Texas Chainsaw Masochist

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Texas Chainsaw Masochist Page 8

by Markus Fredericks

  As soon as Jurgen and Hector left, Todd grabbed the spoon and began to eat. He had spent over six months in solitary confinement in Texas, and he relished every, bloody bite of steak. He didn’t even think about the medication he ingested. Shortly after eating, Todd became extremely tired, so he took a nap on the bed, and he fell into a deep sleep.

  At 9:00 PM sharp, the light in each cell was darkened. A dim light left in the hall allowed the staff to monitor the facility. About an hour later, Dr. Porter and her two security men checked in on Todd. A curious Hector asked, “How come he’s resting so peacefully? Isn’t the pill supposed to turn him into a beast?”

  “I was told that the medicine at first puts the soldier to sleep. He will begin having very wild, violent dreams. When he wakes up a couple hours later, his body will function like a ‘super soldier’, but his mind will continue to be in a sort of dream state. I’m curious to find out how this is going to work. Why don’t you bring our resident pervert, Mr. Tim Charlton, now for a little discipline?”

  When Jurgen and Hector first came to Tim Charlton’s cell, he was very relieved and grateful to have his straight jacket removed. He was an average looking guy in his late thirties who had gotten in trouble for exposing himself in public on countless occasions. His favorite place to expose himself was at big, fancy weddings. He would sneak into the ladies restroom, and wait for the bride to show up. He got a particularly great deal of gratification if he was able to ejaculate into his hand, and then smear his juice on the bride’s face.

  However, Mr. Charlton became extremely paranoid when the security men opened up his door and led him down the hallway. He became even more worried when he saw Dr. Porter waiting for him in the hallway.

  “You know, Mr. Charlton,” said Dr. Porter with her typical, blink-less stare, “Tonight’s the last time you’re going to expose yourself to anyone. Jurgen, Hector – strip Mr. Charlton stark naked and toss him into Mr. Waddington’s cell.”

  A panicking Tim Charlton was so scared he peed all over himself as Jurgen and Hector yanked off his gray uniform. Once he was stark naked, Hector entered the code on the door’s keypad, and the door unlatched. Jurgen pushed Mr. Charlton into Todd’s cell, and quickly shut the door. The naked Tim Charlton just cowered in the dark, rear corner while Todd continued to snore.

  “Hector, why don’t you turn on Mr. Waddington’s light?” said Dr. Porter. “After all, I want to see what happens.”

  Minutes later, Todd was still sleeping, but he was beginning to make some odd sounds in his sleep. A minute after that, Todd began flailing his arms and kicking his legs.

  “He must be experiencing some very intense dream,” said Dr. Porter.

  Suddenly, Todd sprang up from his bed like a wild beast. Slobber dripped readily out of his mouth. Although he was mentally in a dream state, his mind was now receptive to commands from Dr. Porter…

  “Mr. Waddington – the naked man standing in the corner exposed himself to me. I want you to punish him.”

  Todd stood there motionless, so Dr. Porter changed her command, “Simon says – punish him.”

  “Oh God no,” cried out a terrified Tim Charlton as Todd closed in. He reached out with his hand and grabbed his genitals.

  “Help me!” cried out Tim to no avail.

  Todd crushed and twisted his penis and balls until they came loose in his incredibly strong, vice-like grip. Blood squirted out all over, as Tim squirmed on the floor, clutching at his crotch – trying to stop the bleeding.

  Todd had a new crazed look in his eye that even scared Jurgen and Hector, however, an unfazed Dr. Porter politely said, “Thank you for a job well done,” as she reached out to take the torn off genitals.

  “Simon says – finish him off…”

  Jurgen watched with a great deal of enthusiasm and excitement, while Hector bravely fought off his urge to vomit.

  Todd returned to his bleeding victim, and grabbed two big handfuls of Mr. Charlton’s hair. He leaned forward and bit through the skin of his forehead, then peeled back his entire scalp. With a powerful twist, he tore off his entire scalp altogether, and proudly handed the trophy to a smiling Dr. Porter. Todd’s gripping power was so strong that Tim’s left ear was also torn off during the scalping. His ear was still attached to the loose scalp.

  “Very well done, Mr. Waddington. You clearly win tonight’s game of ‘Simon Says’.”

  She turned around and softly spoke to Jurgen and Hector, “The CIA says the drug will wear off in about an hour or so, and Mr. Waddington will fall into a more normal sleep. Mr. Charlton will have bled to death well before then, so once our big monster is asleep, I want you to dispose of the body, and clean up all the spilled blood. I was told that the person who eats the pill should have no recollection of the violent events during his dream state – or at most, he might recall having a violent dream. I’ll return here tomorrow morning to find out exactly how much memory of tonight that Mr. Waddington will have.”


  Jurgen and Hector made periodic trips from the security guards’ lounge to check up on Todd and his victim, Tim Charlton. Todd’s medication was lasting longer than anticipated, and for a while, Todd licked Tim’s bleeding crown of his skull like a lollipop. Tim still hadn’t completely bled out, and moaned softly.

  “This ‘super soldier drug’ is sickening stuff,” said Hector. “I sure hope our military never resorts to using this drug on any of our soldiers.”

  “You are probably right,” said Jurgen, “but it sure made for a vunderbar show for us tonight.”

  Finally, around 1:00 AM, Todd fell soundly asleep, and his victim bled to death. Jurgen and Hector cautiously entered the cell for an extensive cleanup. They had to lift Tim’s corpse in a plastic body-bag and transfer him downstairs. They returned with a large bucket of water and began to mop up pools of blood. Next, they had to take off Todd’s blood-soaked uniform, and dress him up in a clean one. Even though Jurgen and Hector were strong guys, it was difficult to maneuver Todd’s limp body as they sponged off drying blood from his arms and body before dressing him up in a clean uniform. The bed mattress was so saturated with blood that they had to replace it as well.

  The pair of security men finally finished their cleaning chores as the Sun began to peer over the horizon. Since they had to begin work at 8:00 AM again, they decided to nap on a couch and a lounge chair in their security quarters.

  Dr. Porter showed up at exactly 8:00 AM – she was on time – she was always on time. At first she was upset when she found Jurgen and Hector still sleeping in their office, but she understood after Jurgen explained what they had been through the night before.

  “Let’s find out how our patient is doing,” said Dr. Porter.

  Before they reached his cell, they could here Todd’s moaning coming from down the hallway. Jurgen and Hector were surprised to see that Todd was covered in blood yet again – only this time, he had hurt himself. Todd had yanked his left ear almost completely off, and fresh rivers of blood streamed all over his clean uniform. Todd had pulled out multiple handfuls of hair from his head – one of the clumps was so big – and deep, that it had a piece of scalp holding the hair roots together. Another stream of blood ran down Todd’s face from the scalp wound he inflicted on himself.

  “I can tell that Mr. Waddington seems to remember the events of last night. He has a history of self-mutilation, but since he chose to hurt himself by scalping and yanking on his left ear, it’s obvious that he still has some memory of last night’s battle. Help me take this patient to the infirmary. We need to get this patient stitched up.”

  The ‘super soldier pill’ had some side effects that weren’t anticipated, so even Dr. Porter decided against experimenting with the drug except on special occasions for people she really wanted to punish.

  A couple of uneventful months passed by. Todd had completely healed up from any self-inflicted wounds, but he still suffered from deep, emotional wounds. He vividly remembered tearing off Tim Charlt
on’s genitals and scalping him with his bare hands, but he wasn’t quite sure whether it was reality – or was it all just a bad dream.

  Todd felt bored and neglected when Dr. Porter hadn’t played any games with him since the night of the ‘happy pill’. However, things would soon change for Todd when the third floor was getting a new patient… He was a young, handsome baseball player straight out of high school. His name was Anthony Elliott. He was an intelligent, popular kid who had been sent to the asylum since he reported that his missing fiancé, Nataliee Cunningham, had been abducted by aliens. The court found the War Eagle resident to be guilty of murder – even though Nataliee’s body hadn’t been found. A successful plea of ‘insanity’ ended with him being admitted to the asylum in Rogers, Arkansas instead of being sent to the state penitentiary. This choice turned out to be far more dangerous than becoming a regular prison inmate.

  Dr. Porter despised people who believed in UFOs and aliens, so she wasted no time in making plans for an extracurricular, evening encounter between Anthony and the Texas Chainsaw Masochist. The notion about aliens contradicted all her traditional beliefs, dating back to Sunday school when she was a young child.

  Anthony Elliott was assigned the cell across the hallway from Todd. Naturally, Anthony’s first reaction when he saw his neighbor was, “Gee – what a scary looking guy that is. I think it would be a good idea to make friends with him.”

  Anthony was a likeable extrovert. Although talking amongst the inmates was forbidden, one day when the guards were busy handling another difficult patient, he took the opportunity to introduce himself, albeit in a hushed voice…

  “Howdy, Mister. My name’s Anthony Elliott. I’m from nearby War Eagle, Arkansas. I can jus’ barely make out yer nameplate on the wall. Is yer name, Todd Waddington?”

  “Y-yeah,” answered Todd, who was starving for human companionship.

  “I hope ya don’t mind my askin’, but did ya end up in some bad, nasty-ass car wreck? A high school buddy of mine drove his pa’s car straight into the trunk of a big tree after a kegger, and his face ended up lookin’ a lot like yours.”

  “N-no – I did this t-to m-myself.”

  Anthony realized that he truly was locked up in a nuthouse full of dangerous, crazy people. To lighten up the conversation he said, “I’ll bet ya can’t guess why the heck I’m locked up in here?”

  Todd’s attention perked up now that Anthony was engaging him in something resembling a game. He guessed, “D-did ya k-kill yer p-parents, and c-cut ‘em up into p-pieces?”

  “Well, Todd, that’s a great guess, but no, that ain’t it. Actually, it happened a few months ago when I took my girlfriend, Nataliee, out to the prom. I had jus’ proposed to marry her, an’ we ended up at a private spot lookin’ over War Eagle River. We was jus’ crazy fer each other, an’ we thought we were all alone, but suddenly we done seen a flyin’ saucer hoverin’ right above my old Buick. Before ya know it, four creepy, little alien critters done snatched her out of the car, and they levitated her on up to the flyin’ saucer. I fought ‘em as hard as I could, an’ I’m purdy sure I killed of one ‘em sumsa-bitches, but they cut the piss outta my shoulder with a laser, an’ I ended up tumbling down into the river. I dang near drowned, but somehow I managed to survive. Now, all the town folk all think I killed my precious Nataliee. That jus’ ain’t right. Say Todd, do you believe in UFOs?”

  “Y-yeah,” said Todd. “I saw a f-flying s-saucer in T-texas when I was a k-kid over m-my p-pa’s house.”

  Anthony really wanted to continue his conversation, but he held up his index finger to his mouth to signal, ‘shhhh’, since footsteps were heard coming from down the hallway.

  It was Hector. He came alone, and he stopped uncharacteristically close to Todd’s cell wall. He motioned for Todd to come closer. He said, “Don’t hurt me – I’m here to give you a warning. Tonight Dr. Porter wants you to kill that nice, young kid across the hall. This time, they want you to eat two of the ‘happy pills’ which will turn you into a crazier beast than ever before. When Jurgen gives you the pills, only act like you swallowed them. Instead, use your tongue to stuff the pills between your cheek and gum. That way, when Jurgen asks you to open your mouth to show that you ate them, he’ll be convinced that you swallowed them.”

  By now, Hector had learned how to deal with Todd, so he continued by whispering, “This will be our private little game. You’re the winner if you make Dr. Porter and Jurgen think that you swallowed two pills.”

  “I l-like g-games – thanks,” replied Todd.

  As soon as Hector left, Todd signaled to get Anthony’s attention. He muttered, “B-bad news. Dr. Porter wants m-me to k-kill you t-tonight. D-don’t worry. I n-never k-kill my friends. You’re my f-friend.”

  Anthony nervously paced around his cell all day long, while Todd rested. Anthony was an emotional wreck – if his fiancé, Nataliee, was dead, then death didn’t sound like such a bad option. However, if there was even a glimmer of hope that she was still alive, he was determined to somehow get out of there to go search for her. Dr. Porter’s plans for him tonight certainly added to his anxiety.

  When dinner was served, Todd knew instantly that Hector had spoken the truth – Jurgen delivered another, blood-rare, steak dinner with two ‘happy pills’ sitting on top of a napkin.

  “Tonight, Mr. Vaddington, you vill enjoy playing a very exciting game, but first, you vill feast like a king – as soon as you eat the two happy pills.”

  Jurgen watched intently as Todd placed both of the pills into his mouth. Todd followed Hector’s advice by quickly pushing the pills between his cheek and gum with the tip of his tongue. After taking a big gulp of water, Todd opened his mouth to show Jurgen that he ate the pills.

  Right before Todd took his first bite of steak, he placed his hand up to his mouth as he pretended he had to cough, while secretly transferring the pills into his hand. He began eating his steak dinner. The first moment that Jurgen wasn’t watching, he stuffed the pills under a corner of his mattress.

  “OK, Mr. Vaddington – Vhy don’t you take a little nap before ze games begin tonight? Ve vill be back a little later.”

  Todd was still pretending to sleep at midnight when Dr. Porter, Jurgen and Hector arrived. Hector was unsure whether or not Todd had eaten the happy pills he was given. Dr. Porter said, “I hope the double dosage of the ‘happy pill’ wasn’t too much for Mr. Waddington. The long waiting period is becoming boring. Please bring Mr. Elliot, and transfer him to the Texas Chainsaw Masochist’s cell.”

  After locking up a very frightened Anthony inside Todd’s cage, Jurgen asked, “Dr. Porter – should I vake up Mr. Vaddington by throwing a bucket of cold water on him?”

  “That’s too messy – Jurgen, why don’t you just Taser him instead.”

  “Todd had no interest in harming Anthony – especially now that he thought of him as a friend. He continued to pretend sleeping until the Taser wires hit him right in the chest. The powerful, electrical jolt sent Todd springing up from his bed. He was tough enough to yank out the Taser wires attached to his torso.

  Todd came right up to the door and looked at Dr. Porter with rage. She said, “Mr. Waddington – I brought you a surprise toy.”

  She brought out a gas-powered chainsaw from a bag she was carrying. This unit was medium sized – just barely able to fit under the gap of the closed, cell door. Todd bent over and grabbed the tool. Ever since chopping up so many other victims, Todd had a fascination with chainsaws, but he had no intention whatsoever of hurting his friend, Anthony.

  “Well, go on – fire up the chainsaw, and cut Mr. Elliott into pieces. You know, he was disrespectful to me – he actually spat in my face.”

  “Todd – that’s not true,” said Anthony from the back corner of the cell.

  “Come on, Mr. Waddington – chop him up,” said Dr. Porter. “Oh, forgive me – I almost forgot… Simon says – chop him up into bits and pieces.”

  Todd yanked on the ripcord, and revv
ed up the saw. Hector was worried, while Dr. Porter and Jurgen smiled in anticipation of a gory show. However, Todd did not attack Anthony. Instead, he lunged forward, pointing the jutting saw blade through the spaces between the steel-bars, and narrowly missed cutting Dr. Porter’s face. She jumped back in surprise.

  Todd shut down the saw and said, “I d-don’t k-kill my friends. Anthony is m-my f-friend.”

  “How dare you attack me?” said an exasperated Dr. Porter. “Hector, Taser him again.”

  Reluctantly, Hector fired his Taser at Todd so as not to raise further suspicions. While Todd was writhing in pain on the floor, Jurgen quickly entered and clubbed him hard on the back of his head with his nightstick. Once Todd was clearly out cold, Dr. Porter told her assistants, “Take Mr. Elliott to the padded room, and place him in a straightjacket. We will deal with him at a later time. For now, I need to figure what went wrong.”

  About fifteen minutes later, Jurgen and Hector returned after securing Anthony in the padded room in a straightjacket. Dr. Porter said, “Now I know what went wrong tonight,” and then she held out her hand to show two, uneaten ‘happy pills’.

  “Dr. Porter, I vatched vith my own eyes as Mr. Vaddinton ate ze pills right before he had his dinner,” said a nervous Jurgen. “He even opened his mouth to show me he had swallowed ze pills. I vould never, ever lie to you, Dr. Porter.”

  “Mr. Waddington isn’t naturally tricky at all,” remarked Dr. Porter, “in fact, he’s rather stupid. He would only have been able to pull off this sort of stunt if someone else had coached him. Since I honestly believe that Jurgen would never defy me, it must be you, Hector, who warned Mr. Waddington and told him how to deceive Jurgen.”

  “OK, bravo, Dr. Porter. You are quite the genius, aren’t you,” said a disgruntled Hector. “As of right now, I quit. This asylum you are running is far too corrupt for me. I don’t care if you are under the orders of the CIA – I will report you to the Better Business Bureau.”


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