Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3)

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Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3) Page 22

by Monique Orgeron



  The next day, Mom comes through on a doctor. We pull up to his office and he actually comes outside to meet us. I have never seen a reaction like his towards my mother, he treats her like royalty. When he finally gets to examine me, he informs us that I am sick because I am having morning sickness.


  “You’re pregnant.”

  “I can’t be!”

  “Well, I am afraid you are.”

  I look at my mother, and she doesn’t look shocked. I, on the other hand, am shocked beyond belief.

  “But I’m on the pill.”

  “It’s not one hundred percent effective. Have you been on any medication, or have you maybe skipped a pill or two?”

  I think back, shit. I’ve been so stressed, I know that there were a couple of pills that I missed. I cannot believe this. I start crying, what the hell am I going to do now? Mom comes around the table and hugs me as she asks the doctor to step out of the room.

  “It will be all right, Chéri. Zander will be so happy to find out you are having his baby.”

  I jump off the patient table, shouting, “NO! He can’t find out! Mom, please, I don’t want him to know!”

  “This is going to be hard to hide.”

  “Just don’t say anything. I’ll figure something out.”

  She agrees but tells me I better think of something fast. We leave the doctor’s office and arrive at the casino. A man opens our door and introduces himself as Bobby Belanger.

  “Ma’am, I am your new head of security.”

  “What? I don’t even know you. Who sent you?”

  “I was sent by Mr. Stern. I have been told to tell you that you have no choice in this, I am to be your head of security. I have also taken the liberty of firing some of your men and replaced them with men I trust. I’m sure you would like to settle in, and then we can have a meeting at your convenience so you can meet everyone and we can discuss the new policies I have implemented.”

  I walk right past him. There is no sense arguing; my energy should be spent on yelling at Zander.

  When I make it to the hall, and then my office, I notice the place has been wiped clean; there is no evidence that anything ever happened. Part of me is happy that it can all be like a bad nightmare, but then part of me is so sad for Craig and the way he lost his life. It doesn’t seem right to make all of it vanish.

  I shake myself back to the now. I call Zander to let the yelling commence. Giving it my best, I still get nowhere with him, so I hang up on him. Sitting back in my chair, my mom starts laughing.


  “Oh, the passion you two have is explosive. It’s going to be a fun relationship. But I warn you, he will not always be so lenient with you. You are wasting your breath, there is no sense in arguing with him on this. I already told you he will protect what is his.”

  “Oh my God, enough! I am so tired of him and everyone referring to me as his. I’m not.”

  “Now that you are having his baby, you will have no choice, my love.”

  “He won’t know. When I start showing, I will tell him it’s someone else’s. If that doesn’t work, then I’ll leave like you did.”

  “You think that’s what I did, Chéri? You think I ran because I was trying to run from your father? I ran to protect him and you. He found us, though, and he might not have been there daily, but that man loved us his whole life. We both did what we had to do.”

  “To protect us from who?”

  She leans back in her chair and starts telling me everything. “We were so in love, but your father had obligations to his family and wife. His father made him marry Judith, it was a business agreement. Neither one of them loved each other. So, Judith didn’t mind me being in the picture as long as it wasn’t thrown in her face or out in the open with her kind of people. Your grandfather, on the other hand, hated me; he tried everything he could to break us apart. He even tried to pay me off. He was scared your father would eventually leave Judith for me, and he would have.”

  She looks down, I can tell remembering the past is bringing her pain.

  “Then I got pregnant with you. Judith paid me a visit when she found out. She could handle the affair, but not a child from our love. She would not tolerate your existence, and she had help, your grandfather. He didn’t care that you were his blood, the only thing he saw was a low life stripper pregnant with his son’s child. He wanted not only me gone, but you. He was going to disown your father and strip him of all his wealth and power. I ran to protect him. Your father knew no other way of life, he had too much to lose. I couldn’t hurt the man I loved like that, so I ran, but it wasn’t long before your father found us. He came and said he was ready to give it all away. But after we discussed it, your father realized his father and Judith would not accept that. They would retaliate, neither of them would want the embarrassment. Your father knew we would never be safe, and he had no other skills to provide the kind of protection we needed without his power and wealth. He went back, to protect us both.”

  She pauses, deep in thought, then says, “He made an agreement with his father and Judith that if you and I stayed away, he would stay with them to be able to provide for us both financially and physically. If we were ever threatened or touched, he would destroy them. As the years went on, they put more and more demands on your father. He was not able to come to us as he wanted.”

  “Why? What changed?”

  “Judith became pregnant, but then she lost the baby. It was horrible. She was almost full term. She couldn’t have any more children after that. She went crazy with the idea of you, a living child, as a reminder of the one she could never have with her husband. To women like Judith, love or no love, they are to provide an heir. She no longer could do that. It made her come for us. She wanted you dead. That is how much her hate was and is for you. Your father had to agree to fewer visits, and then eventually none. You see, Murphy, he loved you more than anyone, even me. He did what he had to do.”

  “He had to sleep with Judith? Is what you’re telling me?”

  Mom stands. “Yes, girl, he slept with his wife. It was his obligation.”

  “But you never dated.”

  “I was obligated to you and him. I would never betray either of you. I loved him and understood what he was doing.”

  “I don’t know if I could live like that.”

  “We all sacrifice for the ones we love, Murphy. I lost spending my days with the love of my life, he lost watching you grow up, and you lost out on knowing the man who loved you more than you will ever know.” She turns and grabs her purse. “Now, I am going to take a man with me to go to the drugstore to get your prenatal vitamins and something to settle your stomach. Morning sickness is a bitch. For me, it wasn’t only in the morning.”

  For me either. I’ve been so sick lately, around the clock.



  For the last week, things have gone smoothly. I actually have taken to Bobby. He has become a major asset for the casino. He runs a tight ship, and I appreciate that. I know he is making reports back to Zander, but I don’t care anymore. Just as long as he stays away.

  The poker game was a huge success. It has gotten the casino more publicity than I could have imagined. We even have new patrons who never would have come here before. Things are looking up, except for my morning sickness. It has gotten worse. I can barely hold anything down. That’s why I’m currently on the floor in the bathroom, throwing my guts up. Mom is supposed to be back any minute though, she left to find me something to help settle my stomach. I hear the door open to the office.

  “Mom, is that you? How long is this supposed to last? Why call it morning sickness if it happens all damn day?” I get no answer, so I call again.


  I get myself off the floor and wipe my face and hands. I open the door to the bathroom, expecting to see my mom. I almost throw up again because it isn’t my mother; it’s Gabriel St
ern, and he gets straight to the point.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Gabriel, I didn’t know you were here. I thought it was my mother.”

  “Stop avoiding my question. Are you pregnant?”

  I look around my office, trying to figure out what to say. I can’t lie; he heard me say why I was sick. I decide to go with the truth.

  “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

  “Have you told Zander?”

  “Why are you here, Gabriel?”

  “Don’t. Have you told him?”

  “No, why would I?”

  “Because it’s his baby.”

  I laugh, trying to sell my story. “No, Gabriel, it’s not his baby. So, if you would please leave it alone.” I sit down because I feel like I am ready to fall. “Now, why are you here? How can I help you?”

  “I came to check on you and the casino. I see that the poker tournament went great. The casino seems to have a rise in patrons.”

  He sits down and stares at me.

  “I see you are still craving my failure. Sorry to tell you, but I have made a hefty amount off the poker game. I now have enough to make a sizable dent in the debt I owe. In fact, let me write you out a check towards it right now.”

  I open my drawer and grab the business checkbook. Just as I am putting pen to paper, Gabriel puts his hand up and says, “Stop, I think under the circumstances that might not be necessary.”

  “What circumstances?”

  “Your pregnancy. Do you think I believe your story about Zander not being the father? He won’t either, you know. Now that you’re carrying the next Stern child, it changes a lot of things. Hold off on making any payments until we hear what Mother will want to do.”

  “It wasn’t a story, Gabriel; your mother has no say in what I do here. As far as your brother goes, I don’t care what he believes, this is not his child.”

  He stands and buttons his suit jacket and tells me, “I will give you time to tell him, but if you don’t, I will. One week, Murphy, that’s all the time I’ll give you.”

  He walks away without leaving any room to argue.

  When my mother finally gets back, I tell her what Gabriel said.

  “Then you better tell him soon.”

  “Hell no!” I think about what to do, then I say, “I might have to give them the casino. If I do that, then I can leave and we can go back to our normal lives. I will raise this baby on my own.”

  “That won’t work, Chéri. Zander will come after you, just like your father did. Just like his father stayed and took care of Catherine. You really have no choice.”

  “What do you mean, like his father?”

  “There are things, little girl, you will never understand. Zander will not let you go, with or without that baby.”

  “I have to try. I will make him believe the baby is not his, and then I will give up the casino. I’ll sacrifice for her. Just like you did for me.”

  “You can try.”



  It is early Wednesday morning. Mom calls a meeting at her home for the family. I attend, even though our relationship is still on the rocks. But I know when Catherine calls, it’s non- negotiable.

  I arrive promptly on time. Everyone is here, including Theo. He has moved into the house and has no plans of ever leaving.

  We are all sitting in the living room when Gabriel asks, “Okay, Mother, what is this about?”

  Mother looks very happy. I can’t wait to hear this.

  “I have very good news. Ms. Larussa has given us the casino for payment on her father’s debt. It’s over, we own it now.”

  I jump up. “What do you mean, she gave it to us?”

  Mom shrugs and says, “What do you need, proof? Here, Zander, read her letter. She has already signed the paperwork; all I have to do is meet with the attorney.”

  “Why? Did you threaten her again?”

  “No! I left her alone, like you asked, but I am glad it’s handled before I was forced to act. Because, son, I would have.”

  I walk to the bar and fix myself a drink. I know it’s early, but I don’t give a shit. Gabriel walks to the bar to make himself one, too. He doesn’t look happy; he looks, I don’t know, maybe uneasy. He then walks back over to Fallon. He whispers something in her ear, she then picks up their son Gavin and leaves the room.

  I slam my drink back and swallow hard. “None of this makes any sense.”

  I reach for my phone to call her, but she doesn’t pick up. I try again; nothing. Damn. I call my men. Sam picks up.

  “Where is she?”

  “Boss, we just dropped her and her mother off at the airport. She said she had talked to you all about it. She claims she has some hired men meeting her there.”

  “You dumb fuck! Go back and get them, hold them until I get there!”

  I start to leave, but Gabriel shouts, “Zander, hold on, I have to tell you something.”

  I stop and turn back. He best not fuck with me, not now.

  “I gave her time to come clean with you, but I see she decided to take another route, which only verifies that she was lying.”

  “Lying about what?”

  Gabriel takes a deep breath. “She’s pregnant, Zander. She told me it wasn’t yours, but I could tell she was lying. I gave her a week to tell you before I would. I guess she thought it was better to leave.”

  She’s pregnant with my child, and she’s trying to leave. I love my brother, I do, but he should have never held this information from me. I walk straight towards him and warn him. “You better pray I get to her before she has a chance to get away, brother.”

  Theo grabs my arm and says, “Enough! You’re wasting time.” I turn to leave, but my mother is standing right in front of me. She slaps me hard across my face. “You better get me that baby. You fucked this all up. Do you hear me?! My grandchild will be born and raised here. That baby is a part of us, and it will not go anywhere else, boy. Go get her and bring her home.”

  I walk right past her, holding my face. She doesn’t have to tell me shit. That’s my baby. I can’t believe she would think I would let Murphy run now. I can’t believe Murphy would.

  I make it to the airport and call Sam. “Do you have her?”

  He tells me where to find them; he says they were almost aboard before he caught up to them. I enter the airport and go straight to where he says they are. She is sitting there with her legs and arms crossed, looking pissed as hell. I don’t even see anyone else. I walk straight to her, without saying a word I grab her arm, pulling her out of the chair. I look around the airport, looking for someplace to bring her. The men’s bathroom is the first place I see. So, I drag her, literally drag her to the bathroom, with her hitting me and yelling my name. When I open the door, there are two men in the bathroom.

  “Get out!” They turn and look at me. One leaves, and the other is pissing in the urinal. “Get out!” When he goes to say something, I growl towards him. He turns, pissing down his leg, and runs for the door.

  I swing Red into the wall and cage her in. “You weren’t going to tell me?”

  She doesn’t say anything, she just looks down towards the floor. So, I yell, “Answer me! You weren’t going to tell me?”

  She looks up at me with venom in her eyes. “Tell you what?”

  “You’re pregnant with my baby.”

  She fucking laughs, hard. It takes me a minute to shake off the frustration of her laugh.

  “I am pregnant, but it’s not yours.”

  “You’re lying!”

  “No, Zander, I’m not. This is not your baby.”

  “You should feel lucky you’re pregnant.”


  “Because right now, Red, I want to spank your ass so fucking hard for lying to me.”

  “I told you I’m not lying.”

  I shut her up by leaning down and kissing her hard. At first she’s thrown off, but it doesn’t take long before I can feel her give in to me, then I feel her tee
th bite into my lip, hard. I pull away and see blood on her mouth. I lick my lip, tasting the copper flavor.

  “You want to know how I know you’re lying, Red?” She doesn’t say anything. I lean back into her and whisper, “One, you can’t lie to save your life. Two, since the minute I found out who you were, I have had eyes on you every second of every day. Unless Kyle fucked you as well as I did, that baby in you is mine.” My hand slips to her stomach, and I rub. I’m already falling for our child. “And Red, I keep what is mine.”

  I straighten and pull her out of the bathroom. When I see Cherry, she is smiling from ear to ear. She says, “Took you long enough.” Then she hands me a napkin. “You have a little blood.” She points. “Right there, it’s the red hair. She will never be boring. That, I wager, you’ll enjoy.”

  We start walking out, with me still dragging Murphy along. Cherry’s right, I love everything about her, and I don’t ever see her getting boring. My son and I will be two lucky men.

  With dragging a reluctant Murphy out of the airport and shoving her into my vehicle, I tell my men to follow us home. On the drive, Cherry asks where I’m taking them. I tell her home to my mother’s house. “Zander, I don’t think that is a good idea. I don’t think your mother would be too happy to see me.”

  “Why? You two are going to have to see each other eventually, now that you will be sharing a grandson.”

  She laughs, but Murphy says, “Son, figures you would automatically presume it’s a boy.”

  I don’t answer her. I don’t even look at her. I need to calm myself down before I try.

  “Cherry, why are you worried about seeing my mom? I thought you two were friendly long ago?”

  “We were, but things happen, Zander.”

  That’s all she says, leaving me to wonder what happened.

  The rest of the ride is silent until we drive onto our property. They both start getting antsy. I see the looks of fear on their faces. I open the door for Cherry first; she exits the vehicle, staring at the house. Then I open Murphy’s door, except she doesn’t get out. I am at my limit with her, so I grab her arm and pull her out. Dragging her, like a reluctant child, we enter the house. Everyone is sitting in the living room, obviously been waiting for our arrival.


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