Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3)

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Art of War (A Stern Family Saga Book 3) Page 28

by Monique Orgeron

  What the hell, every time I think I have the upper hand, she fucking knocks me down. I let her go and she walks away swaying her hips confidently to the bathroom.


  I cannot believe he did that. If he wanted to embarrass me then fuck him because I had the last word and if he wanted to make me hot then fuck him because it fucking worked. I had to walk to the bathroom as fast as I could just so I wouldn’t reach out to him. He’s right, the damn toys I have are no substitute for him. Not even close. How am I supposed to keep doing this?

  When I return from the bathroom, he’s gone. I go downstairs to join everyone and he is still nowhere to be found. We all spend the day together as a family and I find myself enjoying it very much. Growing up as an only child left me desiring more of this. I am starting to be thankful to be having twins. At least they will have each other.

  Supper comes and goes then everyone starts to disperse to their rooms. I retreat back to my room by myself. I can’t sleep, I have been getting used to Zander being next to me at night. I fall asleep somewhere in the middle of the night. I wake feeling the bed move. Zander lays down on the side of me.

  “Where did you go?”

  “Do you care? Never mind, don’t answer that. I was collecting for both casinos. I’m here now so go back to sleep.”

  A few minutes pass and then I hear him say, “I’m sorry, Murphy, I had no right to do that earlier. It won’t happen again.”

  I want so bad to tell him that I do care, but then he turns around, facing away from me.

  The nights sleeping in the same bed and not being intimate are becoming unbearable for the both of us.



  I am twenty-three weeks pregnant now and life is getting hard. My movements have slowed because of my expanding belly. Then there is Zander, he comes home every night but rarely reaches out to me anymore. When he does, he apologizes. Tonight is a big night at the casino. We have another scheduled poker event, but this one is an Omaha Hi/Lo poker tournament. As soon as I finish announcing the event I find the family sitting at our designated table.

  I’m wearing a tight red dress tonight and it shows off my round belly. I’m starting to love showing my belly off. Now my heels are another story. When I get to the table the first thing I do is remove my heels. About twenty minutes into the game we are all having a good time until I hear laughter. I look up and see Zander, but right on his arm is a woman. She’s laughing out loud at something he said. They come straight to our table. He introduces his guest to us as Candy, then looks for an extra chair for her. When he can’t find one he sits down and slaps his leg for her to sit.

  Everyone is appalled. Without a word, Theo, Catherine, and my mom all stand up and leave. I can’t say I blame them, they don’t want to see this shit show either. I hear Liam ask, “Zander, man, what the hell are you doing?”

  He doesn’t try to answer quietly, he makes sure everyone can hear him. “My wife gave me permission to date. I figured why not try it. I mean, after all, I might be married, but I have never been on an official date. So here I am.”

  Candy laughs and says, “Wild, right? Can you believe he’s never been on a date?”

  I look at her and say, “It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? So, Candy, how’s the date going?”

  I look at the rest of the table, begging for them to play along. Fallon and Avery are fuming and the boys are shaking their heads in disbelief.

  “Great so far, Zander is so much fun. I can’t believe his bitch of a wife, right? I mean who would let this man get away?”

  “I imagine one that is not far.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Zander, why don’t you introduce me to your date?”

  He laughs and says, “Candy, this is Murphy Stern, she is my wife.”

  Candy looks at me and then at Zander. She then stands and says, “I didn’t know.”

  I put the girl's mind to rest when I tell her, “It’s fine, sit back down, the night is early. Here, take my chair, you have to watch sitting on Zander, his friend gets overly excited if you know what I mean.” I stand and grab my shoes. I look at her and rub my belly. “It’s dangerous too if you’re not careful.”

  Zander notices my shoes and grabs my arm, “What’s wrong, why aren’t you wearing your heels?”

  “Why? Do you care?” I see his face so I tell him, “I’m fine, but my calves and feet started bothering me these days.”

  He lets go of my arm and I sit in one of the now empty chairs. As time goes by I start to realize that the men at the table all know Candy. I watch Fallon and Avery, I know they have to notice the same thing, but they never react or say a word, interesting. As I keep watching the show in front of me, I start to get pissed. I know I told him to do whatever he wanted, but how dare he throw it in my face in front of our family? I stand to leave, and when I do I feel a muscle pull in my stomach. I grab my side and the table.

  Zander rushes over to me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I just got up too quick or something. It’s fine, I just pulled a muscle.” Zander won’t leave my side so Fallon says, “It happens, Zander, her body is spreading to make room for the babies, she’s fine.”

  “Well it was fun, guys, but I think I am going to go lay down in my office. Candy, nice meeting you.”

  Zander stops me and says, “Your office? You should be at home.”

  “I have work to do. You go have fun or whatever the hell you’re doing.”

  I bend to put my shoes back on and walk off.


  I brought Candy to show Murphy that if she wants me to date then this is what it will look like. I am at the end of my rope, we barely even see each other anymore. The worst is at night when we’re sleeping, I want nothing more than to reach out for her. But I know she doesn’t want that. So, I try to give her everything she asks for. It’s just so hard. I don’t mean to, but many times I have woken up with her in my arms. I apologize and roll over.

  Tonight didn’t play out like I wanted, though I should have figured it wouldn’t. She is so different than most women I’m used to. She tries not to show any emotion or either she really doesn’t care that I’m here on a date. Which technically is not a date. Candy is a high-end escort that my brothers and I know very well. I just wanted to get any kind of reaction out of Murphy, any sign that she cares. When I get the opposite reaction, my heart is crushed. Damn her! I notice she’s wearing a hot red dress that shows off every curve of her body, including her growing belly. Of course, a woman like Murphy wouldn’t worry about someone like Candy. Don’t get me wrong, Candy is beautiful, but she can’t hold a candle to my pregnant wife in my eyes. When I see that Red’s heels are off, I start to get concerned, but when she decides to stand to leave us I see her grab the table and her stomach. I freak and run to her. But my worries are dismissed like I have no reason to be concerned. I watch as she walks off. I ask Vin to bring Candy home so I can follow after Murphy.

  When I get to her office, I see her lying on the couch. I close the door behind me. I walk up to her, exchanging no words. I move her legs up to sit under them. I lay her legs back down and start rubbing her feet. She moans then says, “What are you doing here, Zander? Where’s your date?”

  “I asked Vin to take her home.”


  “Because I was worried about you.”

  She moans again when I apply pressure to the arch of her foot.

  “God, that feels good, I won’t even try to deny it.”

  Her eyes close as I keep rubbing. A few minutes pass then she asks me, “Did you really think I would be jealous over you bringing an escort with you tonight?”

  My hands stop, she knew. I start rubbing her foot again and ask, “How?”

  She laughs. “Zander, I have been around women like her my whole life. Between the strippers and the call girls, I’m surprised that I recognize any other type of women.”

  I can’t help but let out a small c
huckle as I continue to rub her foot. About a minute later she opens her eyes and shouts, “Zander! Give me your hand.”

  She has me scared. “What’s wrong, did I do something?”

  “No, give me your hand.”

  She takes my hand and lays it on her belly. “Wait for it.”

  My eyes go wide when I feel what she’s talking about, it’s not hard or big, but it was definitely a movement. I know my smile is huge. She has her hand on mine and we are feeling our babies’ first movement. It’s incredible. When we don’t feel anything else, I stand and gather her shoes and purse. I hand them to her, telling her to hold them.

  “Why, Zander, what are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you home.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. You need the rest.”

  She rolls her eyes and says, “Fine.”

  When she sits up, I grab her around the waist. I lift her and start carrying her out.

  “Zander, I can walk.”

  “Why would you when I have you?”

  I carry my wife outside the casino with people watching, like the last time I carried her out of here.

  We get home and I continue to carry her upstairs. When she turns the handle on our bedroom door, I carry her straight to the bathroom gently putting her down on her feet. I don’t say anything as I turn to start running the water for the bathtub. Once I have the water going, I turn back to her and without speaking I turn her around and unzip her dress. It slips down her body falling into a puddle on the floor at her feet. I wrap her hair in one of her large clips on top of her head. Then I start to undo her bra. She doesn’t resist, which surprises me. I bend, pulling her panties down her legs. She steps out one leg at a time. On my way back up, I lift her hand and guide her to the tub, helping her to step in. Once she is seated comfortably. I grab her towels then set them down and start to walk off.

  “Zander, why do you keep doing things like this?”

  “Because you’re mine and I can.”

  I leave the room with the last bit of restraint that I have.



  The next week goes by with Murphy still overworking herself. I take notice of how tired and restless she has become at night. With the pregnancy and stress she puts on herself, she barely ever gets any rest at all these days.

  I need to tell her that she needs to start slowing down, but I can’t tonight. Earlier I received a call from Theo asking me to meet him later, he says he has information I need to hear. I meet with Theo and Forrest at a restaurant that provides privacy for some of my business associates.

  Theo starts, “Son, you won’t be happy. Forrest has located Judith, or at least her remains.”

  “What do you mean her remains?”

  Forrest clears his throat to jump into the conversation. “I found out she has been hiding in South America. But when I sent my guys to retrieve her, they found her dead. Her body showed signs that she had been strangled. My guys called it into the police, anonymously of course. Then they called me. I told them to stick around for a couple of more days to see if anyone starts snooping around her place. When I know more I’ll let you know.”

  “I appreciate the information, Forrest. I just hope her murder wasn’t because of who she hired. That would mean this guy will go to any lengths to cover his tracks. It’s not a good sign.”

  Both Theo and Forrest nod, knowing I’m right. This is the worst information I could have gotten. It’s getting late so I excuse myself, telling Theo I will see him tomorrow at breakfast.

  On my way home I decide to keep this information from Murphy for now. This would just upset her more.

  When I finally arrive at home it’s after midnight. I stroll into our bedroom to find Murphy sleeping, but not soundly. I undress and lay beside her as quietly as I can. She starts kicking the sheets off, tossing and turning in her sleep. Another restless night.

  I stare at the ceiling, trying to avoid her now exposed body. Fuck, how much can a man take? Then she starts writhing again, she pushes her ass against me. The next thing that happens blows my mind. I hear her talking in her sleep. She says my name and then something else I can’t make out. I push myself up gently, trying not to wake her so I can watch her. I start noticing how she’s rubbing her thighs together tight. It makes me smile with the realization that my wife is as sexually frustrated as I am. Then I hear her moan as she calls out my name again. This leaves me wondering what I should do. I know she won’t ask me to help her out and she won’t allow me to think she needs me. But the more I watch her and listen to her soft moans, I know I am exactly what she needs. Fuck it, she might not want to let me know she needs me, but her body tells me all I need to know.

  I turn to my side, facing her back. Then I start caressing her arm and back. She is in such a deep, restless sleep that it doesn’t wake her, but then the moans come again. I turn it up a notch by moving her hair off her neck and start nibbling her sensitive spots. She moans again but still doesn’t wake, however she starts moving more trying to gain friction between her legs. I am so turned on at this point that I have to remind myself that tonight is about her and not me. I slowly start rubbing my hand down her side, following the curve of her waist and those wide hips. Damn, I love her hips, it’s like traveling down a deep valley and over a steep mountain with my fingers. When I reach her panties I slowly push my hand underneath them, then take my knee and push between her legs for her to open. Now I can feel her wake up. She hasn’t said a word, but I know she’s awake. I can tell because her breathing has changed and her body has become stiff.

  I whisper in her ear, “Let me help you, Red. Let me make you feel good.”

  She doesn’t move, so I try again. “I want to help you relax. You’ve been so stressed out lately.”

  I nibble her neck some more then I start to feel her body relax.

  “Tonight will be just for you. I promise. Open for me, baby.”

  After only a few seconds of her overthinking it, I feel her legs separate. But then I push them back together so I can pull her panties down. Once I have them removed completely I open her top leg back up and start my trail to her pussy. When I arrive at my designated spot, I growl out with how wet she is.

  “Have you been dreaming of me?”

  She doesn’t answer, I really didn’t expect her to.

  “You’re so wet, Red, tell me that’s for me?”

  I start to manipulate her swollen clit in-between my fingers and she lets out the first sound since she woke. I did that, I don’t care if she admits that she was dreaming of me or not. I know she was. This is the only reason I can control myself. Knowing it was my name, she was whispering in her sleep, knowing that she needs me, has me beyond excited to make her cum. My fingers trail further to where I need to be. I have been dying to feel her warmth again. In my head, I’m cursing my fingers for being able to feel her the way my cock wants to.

  My finger pushes inside as I slowly stretch her, making room for another finger. “You feel that, Red? Do you feel yourself wrapped around my finger?”

  She starts to moan and then I hear the faintest whisper of “More.” That’s what I wanted, so I insert another finger. She’s so wet that I feel her dripping down my hand. I remove my fingers and rub her wetness all over the crack of her ass. Getting it nice and lubricated, so I can lay my hard cock between her crack. I feel her tense, I whisper in her ear, “Relax, I won’t do anything you don’t want, just enjoy.”

  Once she relaxes again, I separate her ass cheeks and slide my cock back and forth over and over. The amount of control I have should show her how much I love her. She starts rocking against me, trying to find her own release, but that’s not how this is going to play out.

  “Red, you need to stop. I only have so much restraint. I’m trying, baby. But you can’t do that.”

  She stops immediately. So, I go back to rubbing my cock all over her, sliding up and down until I am well lubricated. I settle back between her as
s. Then push my fingers back inside of her. She lets out another moan that makes me fucking growl in her ear. I make my movements precise, starting off slow and then going faster and harder until I have her panting out my name. That’s right, my fucking name. I push my cock against her harder, causing her more pleasure, then I aim to make her cum before I go crazy. With pressure on her ass and fingers in her pussy, I maneuver over her hard clit and work it as fast as I can, causing her to explode immediately. I slow my movements, but I don’t stop. I let her ride this wave out with me still finger fucking her.

  When I feel her body go completely slack, I start to remove my fingers, but then she grabs my hand between her legs. Stunned, I ask, “What, baby?”

  She turns to me and says, “I need more, Zander, I need you.”

  I stare into her eyes, seeing she means it. Fuck me, finally, she wants me. I slide my hand up her open leg and push it further out. With us still staring at each other I push my very hard cock deep inside her. This woman lets out the sweetest sound I have ever heard. It only makes me harder if that’s possible. I thrust into her harder and with intent to give her all I have. Her arm flies up and wraps around my neck as she starts bucking against me.

  I slow down because I need her to understand what this means. I growl in her ear with every slow deep thrust. “You cannot do this again, Murphy. Not anymore, not after tonight. I will not have you withhold from me anymore, do you hear me?”

  She’s panting and trying to make my movements faster, but I’m refusing until she understands what I want.

  “You need to answer me, Red! I am not being deprived of you or your body anymore. You are mine, my wife, and my lover. You feel this?”

  I push my cock to the hilt, making her scream out. “That’s the only cock you will ever have from now on. So, from this day forward you will worship it like I worship you.”


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