Bear For Her (Lone Reach Shifters Book 1)

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Bear For Her (Lone Reach Shifters Book 1) Page 6

by Samantha Leal

  “Mom!” Harper called, breaking her thoughts. She ran over to her with a big grin on her face, bouncing around and clapping her hands together. “Tomorrow, Jamie is having a party at her house! Can I go? Can I?”

  It took Chloe by surprise and she felt her eyes widen. Already, her daughter was having so much fun and bonding with her new friends that she wanted to play with them at their house all on her own.

  “Really? Wow, that sounds great,” Chloe beamed, not wanting to put a downer on anything for her. “What kind of party?”

  “It’s a princess party that turns into a slumber party,” Harper clapped her hands together with excitement. “So, I need a princess dress and some pajamas!”

  Chloe could see the look of sheer joy on Harper’s face and she rose to her feet and took Harper’s hand softly in hers.

  “Well, I guess we better find something, then, in one of the stores in town,” she winked. “How about we treat ourselves to a little shopping?”

  “Oh my goodness, yes!” Harper exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist and hugged her tightly.

  It had been such a stressful time for them, and they were settling in so well, Chloe figured it was about time they had a little fun and stopped worrying about every cent they spent. She was working now, after all.

  “Which one is Jamie’s mom?” Chloe asked as she scanned the park, looking for the other mothers.

  Harper pointed to a lady who looked a little older than Chloe, with blonde hair and a nice smile. Chloe could see that she had a kind heart and she started toward her.

  “Come on then,” she said. “Let me chat with her and see what this party is all about…”

  They went toward the other mothers, and Chloe felt completely at ease and at home.

  This place was bringing out the best in them both.

  The store was one of the most interesting either Chloe or Harper had ever been in, and as they walked around the racks of handmade children’s clothes, Chloe watched as her little girl’s face lit up with delight. It was in the center of Main Street, in the thick of all the independent stores and gorgeous boutiques. This place seemed to be a haven for children, especially girls, with stunning, unique pieces in every color imaginable.

  There was a young woman sitting behind the desk who looked around the same age as Chloe, and she smiled across at her.

  “This stuff is amazing,” Chloe said genuinely. “Do you know who made it?”

  The girl rose to her feet and nodded.

  “I did, actually,” she said shyly. “Self-taught… I just love designing and sewing.”

  “Wow,” Chloe said. “That’s amazing, I mean, you can tell how much it must capture the imagination of kids, look at Harper right here.”

  Harper was jumping up and down on the spot, clinging to a pink taffeta dress with a huge skirt. It had a long train and a tight waist and looked every bit something a princess in a Disney movie would wear.

  “Oh, that one is perfect for you,” the girl who owned the store said. “It will go so well with your complexion and hair. Would you like to try it on?”

  Harper grinned and nodded excitedly.

  The girl held out her hand to Chloe and introduced herself properly.

  “I’m Angelina,” she smiled. “So nice to meet you. Are you here on vacation?”

  “I’m Chloe, and this is Harper,” she returned. “No, actually, we were passing through but got caught in the avalanches that happened at the end of last week.”

  “Oh my goodness, I heard about that,” Angelina said with a look of worry. “Are you both all right?”

  Chloe nodded.

  “We are, and everyone has been so unbelievably kind since we arrived here. We’re even thinking we may stay. I’m working at The Bear Brewhouse,” she laughed.

  “Wow,” Angelina smiled. “Throwing yourself right into Lone Reach life, I love it!”

  Chloe smiled too, and all three of them began to walk to the changing area, which was draped in pink and white lace and created a magical environment for children to dress up and play princess.

  “I love this,” Harper said. “Mom, I want my room to look like this.”

  Chloe laughed.

  “I think I’d quite like my room to look like this too,” she grinned.

  “Have you found somewhere to stay?” Angelina asked.

  “At the moment, we’re at the hotel,” Chloe said. “Mary and Joe have been so kind to us, I don’t know what we would have done without them.”

  “They are great,” Angelina admitted. “They’re total pillars of this community.”

  Harper closed the curtain and started to try the princess dress on over the top of her leggings. Chloe was proud of her as she waited, glad that her little girl was gaining more independence and growing up. As they were waiting for the big reveal, Chloe heard a bell ting at the front of the store, and Angelina excused herself as she went to see who was there.

  When Harper jumped out from behind the curtain and swirled on the spot, Chloe could see she had chosen exactly the right dress for the party. And Angelina had been right, it matched her hair and skin tone perfectly.

  “Wow,” Chloe beamed. “Look at you… You look just like Sleeping Beauty…”

  “No, I don’t,” Harper pouted. “Sleeping Beauty’s dress was blue, Mommy… I’m more like Rapunzel.”

  Chloe laughed and shrugged.

  They turned to go back into the main part of the store to show Angelina her work of art in action, and Chloe’s jaw almost hit the floor when she saw Mason standing by the counter, his hands digging into the pockets of his jeans and his broad shoulders covered by a frayed denim jacket.

  “Oh,” she felt herself stop abruptly.

  Mason’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, and in an instant, she felt the pull toward him. The pull she was having trouble resisting.

  “Hi,” Mason smiled, and she saw a glisten of green deep inside them.

  After she had thought about him and the possibility of what he might be, now that she was in front of him again, she was finding herself even more attracted to him.

  A bear…

  She felt her gut tighten and a twinge deep between her legs.

  “What are you doing here?” she smiled. “I didn’t figure you for this kind of fashion…”

  Mason threw his head back and laughed and then he smiled at her warmly.

  “I own the building,” he winked. “Just here collecting this month’s rent…”

  Angelina rolled her eyes and slid an envelope across the counter to him.

  “You’re such a pain in my ass, Mason,” she joked.

  Mason shrugged and picked up the envelope before he slid it into the back pocket of his jeans.

  “And wow, look at you, Harper,” he grinned. “You look every bit the princess.”

  Harper grinned and held out the corners of her skirt so she could twirl and curtsy.

  “I’m going to a party,” she smiled. “All day tomorrow and then staying over with my friends! We’re going to do each other’s hair and have a midnight feast!”

  Chloe laughed and rubbed her daughter’s head.

  “This place has certainly got hold of us both,” she admitted. “I think we’re going to find it hard to leave.”

  “Well, we’re not leaving,” Harper pouted. “You said you were going to enroll me in school here on Monday.”

  As soon as Harper said the words, Chloe became aware of Mason standing straighter and his attention focused on them both intensely.

  “Really?” he asked. “So, you’re definitely going to be sticking around for a while?”

  Chloe’s eyes locked on his and she felt a jiggle of excitement in her belly which rose toward her chest and heart. Just looking into his eyes was making her feel like a kid again, full of hope and promise.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “Everyone has been so good to us here, and Harper loves it.”

  “Well, you’re in a good place,” he said as his eyes ling
ered on her for a moment longer.

  She was aware that they were falling silent, fixated on each other, and the tension in the room was growing and evolving into something steamy and powerful. Angelina caught on and cleared her throat nervously before she took hold of Harper’s hand and led her back toward the changing room.

  “I’ll help her out of this and get it wrapped up…”

  “Yes, please,” Chloe said, not taking her eyes away from Mason’s.

  What was happening to them both?

  It was as if he were as confused by it as she was.

  “I… I don’t know…what this…is…,” she whispered.

  Mason took a step forward and it was clear that whatever she was feeling, he was experiencing it too.

  “I’ve tried to stay away from you,” he whispered as he came closer, “but somehow, we keep being pulled back together. To the same place, at the exact same time.”

  Chloe nodded and a little smile crossed her lips.

  “Harper said she’s out all day tomorrow…,” he began, and Chloe nodded her head, not daring to speak, in case she ruined what he was about to say. “How about you let me take you out?” he asked.

  She felt her heart race away beneath her skin and a warm rush of excitement rolled over her. She couldn’t think of anything better, but she had no idea if she was making a terrible mistake. What if she was getting in too deep? What if he was the bear she thought he was? And what if she was doing all of this too soon after the trouble she had been through back in Bridge Hollow?

  “I’d like that,” she found herself saying, because she couldn’t hide from the truth. “I’m working from ten am until four in the afternoon,” she said. “I think you’ll know where to find me.”

  Mason’s eyes twinkled, and he winked.

  “I’ll be there before the end of your shift,” he said as he stepped toward the door.

  His eyes didn’t leave hers, and he looked so sexy standing there, dressed casually, and clearly at ease in his own skin. He seemed completely different from when she had seen him each time before, as if he had finally found some peace somewhere, much like she had.

  The bell tinged as the door opened and he stepped through it, not breaking contact with her gaze until he finally had to turn to walk away. As she watched him go, she realized she wasn’t breathing. She was completely transfixed and taken in by him, completely unable to believe she had been able to deny herself him this long.

  “Mommy!” Harper called, breaking her trance. “I love the dress so, so much! Thank you!” She jumped up and threw her arms around Chloe’s neck and squeezed her tightly. Chloe held her so she didn’t fall and rocked her back and forth.

  She had never seen Harper so happy and confident, and Chloe had never felt so free and ready to take on the world. And now that she had found Mason and was letting herself roll with it instead of being afraid, it was as if she had suddenly released so much negativity and doubt.

  Out of all the darkness, they finally seemed to be finding their light.


  After speaking with Jamie’s mother and getting to know her at the park, Chloe was able to drop Harper off at their home the following morning completely at ease. She had topped up a prepaid cellphone with only her number programmed in and given it to Harper, just in case, but she knew she was being over cautious. She told Jamie’s mom she would call to check on her a few times, and she put her nervousness down to them being new in town and just wanting to make sure Harper was settling well and not getting overwhelmed.

  She had been assured that they had a big, fun day planned. The party began at noon and all the little girls would be dressed as princesses before an actual princess arrived to play with them for the afternoon and help them do their hair and make-up. There would be a tea party with cakes and sweets that had been made right there at the bakery in Lone Reach, and then they would play games, open presents, and do some painting before getting changed into their pajamas and watching a movie with “Midnight Feast” snacks and hot chocolate before they all went to bed nice and early.

  It sounded like the perfect day for a six-year-old, and even though it was the first time Harper would be doing anything like this, she was confident that with her being so mature, she would be fine.

  Chloe looked at her reflection in the mirror in the bathroom at The Bear Brewhouse and cocked her head to the side. She had come to work straight from dropping Harper off and had already called once to make sure lunch had gone all right. Jamie’s mom had also given her the telephone number for the local elementary school, and Chloe was going to enroll her first thing Monday morning. There was so much to think about, but Chloe was glad because it meant her former life was behind her; she wasn’t even thinking about it any longer.

  She rubbed a bit of smudged mascara from under her eyes and checked the time. It was getting close to 3pm and she wanted to make sure that she was ready in good time. She ran a comb through her hair and spritzed a little bit of perfume on at her wrists and neck, before she dabbed on a bit of rosy blusher and applied lip gloss. She didn’t want to look as if she had made any sort of effort, and with her being at work, it pretty easy.

  She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and smiled at her reflection. She looked dewy and sparkling, but her face was clean, and it didn’t look as if she had overloaded the makeup.

  “Perfect!” She smiled as she packed her things into her small purse and slung it over her shoulder. She reached down and checked the front pocket of her apron for her cellphone to make sure she didn’t have any missed calls or texts from Harper, and then she headed back to the bar.

  Emma had been shadowing her shifts since she started, and Chloe was glad for it. Already, they were becoming good friends, and it also helped her learn more about her new town. Now, she hoped she would have a little time to pick her brain about Mason before he arrived. The bar was having a quiet lull after lunch, since no games were on the TV to draw in a crowd, so the girls were having an easy shift, sitting behind the bar cleaning glasses and restocking the refrigerators while they chatted.

  “So,” Chloe said as she put her bag under the counter. “Mason is coming in to pick me up soon.”

  She said it nervously but when Emma turned to her with wide, glinting eyes, she was glad she had told her all the same.

  “No way!” she said excitedly as she clapped her hands together. “He asked you out?”

  Chloe nodded shyly, and Emma gripped her by the shoulders.

  “This is incredible, Chlo!” she said. “Do you have any idea of how in demand around here he is…? And he won’t give a single woman the time of day.”

  “Really?” Chloe raised her eyebrows. “How come?”

  Emma chewed her bottom lip for a moment and then lowered her voice.

  “Apparently, he got his heart broken, some girl treated him like absolute shit. But that was years ago, and he has never bothered dating anyone since. In fact, I’ve seen girls coming in here and actively try to get his attention and he flat out ignores them. I knew he was acting different around you! I clocked it right away!”

  Chloe felt her skin get hotter and had to fan her face.

  “Oh, man,” she said. “He’s super-hot, isn’t he?”

  Emma grinned and nodded wildly.

  “Super. Hot.” Emma emphasized. “But like I say, he just seemed to be out of the game and completely uninterested. He’s always working so hard and busy. In fact, there was even a rumor he was going to leave town… but then you showed up and it all went quiet on that front.”

  Chloe felt her eyebrows raise. She was learning so much in such a short space of time that she felt like her brain was going to explode.

  “What happened with him and the girl he went out with?” she asked quickly, as if she could almost sense he was near.

  She felt a tingle run down her spine that feathered out into her fingertips and her breath caught in her throat.

  He is near me… she thought. I can feel him.

bsp; “I’m not sure,” Emma admitted. “Like I say, it was years ago, I only know anything about it at all because I asked one of the guys who is good friends with him. I’d seen him turn so many girls down and was intrigued. I had to know why he was literally ignoring some of the best-looking women in Lone Reach. But then, I got my explanation.”

  Chloe smiled and reached down to check her phone again. It was still quiet; there was no word from Harper. She would check in again in an hour or two, once the girls were likely in their pajamas and getting ready for bed.

  The sensation down her spine intensified, and she turned around before the door to the bar opened. Her breath caught in her throat and she knew he was there, so when the door swung inward, she was already smiling as Mason stepped in and his eyes found hers.

  It was like a dream. She had done her absolute best to keep him out of her thoughts, but they seemed to be connected inside and out. Her brain was, somehow, wired to his; her body was responding to him when he was close to her. It was as if there was an invisible force connecting them and vibrating between them when they were close to each other.

  He smiled at her, and she shyly bit her bottom lip.

  He looked incredible.

  Better than he had ever done since she had met him. His hair was wavy and pushed back out of his face, his jeans were slung just below his hips, and he had a black t-shirt under a stylish leather jacket. It stopped her in her tracks and made her nipples harden.

  He looked so goddam good, she didn’t know how she was going to keep her hands off him.

  Calm down, Chloe…, she told herself. You don’t even know if you’re ready for this…

  “Hey there,” Mason said as he walked across the bar, his eyes fixed on hers the entire time. “I heard someone’s shift was finishing soon.”

  Chloe smiled coyly and brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Emma was standing close by and Chloe could almost feel her excitement radiating, so she turned and gave her a little look to make herself scarce. Emma nodded knowingly and went into the kitchen, while Chloe and Mason caught up.


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