Bear For Her (Lone Reach Shifters Book 1)

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Bear For Her (Lone Reach Shifters Book 1) Page 4

by Samantha Leal

  She nodded, and now she knew she was blushing. She had momentarily acted like a brat, and he had instantly called her out on it.

  “I know,” she said apologetically. “I just worry about Harper…”

  She trailed off and turned to watch her again. She was running and laughing, helping the other girls make the top half of the snowman now, while the boys gathered pinecones and stones to make the eyes and buttons.

  “She looks like she’s doing just fine to me,” he said with a hint of cockiness.

  She scowled at him, but he smiled, and then, so did Chloe. He certainly knew how to tease her in a nice, lighthearted way.

  Her mind was going a hundred miles a minute; so many thoughts were swirling around.

  Where would they stay? She didn’t feel as if she could ask Mary to put them up in the hotel for another night free of charge…

  What would they do for money? She had intended on getting a job as soon as they had landed in their new town…

  What about Harper? She had been out of school now for several weeks and again, Chloe had been intending to enroll her the moment they had found their new town. She was going to settle her in quick and hope she made friends and forgot all about Bridge Hollow and what had happened to them there…

  And now, there was the problem of the car… it would, no doubt, need a ton of repairs, and she was running low on funds as if was.

  “Oh, man,” she found herself sighing.

  Mason put his hand on her shoulder, and she felt a tingle of electricity. She looked up, her eyes locking with his. They were a dark, enchanting green and made her still for a moment.

  “Everything will be okay,” he said. “I know it will. So, try not to worry.”

  He may have been good at telling her off when she had a princess moment, but he was also good at reassuring her. She smiled weakly and nodded.

  “You’re right,” she said. “I’ll figure it all out.”

  “Did you call your folks and update them?” he asked, and for a moment, Chloe was aware she was looking at him with confusion as she tried to piece together exactly what she had told him…

  “You said you texted them when you got stuck in the snow,” he said. “I just wondered if you had told them you may be here a little longer and that you had a place to stay last night.”

  “Oh, right!” Chloe laughed. “Yes, I’ve updated them.”

  She let her eyes fall to the floor and hoped she didn’t look too awkward. How could she forget what she had said? She may have had a traumatic evening, but she had been so meticulous when it came to planning everything else about their escape from Bridge Hollow.

  “Okay,” Mason smiled again as he pushed his hands deep into the pocket of his jeans. “Well, I’ll keep checking on the progress of the plows and with the guys at the garage.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “For everything.”

  She smiled and bit her bottom lip, trying to stop herself from blurting out something stupid when he was clearly trying to leave.

  “I guess I’ll be seeing you around,” he said as he began to walk backward, but he kept his eyes fixed on her, and the whole time he was moving, it felt to her like he was in slow motion. Something inside her heart was screaming at her to ask him to wait, to ask him to stay and have a drink with her, but she didn’t have the courage.

  She watched as he turned and began to merge with the crowd, then she finally let herself breathe.

  “You idiot,” she whispered to herself. “You’re stuck in the ass end of nowhere, you’re on the run from your ex, and you’ve lost all your belongings… Of course, you would suddenly get the urge to ask someone out… What is wrong with you?”

  She thought she had spoken silently but she was aware that an older couple at the table next to her was looking at her with puzzled looks on their faces.

  She laughed and supped the rest of her cocoa and then she jumped to her feet and went to collect Harper from the park. If they were going to be stranded there even longer, she was going to have to rethink her game plan, and fast. Or, before the week was out, they will have spent all their money and be indebted to the people of Lone Reach.

  It was time she decided what they were going to do.


  As the sun went down and the night rolled in, Lone Reach came alive with twinkling lights and wonderful smells of cooked food drifting out from the various restaurants and inns scattered along Main Street.

  As they walked back to the hotel after a day of exploring, Chloe looked over to the coffee house they had been at earlier, when Harper had made some new friends, and saw that they were setting up for an event that evening.

  A roaring fire was burning away inside, candles were lit, and a stage was being set with a microphone to host an open mic and poetry night. Main Street was a hive of activity, and she could hear music coming from some of the inns. It had a similar feel to her old town at night, but this place felt much safer after everything she had been through.

  She held Harper’s hand as they walked and thought of how long they had been on the road. She estimated they had driven for at least five hours before the snow had caught them.

  Could that be enough distance for them to start a new life?

  She looked at the pine trees and beautiful scenery. At how the whole town oozed a more innocent quality than where she had been before. She liked the fact that no one knew her there yet, and seeing Harper play so openly and freely with children her own age had also warmed her heart. She had never seen her daughter take to a group of kids so well before; it was as if Lone Reach was bringing out a more confident side in her, and Chloe didn’t want her to lose it.

  They walked up the slope leading to the entrance of the hotel, and the concierge opened the door for them, welcoming them back. He was dressed in a green suit with gold trim and looked every inch the traditional kind you may find in a big city. They were certainly expecting big things to happen in this small town, and it felt exciting to be a part of it.

  Chloe sat on one of the big, plush chairs in the reception and let Harper look at the magazine rack and watch the television that was high on one of the walls. It was showing the news, but even at her young age, Harper showed an interest in current affairs, even if she didn’t truly understand.

  “Hello there,” Mary’s voice came from the other side of the lobby, and when Chloe looked up, she felt instantly relieved to see her.

  “Hi, Mary,” she said as she rose to her feet.

  “How’s your day been, dear?” Mary asked as she rung her hands together. “Did you get your car sorted out?”

  Chloe shook her head with a sigh.

  “I didn’t, I’m afraid,” she admitted. “I found Mason, and we went to speak with the mayor, who said he would send plows out to clear all the roads into town, but so far, I don’t think he’s done it.”

  Mary rolled her eyes.

  “That’s typical of him,” she said with a scowl. “He only tends to jump into action if there’s something in it for him, and at the moment, with the brewery opening soon, all his focus is on that because it’ll earn him big bucks when people start pouring into town.”

  “Brewery?” Chloe asked with interest.

  “Yes, I suppose you and Mason wouldn’t have gotten around to speaking much about the exciting time for our little town, but he and some of his close friends are in the process of opening something that is going to bring a lot of work and tourism to us here. It’s going to put Lone Reach on the map.” She grinned and held her arms wide. “Hence why the hotel had a big upgrade,” she beamed. “We needed to keep up or we would never get people through the door. Plus, some big corporation would no doubt catch wind of what was going on around here and move in with one of their chains. We like to keep things local here to help the town as much as possible.”

  Chloe nodded and smiled. It certainly seemed like a genuinely nice place, and it suddenly struck a chord with her that she hadn’t seen one big brand name since she had been in to
wn, every single store and restaurant was independently owned and run.

  “That’s great,” Chloe said. “This place must have cost you a fortune…”

  Mary shrugged and waved her hand again, pushing the statement to one side. She smiled and held out her arm for Chloe to take hold of it.

  “There’s a lot of old money here,” she whispered. “Most people wouldn’t think it, but the people of Lone Reach have always done okay.”

  Chloe looked down at her and she winked knowingly. Harper was sitting, good as gold, on the other side of the lobby, watching the television and flipping through magazines, and Chloe knew she had to seize the opportunity to speak with Mary properly.

  “Mary,” she began, “you have been so unbelievably kind and generous to us since we arrived last night… but I don’t feel comfortable taking handouts from you, and I have the feeling we may be stuck here for a while.”

  Mary nodded and her eyes seemed wide and expectant.

  “Would it be okay if we stayed on a bit longer… I’ll pay you, of course, but I think we should probably move to a smaller room. And if you have any work that needs doing around here, I would gladly do it.”

  Mary smiled at her warmly.

  “My dear, you can stay as long as you need to… and I won’t accept a dime. Just get yourself and that lovely little girl of yours well rested and secure.”

  “But−” she began.

  “I’ll hear no more of it,” Mary said as she held up her hand. “If my daughter had been driving alone in the middle of the night with her young child and this had happened, I would expect someone to do the same for her.”

  Chloe felt an overwhelming swell of gratitude.

  “I don’t know what to say…,” she whispered. “I can’t believe how kind everyone is being… but I really want to pay my way.”

  Mary smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “There’s nothing here for you to do, my dear… but I believe they are looking for someone over at The Bear Brewhouse. Maybe you could swing by and see if they’ll give you a trial run.”

  Chloe faltered for a moment, not sure what to think. This lovely old woman was giving her free accommodation, was feeding them, and now she wouldn’t even let her help around the hotel. She was suggesting she worked elsewhere… It was as if the world had gone momentarily mad.

  “But Mary,” she said, “I really feel like it should be you I’m helping; you’ve done so much for us.”

  “It’s boring in here,” Mary smiled. “The Bear Brewhouse will offer you much more excitement. It’s the hottest bar in town, plus you’ll get to meet a few people.”

  “But… Harper…” she said.

  “While you work, I’ll take care of her,” Mary said as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. “There’s plenty to be done in the kids’ club area of the hotel, Joe and I made one specially just last year. It has a play area and ball pit, there’re desks and a craft station. Stacks of paper and crayons. It’s a kid’s dreamland!”

  Chloe laughed.

  “Okay,” she said. “I guess I’ll wander over there tomorrow and see… If we are still without our car, that is…”

  Mary nodded and rubbed Chloe’s shoulder.

  “There are worse places to be stranded,” she winked, echoing Chloe’s thoughts from earlier.

  Mary turned and walked away, and Chloe felt a tingle run down her spine again. There was something different about Mary; it was as if she could see right to the center of Chloe’s soul and knew she had been through a tough experience. There was an intense kindness and understanding about her, and she seemed determined to help them in any way she could.

  Chloe had never had a mother figure in her life, so it felt wonderful to be taken under someone’s wing. It helped her not panic at how disastrous things had been for her, especially being caught in the avalanche and almost being killed!

  She wandered over to Harper and tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Come on then, Kiddo,” she said, a yawn taking over her, so she had to cover her mouth mid-sentence. “I’m still tired, aren’t you?”

  Harper yawned too and rubbed her eyes.

  “Yeah,” she said. “I could have stayed in bed all day… but I’m glad we didn’t. I really like it here, Mom.”

  She rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist and squeezed tightly.

  “Why can’t we just stay here?”

  The words hung in the air between them, and Chloe felt a wave of anxiety. She would be lying to herself if she tried to pretend the same thought hadn’t crossed her mind about ten times that day already… but she just wasn’t sure.

  Had she come far enough?

  What if, somehow, he got back into this world and came looking for them…

  An icy chill washed over her and she shivered.

  “Come on,” she said, not answering her daughter’s question. “Let’s get up to bed, Mary said we can stay as long as we need.”

  Harper’s smile spread across her entire face and she clutched her mom’s hand as they started for the elevators.

  It had been another interesting day… and Chloe had a feeling there was much more in store for them if they stayed in town.

  In her dream, the sense of being followed was intense and familiar. She was running through the mountains and forests of Bridge Hollow, not daring to look back as she raced away from her hunter.

  She had loved him once… he had seemed so kind… so handsome and debonair and most of all… different. He had romanced her like a true expert, and he had been the most intense lover. But once he had her… he changed…

  She ran deeper into the forest, not wanting him to catch her.

  She knew, even without looking, it was him chasing her − there was no doubt in her mind.

  Even though he was at least ten feet behind, she could still feel his cold breath on the back of her neck, she could still feel the ice in the air. The closer he got to her, the more her bones began to chill and freeze. He was hunting her, and he was going to make her his again. But she couldn’t let him.

  She had worked so hard to escape.

  As she moved further into the dense forest and the branches of the evergreens whipped at her skin, she shrieked and powered forward, her chest burning with exertion.

  There were moments when she felt his long fingernails grace the fabric of her sweater, and for a second, she thought he had her. Her heart raced harder and she wanted to scream for help, but she couldn’t open her mouth. She had been scared mute; she was the only one who could save herself.

  She had to put as much distance between them as possible.

  Overhead, a shriek came through the darkness and bats began to swirl like a cloud of fog. They enveloped her, and she felt them in her hair, their little claws scratching at the skin of her forehead and cheeks, cutting her face and making her bleed.

  In her head, she was screaming NO.

  She wanted it all to stop.

  She threw herself on the ground and wailed, wishing that, somehow, he would be taken away again. That he would be sucked back into the dimension from where he had come. He didn’t belong here on Earth; he didn’t belong in Bridge Hollow. But now, he knew Chloe and Harper existed, and they would never be safe if they stayed so close to the gateway of which he had emerged.

  The bats clawed at her again, and she felt his icy hand around her ankles. He pulled harder and harder, and she rolled along the ground, her back grazing against the dirt as he began to pull her back toward a gaping hole in the earth.

  “You’ll always be mine,” his wicked voice told her.

  When he spoke, she heard him inside of her head, not out in the air around her. He inhabited her… he owned her.

  “No…,” she managed to say.

  The word escaped her lips feebly and in the darkness, she heard him cackle.

  When she looked down, she could see his gnarled pale hands gripping her ankles and feet, pulling her toward the hole and into hell with him. She would be in t
he underworld with this man for eternity if she didn’t get out of his grip.

  He wanted her because he wanted to destroy her. Just like he had tried to destroy everything else.

  He wanted to kill.

  He wanted his revenge.

  His hands started to move up her legs to her torso, his sharp claw-like nails nipping her skin.

  She screamed and the bats still hounded her, their wings flapping against her face, their legs and arms getting caught in her hair. She tried to say no again, but no words would form.

  He was so close to her now, he had her under his full control.

  This was it…

  She closed her eyes tight but she still heard his voice in her head, and she heard the snap of his jaws as he opened them wide.

  She knew he was baring his teeth… those wicked fangs that had already caused so much pain and suffering… and now, he was going to take her too.

  He was going to kill her.

  She opened her eyes in the seconds before he clamped down on her neck, and as his fangs connected with her skin, she screamed out loud for real and sat bolt upright in bed.

  Her heart was pounding, and she flicked on the light on the nightstand. Her whole body was pulsing and thumping, and she was panting and gasping for air.

  She reached up and touched the side of her neck and realized it had all been a dream, but her hands were ice cold and so were her ankles as if she could still feel him there… as if he had been with her in spirit and left his mark.

  “No…,” she whispered, “it was just a dream.”

  He was gone, she had to remember that.

  The shifters of Bridge Hollow had killed him. He was back where he had come from… rotting in hell.

  She shivered and looked to the other side of the massive bed at Harper sleeping soundly. Even though she had screamed, her daughter had barely even fluttered her eyelashes. She was fast asleep and snugly warm, wrapped up in the duvet and comforter, completely safe.


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