Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3)

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Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3) Page 7

by Monique Orgeron

  I nod in agreement, but it hurts. I know I failed to find this guy, and I never fail. I can’t wait to meet Murphy Larussa Jr. But of course, I will; I won’t go against my mom’s wishes.

  Walking out of my mom’s office, I spot Fallon. She’s so happy being a new mom, and it shows; it makes her even more beautiful.

  “Hey, Fallon, where’s my nephew?”

  “He’s with Avery right now, she wanted to play with him. How are you doing, Zander? I haven’t seen you in a while since you moved back home.”

  After Liam and Avery came home from their honeymoon, I went back to my house. I love living here with everyone, but I figured I’m a grown ass man and should live on my own. But I miss all of them every day. It’s so quiet and lonely at my house.

  “I’ve been good, but I’ve been missing the little guy.”

  Fallon smiles and asks, “Have you found anyone worth me meeting yet?”

  I start laughing because now that my two brothers have gone and gotten married, everyone looks to me and Vin to do the same.

  “No, Fallon, I’m not even looking.”

  “Well, they say that it happens when you least expect it. She could be right around the corner.”

  “I doubt that. I’m going to go up and say hey to Avery and Gavin before I have to head out.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek and go upstairs to Gavin’s room.

  I look in, seeing them playing on the floor. Gavin is growing so fast. He’s about seven months old now.

  “Hey, kid, how’s our little guy?”

  Avery turns back with a smile and says, “Zander, watch.”

  Avery lays Gavin down on the floor, puts him on his stomach, and we wait. He starts rocking and then gets on his knees. He starts to move forward, crawling.

  “Hey, little man, that was awesome.”

  I go to them and pick my little guy up. He smiles at me and kicks his little feet, making a screeching sound. “Hey, little man, that was a nice trick, got any more for Uncle Zander?”

  Before I know it, he grabs ahold of my finger and bites down.

  “Shit, that hurt. How many teeth you have now?”

  Avery laughs and says, “I forgot to warn you, he has been biting down hard.”

  “I miss everything.”

  “Then you should move back.”

  “What, and be an almost twenty-eight-year-old single man living with his mommy?”

  “Whatever, Zander, we did it. We tried to live on our own, but I missed everyone too much. I don’t care what people think, and neither should you. You have to be lonely by yourself, unless of course you found someone?”

  “Jesus, no, I wish all of you would get off my ass. And do you think living with my mom would help me find someone? Women would laugh at me if I told them I lived here. What y’all need to do is gang up on Vin more.”

  “Oh, trust me, we do. It’s just we, hell, I miss you. It’s not the same without you here every day.”

  I tell her, “I know, I miss you, too. Come here, kid, give Uncle Zander a big hug.”

  “Ouch.” While hugging Avery, Gavin attacks me again.

  “All right, Gavin go to your nanny, that tooth is dangerous.”

  He laughs as I hand him off. I kiss them goodbye and head out. I don’t want to tell them, but I do miss all of them so much. And I’m missing out on all Gavin’s firsts. Maybe when I do find someone, we could move in here with them. Then I slow my step as I think of the redheaded dame I saved from falling the other day. She was something. Built in all the right places. And those piercing blue eyes...damn, what I could do to her. I probably won’t ever see her again, but if I do...okay, fuck, I need to get the tourist out of my head.



  The next morning, I dress in a black high neck sleeveless dress. This one is a little flowier at the bottom. I again pair it with my grandmother’s pearls.

  Kyle waits for me in the living room. When he sees me, he stands and asks, “You ready for this?”

  “No, but I have to be. Do you have what I asked you to get?”

  He taps his jacket and says, “I have it right here.”

  “Good, let’s go.”

  With that, we leave and meet the car that is there to take us to Mark’s law firm.

  We make it on time, and the receptionist says we are to follow her straight to the back. We follow, noticing eyes on us. People don’t look too friendly in here.

  I whisper, “Kyle, turn it on.” He nods, letting me know he will.

  We finally get to Mark’s office. He stands, coming around to kiss my cheek, then he shakes Kyle’s hand. I notice Judith is already here, waiting for us to begin.

  She looks up to me and says, “I don’t know why you’re here, you’re not getting anything. You’re lucky you have those pearls on your neck.”

  I simply smile at her and take my seat. Kyle stands behind me.

  Mark starts with, “I know, ladies, this is a difficult time for the both of you, but can we try to keep it civil?”

  With neither of us giving him an answer, he says, “Okay, let’s begin.”

  Mark begins to read, “To my wife, Judith Larussa, I leave the house and all the belongings. I also leave any money that is left in the checking, savings, and all of our personal investments. Try to be happy now, Judith, live your life. Let go of the rest.”

  Mark clears his throat and looks towards me. “To my loving daughter, Murphy Larussa, I leave the one thing that stole me away from you, my casino. I wish things could have been different, but I chose to sacrifice my happiness to provide for you and your mother. It’s the only thing I knew how to do. I am sorry life was shorter than I planned. I allowed my drive to provide, rob us of our time. Forgive me.”

  I wipe a single tear from my cheek as Judith stands up and yells, “This will never stand! You will get nothing, I’ll make sure of that. We’re going to court to fight this, Mark. I don’t want this bastard inheriting a damn penny from the estate. I will tell a judge he was not in his right mind!”

  Mark and I now stand. Mark says, “Judith, calm down. I will not go to court to help you. I was your husband’s attorney, not yours. But if you insist on trying this, I will tell the judge that he was in his right mind. I was with him when he worded his will this way. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was of sound mind and body when he asked me for help. Please, Judith, just stop all this.”

  She turns to look at me and says, “Never. I would rather burn that fucking casino to the ground than let you have it!”

  I smile back at her. “I expected you to say something like that. Go ahead, burn it. I am sure it is fully insured, and I am the one who would be collecting the money, not you. Isn’t that right, Mark?”

  “She’s right, Judith, it all belongs to her, including the insurance policy.”

  Judith turns red. “I will never let it go, you hear me, bitch!? I will never allow you to inherit any of it! I’ll find a way to destroy you. Be careful, little girl. I got rid of your mother, and I’ll get rid of you, too!”

  With that, she turns and walks out. I look at Kyle, giving him a signal to leave, too.

  Now alone with Mark, I tell him, “Thank you, Mark. I appreciate all you have done for me.”

  Mark grabs my hand and says, “I would like to call you in a few days if that would be all right. Maybe now with the funeral and the will out of the way, you would allow me to take you to dinner.”

  I think about it, deciding I’m going to go. After all of the help he’s given and standing up to Judith like that for me, I’ll go. “Yes, Mark, I would like that very much.”

  “Oh, Murphy, before I forget, a messenger dropped this off for you earlier.”

  He hands me a beautiful card stocked envelope with calligraphy writing on it addressed to me.

  “Murphy, it’s from the Sterns. I promise, I don’t know how they knew you would be here, but they obviously did. Would you like me to read it?”

  I put it in my purse and
tell him, “No, Mark. I’ll take care of it later. Thank you.”

  With that, I walk out the room and meet Kyle in the lobby. “You can turn it off now.”

  We get in the car. Kyle goes to say something, and I stop him. I don’t trust car service drivers. They can repeat what we say to anyone. Kyle understands and waits till we get to the hotel.

  Once we’re back in our room, Kyle hands me the recording device I asked him to buy. Mom didn’t raise no fool. I knew Judith would say something along the lines that she did. So, I wanted it all on tape, just in case I needed it. It was an extra bonus to have Mark say how he was with my father and my dad was in his right mind when he drew up the will. Now I have evidence if she tries anything or if she tries to pay Mark to go to court and say any different.

  Kyle, finally able to speak, says, “I can’t believe that bitch. You were right about her. I’m glad you had me record the conversation. I’m glad it’s over. Now, to change the subject, let’s talk about Mr. Right.”

  Confused, I say, “Who?”

  “Mr. Right, Mark.”

  “Mark is not Mr. Right, Kyle.”

  “See, I knew you were going to say that, but think about it. You already met him. He’s in the city that your happiness lies in. He’s handsome and distinguished, and he protected you against Judith’s threats. Plus, Clarissa said you would fight it, getting in your own way, like you’re doing now.”

  “Clarissa? I told you, Kyle, I don’t believe in that.”

  “Yep, you’re definitely fighting it.”

  “Stop it.” I reach into my purse and pull out the envelope that Mark gave me.

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know. Mark said a messenger dropped it off for me at his office. It’s from the Sterns.”

  “Shit, should you open it? I mean, didn’t you say you were warned that they were dangerous?”

  “Yes, but what’s an envelope going to do to me?”

  “Maybe it’s laced with poison, like anthrax or something,” Kyle says.

  I laugh and start opening the envelope.

  Kyle looks over my shoulder. “What is it?”

  After I read it, I tell him, “It’s an invitation to a masquerade ball.”

  “What? Let me look at that.”

  While Kyle reads the invitation, I read a note that was with it.

  Please come and enjoy our ball. We would love to have you and a guest. Then maybe we can discuss our business situation.

  Catherine Stern

  My thoughts are broken by Kyle saying, “This is some fancy stuff right here. These invitations must have cost a fortune.”

  I stand up and walk to the window, looking down on the city. Should I go? I think I need to, at least they’re being hospitable. But it could be a trap. According to what I know, they are a rich and influential family here. Would they invite me to their home just to threaten or hurt me? I don’t think so. Maybe I could convince them to give me time to figure out more of my situation.

  “When’s the party?”

  Kyle says, “This weekend.”

  “Do you have time to make me something magnificent?”

  “Murphy, you can’t go to this.”

  “I am, Kyle. I need to find a way to work with these people. Maybe I can convince them to give me more time on whatever my father owes them.”

  “I don’t know, Murph.”

  “Can you make me a dress or not?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then let’s go. We’ll go shopping and get everything you need.”

  “First I need a sewing machine. A really, really nice one.”



  The next day, I ask Mark to see if he could get me all the financial reports and employee records from the casino and have them dropped off to me at the hotel. He says that he would be happy to deliver all the paperwork personally if I would agree to have lunch with him again. I tell him I would love to if he agrees to a quick lunch in my hotel room. He sounded so excited until I told him that Kyle would be joining us.

  I asked for the paperwork to be delivered instead of going to the casino because I don’t want my first time meeting my employees to come off looking like I’m inept to do my job. I’m pretty sure a woman running a casino will be undermined to begin with. So, I figure I better know as much as I can before I make my first appearance.

  A few hours later, Kyle is still working on my dress in his bedroom when I hear someone knocking on my door. I open the door to find Mark standing there with a busboy pushing a cart filled with boxes, and then a second busboy has a cart with our lunch. I guess presuming what I would like to eat or drink is going to be a habit for Mark and an annoyance to me.

  “Come in, Mark.”

  “Thank you. Well, I got all the paperwork you asked for, and I took the liberty of ordering our lunch, including Kyle’s, of course.”

  “So I see, thank you. Have a seat.”

  I tell the busboys where to put everything. I then tip and thank them.

  Kyle comes into the room. “Is that food I smell? But we didn’t order yet.”

  “Mark took the liberty and ordered for us.”

  From behind Mark’s back, Kyle makes the gagging face, and I have to stifle a laugh.

  We eat pretty fast, and I give Mark the old heave-ho, sending him on his way.

  Kyle says, “Well, he’s interesting.”

  “No, no, he’s not. But he’s nice. That’s important.”

  “Yep, because the nice guy always gets the girl.”

  “Shut up. Let me get to work, and you go back to making me that beautiful dress you promised.”

  “Oh, hey, the desk clerk told me that there is a parade tonight and the hotel has a stand set up for their guests. Can we go, please, slave driver, can we go?”

  “Fine, but let me try to get some work done first, then we can go.”

  Kyle skips back to his room while I start going through the boxes Mark brought.

  Hours later, I’m still no closer to finding the reason for the casino to be losing so much money. I decide I need to work on the employee records. I would need to know who works for me and when.

  A couple of more hours go by, and Kyle comes in the room. “Time’s up, my lady. You need to get dressed, so let’s go. No dresses or heels.”

  “What, that’s all I got?”

  “Wrong. I altered a couple of jeans you bought the other day, and I stopped earlier to buy you some flats.”

  When shopping the other day, Kyle made me buy some casual clothes, saying I would probably need them down here, and I guess he was right. Flats, though; I haven’t worn flats in years.

  After dressing in my new casual clothes, we head out to see our first parade.

  Oh my God, we have so much fun. The parade is awesome. There are so many people, it is unreal. They even have bands playing music. People dance, and women flash their breasts for the floats. We catch so many beads. Kyle even tries to get me to flash, but hell NO! So, he does. It doesn’t work quite as well, but we have a blast. My ears are still ringing from the music, sirens, and screams of people yelling, “Throw me something, mister.” We need to do this every year.

  Back in our room now, I thank Kyle for convincing me to wear flats. I never would have made it in heels.

  The next few days I spend researching all I can for my first day at the casino. I haven’t heard any more from Judith or the Sterns, and I haven’t been threatened as of late. So, besides the funeral and the unending supply of research, it’s been a pretty good week. But I guess any week of not being threatened would fall in the row of good weeks.

  I’m still having a hard time figuring out why my dad borrowed against the casino. It doesn’t make sense; the casino has been doing well. I mean, it could be doing better, but it’s not in dire need of any kind of money issues. I wish I had more time to ask him so much more before he passed.

  One more day till the ball, and I start noticing that Kyle seems to have caught
a cold. It’s this Louisiana weather; one day it’s warm, and one day it’s chilly or cold. And even in early February, there is still a small amount of humidity in the air.

  Kyle comes into the room looking like crap. “You okay, Kyle?”

  “No, but I’m finished with your dress.”

  I jump off the sofa and go to him; he’s running a low fever.

  “That’s it, let’s go to the urgent care and get you seen by a doctor.”

  He nods his head, and we pack up to go.

  By the time we make it back, it’s late. The doctor claims he just has a bad sinus infection. With his medicine in tow, I tuck him in bed and order some chicken soup for my sick baby. And for the rest of the night, we chill and relax.



  The next morning, I wake up in Kyle’s bed. I must have passed out with him. I decide to go back to work learning the gambling laws here in the state.

  By the time lunch comes around, Sleeping Beauty finally wakes up.

  “Good afternoon, Princess.”

  “I’m sick, I deserve to sleep.”

  “You’re right. I was just picking on you.”

  Kyle sits down beside me, still looking like crap. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to go with you tonight. Maybe you shouldn’t go.”

  “Why wouldn’t I go?”

  “Maybe because someone threatened you and you’re wanting to walk into the den of bad guys.”

  I laugh. “The den?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. I don’t like the idea of you going by yourself.”

  “And I would have been way better protected if you could have gone with me?”

  “Now, I really take offense to that, Murphy; that was just rude.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. Listen, I’m going, period. But I will come back home to you. Don’t worry, I don’t think they would do something to me at a ball full of people. We’ll just make introductions and talk a little business.”


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