Texas Chainsaw Masochist

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Texas Chainsaw Masochist Page 2

by Markus Fredericks

  “Boy, you’re such an ugly bastard – you’re going to have to suck extra hard, but don’t worry – I saved plenty of juice just for you.”

  Todd was still kneeling when the warden positioned his dick right in front of Todd’s monstrous face. Todd opened his mouth wide and lurched forward, and in an instant bit Mr. Payne’s penis right off. As he spat out the bloody sausage onto the floor, the warden let out a horrifically loud scream. The warden fell down to the cold basement floor – writhing and jerking like an eel on an electric plate.

  Todd sprang up to his feet and managed to incapacitate the first guard with a powerful kick to the groin. However, the second guard managed to draw his revolver and shot Todd in the chest. However, with his inner rage at full throttle, Todd ignored any sensations of pain. He ran straight at the gunman, leading with his head. A hard, flying head-butt, shattered the guard’s nose. With his hands still in handcuffs, the enraged Todd took turns stomping on each of the guards’ heads until their skulls were pulverized into a bloody mush. Once Todd was certain that both of the guards were dead, he turned his attention to Mr. Payne, who was moaning on the floor, in a pool of blood with his hands covering his crotch. The still enraged Todd knelt back down and proceeded to bite chunks of flesh off the warden’s face until nothing was left but a bloody skull.

  When Todd noticed that his friend, Cody, was now more afraid of him than the warden, his rage subsided. Todd began to openly weep himself over the carnage he had caused. Overcome by his masochistic tendencies, he began to hurt himself by head-butting the steel door over, and over, until he knocked himself unconscious.

  A thoroughly frightened Cody managed to get up and unbolt the door with his hands still behind him in cuffs. As soon as he was able to open the door, Cody ran back upstairs to get help…


  After a short stint in the hospital to extract the bullet from his lung, Todd was relocated to a different juvenile retention facility outside Abilene, Texas. The courtroom granted Todd Waddington leniency regarding his slaying of the warden, Walter Payne, and his two accomplices, thanks primarily to Cody Hanson’s testimony. It also strengthened their case when other previous inmates testified about the sexual abuse which happened often at the reform school near Lubbock.

  However, the judge wanted no possibility of a similar occurrence happening again, so he ordered that Todd spend his remaining two and a half years of time in solitary confinement. The judge’s recommendation that Todd receive extensive counseling for his extremely aggressive behavior was ignored on account of tight budget constraints.

  During the ensuing two and a half years, Todd Waddington became progressively more anti-social and withdrawn. His only attempt at forming a friendship with Cody had ended very tragically. Todd’s father never once paid him a visit – not even during the holidays. His only companion was a wild rat who came to visit his cell daily. Todd shared his food with the rat and he named him, ‘Ratso’, after the Dustin Hoffman character in ‘The Midnight Cowboy’. However, after several months of daily visits, Ratso suddenly stopped coming. Naturally, Todd’s depression became even worse…

  “Hey, Todd – today’s your eighteen birthday,” said the guard. “Your father is picking you up in an hour. You’re free to go home.”

  Todd thought to himself, “Yeah! I’m finally out of this prison, but I’m not too crazy about seeing my dad either. He never once came to visit me.”

  Carrying only a small bag with a few items of clothing, Todd Waddington saw his father, Lucas, standing by the gate. His father looked significantly older than he did three years earlier. He face was more wrinkled and his hair was grayer. He looked skinny and emaciated, but he sounded just the same…

  “Gee, boy – you musta been eatin’ yer Wheaties for breakfast. You’re bigger than a house. I hope I can ‘ford to keep ya fed. I’m broke dick, so I ‘spect ya to git a job ‘fore too long.”

  “Hi, p-p-pa,” was all the conversation that Todd was up for during their two-hour car ride back home…

  Todd was glad to finally sleep in his old bed, but he had grown so tall now that his feet protruded over the end of the bed. He was glad to eat a giant bowl of Texas chili, which his father made from his mom’s old recipe.

  “I ‘spect ya to wash up all them dishes. I’m headed outside to chop down a dying apple tree that’s hangin’ over the neighbor’s chain-link fence. Ya know – we got sum new family livin’ next door. It’s the Pickens family. They’re your typical, white trash sorta family. I’m not hog-wild about their teenage son, Bud. He shaves his head like a skinhead, and he’s covered with body-piercings and tattoos. Besides, I think he’s a goddamn dope dealer. Well, anyways – the previous owners, ‘specially Wyatt’s mom, couldn’t stand livin’ there no more after you turned her boy’s head into a pile o’ ground chuck.”

  As Todd washed the dinner dishes, he heard his dad revving up a big, gas-powered chainsaw in the distance. He watched from the kitchen window as his father began by cutting some of the thicker branches. Next, he watched his dad stooping forward to cut the tree trunk which was nestled up against the chain-link fence.

  Suddenly, Todd saw his dad’s chainsaw jerking backwards. The loud sound of the chainsaw was instantly replaced by a loud scream of agonizing pain. Todd abandoned the dishes to go see what had happened…

  Todd ran fast as he saw his father lying on the ground. The closer he got, the more detailed became his vision of a horrific accident. Lucas was gushing out blood from the side of his neck and shoulder area. His father’s hands quivered as he was rapidly going into shock. Todd knelt down to try to comfort his father, but after getting a good look at the gaping wound, Todd knew that his father was dying. While clutching his father in his arms, Todd glanced at the chainsaw on the ground. Apparently, the tip of the spinning chainsaw got caught in the chain-link fence, and it kicked back violently at the side of his dad’s neck.

  The new neighbors quickly called for an ambulance, but Lucas bled to death before help arrived. As the team of medics loaded up his father’s corpse into the ambulance, a gloomy-feeling Todd grabbed the gas-powered chainsaw, and slowly walked back home…

  The next day, there was an unexpected knock on the door. A rail-thin, guy in his thirties with an overbite introduced himself, “Hey, you must be Todd Waddington. I’m Kyle Puckett. Your pa used to be our grave digger, and he operated our funeral parlor’s crematory, but seein’ as your pa’s now dead, well, I figure he ain’t gonna be able to dig his own grave. So, Todd, I came here to offer you a job. How d’ya like to take over your pa’s position? It don’t pay much, but we could sure as hell use a helpin’ hand. ‘Sides, you can get some on the job traini’ by crematin’ your very own dad. So, what d’ya say to that offer?”

  Todd silently pondered about his future for a moment. He knew there was no cash to inherit from his dad, although he knew he would surely get to stay the ramshackle house. His frightening looks made the prospect of future ‘job interviews’ seem futile. So, Todd extended out his right hand and said, “I w-want the j-j-job.”

  “Hot dang! Why don’tcha come with me to the morgue? I can teach you how to cremate a body. You see, there’s actually two stages to the burnin’s – first we ‘pre-burn’ him down to the skeletal stage. Next, you get to pulverize his bones once they get brittle from the heat. It’ll have a more personal sorta touch, seein’ as the stiff belongs to your own pa, and all. You won’t be needin’ to dig no grave for him, since burial plots cost a heap o’ money, but for sure you can take your pa’s ashes back home with you – or if you really don’t give a hoot, you can always just flush him down the toilet. ‘Course, that’s all up to you.”

  Todd laced up his shoes – and he was off to begin his first day of work…


  Since deaths weren’t particularly frequent in his small, hometown in Texas, most of the time Todd’s new job kept him busy with minor cleaning duties around the cemetery grounds. This included disposing of deteriora
ting bouquets of flowers when they became wilted, and picking up an occasional candy wrapper or dog poop droppings. Todd didn’t mind receiving minimum wage – he was just grateful he didn’t need to go for a traditional, job interview. After all, with his nightmarish looks, Todd certainly didn’t have the ‘corporate-executive look’.

  His supervisor, Kyle Puckett, was by nature a highly-sexed pervert – although, technically he was still a virgin. The goofy-looking, skinny Kyle had never managed to seduce any living lady, so all his sexual encounters had been with girls who had recently died. In other words, Kyle was an outright necrophiliac.

  One day, Kyle was particularly excited when his straight-laced boss, Elmer Higgins, gave him the following news…

  “Hey, Kyle – I need you to do some overtime work tonight. You need to prep out a new stiff so the mortician can embalm her tomorrow. The purdy, lil’, blond thing’s waitin’ for you in our morgue. It’s a cryin’ shame for someone to die so young. Her name was, Daisy Harper, a teenage cheerleader from Ridgeway High. Apparently, she kicked the bucket from a drug overdose a couple nights ago. Her body was found in the bushes alongside the road, not far away from Todd’s house. She’s got some twigs and bunch of bugs nesting inside her. I need you to wash her body real good.”

  “You got it, boss,” answered Kyle while rubbing his hands in glee. “I’ll be much obliged. I’m gonna wash out ever lil’ nook an’ cranny of hers.”

  “That’s sounds fine and dandy,” replied Mr. Higgins. “My old lady told me to be on time fer supper, so I’ll let you lock up when you leave. Say, what’s our new hand Todd doin’?”

  “Todd’s out yonder diggin’ a grave. He ran into a bunch o’ nasty tree roots, so I reckon he’ll be busy fer at least a couple more hours.”

  “That’s fine, Kyle. Jus’ make sure ya clock him out as soon as he finishes with his chores. See ya later…”

  As soon as Mr. Higgins left, Kyle double-checked to make sure that Todd was busy. Although Todd was working a good distance away from the building, Kyle could tell that he was laboring hard to cut through some thick, underground roots.

  An excited Kyle called out, “Well, Miss Daisy Harper – ready or not, here I come…”

  Kyle was accustomed to the stench of formaldehyde and rotting flesh. Instead of being repulsed by the lingering aroma, he was enthusiastic to meet his new girlfriend. Kyle had never had a real girlfriend, so he liked to pretend that his cadavers were still alive by engaging them in some conversation…”

  He began by undressing the young, dead girl lying on the work table. Kyle spoke out to her as if she was alive, “Good afternoon, Miss Daisy. Allow me to introduce myself… My name’s Kyle, an’ I’ll be at yer service. Good golly, did anyone ever tell ya that yer the finest looking piece of ass I done ever seen? Yer a real honey, but ya seem kinda lonely today. What’s the matter? Been havin’ boyfriend trouble lately? Well, you can tell that sumana bitch that you ain’t needin’ his services no mo’. Afterall, now, ya got yerself the best stud in all of Texas. Ya see, I’m gonna give ya the royal treatment. First, I’m gonna shave that fuzzy snatch of yours so that it’ll be smooth as the day ya was born, and then I’m gonna wash out all of them nasty little crevasses of yours before I give ya the best sex of yer entire life.”

  Kyle fetched a razor and a bucket of warm water with a sponge before he disrobed himself. He parted her stiffening legs, and stuck a playfully, probing finger into her for a moment before he proceeded to shave her bush.

  “Girl – I want you to just relax while I buff out that purdy lil’ twat of yours.”

  Kyle positioned his excited member by her hand and said, “That’s right. Don’t be shy. Ya can feel my manhood if ya like. As ya can tell, my ‘Uncle Wiggly’ definitely likes what he sees.”

  He kissed her mouth as though she was his loving girlfriend, and then he inserted a gob of Vaseline into her snatch. Kyle climbed up on top and eased himself into her.

  “Ooooh, yer jus’ the way I like ‘em – tight an’ white. I jus’ ain’t into them colored girls, although I’d be up fer sampling some Asian sushi.”

  The morgue door was slightly ajar. Just as Kyle was ready to explode deep into her, he looked up and noticed Todd staring straight at him.

  “What in tarnation’s the matter with ya, boy? Are you some kinda sicko? D’ya like to secretly spy in on two people makin’ love? Jus’ get the fuck away from me. After I get dressed in another half an hour, me and you gotta have a serious talk.”

  Todd didn’t like what he saw, but he didn’t want to bite the hand that feeds him either. He just grabbed a broom and swept up the hallways for almost an hour until Kyle called for him, “Hey, boy – get your ass in over here. We need to have a lil’ man to man talk.”

  Todd set down the broom and entered the morgue. He could see the naked girls’ body lying on a table – now that she was cleaned up, Todd recognized her. He had seen the pretty blond visiting the neighbor’s house a few times – probably to buy drugs.

  “Todd, go on an’ set a spell,” said Kyle as he brought out a sharp, buck knife. “First, I wanna tell ya that I can either be yer best friend, or yer worst enemy. I know yer twice as big as me, and probly five times as strong as me, but I ain’t no slouch when it comes to handlin’ knives – and this here sucker is my great equalizer.”

  Todd sat and listened respectfully, although he still disapproved of Kyle’s sexual antics…

  “Ya see Todd, I’m ‘bout to open yer eyes to a brand new world ya probly never woulda ‘magined otherwise. Look at my skinny ass – in the real world, I ain’t nobody at all. Hell, the only real reason I fucks dead chicks is the sorry fact that no live ones would gimme the time o’ day. I often get bullied by groups of tuff guys, an’ I can’t do squat about it – even with my trusty knife, if there happens to be a bunch of them, since I ain’t got nobody to back me up. However, everything is totally different within the walls of this here funeral parlor. In here – I am God. If I want sex with any female body they bring here, I know she’ll never turn me down. ‘Sides, this place literally lets me get away with murder. Once, I happened to get into a scuffle with some total stranger in a road-rage incident. I ended up carving him up like a Thanksgivin’s turkey, but I never got in no trouble – and Todd, do you know why?”

  An interested Todd answered, “N-n-no.”

  “That’s ‘cause I took his slashed up body, and incinerated the hell out of his carcass in the cremation chamber. Police never even think of looking for murder victims in a morgue, since all the stiffs end up here anyways. We got so-called DNA evidence from hundreds of bodies all over the place. This here funeral parlor gives us a carte blanche to do anything we wanna do to whoever the heck we don’t like, and when we’z done, we just incinerate away all the evidence. I ain’t never had the privilege of havin’ a pro-tee-shay before, but ya got more potential than anybody I ever seen. The only thing ya gotta do is to promise to keep yer trap shut when it comes to me havin’ a lil’ romance with one of my girlfriends from time to time. So Todd, do we have a deal?”

  Before answering, Todd looked over at Daisy Harper’s body. In a stammering voice he said, “I know h-h-her… She got her d-d-drugs from my n-n-neighbor, B-Bud P-P-Pickens. I h-hate him. He should d-d-die.”

  An elated Kyle extended his arm out to shake Todd’s hand. “Well, alright dude – let’s shake hands on it, pardner. I got a great feelin’ that me an’ you is gonna make a helluva good team. Tell me some more ‘bout that neighbor boy of yours – I think we’ll make him our first victim.”


  Kyle relished becoming Todd Waddington’s coach and mentor. For years he had harbored visions of doing sickening, torturous things to people who had irked and ridiculed him throughout his entire life – but now with the big, strong Todd at his side, Kyle finally had the necessary muscle to back him up.

  Kyle didn’t personally have anything against Bud Pickens, the young dope dealer who contributed to Daisy Harper’s dea
th, but he saw this as an ideal victim to begin with, since Todd openly disliked him. Although most people would think that the goofy-looking Kyle was mildly retarded, his intelligence was at least average. He understood enough about human psychology that he could get the best participation from Todd if he could convert their tortures into some kind of game.

  “Say Todd, I want ya to lure that sumana bitch, Bud Pickens, over here to our lair.”

  “How do I d-d-do dat?” replied Todd.

  “It’s real simple. Ya see, all ya gotta do is tell him that yer supervisor – me – is really a dope fiend, and I got plenty o’ cold, hard cash to buy whatever-the-hell he’s peddling. If he gets wise an’ says a guy in my line o’ work don’t make much money, tell him I supplement my income by extracting gold fillin’s from the stiffs – which happens ta be true anyways. Tell him it don’t matter if he’s got uppers, downers, acid, meth, or ecstasy – it’s all good. I just wanna get higher than a kite – and tell him that I insist that you bring him over to the morgue which happens ta be a cool, private place ta party. Once ya trick him to come over here, I want ya to conk him on the back o’ his head. We’ll tie him up before we wake him up again. That’s when we’ll start playing a game.”

  “I like p-p-playin’ g-g-ames,” replied Todd.

  “I’m sure ya do, big guy. Now, the first part o’ the game is fer ya to bring his ass over here. If ya can do that, I can already tell that we’re going to have a great time.”

  “I g-got a question… C-can I bring my p-p-pa’s chains-s-saw?”

  “I like the way ya think, Todd. That’s most definitely a freakin’, fantastic idea, amigo, but don’t waste no time. Bring over that dope dealin’ sumana here tonight. We’re gonna have sum fun playin’ a lil’ game o’ ‘Simon Sez’.

  Big Todd was basically still a child at heart. He just happened to very big and naturally strong – and almost completely impervious to pain. Poor Todd never had a playmate while he was a child, so the very notion that someone – anyone – was willing to play with him sounded like music to his ears…


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