The Figurehead Queen Is Strongest At Her Own Pace

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The Figurehead Queen Is Strongest At Her Own Pace Page 7

by Yu Sakurai

  “Yes, I know, you smile like an angel at times… But let’s try something. Imagine the prince is here with you. Think about smiling at that boy, being sure not to show any signs of weakness at the same time.”

  “Imagine the prince…”

  I pictured him in my mind.

  In all the time we spent together, I always tried my best to project nothing but confidence around Fritz. I didn’t want to bring any shame upon myself, so I hid the weaker sides of my personality.

  “…What the…?!”

  I’d accidentally let out a cry unbefitting of a young lady.

  My reflection was now showing the face of an undeniably villainous girl.

  Shocked, I glared back at the mirror. My eyes had narrowed menacingly, and my lips were curled up into an overbearing smile. Even I didn’t want to go near the girl I was looking at. It was certainly successful at not presenting weakness…but something so evil wasn’t my objective either.

  It wasn’t as overpowering as my father’s smile, but the fact that it was attached to a seventeen-year-old girl somehow made it all the more intimidating.

  Father’s DNA really did this to me?

  I shuddered. Our blood relation was on full display—that much was certain.

  Even after two years of attending the academy, I could count the number of classmates I’d made as “friends” on one hand. I always assumed that was normal, considering my own rank, as well as how busy I was with studying to become the crown princess.

  But with this sinister smile, my standing as a duke’s daughter, and the future title as the crown princess on top of it all, I must have been very difficult to approach.

  And how had I never seen this smile in the mirror before…?

  I suppose it’s difficult to get an objective look at your own face and expressions.

  Now that I had my memories of my past life, it was even more shocking to see the evil girl staring back at me in the mirror.

  I’d only just discovered how dominating my smile was, but already, I had the sinking realization that it explained what had happened with Fritz and Sumia.

  I had no intention of forgiving the prince, nor did I believe any blame rested with me…

  But I couldn’t help but wonder if Fritz felt intimidated, being with a girl who always had such a threatening smile on her face.

  Very well. I’ll improve. I’ll get myself a better smile.

  At that moment, I swore to rid myself of my dreadfully villainous looks.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  I couldn’t stay focused on the shock of my evil smile forever.

  Father and I decided it was best to leave such an isolated area sooner rather than later, so he returned home on his horse, while I took the carriage parked near the ruins.

  After we arrived, I freshened up in my room, then headed to Father’s study, where he’d asked to meet me.

  Despite the late hour, he had something he needed to tell me, and that was why he changed his work schedule to come home early and ended up noticing I was missing.

  “How would you like to marry King Glenreed and become the queen of the Kingdom of Wolfvarte?” Father asked me.

  This was an option I never expected to hear.

  I, his daughter of marriageable age, was being expelled from the kingdom.

  One natural resolution was to have me enter a political marriage with someone outside of Elltoria.

  As a young lady of noble blood, I had already accepted such an outcome. And yet…

  “Father, are you sure that’s a good idea? Seeing as how Prince Fritz…the crown prince of this kingdom rid himself of me, how can I marry the king of another land…?”

  It didn’t make any logical sense.

  Even though it was entirely Fritz’s decision to end our engagement, I could never escape the reputation I’d earned as the woman rejected by the crown prince. It should be unthinkable for me to immediately become the queen of another kingdom after only just having my engagement to a prince broken off.

  “Does that idea scare you, Laetitia? I can reject the offer if it’s not to your liking…”

  “No, that’s not it. I’m just very confused. I know King Glenreed as the young ruler who’s achieved many victories in battles with neighboring lands. They’ve even given him the moniker ‘Silver Wolf King.’ I don’t understand why a man like that would want me as his queen… And if the rumors I’ve heard are true, King Glenreed quite despises women, does he not?”

  “Exactly. He hates women. So you’re aware of the state of his private life.”

  “I am. He’s already had four potential candidates to become the queen but never settled on any of them to marry.”

  “Correct. But King Glenreed will be turning twenty-four this year, and the aristocrats of his kingdom are demanding he settle down and have children. Since he hates women, and considering the internal pressure, he doesn’t want to pick another candidate for queen from his own kingdom yet.”

  “…And so that’s why he chose me.”

  Now it made sense.

  A woman of high status would normally be sought to become the queen, but few women would be up for this particular task, knowing what they did about his character.

  On top of that, around half of the people of Wolfvarte were known as “beastfolk”—humans who possessed animal ears and tails.

  Few of the lands in our western continent viewed beastfolk as their equals. I imagined that made it even harder to find a willing queen from outside their own kingdom.

  “In other words, he wants me as a placeholder queen to take the pressure off himself for the time being. I’ll just need to keep a respectable distance from King Glenreed, forget any ideas of winning his favor, enter a ‘white marriage’ with him, and fulfill my duty as a figurehead queen.”

  A white marriage.

  This is one type of political marriage carried out in our world, where the two parties never share a physical relationship with each other.

  “If I recall correctly, Wolfvartian laws dictate that white marriages are declared invalid if a child isn’t conceived within two years. After that, the two parties can divorce without any repercussions.”

  “Exactly. Even when it comes to obscure places, you sure know your stuff.”

  I never imagined my training as the future crown princess would come to use for something like this.

  But Father’s smile and the praise directed at me certainly made it worth it.

  His smile was the usual fiendish one that could make even the fiercest of warriors cower, but I was still happy to see it.

  “Two years. I’ll be a figurehead queen for two years, so that King Glenreed stops being pressured to take a wife and have children. That’s all, right?”

  “You’ve got it. After those two years, you could come back home, or if you take a liking to that kingdom, King Glenreed promised me he would provide you with a home and living expenses so that you could stay there.”

  “I see…”

  I thought about it for a bit. Nothing about the idea struck me as unfavorable.

  Getting married was a natural step in the lives of all young noblewomen. But for me, well, I had a bad history with the crown prince now. Any man that still wanted to marry me after that might not be up to my standards. But even if the title carried no real weight, becoming the queen of another kingdom wouldn’t lower my family’s reputation. It wasn’t a bad option at all.

  “I’ll say it again, Laetitia—you’re allowed to refuse if this isn’t what you want. If there’s some boy out there you have your heart set on, I’ll sit down and talk with him, and once I’ve nearly beaten the life out of him, I’ll give him my blessing to marry you.”

  “…That doesn’t sound like a joke when you say it, Father.”

  I felt my face twitch in response.

  Father wasn’t easy to read, but I knew just how much he loved me. If I ever turned up with an unworthy man, well, I could already imagine the bloodbath it would turn into.
/>   “Rest assured, Father. I’m not interested in any particular man, nor are any men interested in me.”

  Though, saying it out loud was a little disheartening.

  I’d spent a few years with Fritz as my fiancé, but since training to become the crown princess kept me so busy, I had no spare time to dwell on romance. Even in my past life, I was overwhelmed with work every single day, and I never had a moment to even think about meeting someone or starting a relationship. That made for two whole lives where I’d spent years without experiencing romance. It was a depressing fact, so I decided not to think about it too much.

  “What’s got you so sad, Laetitia? If you really have found someone special, you can tell me.”

  “No, it’s nothing. I’m all right… I’d be lying if I said I had no interest in love and marriage, but I’m still a duke’s daughter. If I agree to become King Glenreed’s bride, I’m sure I’ll win favor with our king as well, and it’s not like it’d be an easy task for me to find a true husband after recent events. I’ll be allowed to return home after two years are up, right?”

  “Indeed. And, of course, your brothers and I will be ready to welcome you home when the time comes. You’ll be able to pursue work and hobbies as well. If you fall for someone, you’ll finally be able to settle down with them, or at least I hope so.”

  Father’s love for me was apparent whenever he talked about my future.

  It sounded like King Glenreed didn’t actually have any interest in taking a bride. I was to secure a good reputation for my family and my kingdom, but then, my freedom was guaranteed. When I thought of it as a job, ignoring the context of love and romance, it sounded like a fine marriage to agree to.

  “I’d like to accept the offer. Is there anything else I should know in advance?”

  “I’m not sure how important this is, but…Laetitia, you enjoy cooking, right? I’ve watched you come alive lately, whenever you’re in that kitchen… I haven’t seen you look so happy in years—not since you became engaged to His Highness, at least.”

  “Oh my, Father. Have you been spying on me in the kitchen?”

  I broke eye contact with him. It was a bit embarrassing to hear.

  He’d seen me cooking away as I hummed cheerful songs to myself.

  I even remembered feeling a sharp gaze on me in the kitchen at times. I was starting to keep watch for assassins and everything.

  But it appeared that Father’s eyes inherently carried a certain intensity, wherever they looked.

  “Well, as you’ve seen, I do love to cook, though I know it’s not the ideal hobby for a noblewoman…”

  “It’s rare, sure…but only for noblewomen of our kingdom.”

  “Our kingdom? Does that mean…”

  I detected something more in Father’s words. Something I was eager to hear.

  “You guessed it. Wolfvartian women of high status are also known to cook. It’s a much more accepted hobby than it is in our kingdom.”

  Hell yes! That’s awesome!

  Mentally, I was pumping my fist in the air.

  “It’s the whole reason I decided to share this offer with y—”

  “Thank you so very much, Father! I accept this offer in its entirety!”

  A figurehead queen with a time limit of two years.

  I wouldn’t be expected to concern myself with political matters or physical ones. I’d have all the time in the world to myself.

  With this new opportunity to take to the kitchen, I silently reveled in my excitement.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  AFTER that discussion, I began to carry out the plans for my marriage within a few days.

  Between King Glenreed requesting my presence sooner rather than later, and the route to Wolfvarte becoming more dangerous with the changing of the seasons, there were many reasons to rush.

  “Have you forgotten anything, Laetitia? Did you get enough sleep? How about your health? Are you feeling all right?”

  Father seemed more anxious about the journey than I did. He was pacing the room as he questioned me. Despite his busy schedule, he’d come to see me off.

  “Please try to calm down, Father. I’ll have Lucian with me all the way, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to put on a brave face for me, you know.”

  I chuckled, seeing him so insistent.

  His face looked as nefarious as ever, but the words he spoke made his intentions obvious—he was simply a father deeply worried about sending his daughter away.

  The contrast between his appearance and his heart was as amusing as ever.

  “I’m more concerned with how you’ll fare, Father. There’s something I’d like you to handle for me while I’m away.”

  “And what’s that?”


  I handed him a stack of papers I’d written up.

  “What do we have here…?”

  “I gathered a list of the meals I’d like you to try and wrote down each recipe here. You’ve been looking quite pale lately, and I’m sure that’s in part because you’ve been working so hard for my sake, but I don’t think that’s all.”

  “Hmm. Then what is it?”

  “You eat too much rich food. Of course, salt and spices can make a meal very delicious…but consuming too much isn’t good for your health. I read about it as part of my royal education. That same book also included recipes for lighter dishes, so I tried sprucing them up a bit.”

  “I see. I knew you’d gained a sudden passion for cooking, but I had no idea you were this concerned for me…”

  Father’s face was overwhelmed with emotion. Of course, it only made him look sinister.

  He was terrifying on the outside, but in his heart, he was a good man who cared intensely for his daughter.

  As his child, I wanted Father to live a long and healthy life. With Father’s combination of anger issues and high blood pressure, if he ended up passing away while I was in another kingdom, I would never forgive myself.

  Fortunately, the two of us shared the same love of food. Like me, Father didn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about all the rich foods he ate either. When I borrowed the kitchen to make my second batch of ice cream, I could see how much he enjoyed it after I brought him a bowl to try.

  I’ll just say that it was quite a shock to see a stone-faced man like my father breaking out into such a tender smile over ice cream.

  “I didn’t have a lot of time to work on this recipe book, so there are still parts missing. If you need help handling any of the ingredients, could you let the kitchen staff take care of it for you?”

  I turned around to look back at our manor.

  All the chefs stood outside in a row, ready to see me off on my journey.

  We had gotten to know one another better after I started spending time in the kitchen. Each and every one of them was a talented cook worthy of serving a noble family.

  They also worked hard to improve their talents. The staff had been very interested in the recipes I remembered from my past life on Earth, and we even shared culinary information as well.

  My knowledge of cooking and practical experience all came from my past life. In this one, I’d never cooked anything before. Just like the whisk, there were many other utensils that differed from what I knew. Even with “cheats” like my magic, it still took a whole lot of trial and error, despite the help of all the chefs.

  We continued to work out our culinary problems together, and a sense of camaraderie had formed between us along the way… Well, I didn’t know if they felt it, but I sure did.

  Our societal statuses were vastly different, but I believed the desire for delicious food was human nature in every world. I couldn’t transform Elltoria’s food culture all on my own, but when it came to my father’s health, a change seemed much more within reach.

  Many of the kitchen staff also seemed displeased with the current trend of adding so many spices to meals, so this change was a blessing to
them too.

  After leaving my book of Earth recipes with Father and the chefs, it was time for me to depart for Wolfvarte and finally meet the Silver Wolf King.

  Father’s recipe book…

  At that time, I had no idea that something so insignificant would shake up the food culture and future of our kingdom forever…

  ◆ ◆ ◆

  IT was the day of Laetitia’s departure from her homeland, when she was to meet and marry Glenreed, the Silver Wolf King.

  Ilius, the third son of the prime minister, was sporting a gloomy look from behind his glasses.

  “Hey! Are you even listening?! I wanna go see His Highness already!”

  Sumia, with her freshly cut chestnut hair, was throwing a fit in front of him.

  After the skirmish with Laetitia at the ruins, Sumia couldn’t exactly hide what had happened to her hair, so she decided to cut the rest of it off at chin length.

  “Hehe! Please don’t worry, Your Highness. I just wanted to try something new, you know? Well? Do you like it?”

  She’d given her best effort in charming her fiancé, but apparently, she was actually pretty upset about her haircut. Around Ilius, Sumia didn’t have to hide her true emotions.

  Ilius sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day, now finding himself on the receiving end of the girl’s frustration.

  “You’re the one who needs to listen, Sumia. If you want to see the prince, remember my teachings and use them to finish this problem.”

  “I’m already doing it! It’s done, isn’t it?!”

  “No, it’s not. This answer isn’t good enough. Start over with the theory and do it again.”

  He wasted no time in shutting down Sumia’s demand.

  Ilius had assigned her homework but was unimpressed with her response.

  The topic was “appropriate manners and etiquette in relation to the royal family.”

  Sumia shouldn’t have had any trouble completing the homework if she applied herself, but unfortunately, she lacked the focus to actually get the job done.

  With another sigh, Ilius stared at Sumia, wondering how it had come to this.

  Ilius liked intelligent people. He also liked people who worked hard to become intelligent. That’s why he didn’t hate Sumia the first time they met.


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