Endure (Evolve #4)

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Endure (Evolve #4) Page 6

by S. E. Hall

  He’s lying. And the narrow margin of comfort I was grasping onto tightly for the sake of sanity vanishes... somebody stole his damn phone! I narrow my eyes at him, silently calling him on his bullshit, and he averts his own immediately.

  Uh huh. Definitely stolen.

  “Great idea.” I smile as though it was actually his. “You get Ben, I’ll text Dane.” I wait until he walks away, then look to the girls. “Okay, even Zach said I should text them. Everybody feel good about that plan now?” I hold out my hand to Emmett.

  And while Whitley says yes, Emmett agrees by places her phone in my palm, finally.

  Emmett: Hey, it’s Laney. I left my phone at the resort and knew you’d be blowing a gasket soon. We’re fine, on our way back.

  I should’ve just sent a row of lil’ white flags. Is there an emoji for that? Cause I know, even if he’s short of furious, he’s well beyond slightly unhappy. Not that I can blame him. Jamaica’s beautiful and the people couldn’t be friendlier-truly, the accommodations offered, right on the sidewalk, range the gamut... but being out here at night, unfamiliar with the area, does make me uneasy. So when he comes back with exactly that reasoning, I won’t be able to even attempt my way through a valid argument.

  Dane: Where are you, specifically?

  “Uh, either of you know the name of this place? I ask them.

  “Why?” Whitley’s tone reinforces my own sudden suspicions.

  “No reason, just, Dane was wondering.”

  Emmett: Not exactly sure, why?

  Dane: Why? Why do you think?

  Emmett: You don’t have to come get us. We’re headed back. We’ll be there sooner than you could find us anyway.

  Dane: Don’t be so sure. Now where are you?

  “Anything? Guys, what’s the name?” My voice is shrill and I’m starting to sweat in secret places.

  “It was named after a bird, wasn’t it? Pelican? Flamingo?” Emmett sputters.

  “Stork? Eagle?” Okay, Whitley’s just naming off random birds now. Not helpful. “Want me to go out front and look at the sign?”

  “No!” Em and I yell in unison.

  Dane: Waiting

  Oh, he’s just gonna love this response.

  Emmett: We think it’s a bird name, maybe Flamingo? There’s a little guy playing a steel drum on the sidewalk and t-shirts hanging from the awning thing.

  Dane: Don’t’ fucking move.

  Psshhh, like I was gonna.

  “They’re coming here, aren’t they?” Whitley asks, just to offload some of her nerves, she already knows the answer.

  “Yep.” I pop, searching the dance floor. “Pretty sure they were already on their way. Should be barging through the door any minute now. So you see, ladies, bombs had already been detonated before the great text debate.” Enough small talk, I need to flag down Zach and warn him ASAP. I stand on the bottom rung of my chair and wave my arms like a lunatic while screaming his name. Right before I throw my arm out of socket, he notices and speeds up his steps our way, dragging a scowling Bennett behind him.

  “We’re ready, let’s go,” he grunts over Bennett’s harrumph.

  “Too late.” I shrug, looking anywhere but at him. I feel bad; if they were already looking for us, they’re already pissed… Zach doesn’t deserve any of this. “Boys are on their way, want us to stay put.”

  “Awesome!” Bennett’s frown is now a huge smile. “I’m gonna dance some more then.” I don’t get a chance to tell her how “awesome” it’s not, or that maybe she should stick around to field some fury with the rest of us, before she’s off, headed straight for the same very good-looking, tall guy she’s been dancing with all night.

  I’m trying really hard not to think her inconsiderate. She doesn’t mean anything by it, Bennett would never intentionally treat any of her friends badly I remind myself. She’s just been single so long, she’s of that mindset, no other half’s feelings or concerns to consider when she’s finally lost in a good time.

  “They mad?” Zach speaks to me, but watches Bennett... which I also have yet to put my finger directly on. Naturally, Zach and Ben always tend to gravitate toward one another, the two of our group not part of a couple, but there’s something’s different in the air around and between the two of them, has been since today’s little adventure started.

  “Laney?” He asks again, interrupting my curious, wandering thoughts.

  “What? Oh, yeah, of course Dane—” I stop... and decide to let the thundercloud of a man who just stormed in the bar answer for himself.

  Well this should be interesting.

  But on a happier note, I see Sawyer noticed the t-shirts outside. Although, I’m not sure wearing the tie-dye garment around his head like a doo rag is his best look.

  And Evan; I’m not sure if the worry painted across his face is about us being gone… or us being found.

  “Hey.” Zach turns to greet the three of them as I wiggle in my seat, Dane’s livid stare boring into me. “We were just about to head back. How’d you get here so fast?”

  “Your phone broken?” Dane seethes at him, taking a step into Zach’s space, and ignoring his question.

  “Babe.” I jump up and hurry around the table, inserting myself between the two of them. “Don’t be mad at Zach. We didn’t ask him to leave until just before I texted you, which he suggested too. His phone, um, disappeared, and you know I don’t have mine with me.”

  Dane’s heart is banging against my hand on his chest. He looks down at me, his eyes silently telling me that no amount of rambling excuses are going to calm him right now, then back at Zach. “Somebody stole your phone right off you?” He asks Zach with an underlying sarcasm.

  See, I shouldn’t have made eye contact with him, even though his were narrowed suspiciously and mine were flittering as much as possible, without being too obvious, in an attempt to distract him. No matter what, he can read mine like an open book.

  It’s a weird transfer thing, not so much phenomenal as inconvenient in our current situation. I pick up on what Zach’s not saying, then one look, and I’ve told Dane too.

  “You get robbed, and that doesn’t say to you, ‘maybe I should get the women out of here? Cause, I don’t know, they could get robbed too! Or, somebody could steal them?’”

  Mayday. Going from bad to worse at warp speed.

  I start to interject again, but Zach’s not having it, growling right back at Dane over my head. “I didn’t say it was stolen, I could’ve set it down somewhere. And as you can see, everybody’s here, no one got stolen.” That last part he says in a mocking sneer, obviously thinking Dane is being over the top ridiculous now. “You need to chill the fuck out, man.”

  “Five fucking people and not one of you has a functioning phone, still in your possession?” Dane’s voice vibrates with its intensity and both his hands are now shoved back through his hair. I wrap both arms around his waist, desperate to calm him down, when Evan has the good sense to redirect the conversation.

  “Whit, why didn’t you call?” Evan asks her, nicely, arm thrown around her shoulder, apparently not as concerned with the world ending as some people.

  I flick my gaze over to Sawyer real quick, wondering about his reaction to all this… and wish I hadn’t.

  Sawyer’s not mad.

  And Emmett might actually get pregnant from their reunion.

  Zach answers Evan, but the anger contained therein is meant solely for Dane. “Cause she was out with her friends, having a good time, and knew she was safe with me! I get that one of us should’ve called, but get the fuck over it. The next one of you who even insinuates that I wouldn’t take care of these girls with my life is going the fuck down. They’re not helpless, or three years old, and you’re starting to piss me the hell off.”

  Evan is keen to who Zach’s actually talking to as well, over-smiling and keeping his response upbeat. “You’re absolutely right man. Everything’s fine now, thanks for looking out for ‘em. So, we ready to go then? Where’s Be

  “Dancing,” Zach grumbles, nudging his head in the direction of her approximate location, sounding more pissed about that than he is at Dane.

  “Damn!” All heads whip to Evan at his excited outburst. “You know who that is she’s dancing with?” He asks everyone, but lifts a brow at me in question and it kills me I can’t fire off the answer to douse that smug taunt in his eyes. “Shane Holloway, third baseman for the Pharaohs.”

  I knew he looked familiar! Dammit, I so had that!

  “No shit?” Sawyer decides to come up for air, or maybe let Emmett have some rather, joining the conversation. “Leave it to me people, I’ll go round up Bennett.” He puffs out his chest and throws back his shoulders, weaving through the dancing bodies.

  Like Sawyer’s ever sat still through a whole baseball game in his life! What a glory whore.

  Evan groans and rubs a hand over his jaw. “Everyone’s aware he’s going to embarrass us, right?”

  “Surely not,” Dane scoffs. “The only real question is whether it will take more or less time than usual for his stoned ass to cause a scene.”

  Emmett lets out a gasp. “His what ass?”

  “Oh, yeah, high as a kite,” Evan confirms with a chuckle.

  Well of course Sawyer’s stoned. Was there ever any doubt that Sawyer would live by the infamous When in Rome motto?

  “Are you high?” I look up at Dane, searching his eyes for any tell-tale signs.

  “Oh, baby,” he snarls as he stares down at me and winks. “Don’t you wish. No, Laney, I am perfectly sober, and still mad as hell.”

  I know I shouldn’t shiver, and my toes shouldn’t curl at his feral warning. I’m also probably supposed to remind him that I’m a grown woman, who can do as she pleases and doesn’t take kindly to threats.

  But damn if I don’t forget how, suddenly more ready than ever to get back to the resort, and our bed... with my pissed off Caveman.

  “Understandable.” I gulp, stepping in to connect every inch of my front flush to his. “After all, I’ve been a very bad girl.”

  Deep Sea Diversion

  Laney’s parents had somehow managed to remain pretty scarce, entertaining themselves, on the trip thus far. And not that I mind their company whatsoever, but the one day in as long as I can remember that I’ve slept in, and they’re at my door at 8 a.m. Loudly arguing with each other in the breezeway over whether or not it’s too early to wake us. Debate settled. Not only did they indeed wake us up, but if Laney, the textbook example of not a morning person, is jumping up at the volume of their voices, everyone in Jamaica must now be awake too.

  Needless to say, Laney and I had a late night. If I’m tired, she’s got to be exhausted, and perhaps a little sore in all the right places. And not by the same unsafe extremes, but I’m kinda hoping she tests my limits again… soon.

  I can hear Laney doing about as good of a job as her parents at whispering to them at the door, and I really wouldn’t mind another hour or so to recuperate myself, but I’ll be damned if I ever let Jeff Walker see me slacking. So I get out of bed, throw on a shirt and some gym shorts and go greet them.

  “Morning, you guys come on in.”

  “Babe.” Laney tosses me a glance over her shoulder. “Are you sure?” She wants another hour to recover too.

  “Of course, let your parents in. Just give me a few to get showered and dressed and we’ll all grab breakfast together.”

  “Okay.” I muffle a laugh at the tinge of disappointment only I detect in her reply.

  After a too-short shower, unaccompanied by Laney due to our surprise guests, I’m dressed and walk out to the living room. “Are we ready?” I ask.

  Laney smiles at me, ushering her folks toward the door that I shut then follow a step behind, listening as my girl catches up with them on what they’ve been doing.

  “Don’t worry Dane.” Mr. Walker turns his head to give me that look of his. “I’ve got plenty of Florin to pay for the meal this morning. Did you know that’s the common currency here?”

  I refrain from pointing out that American Express Black is taken everywhere, simply nodding. “I was aware, but good thinking, sir. Thank you.”

  “Well, somebody’s got to make sure we eat.” He laughs, looking proudly at the two women.

  Yes, because Laney and I have been scavenging the island for nuts and berries in order to survive up to this point

  He’s a prideful man, who raised a prideful daughter whom I wouldn’t change a thing about, so I shrug it off. Set in his ways is all. Deep down, he knows he never has to worry about Laney being taken care of. And deep down, I know he’s never gonna stop reminding me he expects no less.

  We spend the morning and early afternoon with Jeff and Trish, but after a big breakfast and then hitting at least twenty gift shops, in an entirely different section of town then last night, Trish is looking worn and Jeff is quick to excuse them for a nap.

  I’m thinking a nap sounds pretty damn good myself, but one step back inside the resort lobby and Laney and I are bombarded. Sawyer at the helm. God help us.

  “There ya’ll are! Go get your suits on, we’ll wait. I booked us all a snorkeling lesson.” I steal a glimpse at Laney, hoping her face says I’d rather have a naked nap, save us, but it doesn’t. Rather, her eyes are ablaze with the excitement of adventure, which she never turns down. And they’re all standing there waiting expectantly for us to join them, towels and beach bags in hand.

  “Come on.” Whitley steps forward, doing that half-whine, guilt you into it thing she does so well. “This is our last day of fun before we have to really grill down and get serious about the wedding stuff.”

  “We weren’t already doing that?” I laugh at the way Laney’s brown eyes double in size and her beautiful skin pales as she asks. “There’s more?”

  “Oh, stop.” Whitley swats her on the arm and giggles. “You’re so dramatic. You know we’ve barely scratched the surface. But you secretly enjoy every minute of it. It’s okay to admit it.”

  Emmett and Bennett spring to Laney’s rescue, flanking her on both sides. “Just go get changed and we’ll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow,” Bennett reassures her and Emmett nods along.

  “I just—why does one buy an inclusive package, if you still have to do all the packaging,” Laney mumbles, shuffling her feet toward our room in a daze. “What exactly are we paying Pablo for again? Assisted suicide? Mine? I’m making a valid point, right?” She asks no one in particular.

  “Quite the crowd,” Laney mutters as we approach the boat. “Is that Shane?”

  Sure enough, I look to see Bennett and the ball player standing on the deck waiting for everyone else.

  “Yeah, I invited him last night,” Sawyer tells us. “Seems like a cool enough guy.”

  “Just because he’s famous. And you were stoned.” She mumbles the last part too low for anyone other than me to actually hear as she hands me her bag and climbs aboard.

  Not sure what her grumping is about, but I don’t have a chance to ask as Bennett launches right in to introductions.

  By the time we’re all on a first name basis with new guy, the diving instructor is ready to start explaining procedures.

  The captain announces we’ll be departing soon and Laney whips her head back toward the dock. “Wait, where’s Zach?”

  “Hold up!” Evan shouts, standing and pointing at the couple running down the shore.

  Yes, couple. Zach isn’t alone, his hand holding that of a very silicone-enhanced local woman. Not just any woman either, which is how I know she’s local, and could’ve told you she’s every bit a DD even with her still some distance away. I’m not the only one who picked up on her familiarity either; Laney leaning forward and sliding her sunglasses down her nose a bit, gasping at the confirmation of who we’re watching approach… in a bikini instead of a uniform.

  “What the—?” She asks the air.

  “So I’m right, that really is—” Laney jabs a killer elbow in my side to cu
t me off, and maybe crack a rib.

  “Yes, that’s one of the housekeepers.” She hisses low.

  My scoff grabs Whitley’s attention, but I play it off since Laney obviously wants this kept on the DL, snaring my girl’s chin and kissing her hard and deep. But the commotion of Zach and date climbing aboard causes her to pull back, her eyes narrowed in on mine. “Don’t say a word, you’ll embarrass her and Zach.”

  I agree with a wink as she climbs off my lap and takes her own seat, the cockblocking boat captain making a comment about safety as he walks by… which I have to admit, I agree with him on.

  So Zach’s rolling around in bed with the maid before she makes it. Why’s Laney so paranoid that anyone would have a problem with that? Not enough sleep, gotta be why she’s on edge.

  Small sacrifice to pay for nights like we just had though.

  Zach introduces us all to Tia, the impatient instructor tapping his foot while we take our time greeting her, and once they too take their seats, we’re off.

  After we’ve had an overabundance of safety information—cause really, it’s snorkeling, not shark feeding—and some time to talk as a group, I’m positive there’s something more than sleep deprivation going on with Laney. And she’s not the only one acting strange. Bennett’s sitting with Shane, but her attention, like Laney’s, is glued on the show, just a couple moves or digit slips away from a NC 17 rating, Zach is putting on. One of his hands is hidden behind Tia’s back, the other between her thighs, and his face is buried in her neck. Not that I care… and Lord knows I’m trying not to look lest I be accused of staring at Tia’s huge rack. Even though Laney should know better, I’m a proud card-carrying member of the Ass Man Society. No sense in taking any chances though.

  What’s starting to piss me off is that Laney can’t pull her annoyed expression or focus away from them, and audition for a role of her own, with me. I’ve never gotten any play on a rickety excuse for a boat, bound for Jamaican snorkeling, and feel sure I’m being deprived of the full experience.


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