Until Forever [Merricks, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Until Forever [Merricks, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 1

by McKinlay Thomson

  Merricks, Montana 5

  Until Forever

  All Cody Winters wants is a loving dominant to call his own. Cody knows Troy Boone is the man for him, but Troy has commitment issues and it is driving them apart. When he is offered his dream job, Cody decides to start over, but his car breaks down just outside of Merricks, Montana, leaving him desperately in need of a knight in shining armor.

  Samantha McDonald has yet to find that one man that makes her body stand up and take notice. She comes across a broken down car on the side of the road, and is surprised and delighted with what she finds.

  When Troy roars into town and throws a spanner in their budding relationship, Cody suggests that they try things the Merricks way. Sam will risk everything to keep her new submissive, even if it means dating another Dom.

  Trouble has also followed Cody and their lives are in danger. Will Cody need rescuing once more?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 57,735 words


  Merricks, Montana 5

  McKinlay Thomson


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage and More


  Copyright © 2015 by McKinlay Thomson

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-619-2

  First E-book Publication: August 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  To my ninth grade teacher, Mr. Norris. You gave me my love for books and I will always be grateful.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Merricks, Montana 5


  Copyright © 2015


  Adam jumped when he heard a strange sound. Deciding it was nothing, he looked back at the computer screen in front of him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Nor did he know who was stupider, his boss, Eli Field, or himself.

  He had snuck into Eli’s office during his shift and loaded up the computer, thinking he would find nothing incriminating and that he had just watched too many crime shows on television. Adam had been stunned at what he had found. Who would keep this amount of incriminating evidence?

  Adam had been watching his boss for days after becoming suspicious of Eli’s activities. Strange men had been coming and going from the back of the coffee shop where he worked, and they hadn’t been customers. Adam had thought that maybe Eli had been selling drugs, but this was much worse.

  He pulled a small thumb drive from his pocket and slipped it into the computer port. Copying as much of the evidence as he could fit, Adam waited, scared and impatient, for the files to transfer.

  When it was finally finished, he pulled the drive from the computer and slipped it into his apron. He quickly switched the computer off and snuck back out of the office.

  Walking back into the front part of the shop, Adam tried not to act suspicious as he made coffee and cleaned and tidied up after customers. Luckily his friend Cody wasn’t working tonight. They had known each other for years, and he would be able to tell something was up instantly.

  He had decided to keep Cody in the dark about his suspicions. The less people that knew, the better. God, he couldn’t believe he had done something so dangerous. If his boss and the men that he was in cahoots with ever found out, he was going to be in a world of pain.

  Adam had discovered that the Russian mob was laundering money and using the coffee shop as a front. His boss was receiving money from the mob to keep quiet. The thumb drive had all the evidence he needed to put a lot of people behind bars. It contained a long list of names of people and other companies involved. The worst part was all the police and politicians in high and important places that were involved or at least receiving kickbacks.

  And it was all placed in a neat little package on his boss’s computer. Eli was a smart man. He was probably keeping the evidence as security, so the mob didn’t get rid of him.

  Adam finished up his shift and left before anyone tried to stop him. Now he just needed to figure out what he was going to do with the evidence. He thought about taking it to the police, despite the list. He didn’t know who else was on the take.

  He needed to stash it somewhere safe until he could work out who the best person to hand it over to would be. Shit, he had no idea where. He would have to hide it at his apartment unt
il he could think of a better spot.

  Going to work knowing what he now knew was going to be hard. He had never been good at lying. Eli had always been a nice boss, and Adam had never had a problem with him, but now he saw him in a completely different light, and he didn’t know how he was going to act around him.

  Maybe he would take a couple of days of sick leave. He wasn’t really lying. He did feel sick. Sick with worry and sick with regret. He knew what he was doing was right, and Eli and the people he was working for needed to be brought to justice. He just wasn’t sure why he had to be the one to do it.

  Why did he have to go into the office and look at the blasted computer? Why couldn’t he have just stuck his head in the sand and gotten on with his life? Because he knew that they shouldn’t get away with it, and no one else suspected a thing. Well, it was too late now. He knew, and he had the evidence to prove it.

  Adam pulled the thumb drive from his pocket and looked at it. Such a small thing to hold such a big problem. He placed it back in his pocket and sat down to wait for the bus.

  Everything would work out fine. It had too. No one had seen what he had done, and all he had to do was stash it some place until he could pass it on to someone trustworthy. Wasn’t the best plan, but it would have to do.

  Adam stood as the bus approached. He was definitely calling in sick tomorrow.

  Chapter One

  “Tall, skinny latte,” Cody called, looking around the coffee shop for the right customer.

  “Mine, thank you,” replied a short, balding man. He passed the coffee he had made over to the customer and smiled. The man was a regular in the small coffee shop and always ordered the same thing, but Cody had never asked his name. He had many regulars who he’d talked to over the three years he had worked at Coffee at Minnie’s in Lyndale, Minneapolis, but that man only ever came in, ordered his coffee, and left.

  “Thanks. Have a nice day,” Cody said and moved on to the next order.

  Two cappuccinos and a long black, Cody read on the receipt. He hummed to himself as he changed the coffee in the portafilter and pushed it down with the tamper. He placed it back in the machine and locked it into place. Grabbing the cups from the shelf, he slid them under the spouts and pressed the manual button. He liked to dictate the amount of coffee that went into the cup.

  As the coffee started to seep into the cup, Cody went about frothing the milk. This was the tricky part. Not enough and the coffee would be cold, too much and the coffee tasted burnt, as though someone had flicked ash into your drink.

  Cody loved coffee and had a passion for the dark brew, which had led him to be the number one barista at the U.S. barista championships in California three years running. He had the trophies to prove it. It was more than just a drink to him, and he had worked hard to perfect his craft.

  Most people didn’t understand his love for something as simple and as ordinary as coffee, but that didn’t bother him. He didn’t understand other people’s interest in a lot of things, so he understood their reasoning well enough.

  One of his customers was a complete Star Wars nut. He never wore anything but Star Wars T-shirts and jeans and apparently had a collection of figurines that filled an entire room. Cody thought it was silly and would never spend that sort of money on what he considered toys.

  It was easy to see why no one understood his love for the rich, bitter drink, but to him, it was heaven. He loved to sit down in the mornings and watch the view from his little second-story apartment and enjoy a cup of strong, hot espresso. It was one of his favorite things to do. The only thing that would have made it better was if his sort of boyfriend, Troy, joined him.

  Cody finished off the order and moved on to the next receipt. It had been a busy morning, and it didn’t look as though he would be getting a break any time soon. He wanted to check his phone and see if he had any messages. Troy was supposed to be meeting up with him tonight, but he had been acting strange for a while now and often cancelled on their dates.

  It frustrated the hell out of him, and Cody wasn’t sure what he had done wrong. They had been seeing each other since they met at a party over a year before. Cody had been instantly attracted to the tall, dark man and had flirted with him all night.

  Cody hadn’t wanted to go, but when his friend Adam had begged him, Cody had begrudgingly tagged along, and he was glad he had. If he hadn’t, he never would have met Troy.

  Troy had been dating a woman at the time, but that hadn’t stopped Cody in letting his interest be known. What had surprised him was that Troy had been interested back. Cody had drunk way too much, and that was his only excuse for flirting with someone else’s man.

  When he had received a call from Troy, three days later, asking him on a date, Cody had jumped at the chance and hadn’t regretted a single moment he had spent getting to know the hard, gruff man.

  Their date had been amazing. Cody hadn’t even minded that Troy had taken him to a dingy little bar that stank of stale beer and armpits. However, the company had been excellent, and the band had been great. The food was a little off-putting, and he was almost scared to eat it, but he had a magnificent night.

  From then on, he and Troy had been seeing each other steadily. They had discovered that they both had a love for eighties rock bands and both enjoyed Mexican food. Neither one liked seafood, and they both hated romantic comedies with a passion.

  They were both also bisexual. Cody had already known Troy was. He had turned up to the party with a woman and was too self-confident to be in the closet about his sexuality, but Troy had been surprised to learn that Cody also liked woman.

  That had led to many discussions on what constituted the perfect woman, and they had agreed on the same thing. She didn’t need to be supermodel beautiful, they liked women with curves, and they both liked strong, independent females who weren’t clingy.

  Troy was a dominant man, and Cody’s submissive side had blossomed under Troy’s firm hand. It hadn’t taken long for their sexual relationship to develop into loving D/s one, and Cody happily submitted to all of Troy’s demands.

  He had always known he was submissive but hadn’t ever found the right top, not until Troy. It was just another reason that Troy was turning into Cody’s perfect partner.

  Cody would happily spend the rest of his life with the man. The only thing standing in his way of happy ever after was Troy. He had always been hard to pin down and was constantly telling Cody that he wasn’t a man who has long-term relationships and that Cody shouldn’t pin his hopes on him, but Cody’s heart didn’t want to listen. He had already fallen hard for the tall, rugged mechanic and wanted to build a life with him. He just wasn’t sure it was ever going to happen.

  “Hi, Cody.” Cody looked up at the sound of his friend Adam’s voice. Adam and Cody worked together in the coffee shop, but had been friends since high school. They had lived together for a while as roommates, but Cody had soon discovered that they made better friends when they lived apart.

  Adam was a slob, and it drove Cody nuts. He was always picking up after his friend, who would leave empty beer cans and pizza boxes from one end of the apartment to the other. Not to mention the dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and the overflowing trashcans. Despite his slovenly ways, Cody liked the guy and didn’t want Adam’s bad habits to interfere with their friendship.

  “Hey, Adam,” Cody replied. “What’s up? You’re not scheduled for a shift today.”

  “Nah,” Adam said. “Was just bored and thought I’d come and grab something to eat. I need a sugar fix and can’t get enough of those pastries we have.”

  “Want me to make you a coffee?” Cody asked. Adam always needed a sugar fix but rarely came into work on his day off to get it. Cody couldn’t help but wonder if something was up.

  “Sure,” Adam replied. “Thanks.”

  “Go sit down and I will bring it over. I know what you like.” Cody finished of his last order and then went about making his friend a tall mocha with soymilk. After it wa
s ready, he grabbed a few pastries from the display case and took then over to where Adam sat playing with his phone.

  “Aren’t you going to take a break?” Adam asked as Cody put the coffee on the table.

  “Can’t yet,” he replied. “Still too many customers. Maybe in about twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll be here,” Adam said. “Did you decide whether or not you’re going to take the job in Seattle?”

  Cody looked at his friend and frowned. At the last Barista Championships, he had been offered a job to manage and lead the baristas in a chain of coffee shops called Fanatics. They were looking to improve not only the coffee they served but also their customers’ experience inside the store.

  It was Cody’s dream job and one he had strived for all his working life. The only problem was it was in Seattle, and that meant leaving everything he knew and moving country. It also meant leaving Troy.

  “Nope,” he replied. “I still haven’t talked to Troy, and I like working here. I have only ever lived in Minneapolis.”

  Adam took a sip of his coffee and then looked back at Cody.

  “You know I would hate to see you go,” Adam told him. “But this is too good an opportunity to pass up.”

  “I’m still undecided.” Cody wanted the job, he did, but he was scared at the same time. He had never dealt well with change, and this would be a big one.

  “An offer like this doesn’t come along every day,” Adam went on. “You’re not going to turn it down because of Troy, are you? That man has had you running around in circles for months. You need to put yourself first for a change.”


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