Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3)

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Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3) Page 13

by Monique Orgeron

  By the third bank, I realize how exhausting it is to hear rejection after rejection. Then it hits me, what if I trade one mobster for another?

  Later when it gets dark, I go back to the strip club I found Zander in, hoping I will see the man Zander spoke about, Theo Trahan. Hoping I will be able to recognize who he is, or maybe I can find someone to point him out to me. About an hour later, a man walks in. I’m sure it’s him; a man in his position carries himself in a certain way. I know for sure it’s him when instead of me going to him, he comes straight for me.

  I stand and say, “Mr. Trahan, I’m Murphy Larussa. I was wondering if I could speak with you?”

  “Of course. I’m always willing to speak to any friend of Zander’s.”

  I sit back down, as does Mr. Trahan. “Well, if that’s the case, then you might not want to speak to me.”

  “Oh, really? Zander seems to be very fond of you. Has something changed?”

  I let out a small chuckle. “I found out that his mother won’t give up on throwing me out of my casino.”

  “Ah, yes, Catherine. How can I help, Ms. Larussa?”

  A few seconds go by with me entranced, then I hear, “Ms. Larussa?” Theo has to repeat himself because I can’t help staring at him; he looks so familiar.

  So, I ask, “Mr. Trahan, are you related to Zander? Like an uncle or something?”

  Theo chuckles and says, “Why do you ask?”

  “Zander and you look so much alike. It’s uncanny if you two aren’t related.”

  “Yes, well back to you. What is it that you need?”

  I shake off this feeling and return to our discussion.

  “You must know about my predicament?” Theo nods, so I go on. “Yes, well I need some financial help. I have been turned down by three banks, and now I figured I would try coming to you.”

  “You mean you figured you would trade one boss for another?”

  “Something like that.”

  “It’s clever, Ms. Larussa, but I originally held most of your father’s debt. I sold the markers to Catherine and her family.”

  “I see. Well, what about if I made you a partner?”

  He starts laughing. “Girl, you definitely have some spunk. I imagine you got that from your mother.”

  “Zander told me you knew her.”

  “Cherry? Yes, she was something. How is she?”

  “She’s wonderful, and she still looks the same.”

  “Your mother always was a looker. Your father was a lucky man.”

  “I don’t know how lucky she was. He was never around.”

  Theo’s brows pinch, and he says, “It must have been hard not having your father there?”

  “It was in the beginning, but I got used to it. Who needs a dad when they can have a casino, right? That’s why I’m willing to fight for it. He couldn’t give me his love and time, but he gave me this. Funny thing is, I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m going to lose it. I lost everything when it came to that man.”

  Theo sits up and says, “I’m sorry. Listen, Murphy, may I call you that?” I nod my head. “I’ll think about your proposal, but you’re asking me to go against a family that I am close to and start a war. I can’t promise anything but I will try to let you know something soon.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Trahan.”

  He stands and helps me out of my chair. “Let me ask you something, Murphy. If Zander weren’t a Stern, would you be more interested in him?”

  I tilt my head and answer honestly, “I’m not that easy, Mr. Trahan. I rarely let anyone get that close to me. Zander is a wonderful man, but I don’t think any man will ever be the one for me.”

  He holds my hand and says, “You're tough, I like that, but never say never. Love sometimes comes to you without you asking for it.”

  “I don’t believe in love. I believe in myself.”

  He releases my hand, and I make my way out of the club. If I ever do fall in love, it would never be with the man who will have to hurt or kill me one day.



  I’ve been avoiding my family and desperately trying to get in touch with Murphy. She has dodged every phone call and text I’ve sent. It’s been over two weeks, and still nothing.

  Gabriel calls me and says I’m needed. He wants me to come to the casino for a meeting. I arrive on time and make my way to his office.

  “Hey, brother.”

  Gabriel looks at me from behind his desk and says, “Sit down, Zander, we need to talk.”

  I make myself a drink before I sit. “What’s up?”

  “Look, Zander, I don’t know what’s going on between you and Mom, but this is business. I need to know if I can count on you? I shouldn’t even have to be asking; it’s your business, too, damn it.”

  I take a sip of my drink. “What is it that you want, Gabriel?”

  “I want what Mom wants. I want Murphy’s damn casino. I know Mom said she was willing to give you the time you asked for, but I’m running out of patience. I understand this is hard for you. It was hard for me, that’s why I waited until after Murphy Sr. passed. There was no reason to push him further into his grave.”

  I stand to make another drink. “So, what do you want me to do, put his daughter in her grave because she won’t leave?”

  “Fuck you, Zander. I didn’t say that, not yet at least. If it did come to that shit, I wouldn’t get you to do it. I’m not a monster.”

  Chuckling, I say, “Why, Gabriel? Because you would do it for me?”

  He slams his hand on the desk. “Enough, Zander, you better figure this out before I have to make those decisions. Because no matter what, this is our legacy. I have a son now to think about. If I have to remove your girlfriend myself, you’re damn right I would.”

  I stare straight into his eyes. “Then, brother, you better make your decision knowing you might have to go through me to do it.”

  I leave, slamming his door. In the hall I see Liam. I don’t stop to talk, even when he tries to get my attention. Fuck all of them, and fuck Murphy for putting me in this situation. I need to get Murphy away from here one way or another before Mom does send my brothers after her.



  I just received a phone call from Gabriel, saying that he spoke to Zander and nothing’s changed. He said that Zander got aggressive with him by telling him that if anything was to happen to the girl, we would all have to go through him.

  Now I’m sitting in my office, trying to understand what’s going on with my son. Zander has never acted like this before, especially over a woman. Zander has always been a player; he’s never brought any girls around me before, not even in high school. I used to ask him about girls, and he always said he could tell right away if any of them were worth meeting me. He said until he found the right one, he wouldn’t bring any around. I always thought it was because he was just noncommittal, but then he wanted me to meet Murphy’s daughter. I almost fell over when he said he was going to get her to meet me. I wish I would have known she was Murphy’s kid; I would have kept her away because now all I have is trouble. Zander and I used to be so close, and now he won’t even talk to me. I can’t believe he picked her side.

  I’m startled out of my thoughts by my office door closing. When I look up, I see the love of my life, Theo.

  Theo and I have been together longer than most married people, but we are still not public with our relationship, and that is by my doing.

  “Hello, Katie.”

  I get up from my chair to go hug and kiss him. “What brings you by today? No one saw you, did they?”

  He pushes me away and says, “I hate when you do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “You look excited to see me, and then you worry about us getting found out. This shit is getting to be too much, Catherine.”

  Because of him calling me by my full name, and not Katie, I correct my posture and return to my desk. “How can I help you, Theo?”

  “You s
ee that right there? That’s the Catherine I hate. The avoidance you give is killing me, woman.”

  “Look, Theo, I can’t handle this shit right now. Why are you here?”

  He sits down, so I take my seat as he watches me for a second to see if my wall is going to drop. He always does that, and I hate it. He knows me too well.

  He finally says, “I’m here on business. I want to discuss Murphy Larussa.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “No, not you, too.”

  “I’m afraid so. She asked me to help her, and I’m thinking about doing it.”

  “How dare you!? You wouldn’t!”

  “I would for Zander.”

  “Don’t go there, Theo!”

  “Listen to me, Catherine. He’s in love with this girl. I know you don’t want it to be so, but it is. And she loves him, even though she doesn’t want to. I’ve seen it in her eyes. They love each other.”

  Theo stops and puts his head down, rubbing his temples. “You know her mother is Cherry, right?”

  “What? It can’t be.”

  “Oh, but she is. I guess we know why she left all those years ago. Look, Katie, he’s made his mind up. She is what he wants, so either you figure out some way to work with her, or he will get in your way. And honey, don’t underestimate him. You trained and taught him well, he knows his way around our territory, and he’s feared by many. He will be a strong adversary.”

  “He’s my son!”

  Theo jumps out of his chair, pissed. “No, Catherine, he’s our son!”

  I stand up, shocked that he said that so loud. “Lower your voice before someone hears you.”

  Theo gets louder now. “I don’t give a fuck who hears me, Catherine. It’s time he finds out. I’m tired and too old to live this lie anymore. You’ve denied me our whole lives. You’ve denied my son from knowing I’m his father. I’m done. You have until the end of the week to tell him, that’s it. No more games.” Theo walks over to me, softening the way he speaks. “I love you, Katie, I always have, but if you don’t find a way to fix this problem between you and our son, I will choose him this time. I will go to war with him, to fight you.” He kisses me softly, and I try to push him away, but he grabs my wrists and says, “I will be back, and when I come, it’s all coming out.”

  Then he kisses my forehead and walks out the door. I fall back into my chair. How the hell did this happen? How did I lose so much control? Zander and now Theo are both threatening me. It’s that bitch! I knew she looked familiar, she looks just like her mother. I always wondered why Cherry wanted to leave so abruptly. We weren’t exactly the best of friends, but we were friendly. Murphy and my husband were close, and every party, Cherry was there until she wasn’t. I haven’t heard a word about her in all these years. I always thought it was possible someone might have killed her because she knew too much. Hell, she knows too much about me.

  I need to figure something out before this gets any worse. But what? I need that casino, I put too much money into ensuring that it came to this family. The casino is shit, but the location is perfect for my plans to rebuild it.

  I need to see her. I need to see the woman who is causing so much havoc in my life. I call Vin, telling him to get the car ready. I’m going see the woman who is tearing my son away from me.



  Vin drives me to Murphy’s casino. I get out and look around. This place will be a palace by the time I’m finished, but right now it’s just a run of the mill casino. I head straight in, and people recognize me right away. I feel the stares as they’re wondering why I’m here. Craig Crochet comes from out of nowhere and says, “Mrs. Stern, may I help you?”

  “Yes, Craig, I would like to meet your boss.”

  “Ma’am, I don’t know if she’ll see you, and I’m not allowed to let you in the back without permission.”

  I see he’s nervous telling me that. Craig’s a good man who just wants to do a good job, but he also knows not to fuck with me. But I decide to let him off the hook. I see some chairs off to the side, so I walk over to them and sit in one, crossing my legs.

  “Then call her and tell her I am here. Get your permission, Craig. But you also let her know that if you don’t get it, you will not be stopping me from going back there anyway.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Craig scurries off to the corner like a scared rat, and I can’t help snickering at that. There used to be a time that was me, a scared rat in the corner, but now I’m the one feared. Craig knows that not him, nor anyone in this state will hurt me or stop me from getting what I want.

  Except I lower my head and realize I misspoke; there are five men in this state who can hurt me. My sons and Theo, two of them are now wanting to try. I’ve done everything to be with them, so much more than they know. How could this be the day I have to make another sacrifice to keep the men I love?

  My head raises as I hear Craig. He says she’s agreed to see me and I am to follow him. Here we go.

  Craig opens the door, and I see the girl named after my old friend sitting at his desk. She looks up, then stands.

  Craig clears his throat and says, “Mrs. Stern, Ms. Larussa, I will stand close by if either one of you needs anything.”

  We both at the same time try to tell him thank you, but we stop, then I jerk my head to the side, allowing her to say, “Thank you, Craig.”

  Instead of saying anything, I lay my purse down on the sofa and walk around the room, looking at all the old pictures on the wall. Damn, there so many of the men and women who have passed through my life. I openly laugh at a few of them because I remember those nights.

  I hear her ask, “Do you know them?”

  I glance back at her. “Yes, most are still around, but some have passed away, like your father.” I take another step, and then I tell her, “Your father was a good man. I am sorry for your loss.”

  With her voice shaky, she says, “I’ve heard how he was a good man, but I wouldn’t know. He might have been a great friend to everyone, but he was a terrible father to me.”

  I look over at her as she now looks at the photos. I see the pain in her.

  “Oh my God, this is you, isn’t it?”

  I move closer to her and look where she’s pointing. And then I see it, the picture of all of us. Me, my husband William, Theo and Murphy with the rest of the old gang. I pass my fingers over it; we were all so young, and I was so stupid in those days. I remember this night all too well. I hate that there’s proof that those nights existed.

  “Do you remember that night?”

  Thank God she broke the spell the photo had on me. I remove my finger and tell her, “All too well. In fact, your mother was the one who took the photo.”

  “Really? I was not aware that you knew my mother that well.”

  “We were not that close, but your mother and I always had an alliance, if you will. In a man’s world, we women had to stick together, if you know what I mean.” I look around some more. “Now, this one of your grandparents is well done. I always admired it.”

  She asks, “Did you know them, too?”

  “I’m sorry to say that I never met your grandmother, but I heard she was a grand lady. I was so young when I first saw this picture, and I remember thinking one day I would be that refined. Now, your grandfather I did meet, and I’m sorry to say he was an asshole.”

  Murphy lets out an incredible laugh, and I can’t help smiling. “I thought so, he looks like an asshole.”

  “He was.”

  Murphy starts to walk back to her chair and says, “Excuse me, Mrs. Stern, I’m sure your visit is not a social one. Would you like to sit down?”

  I watch her for a second, then when she sits, I say, “I don’t know about that. We can start by being social and civil. You look a lot like your mother, you have all her curves for sure.”

  “Yes, I’ve been told that by many.”

  “I see the appeal.”

  “What’s that, Mrs. Stern?”

  “Please call me Catherine. I was just stating that I see the appeal you have on my son, Zander.”

  “Mrs. Stern, I don’t know how much you know, but I promise you it’s not what you’re thinking. I told Zander that he and I will not ever be anything.”

  I join her by sitting opposite her desk. “Why is that, Ms. Larussa? Is my son not good enough for you?”

  “No, Mrs. Stern…”

  I interrupt her, “Catherine, please.”

  “Well, Catherine, your son is obviously not for me. After all, if you wanted me hurt or dead, wouldn’t he be the one you’d send?”

  I tilt my head to the side and shrug one shoulder. “Yes, normally. But you see, Murphy, I have a little problem; he won’t do it. According to my son, you are off limits. Now, why is that?”

  She shakes her head and says, “I have no idea, but if you think that I seduced Zander to get him on my side, you are mistaken. I did not know who he was when I met him. Plus, I have already told Zander I am not interested. Not now, not ever.”


  She gives me a questioning look. “How so?”

  “My son has never talked about a woman to me, ever. But then he meets you, and now he warns me off. He has always been what you would call a lady’s man. Hell, he wouldn’t even catch the garter at either of his brothers’ weddings because he was scared it would mess with his single status. Now you come along, and he’s willing to go to war for you. And you sit here lying to me about your feelings for him, you act like he’s nothing. Don’t you think that’s funny?”

  “No, I don’t, Mrs. Stern. I don’t know about Zander’s feelings for me. He has never expressed any of them. But I don’t care to know them. I have had enough hurt in my life by men. Like you said, your son is a player. I would never attach myself to someone like that. I’m not stupid. The minute I found out who your son was, I told him I didn’t want to see him again until he was ready to end my life, because that’s what he’ll have to do to get me out. So, I hope I’ve clarified it for you.”


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