing them at Smith. “Deal with those. Denny is no longer a problem. He’s moving turf. He went up a level in his career so he won’t be bothering you again.”

  “Do you think I don’t have copies?” Cynthia snarled.

  “How did you know I was in New York?” Flynn interrupted.

  “I followed you to the gallery. When the owner went to the bathroom, I locked him in, shifted and came out. You told me all about your exhibition under a pseudonym. I knew Rose was there at the same time so I suggested she text you for old time's sake. Of course I’ve also had photographers everywhere I’ve needed
them, like at the hotel where Jayden met Gabby. She was easy to convince to come and play her part. Amazing what the promise of a healthy pay check does when you’re desperate.”

  “But she said she had loads of money from her husband who passed.”

  “All lies, darling. Her husband ditched her when she had an affair. Pre-nup meant she got nothing. Never has been able to keep her thighs together that one. Gosh, I’ve quite felt like you, Serena. This must be what it’s like being a showbiz journalist, trailing everyone to find their failings and exploit them.”

  “So you tailed me to AA?” Smith asked.

  “Yes, and then at the next session I shapeshifted into one of the members who’d not turned up. A hidden camera on my jacket did the rest. I’ve had so much fun. It’s just a shame you found me out already.”

  My gaze went quickly to Leonie who was looking more confused than ever. “I’ll explain after.” I told her and she nodded her head.

  Cynthia’s chilled gaze returned to my own face. “Now you have them all. Four billionaires and everyone thinks Serena is amazing. Oh Serena can do no wrong because no one knows she was a journalist, do they? But thanks to Leonie having a heart-to-heart with me while I was pretending to be you, I know everything about how you ended up here. And I’ve found someone from your past willing to divulge all. Your ex. I’m not going to stop until I ruin you all.”

  My father stood and began a chant.

  “Cleansing threads travel through your mind,

  Your wicked deceptions I now bind.

  Your treacherous shifting disappear from thee,

  As I will, so it shall be.”

  “What’s happening?” Cynthia looked at my father as his eyes went white. She tried to escape her seat but appeared stuck in place.

  And then she sat there looking at us all with the disdain back on her face.

  “What did you do?” She spat out at my father whose eyes had returned to normal. He had what looked like a dried animal tongue in his hand, along with some herbs.

  “I made you mortal.” He said with a smile. “Sorry but I was bored of your monologue. I’m also mortal and my time on earth is ticking. I really don’t want to waste precious minutes listening to your crap.”

  Cynthia’s face drained of all its color. A pained expression took over.

  “Change me back, you bastard. Wait until I tell my father what you did. Your mortal time will be through. He’ll kill you.”

  “Oh, Cynthia.” Carter said, moving nearer and dropping closer to her. He stared into her eyes. “Do you remember how you couldn’t be put under compulsion as a shapeshifter…?”

  She screamed. “Nooooooo.”

  “Cynthia Delaware, when you leave here you will remember nothing about us…”

  “Can you teach my warlock that spell for her father and brother?” Smith’s dad asked and he and Vern began a private conversation away from the rest of us.

  Cynthia had left with the suggestion that she wanted to move to England to begin a career as a Z-list celebrity. She’d wanted to be a reality star, so she could have her wish, just somewhere far away from us. Smith’s father said Morgan had enough contacts to make a stint on a reality show over there happen and that her father and brother would be moving out there too once they were ‘fixed’.

  “So what now?” Carter asked. “Are you coming home?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “After I’ve spoken with Leonie.”

  “You all get on home.” He told the others. “I’m going to find a meeting and I’ll be home later.”

  Everyone left leaving Leonie and myself alone.

  I explained about us being vampires. I wanted no more secrets from her. It was going to take time for the news to sink in. I knew she’d need to go back to her hotel room and think about it all. I explained that Ted knew about us, if she wanted to discuss it with another human.

  “Leonie, I’m so damn sorry. All I do is apologize to you. I don’t expect your forgiveness this time. I’ll leave you alone here in Carbon Beach. We’ll still pay your expenses until you get sorted.”

  “I’m fine, Serena. Look we got tricked. I totally understand why you would think it was me. I’d have done the same. But I don’t need your money any longer. I’m earning enough in my job to cover what I need.”

  “Look, I know you said you want to stand on your own two feet but I promised I’d help you find love.”

  Leonie held a hand up. “I met someone. It’s very early days but we get on great. I’m okay. I’m not your responsibility, Serena. Go live your life and let me live mine.”

  I nodded and got up. “I wish you the very best in life, Leonie.”

  “Did I say we weren’t friends? Now I found out that bitch was playing me, I have a vacancy. Just keep out of my business is all I’m asking.”

  “You got it.” I told her, then I smiled.

  The door opened and Ted popped his head through. “Just checking everything is okay?”

  “Yeah it's fine.” I told him, but he wasn’t looking at me.

  Ah, it looked like I had a clue about the budding romance. I wished them well.

  Saying my goodbyes I left them to it. It was time to go home.



  We spent the night talking about all the recent events and in the early hours of the morning, we all agreed to retire to our new separate rooms for the evening as it was all too soon after the drama. They weren’t furnished yet but we’d claimed a room each and they had a bed and gave us space from each other.

  I rose early the next morning and heading downstairs I was surprised to find Carter in the kitchen. I went to the refrigerator to grab a chilled O-neg.

  “You not filming today?”

  “I quit.”

  “What?” I had to regrab the bottle as it started to slip from my hands.

  “I hate it, Serena. I love my life here, the surf. I’ve missed it. I need the surf almost as much as I need blood to survive. So I quit. They have to get a replacement and re-film all my scenes.” He smirked. “Serves Catalina right for being part of Cynthia’s gang.”

  “You reckon Catalina set you up?”

  “Course she did. She got us into the exact place where it would look real and then shared the clip with Cynthia. Well now her series is seriously behind schedule. It’ll be such a shame if the network pull it and replace it with something else.” That smirk came back again.

  “Are you planning on making a suggestion to the network, Carter?”

  “I think that series is getting old.” He laughed. “Okay, I’m grabbing my things and going to the beach. See you later.” He kissed my cheek and left.

  That night when everyone was home I gathered them in the living room, saying I had more to say. They looked worried. I wondered if I looked like I was about to faint. I’d never been so nervous.

  “Not so long ago.” I began. “Carter in his usual reticent style made a suggestion about the four of us.”

  Carter sighed. “I know. I fucked up. I thought we’d moved past this?”

  “Could you let me finish please?” He nodded while sighing dramatically.

  “While I was in New York it got me to thinking. I realized that by sharing your true nature with me and asking me to be part of a relationship with you all, you were showing me your trust. I wanted to show you mine and I planned something.” I sighed. “Now unfortunately the shit then hit the fan and the whole issue of trust between us fell apart. Someone was able to come and threaten that. Threaten my belief in you all. I’m mad I allowed that to happen. Angry with myself that I didn’t give you the chance to explain.” I looked at each of them in turn. “So that’s the vow I’m making today. That no matter what happens from this day forward I trust each and every one of you. I want you to know I would lay down my life for you and I hope I showed that when I risked the turning.” I swallowed. “What I’m saying is that I’m in this for the rest of our lives, for however long you want me.” I dropped to my knees and coughed and t
he jeweler appeared from his hidden position in the dining room.

  “Will you, and I’m going in alphabetical order here, guys: Carter, Flynn, Jayden, and Smith; marry me. I don’t give a damn that it won’t be a proper legal ceremony. We organize whatever happens in vampireland okay? But will you allow me the honor of being your wife at some point in the future?”

  I looked at the jeweler. “There’s a ring for you all with the eternity symbol upon it, to let you know I’m yours forever.”

  “Yes.” Carter squealed. “I will.”

  The others walked over and said yes to me in turn before the jeweler fitted them with rings and left.

  “We will get you something tomorrow.” Flynn told me.

  “Oh yeah? It’s only six pm now. What are we doing with the rest of the night?” I asked.

  He picked me up in his arms and whisked me upstairs whistling for the others. “I have a few ideas.” He told me.


  Six months later

  Nervously I stood in the grand reception room at the Dream. My father’s arm was through my own and he turned to me.

  “Last chance if you want to do a runner. I can do a good cloaking spell?”

  The test results had shown that Vern was without any doubt my biological father and although he’d returned to his home in New York we chatted often and visited regularly. Even through my nerves I could see that today he was bursting with pride.

  Then the music started and I began to walk down the aisle to my future husbands.

  Following the ceremony I had thrown my bouquet and Leonie had caught it. I’d seen a very satisfied smile cross Ted’s face and knew a proposal wouldn’t be much longer. We partied the night away with our families and some very close friends, including staff at Flynn’s gallery and Jayden’s charity, until it was time to go home.


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