Revenge: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 2)

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Revenge: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 2) Page 3

by Amy Brown

  His gaze flickers. “Yeah, why?”

  “Why?” I raise my brows. “Because they were beating you up.”

  He frowns. “Right. Just like you told them to.”

  “I… I didn’t tell anyone to beat anyone up.” What is he talking about? Maybe I got a little verbose earlier with Sophia, and I let the excitement of the moment take over, but I definitely didn’t tell anyone to go beat people up. “You’re the ones who beat people up. You’re the bullies.”

  He takes a step back. “Mason said you were trouble, and now look what you’ve done.” He wipes blood from his face and stares at the scarlet streaks on his hand. “You’ve started a war, bitch. I hope you’re happy.”

  I watch him bolt away, confusion rolling through me. I started a war? All I did was strike first, so that Mason didn’t humiliate me. I don’t have any big plans. Was I supposed to just stand by and let Mason and The Elites do whatever they wanted to? Anger boils in my gut when he flips me off, and disappears around the corner of the building.

  “What an ungrateful little prick,” I mutter. Seething, I hurry toward my classroom. I’ve wasted way too much of my day with this nonsense. Mason is in trouble with his friends because he lied to them. That isn’t my fault. I just need to mind my own business and this craziness will blow over.

  You’ve started a war, bitch. I hope you’re happy.

  I don’t have time for delusional people. The Elites and their followers are insane if they think I started this mess. They were out of control way before I ever showed up on the scene. All I did was protect myself. It’s not my fault the majority of the school is sick of their bullying.

  The Elites can throw a tantrum if they want, but they made this bed, and now they have to lie in it. It has nothing to do with me.

  Chapter Three


  By some miracle I’m able to talk the school nurse into letting me go home early. She doesn’t believe I’m sick, but I do my best to charm her, and she finally relents. I’m not sure what I’ll do about the rest of the school year though. I can’t hide at home forever.

  Thank God Mom is still in Arizona visiting family, and Dad is out of the country. Amanda, the housekeeper is surprised to see me home early, but what I do isn’t really her business. She’s got plenty to keep her busy, and babysitting me isn’t in her job description.

  I grab a bottle of tequila from the wet bar, and head up to my room to strategize. There isn’t really much I can do to help my situation, but I have to at least try. The golden liquor burns as it goes down, but brings with it a pleasant haze. I can honestly say today was the worst day of my life. It may take two bottles of tequila to feel better.

  It’s amazing how swiftly the Non-Elites turned on me. I thought maybe I’d have a day to figure shit out, but nope. They were out for blood before I even hit first period. Sitting in the same class as Charity was torture. I could smell her familiar perfume, and her foot would bump the leg of my desk now and then. It took all my self-control not to turn around, and smash her face into the top of her desk.

  Maybe it’s irrational to hate her for hitting me before I could hit her, but I do hate her. She’s destroyed my life. I’m the fucking pariah of the school thanks to her. I’m the target for all the hatred those kids feel toward The Elites. I have the bullseye on my back because I’ve been temporarily cut from the group. I have no protection. None.

  When there’s a knock on my bedroom door, I scowl. “Fuck off,” I yell, not even bothering to be polite. If it’s Amanda she needs to leave me alone. I’m in no mood to talk to anyone.

  The door opens, and I sit up, scowling. When Travis pops his head around the corner of the door, my mouth drops open in surprise. He’s not supposed to talk to me. He could get shunned along with me for just trying to talk to me. I’m speechless as he walks into the room.

  “Hey.” His face is tense, and his eyes dark.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask breathlessly. “Jeremy will have your ass if he finds out.”

  “Then let’s be sure he doesn’t find out.” He comes in and closes the door behind him. He would usually sit on my bed, and start chatting about his day, but he stands where he is, looking uneasy.

  “Why are you here?”

  He sighs. “I wanted to be sure you’re okay.”

  I wrinkle my brow. “Of course I’m not fucking okay. I’ve been shunned, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” He finally moves closer, and his eyes warm. He sits on the mattress, and he rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. “This is one fucked up day.”

  “Yeah, and only twenty-nine more to go.”

  He winces. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah.” I take a long swig from the bottle, wincing at the bitter liquid.

  He holds out his hand, and I pass the bottle to him. He drinks some of the booze, grimacing, but takes another big mouthful. Once he’s swallowed, he hands it back to me. “What’s your plan?”

  I laugh humorlessly. “My plan? I don’t have one. Short of switching schools, I foresee a lot of ass kicking in my future.” How the fuck did Charity get me in this position? I feel like I’m in a nightmare. That stupid little slip of a girl has screwed me over so bad, I’m not sure it’s recoverable.

  “I tried talking to Jeremy in private, but he’s not budging.”

  “I didn’t think he would.”

  He hangs his head. “I hoped he might.”

  Travis has a much more generous view of Jeremy than me. I knew that hard-ass Jeremy wouldn’t soften. He likes having me on the outside. He truly thinks he’s better than me, and that I deserve this.

  “You really shouldn’t be here,” I say. Stretching out and staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Hey, if I get shunned too, at least they’ll be two of us. Safety in numbers, right?” He gives a gruff laugh.

  “Frankly, the way the kids were glaring at me today, I’m not sure any of us are safe.”

  He nods. “I agree. You’re the one who was shunned, but I had a few kids challenge me in the halls. They eventually moved and dropped their gaze, but I could see they wanted to put me in my place.”

  “That bitch has really started a dumpster fire.”

  “Yeah.” He grabs the tequila from my hand again, and drinks. Then he says, “Why didn’t you at least tell me you were sleeping with her?” He sounds hurt. “I thought we were close.”

  I wince. “We are close.”

  “So then, why keep me in the dark?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I didn’t want it to get back to Jeremy.”

  “You thought I’d tell him?” He looks angry, as he pulls his auburn brows tight.

  “No.” I meet his gaze. “Mostly I didn’t want you in trouble if I got caught. I didn’t want you to be complicit. Looks like that was a good idea.”

  His shoulders slump. “I can’t just stand by and watch you get beat up. I’m going to end up shunned anyway. If Jeremy thinks I can do that, he doesn’t know me very well.”

  I’m happy to hear my pal isn’t okay with what has happened to me, although I’m worried he’s going to get himself into trouble too. “Don’t be so fucking loyal. You think I’d defend you if our roles were reversed?”

  “Yes.” His eyes flicker.

  “You’re wrong,” I lie. “I wouldn’t get in trouble protecting you. You’d be on your own.”

  He looks like he believes me at first, but then he narrows his eyes. “Bullshit. You’re such a fucking liar.”

  “I’m not lying. I wouldn’t stand up for you.”

  He starts laughing, and he shocks me when he lunges for me, and grabs me in a headlock. I start laughing too, and I try to shove him off of me. He’s too strong though, and I’m stuck with my head under his armpit.

  “Let me go. You stink,” I growl, trying to squash my grin.

  “Fuck off. I just showered.” He lets go of me, and sniffs his arm pit. “I knew you were lying.”

sit up and run my hands over my hair. “You’re such a sap.”

  “And you’re a phony. You like to act like you’re so tough, but I know you too well. You’re loyal like a fucking collie. No way would you let me get my ass kicked without helping me.” He reclines across the foot of my bed. “We have to figure something out to help you.”

  “There’s nothing to do. The Non-Elites are out for blood. I’m alone, so I’m the obvious target.”

  “Maybe you can join the EPG club.” He grins. “Perhaps those tree huggers will protect you.”

  “My dad would have a stroke.” I drink some more tequila, happy that at least me and Travis are okay again. He’s like a brother, and it means a lot to me that he came to check on me. Maybe it’s the tequila or the shitty day I’ve had, but it even makes me feel a little weepy, knowing he cares.

  “The Non-Elites are treating Charity like she’s Jesus returned,” mutters Travis.

  I frown. “Really?”

  “Yeah. They’re listening to her. They think she’s the leader of some fucking rebellion or something.”

  “What the hell? She’s a transfer student.”

  “They don’t care about that. Only The Elites give a shit about that stuff.” He sighs. “Sophia tried to take her on, and the kids all turned on Sophia.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I bug my eyes.

  “Yep. It’s bad out there. I think we’re all in trouble.” He studies me. “The Elites’ time may have come. Maybe we ran our course.”

  “Don’t say that.” I scowl. “We’ve always ruled Longhorn Academy. Just because some transfer bitch got one over on me, that’s no reason to think The Elites are over. No way.”

  “I respect your fighting spirit. Especially considering how The Elites are treating you at the moment.” He laughs.

  “Thirty days, and I’m back on top. I need a top to come back to.” I smirk.

  His smile fades. “I’m really worried about you.”

  “Nah.” I speak with a bravado I’m far from feeling. “I’ll keep my head low, and not engage. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Did you know Charity’s stepdad is Fred Cartwright?” He frowns.

  “Not until last night. I thought she still lived in that trailer park.”

  “I had no clue she was the stepdaughter of the richest fucker in Blue Horn, Texas. She didn’t act like it.” He grins. “I guess you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl.”

  I laugh, but truth is, Charity has always seemed above girls like Sophia to me. Even when I thought she was trailer trash, she had a way about her that made her seem ions above the snobby sluts at Longhorn Academy. But I don’t want to remember how much I liked her, or how nice it was fucking her because that makes me weak. I can’t afford to think with my dick right now. That’s how I got in this mess to begin with.

  “If the Non-Elites get too uppity, maybe The Elites will take me back sooner just so we have more people on our side.” I rub my chin, fantasizing about my problems disappearing.

  Travis twists his lips, looking doubtful. “Jeremy seemed pretty stubborn when I talked to him. He was really pissed you got to Charity before him. His ego is definitely involved.”

  “Which makes no sense, since he’s the one who told me to seduce her,” I growl. “He just doesn’t like me. He’s probably wanted to oust me for years, but never had a reason you’d go along with.”

  Travis winces. “You did lie to us, Mason. You broke the rules. I had no choice other than to go along with the others.”

  I nod. “Yet, here you are in my house, drinking my tequila.”

  He shrugs. “I can love you and still be pissed at you.”

  I frown. “Are you pissed at me?”

  “Kind of.” His gaze grows more intense. “I don’t like that you didn’t tell me about Charity. I don’t like that you lied to my face over and over again. It hurts. Makes me question our friendship.”

  My stomach drops. “No, Trav. Don’t do that. You’re like a brother to me. I just got caught up with the chase.” I exhale roughly. “Charity seemed to have some kind of power over me. I didn’t have the strength to stop sleeping with her.”

  He snorts. “You were drugged by her magical pussy?”

  “Basically. But I swear, last night was going to be the last time. But, as we all know, she got me first.”

  “Yeah. She got you good.”

  I press my lips tight. “I’m going to get her back. I’m not sure how just yet, but I will get my revenge.”

  A slow smile spreads across his face. “Yeah?”

  “Of course. Did you think I’d let that bitch do this to me, and not have my retribution?” I sit up straighter, staring across the room. “Eventually, she’ll be vulnerable, and I’ll pounce.”

  “It won’t be easy. She’s like the Queen of the Nerds at the moment.”

  “But she isn’t a queen. She’s trailer trash. She’s a troublemaker who came into our little world, and fucked everything up. I’m royalty, not her.” I narrow my eyes and hiss, “And I say, off with her head.”

  Chapter Four


  By the time I get home from school I’m emotionally drained. It’s almost more exhausting having all the kids like me. Before, I was more invisible. I could come and go as I pleased. Now, everywhere I go, kids were pointing and whispering. I’m not someone who loves the limelight.

  I’m lying on my bed, perusing my art history book when Lily my maid comes in. She’s the only reason I got the upper hand on Mason. If she hadn’t come to me last night, and told me all about Mason’s little seduction games with The Elites, I’d have been the one with egg on my face today.

  She’s holding a tray with Oreos and a glass of milk. She sets it on the mattress, and studies me. “How did it go today?” She knows everything that happened between Mason and me last night. I appreciate that she doesn’t look judgmental.

  “Mason was kicked out of The Elites for thirty days.” I say the words brightly, but I feel guilt. I need to work on that. He deserves everything that’s happening to him right now. Logically, I know this.

  “Yes.” She smiles. “Lucia told me.”

  I grab one of the cookies and take a bite. Crumbs sprinkle down onto my lap, and I brush them off. “He left school early, so nothing happened to him.”

  “He can’t hide forever.” She gnaws her lip.

  “No.” I’m not going to share with her how bad I feel for Mason. She only knows his horrible side. I’ve seen his sweet side too. I know the way he looked at me sometimes wasn’t fake. He was starting to like me as a person, just the way I was him. But he was still going to betray me, and that’s the part I need to remember.

  “Hopefully this experience will humble him.” Lucia grabs my laundry basket.

  “Maybe. I don’t think he’s easily humbled.” I sigh, and toss the half eaten cookie back on the plate. I have no appetite. Something must really be wrong with me, if I’m passing up a snack.

  Lily crooks her head. “You seem unhappy. I’d have thought you’d be thrilled that you got Mason before he could get you.”

  “I’m very happy about that part.” I grimace. “I just find violence distasteful.”


  “Some of the kids were beating up followers of The Elite. It was crazy. I didn’t feel like I was at school, I felt like I was in a war zone.”

  “Oh. That sounds awful.”

  “It was.” I meet her sympathetic gaze. “Some of the kids were acting like I’m their leader or something. I have no desire to be their hero.”

  “Some leaders are chosen, they don’t volunteer.”

  I frown. “But, I just want to go to school and get good grades. I don’t have any interest in saving the world.”

  “I know. It will all blow over most likely.”

  “I hope so.” Remembering how angry the Non-Elites were today, I’m not so sure things will go back to normal before m
ore blood is spilled. They’ve endured years of humiliation and bullying from The Elites. It felt as if they’d reached their limit today.

  Lily hesitates. “May I speak freely?”

  “Of course.”

  “I think whether you like it or not, the kids do feel you’re their leader.”

  My face warms. “But… I don’t want that.”

  “I know.” She grimaces. “Lucia said you showed the other kids that The Elites are vulnerable. It’s natural that they will continue to look to you for guidance.”

  I wince. “All I did was put up photos of Mason naked and hog-tied, and some damaging texts between us. I didn’t blow up the Death Star.”

  “But you got Mason naked and hog-tied. You did that. Don’t you see how cool that is? You actually managed to get him in that vulnerable position. Lucia said that’s why everyone is so impressed. Plus, when Sophia came at you in the halls, you fought back. You’re not taking shit, and the kids love it.”

  “But… any one of them could have done that at any time.”

  “They didn’t, though.” Her laugh is heartfelt. “It’s like you woke the rest of the students up. Now they’re looking to you to lead them to victory.”

  I groan, and cover my face. “But I don’t want to be their leader. Where would I lead them?” I drop my hands, feeling anxious. “I don’t have a plan.”

  She moves to the door, balancing the laundry basket on her hip. “Better come up with one, then. Because I can guarantee you, The Elites already have one. They will come after you, Charity.”

  “But why? I was simply protecting myself. I never really wanted to start a revolution. I was simply angry and spouting off.”

  Her face softens. “This was why I worried when you said you wanted to punish Mason. I told you revenge has a way of biting you back.”

  “So I should have just let him use and humiliate me?”

  Her gaze flickers. “No.”

  “But that’s kind of what my choice was. Allow him to hurt me, or hurt him first.”

  She narrows her eyes. “You could have just ignored him.”


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