Twice Burned: An MMF Bisexual Romance

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Twice Burned: An MMF Bisexual Romance Page 13

by Aly White

  I cup Aubrey’s face and caress her cheeks with my fingers. “I’ll wash up now,” Aubrey says softly.

  “Let’s get in the shower together,” Julian suggests.

  Aubrey crawls out of the bed still a bit limping but not noticeable enough if you don’t look closely at her legs. She heads out of the room and Julian follows her.

  As I watch them go ahead of me, it finally hit me that I’ve already fallen head over heels with Aubrey and Julian. And I know that my feelings toward them are serious.

  It thrills me that I still have a lot of time to spend with them on this island. I wonder for a short while if maybe this is a right place to further our relationship. But then the two are already out of the room, and I don’t think I would want to miss the shower.


  The spacious, costal suite feels empty without Julian or Lucas around. I walk into the closet, an expansive room by itself. Rows and rows of shoes, dresses, hats, bags, accessories, lingerie, jewelry and literally anything else a girl could want, make their home in the drawers, cabinets, hooks, and revolving mirror.

  There’s even a Black Widow costume, exact replica and all. The most mysterious part of all is how everything fits exactly right, from the shoes to the rings to the wide-brimmed sun hats.

  Did they stalk me? Or maybe Julian had connections in the CIA and got all my info from them.

  I should really stop thinking about all this.

  Shaking my head vigorously, I approach the rows and rows of dresses that occupy the dressers. I try on a few things; and while they all fit, they don’t spark my particular mood or what I want to show off.

  After what seemed like an entire movie montages worth of trying on a combination of dresses, shoes, and accessories, I finally settle on my final two: a waterfall, cobalt blue, ruffle gown with a plunging neckline and a hem that slants off, showing my legs partially. Top it all off with a bronze laurel leaf belt, knee-high gladiator sandals, and top it off with a Tiffany bracelet.

  I look at myself in the mirror, twirling around slowly and frowning. While I like how this accentuates my assets—heh, pun intended—it makes me look ten years younger than I already am. I look down at my breasts, partially visible from the wide and deep neckline of the dress. While this dress looks perfect on me, like most of the things here, it makes me feel like I am going to my juniorprom rather than a date with the hottest bachelors of my generation.

  So a slutty teen? Are they into that? I shake my head vigorously.

  Slipping off the outfit, I try on the other one that caught my eye. After about ten minutes of zipping, tying, strapping, inserting, and the like, I completed what I hope would be my outfit for the night.

  The stylish, dark gown with a lace-up front hugs my body tightly. I do a tiny twirl in front of the giant mirror to see myself in it: the long sleeves coating my arms, the floor length skirt rustling as it moves around my feet, and the chain laces with jewel-encrusted buttons bedazzling my breasts and my forearms. The thigh high slit on the skirt also makes a fashionable, yet contemporary statement.

  I put on some lace-up heels that wrap all the way up underneath my kneecaps. These heels must be custom made—as I found that the six-inch heels are detachable tiny flasks for you to sneak your liquor anywhere.

  Julian’s idea, I’m sure, I say to myself. As risqué as it was, I decided to go commando on both fronts tonight. While all the lingerie in this room would be enough to pay for food for a small nation in some third-world country, none of them feel comfortable enough to wear underneath this dress. Or perhaps I am being too picky.

  I paw through the jewelry box and find a pair of gold and platinum earrings with rounded white and pink diamonds as my best pick. My jaw almost drops as I see that the tag for this pair is left untouched, showing the six thousand dollar price tag. Holy fuck.

  My hands shake as I put on the pair of earrings on me. I added one last piece from the jewelry boon—a heavy, leaf-shaped, gold and platinum ring inlaid with diamonds. I place the cold jewel on my ring finger and recheck the mirror.

  The earrings and the ring both sparkle in unison as they catch the light, shining even brighter on the contrast with the dark dress. I smile to myself, pleased with the look and effect of the outfit.

  Classy but sexy, I tell myself. I decide to go with this outfit, smiling to myself. I think I made the right decision.

  I sit down in front of the makeup table and start to put on the works. Julian and Lucas were again all cryptic and mysterious about what’s about to happen. I recall the conversation as I put on some primer.

  “You better get ready,” Lucas said all of a sudden.

  “Why?” I asked skeptically.

  Lucas smirked at me once more. It was the same mischievous smile that I saw during the art show. Despite nothing dangerous or scary happening the last time, I still feel freaked out about the whole ordeal.

  “Please. No more surprises.” I beg. “I’m this close to having a heart attack!”

  “I’ve seen your medical files, Audrey. That doesn’t look possible at the present moment.” Julian states matter-of-factly.

  “We’re just having dinner that’s all,” Lucas states, brushing my hair in place with his knuckles. The small movement sent shivers down my spine. And no, that was not a bad thing.

  “Come on,” Julian says. We get up from the bed and sit on the edge. My legs dangle from the edge, not touching the floor. That irks me for some reason.

  “We have this room made especially for you,” Lucas says. In one quick motion, he reaches his arm to the nightstand, taking a tablet lying there.

  “All you need to do, you can do here: room temperature, changing the view on the window, adjusting the lights, calling room service, and everything else in between.”

  He taps a few things on the tablet, making the lights go dim and warm. Julian’s toned, pale flesh in the light looks much more delicious. Lucas's large muscles look much more defined—much more delicious. Suddenly I feel hungry.

  As if reading my mind, Julian takes my hands with one of his and kisses them both. He grins at me. God, he’s so fucking adorable. He says, “We’re going to have dinner soon. Just get ready, and we’ll do the same.”

  I nod. Lucas hands me the tablet. “This also shows inventory on everything in the place. If something seems out of place, there’s also a button for that. We have an hour until dinner is ready. Be ready by then, okay?”

  I nod again. Lucas kisses the top of my head, spilling warmth from the head down. Julian gives me one of his signature smiles once more as he and Lucas exit the room, with each guy draping an arm over the other’s shoulder.

  Click! The compact echoes shut as I finish the last touches. I rise from the vanity and approach one the full-length mirrors, checking my full get-up once more.

  After one last twirl, everything feels in place. Just like a princess.

  I push the double doors open and exit my suite. I am greeted by a tall, clean-shaven boy donning the hotel uniform. In his hands is a giant bouquet of peach and white roses with a few pearls twinkling in between.

  “Hello, Ms. Myers. My name is Corey,” he tells me. “Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Francois sent me to escort you to the restaurant.”

  He hands me the bouquet and offers me his arm.

  I raise my eyebrow at him. He blushes a deep crimson.

  “I—uh, Mr. Reynolds says you’d be more comfortable like this.”

  That asshole! I link my arms with the handsome boy begrudgingly and allow him to walk me to the restaurant.


  Julian shifts around anxiously in his size fifteen boat shoes. Lucas and I are both standing in front of the entrance, waiting for Aubrey to enter. We each have a bouquet of roses and lilies in hand, which helps hide the boner I get whenever I think about what we did in Aubrey’s bed in less than an hour ago.

  “Hey, man. You okay?” Even if we’re the same age, Lucas still acts—and looks the part—as an older brother to both me and Aust
in. My cock twitches involuntarily at the thought of doing it with him.

  He looks down at me, waiting for my answer.

  “Yeah,” I say. My voice came out higher than intended. I clear my throat and modulate my voice. “I’m fine. How about you?”

  He blinks slowly, taking his time to answer. “I’m just thinking about all of this. It’s been a whirlwind of a week for us.”

  “Yup, it has...” is all I could reply.

  An awkward silence permeates the room. Lucas paces around, the longer we wait, the more anxious Lucas seems to get. He’d glance at his watch, then at me, then at the restaurant’s entrance. I wish I have something funny or witty to say right now in hopes of calming his nerves. But I’d be lying if I said that anxiety isn’t eating me up too.

  I look up to find Lucas staring directly at me. His expression is one of uncertainty. He smiles faintly at me.

  “Hey, man. You okay?” I ask mirroring his question from a few minutes ago.

  “No. Not really.” He says, leaning on the bar, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “I just feel like this could go so wrong. What if she doesn’t see us the way we see her?”

  His honesty throws me off a little. I expect him to say that it is all okay and that he’d reassure me that everything would turn out alright. Instead, he gives me this cynical spiel. The restaurants moody lighting starts to feel almost oppressive.

  “What do you really feel about her?” His words make me wonder if we feel the same for Aubrey.

  “I don’t know man…” he says. Oh, here it is. “I think I actually love her.”

  Oh, he loves her. I feel weird about this. I obviously have similar feelings towards Aubrey.

  “And what about me?” I ask. “How do I fit in with this equation?”

  “I find it necessary you be part of this. It just wouldn’t feel right without you.”

  That loosens one of the knots in my chest. There’s always been an attraction there, unspoken yet ever-present. Now thanks to Aubrey, it’s almost out in the open, especially now that Lucas and I have shared a much more intimate encounter.

  “Aubrey’s brought us closer than ever, hasn’t she?”

  “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing.” He replies. “I can’t wait to see her. She’ll look gorgeous with whatever outfit she decides to wear,”

  We start to recount the best things we could think about Aubrey. Going through minute details and anecdotes.

  “Her smile…”

  “Her eyes…” he adds.

  “Her laugh…”

  Our chatting lightens the mood, the oppressive feeling lifts the more we talk. Our nervousness melts, and instead, we’re laughing and smiling, our weariness is forgotten entirely.

  “Man, I really want this to work out,” Lucas says, his smile slowly fading and the melancholy creeping back into his voice. “I want all of this to work out, that’s including you too.”

  “I want that too,” I say. “I haven’t felt this way in a long time. And this will definitely hurt like a bitch if it doesn’t pan out.”

  “So is this fine with you? Being together with Aubrey?” Lucas asks.

  “That’s the thing I want most right now.”

  A waiter comes rushing back into the restaurant. We can hear their whispering among themselves, about us two who’ve reserved a whole restaurant for a girl, about a feud between Lucas and I, and about a relationship between Lucas and I.

  The manager horridly comes up to us. “She’s on her way down!” he says this with his perfectly groomed mustache twitching in anticipation.

  I can hear the click-clacking of Aubrey’s heels from outside the restaurant door. It feels like the whole restaurant has fallen silent, the music and the chattering of the waiters are just drowned out as the sound of my beating heart fills my ears.

  Aubrey rounds the corner into the dim lighting; her presence just makes the faint incandescent glow of the lights look like sunshine. Every step she takes resounds off the marble walls, she doesn’t know it, but she has just claimed power over every man in this hotel.

  Her floor-length dress flowed and billowed with every step she takes, revealing a little too much under that waist-high slit. She’s gone commando, what a naughty girl.

  Lucas and I exchange looks. I can feel the blood rush into my crotch as I start to get hard at what I’ve seen. Lucas's already bulging pants now looks like they are about to tear open. I’m even harder now.

  I think Aubrey noticed our arousal. Who am I kidding? With dicks these big, I’m sure the most of the restaurant’s staff have noticed it by now, even from the distance they’re respectfully keeping.

  Aubrey starts to walk down the stairs at the entrance of the hotel. Her escort takes her hand and guides her safely to the bottom. He backs away leaving Aubrey to walk towards us alone. She looks a bit flustered at all the effort and a little confused to find us standing next to each other with bouquets in hand. She begins to fidget with the laces on her dress.

  She looks absolutely gorgeous. I look over to Lucas he and I didn’t have to exchange words. We both knew what we want, and she is standing right in front of us.


  Aubrey is stunning. She is a vision of radiance and sex appeal. My hand is itching to undress her right then and there. But that’s not what we’re here for…at least not what we’re completely here for. We step forward, and we hand her our bouquets. She holds them as if they are one bouquet and gently picks one flower out.

  I kiss her on the cheek, “You look absolutely radiant tonight.”

  She brushes a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smiles back at me. Julian steps up and gives her a kiss on the opposite cheek. He whispers something in her ear that makes her giggle like a school girl. I roll my eyes lightly. Show off.

  A waiter, whose name tag reads Jeff, informs us that our table is ready. He leads us to a spot at the back of the restaurant to a sprawling balcony that shows a stunning view of the ocean. In an extravagantly decorated dais sits our table, a round, medium-sized dining table set for three.

  Jeff, the waiter, takes Aubrey’s bouquets on a tray and carries them off, to be placed in a vase with water. I pull out a seat for Aubrey, and almost immediately Julian sits down. I stare daggers at him until he realizes his mistake and stands back up, his ears red. Once Aubrey is seated, he and I finally take our seats.

  From where Jeff disappeared comes out another man. He’s a fit, older man with pale olive skin, a ruggedly handsome face, and forearms with hair singed at the tips. Julian rises from his seat to greet the handsome stranger.

  “Julian!” the man exclaims. Julian stretches out a hand, but the man pulls him in for what is quite literally a bear hug. Julian lets out a very audible oof! when he hits the man’s chest.

  Julian, so visibly dazed you could almost see the cartoon birds circling his head, introduces us to his massive friend. “Marco, these are my dates for tonight.” I stand up to shake his hand, and he takes it in one of the firmest handshakes I’ve ever had.

  “Lucas, this is Chef Marco di Angelo. Chef, this is Lucas Francois,” Julian says. Only now that I’m standing next to him do I realize that he towers over even me by a few inches.

  “This lovely lady over here is Aubrey Myers. Aubrey this is Chef Marco.” The massive man moves with astonishing grace towards Aubrey’s side. He bows and reaches for her hand, which without hesitation, she places her hand in his and he kisses it. Aubrey turns scarlet.

  “I specifically asked for Marco tonight,” Julian tells us. “He’s one of the best chefs I personally know, and I trust he’ll give us an amazing meal.” Marco thanks Julian for the kind words and excuses himself, leaving behind a bottle of Rosé chilling in a bucket.

  Julian and I look over at Aubrey who is still very red. “He’s so hot!” she says out loud. We could only nod in agreement.

  “Do you think we could include him in our…?” Aubrey asks candidly. Julian and I almost immediately blurted out no as an answer. Au
brey pouts and gives us a disappointed look. I’m half convinced that she’s only kidding. Her face is still slightly scarlet, after all.

  We hear the padded footsteps of someone walking towards us. Jeff comes from around the corner carrying a tray filled with the appetizers. He smiles at us warmly as he sets down our hors d'oeuvres.

  “Puff pastry baked with grilled onions, tomato and a crumble of blue cheese,” He says as he sets down a plate of disks that resemble minuscule pizzas.

  “Honey and Black Pepper Brie,” He says as he sets down another plate, this one had melted cheese wedges drizzled with honey, some nuts, and cracked black pepper on it.

  “Breadsticks., He says this time while putting down a flat wooden board with breadsticks covered in melted mozzarella and a dip that looked like vinaigrette.

  Jeff takes the bottle of rosé and begins to pour it for us starting with Aubrey. Once he’s filled our glasses, he gives Aubrey a shy smile and walks off. I think he’s into her. To be fair, it’s not that hard to be into her.

  “I think he likes you, Aubrey,” Julian says, voicing out my thoughts.

  “Don’t assume! He could just be very polite.” She said taking a bite out of the minuscule pizza-looking hors d'oeuvre.

  “Can you blame him though?” I chime in with a wink. “You look ravishing!”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She retorts. She switches her crossed legs giving Julian and I the ‘Sharon Stone’s Basic Instinct’ treatment. What a tease. “What’re you supposed to be anyway?”

  She points out my coat and vest. “It looks so old-fashioned,” she says. I don’t see what’s wrong with my outfit. She says my velvet dinner jacket looks so stifling that it makes her feel sweaty just looking at it.


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