Can't Help Falling In Love (Love Me Tender #1)

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Can't Help Falling In Love (Love Me Tender #1) Page 2

by Teresa Ives Lilly

  “Follow me,” Holt joked and began to sing the song from an old Disney movie. “Follow me, boys, follow me…”

  Desiree laughed and followed. They placed the pies on the counter in the kitchen. Holt covered them with some cloth he brought along to keep any bugs away.

  “So, now that we’ve accomplished my mission, what about yours?” Holt stepped closer to Desiree. She could feel the heat from his breath near her cheek.

  “My…my mission?” she squeaked.

  “Yes. Did you see any particular building you liked along the way? We can call the realtor and ask her to meet us there. Or we can head to her office.”

  Desiree could hardly think straight with Holt so close to her. He was extremely handsome and smelled appealing as well. The rugged aftershave mixed with the sweet smell of apple pie was heavenly. She couldn’t help but reach up and press her hand on his chest to push him back a bit.

  “Uhm, I think I should go to her office. She might have some others to show me on the Internet. I didn’t actually see anything that interesting on the way here.”

  “Sounds good. “

  They walked to the truck together. Once again, Holt held the door open for Desiree.

  “You are quite the gentleman, but I can open my own door.” Desiree smiled up from the front seat.

  “I was raised to open doors for ladies, especially beautiful ones,” Holt spoke in his Elvis voice.

  Desiree laughed at what she thought was a joke, but then her eyes locked with his, and she could see he wasn’t teasing. Her cheeks flushed.

  Holt got into the truck and turned on the engine.

  They were both quiet as he drove to the real estate office.

  Chapter 3

  Carol Sweeney’s office was in an old Victorian house, painted yellow with white scrollwork all across the front porch. The house was on a street about a quarter mile from Main Street. But Desiree assumed a real estate business didn’t need to be nestled among on the Main Street of a tourist town nestled amongst the fashion boutiques and antique stores in a tourist town. If anyone wanted to move to Fredericksburg, they could easily find Carol’s office on the Internet.

  Desiree stared at the house. “Mmm, I love this look. Just like the Bluebonnet Inn. I’d really prefer to buy a house like this for my shop rather than one of the buildings on Main Street. Even though Main Street is more central and quaint in its own way, a small house for my shop would be so much nicer. I might even be able to live above the shop.” Desiree chewed her bottom lip, mulling over her own thoughts. “But it would still have to be close to town.”

  Holt nodded. “I’m sure Carol can find you something. She’s the type who never gives up!”

  Desiree noted a strange tone in his voice when he mentioned Carol. She cocked her head and stared at him. Was there something between Mr. Handsome and the real estate agent?

  When Holt stopped the car, got out and came around to open the door for Desiree, she noted a unique business sign in the front yard: “Charming Real Estate.”

  “Is that the name of her business?” Desiree stopped in front of the sign.

  “Yes. Since she renamed the company, she’s gotten tons of listings. I guess everyone wants their homes to be represented as ‘Charming.’”

  “Smart advertising. Quaint office, catchy name. It sounds like this Carol is a smart woman.” Desiree watched Holt’s face to see if any flicker of emotion crossed it.

  “Hmm, she is smart, but perhaps a bit…”

  “Holt! Holt, darling.” Holt’s words floated into the wind as a stunning raven haired, thin-as-a-pencil woman, with just the right amount of curves in all the right places, flung open the front door of the house and rushed onto the porch.

  Desiree found herself stunned by the woman’s beauty but irritated by her somewhat nasal voice.

  “Holt, I’m so glad to see you. I hoped, after that little talk we had, you would come see me.”

  Desiree found herself clenching her fists as the woman glided down the porch and basically threw herself into Holt’s arms. If he hadn’t caught her, she would have ended up flat on her face. She flung her arms around his neck.

  Desiree’s mouth dropped open. This was definitely not the type of woman she would have pictured Holt with. But then again, they just met. What did she know about his type?

  She looked up to see Carol standing beside Holt now, her hands clapped together behind her back, a Cheshire cat smile on her face.

  Holt cleared his throat. “Desiree, this is Carol Sweeney.”

  The woman barely acknowledged the introduction but did give a small nod, her eyes riveted on Holt.

  “Carol, this is Desiree. She’s staying at the Bluebonnet Inn.”

  Desiree could almost feel herself grow cold as Carol turned and gave her a look that could freeze anyone.

  “Oh, really? You don’t usually drive around with your guests?”

  Holt’s smile turned down. “No, I don’t usually. But Desiree wanted to meet you. She’s moving to Fredericksburg and wants to open a small shop. I assured her you were the best agent in town.”


  Desiree could hardly believe the change that came over the woman. She turned almost instantly from a cold, seemingly jealous woman, to a warm, southern, welcoming hostess.

  Carol hooked an arm through Desiree’s and led her to the porch. “You want to move here? How absolutely wonderful! This town is the best place in the world to live. So, you say you want to find a shop? What do you have in mind…”

  Desiree wanted to burst out laughing at the woman’s obvious character change. It seemed Carol liked selling houses even more than she liked Holt. Desiree contemplated finding a different real estate agent because she wasn’t sure she could trust a person as flighty as Carol seemed, but Holt had promised she was the best so Desiree was willing to give her a try.

  Carol held the door open. Desiree stepped into the office. “Yes, I want to open a small shop where I can sell items I hand paint. Perhaps something like this house, but closer to town.”

  As she allowed herself to be lead down the hallway to Carol’s office, Desiree looked back over her shoulder and noticed the amused grin on Holt’s face.

  “I’ll just wait here.” He gave a wink as she glanced at him with something like desperation in her eyes.

  Within minutes, Carol had her computer turned on and pulled a chair over for Desiree to sit on. Together they scanned the photos on line. Desiree was surprised how many homes were actually for sale.

  “Oh, yes. There aren’t many residents who live within walking distance to town. Most all the houses on those streets are businesses or bed and breakfasts.”

  Desiree nodded. “That’s a bit too much competition for the bed and breakfast owners, I imagine.”

  “Not really. There are plenty of tourists. Enough to fill every bed and breakfast in town. The problem is many owners are old fashioned and won’t create or upgrade their websites. Those bed and breakfasts are last to get chosen, if at all. Tourists often cancel their plans to visit Fredericksburg when rooms are not available in the main bed and breakfasts because they don’t see the other options.”

  Desiree wondered if Amanda had upgraded her website. Although Desiree had booked online, she didn’t use Google; she knew the website by heart. But thinking about it now, it did seem as if the website wasn’t very up to date.

  She jotted down a note to herself to check the website. That might be the first step in helping Holt to save the Bluebonnet Inn.

  Chapter 4

  After thirty minutes, Desiree opened the front door and stepped onto the porch. She held a page of addresses. Holt, who was stretched out on a front porch swing, sat up.

  “Did you find anything?”

  “There are some real possibilities. I’ll probably drive by them first, and Carol agreed to meet tomorrow and show me any I want to see.”

  “Good.” Holt stood and reached for the list. His hand brushed against hers, and Desiree felt a stran
ge warmth spread up her arm. She released the list.

  Holt scanned through the addresses. “Hmm, some of these are currently bed and breakfasts. I wonder why they’re selling? Must be in the same boat as I am, can’t make enough money with all the competition.”

  “I was talking to Carol about that. She assures me there are plenty of guests to fill all the B&Bs in town. I think it goes back to the whole concept of advertising and maybe coming up with some kind of theme.”

  “I’m open to any and all suggestions. Are you ready to head back to the Bluebonnet? I’ve got a show tonight.”

  Desiree gasped. “Oh, I’ve been so selfish. I should have come here alone. I’m sure you had better things to do than wait for me.”

  Holt tilted his head in thought. “Hmm, nope. Can’t think of anything better than chauffeuring a lovely woman around town.”

  Desiree felt her cheeks blush with pleasure.

  “I’m ready to go back to the Bluebonnet. Are you doing your Elvis impersonation tonight?”

  “Yep. They were very happy with my audition. Since I have my own routine, they asked if I could just start tonight. I’m only in about ten minutes of the show. The rest of the time, I’ll help out in the kitchen.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Holt steered the Ford away from the “Charming” real estate office.

  “You have plans for the evening?” he asked.

  “No. I think I can map out these houses when we get back and be ready to do the drive by in the morning.”

  “I’m allowed to bring a guest to the show. Would you like to attend? It’s a pretty good show. I mean, at least the rest of it. I’m not sure how you’ll like my Elvis impersonation.”

  “I already saw a bit of it this morning, and I was pretty impressed. I’d love to go to the show.”

  “I have to be there an hour before it starts so you’ll have to drive separately. I’ll have them hold your ticket at the front. Remember, it’s a dinner show so plan to eat there.”

  “And I’ll get some of that apple pie then?”

  “Yes, you’ll get some apple pie.”

  “How can I pass up a night of Elvis and apple pie? I’ll be there.”

  Holt reached over, placed his hand on top of hers and gave a small squeeze. “I’ll consider it a date then.” He sounded hopeful.

  Desiree smiled. She hadn’t been on a date in a long time.

  “Well, it will certainly be something to write home about. I’ll title my letter, ‘My date with Elvis,’” she giggled.

  Holt laughed.

  Desiree noticed he kept his hand over hers. She sat very still.


  The theater was housed in a fairly large, plain metal building on a side street. Desiree thought the location was smart, but the building could use a bit of pizzazz.

  There was a small poster board attached to the door which read:

  Tonight, see Elvis live!!!

  Desiree frowned. That wasn’t going to pull in any business.

  When the doors opened, she was the first person through. She found her way to the “Will Call” window and picked up her ticket. The girl pointed to the door on the right and told her to head that way.

  “The dinner will be served in about ten minutes. The show will start once everyone’s been served.”

  Desiree made a beeline to the door. She was hungry. She’d been so busy all day, looking over the list Carol had given her and mapping out a plan for tomorrow, she hadn’t taken time to even eat a snack. She was afraid she was going to embarrass herself by shoveling the food in too fast to stop the growling in her stomach.

  Hmm, Lord, I hope Holt doesn’t see me eating tonight.

  “May I escort you to your table?” a now familiar but pleasant voice spoke by her ear. Desiree turned her head and found Holt standing very close.

  “I need to get my food first.”

  “Ok, how about I hold your plate and you pile it up. I don’t think you have eaten all day, you must be starving.”

  Desiree felt her cheeks flush. It was strange how she had just been thinking the same thing.

  “Hey, shouldn’t you be back stage, getting dressed and ready to perform?”

  “I’ve got a bit of time. I’ve been doing my Elvis impersonation for so long, it doesn’t take me much time to get dressed and into character. I’d much rather escort you.”

  Desiree could see a sparkle of humor in his eyes but heard the sincerity in his voice. She swallowed and shook her head.

  Can’t allow myself to get attracted to him. He’s selling, moving… on his way out, while I’m on my way in.

  She laughed slightly and gave him a small push. “No, sir. I’m a big girl and can find my way to the table. You better get in the back and get ready.”

  Holt hung his head as if hurt and scuffed his foot. “Oh, baby, you’re breaking my heart.” He spoke in his best Elvis accent, but only in her ear. Desiree felt his warm breath and shivered.

  Holt handed her plate to her and disappeared.

  Suddenly, eating didn’t seem so important to

  her anymore.

  Chapter 5

  “Thank you. You’ve been a wonderful audience. Let me leave you with this song.”

  The piano player ran his hands over the keys and began to play, Desiree and the entire audience clapped in anticipation, and Holt began to sing.

  “Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with …

  At that point of the song, Holt maneuvered off the stage, across the room and stopped beside Desiree’s table. He held out his hand for hers. People at other tables began to cheer and whistle so Desiree played along and placed her hand in his palm. Holt bent down on one knee and continued to sing.

  Holt stood, pulled Desiree to her feet and whispered in her ear, “Take a bow, lovely lady.”

  Desiree held her hands to her burning cheeks, but bowed alongside of Holt. The other guests clapped wholeheartedly. Finally, Holt slipped away, and Desiree was able to sit and take a long sip of her cool iced tea.

  The house lights came on, and the staff began to clear the dinner dishes off the tables. Holt wasn’t with them. She assumed it was because he was changing from his rather skin tight, rhinestone Elvis outfit into plain clothes. A few patrons got up and mingled, getting refills on drinks at the bar set in the corner.

  Desiree was a tea totaller so was content with her glass of tea.

  “May I offer you a piece of apple pie?” Holt’s deep voice pulled her attention. He stood beside her with several plates on a tray.

  “You are a man of many talents. A bed and breakfast owner, an Elvis impersonator, a baker and now a waiter.”

  Holt nodded. “But I’m best at baking. So you said you wanted to try my pie. Here it is.”

  He handed her a plate with a large slice of pie topped with a large dollop of whipped cream on top.

  “Yum. I love whipped cream.”

  Holt shook his head. “My pie doesn’t need a topping, but the owner insisted. It’s almost sinful to hide its flavor.”

  Desiree forked a piece of pie and slipped it into her mouth. “Mmm, it’s delicious!”

  Holt nodded and moved away from the table, delivering pie to other guests. From the look on most everyone’s faces, the pie was the highlight of the night.

  Before the next act, Holt joined Desiree at the table. The lights lowered and the show began. There were several others who did impersonations, a few singers and a comedian. All in all, Desiree thought Holt’s Elvis was the best, but she enjoyed the entire show.


  “So, what did you think of the show?” Holt leaned over when the lights came back on.

  “It was very enjoyable. You were wonderful.”

  “Hmm, it was fun, and I was surprised how much I enjoyed serving the pie. I think it was a hit.”

  “Definitely! I saw their faces; everyone thought the pie was perfect. Is there any chance of you selling pies to help save the bed and breakfast?”

  Holt sat still for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face. “You know, it might just work. I could set up a small shop in the front dining room. There’s a private room upstairs I can turn into the dining room for the bed and breakfast customers. But how would I get the word out?”

  “Is there a local newspaper? You could take out an ad. And maybe you could hand out flyers here at the show.” Desiree stood and stretched. “It’s been a long day. I’m going to sleep like a baby. I can’t wait to sink into the feather bed tonight.”

  Holt stood. “I have to help clean up, but you have a key to the Bluebonnet. I shouldn’t be far behind. I’ll lock up the house when I get there.”

  Desiree picked up her purse and headed for the door. Holt followed.

  “I thought you needed to help clean?”

  “I do, but I’ll walk you to your car first. It may be a small town, but it’s better to be safe.”

  Desiree smiled. “Do you give all your customers this kind of service?”

  Holt leaned close, “Only the very beautiful ones.”


  The sun peeked through the lace curtains and fell across Desiree’s cheeks. However, it didn’t waken her until nine the next morning.

  She sat up and stretched.

  I could get used to this bed.

  For a moment, she bowed her head, thanking God for another day and a chance to live in Fredericksburg. It was all she really wanted, except of course a good looking, kind, generous husband; maybe one who could cook.

  Desiree shook her head. Where is that thought coming from? I’ve never even considered a husband before, and what does it matter if he can cook?

  The delicious aroma of apple fritters was seeping into her room. She closed her eyes and could picture Holt, standing in the kitchen, with a too small apron tied around his waist, baking the fritters.

  Hmm, I guess it wouldn’t hurt if my husband-to-be can cook, especially if he can cook apple fritters.

  Desiree trudged into the bathroom and turned on the hot water.

  A shower is just what I need to wake me up. I have a bunch of houses and buildings to look at today. But I also need to put my ideas about Holt selling pies on paper. If he really can turn the dining room into a small shop, it would work perfectly. The Bluebonnet is only a few houses from Main Street. If he put a larger sign in the front yard with the picture of a pie painted on it, that should attract attention. There is also the local newspaper; maybe Holt could set up an interview. Every playhouse in town sold advertisements on their playbills. It wouldn’t take much to get the word out.


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