A Verdict for Love

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A Verdict for Love Page 9

by Monica Conti

  “I read about his feud you’re having with your old firm. I think I know where you might find some dirt on Peter Smith.”

  Chiara’s dismissive attitude vanished. “Such as? What exactly would you be willing to testify to?”

  “Whoa, lady! I got no plans to go within spitting distance of a courtroom again. You got me loose but they are still looking to bust my ass. In fact I am getting out. Flipping over a new leaf or however that saying goes. I have a buyer and I’m retiring down to Costa Rica.”

  “So how does this help me?”

  “There was this girl worked for me…Elizabeth Hill…There was a private party with Smith and some of his big shot pals. They wanted a girl to dance for them. Just to dance they said. Instead some nasty shit must’ve gone down. I never wanted to know exactly what but she was a no show at the club after that. Then a few months later she called me all upset and demanded Smith’s name and number. My guess is she confronted him over something and was paid to shut up and disappear.”

  “Where can I find her?”

  “Hey, it’s been a couple of years. She was in Buckhead back then but who knows now. Look, if you can find her you may have something but leave me out of it.” He rang off.

  Chiara sat down to consider Shay’s revelation. Apparently he really had been grateful to her for managing his narrow escape. But his information had been sketchy at best. Obviously Smith had been involved in something bad enough to warrant a cover up but unless she could talk to this Hill woman in person this new knowledge would be of little use. Besides, whatever it was had happened two years ago. She would have a hard time making such past history relevant to her case. But if she could learn exactly what had taken place there might be another solution.

  Chiara rang Tamika immediately. She listened as the conversation with Shay was repeated. Her reservations were the same as those which had occurred to Chiara.

  “Just in case it can help I think we need to locate Elizabeth Hill right now. If we can discover exactly what Peter Smith was so anxious to hide two years ago there might be a way to derail Clay’s train of witnesses before he can roll them through court on Monday.”

  “I have a friend at the DMV. He won’t be too keen on missing Saturday football to go in and look up a driver’s license for me but he owes me some sugar.”

  The friend had succumbed to Tamika’s arm twisting. He had turned up licenses for three women by that name. Two were eliminated as being too old to have been the one they wanted to talk to. The other was twenty-three which made her a good possibility.

  The address was way out the NE Expressway in Briarcliff. Even though evening had arrived Chiara insisted they drive out and try to talk with her.

  The house was located in a quiet suburban cul-de-sac. Not exactly where Chiara would have ever looked for an ex-stripper. They rang and the door was opened a mere crack by a blousy woman who was in her fifties at least.

  “Sorry to disturb you. Does an Elizabeth Hill live here?”

  “That’s my daughter. Who’s asking?”

  Her look was suspicious of them and her voice had a slight slur. She sounded as if she might have had a few. Tamika decided a little deception was in order. She held out her card.

  “We are attorneys. Your daughter may be due to receive a significant amount of money by way of a settlement.”

  The woman’s expression became more welcoming. The door opened for them and she headed into the living room waving behind for them to follow.

  There was a half full tumbler and a bottle of vodka on the coffee table.

  “Just havin’ a nightcap. I’ll get glasses if y’all want to join me?”

  “No thank you.” Chiara answered for them.

  The woman flopped down on the couch and reached for her drink. Chiara signaled for Tamika to take the lead.

  “Mrs. Hill…was your daughter involved in some unpleasantness a couple of year back?”

  “Hah!” She snorted, “Unpleasantness? A mess is more like it. I warned her what would come of shakin’ her butt in some titty bar but she wouldn’t listen. Called it a gentlemen’s club! A pig in a tuxedo is just a gussied up pig.”

  “Maybe it would be better if we could talk with your daughter.” Tamika suggested.

  “She’s moved out west. Arizona. Look, how does she get any money from what happened…unless the guy that gave her a bastard son is ready to pony up?”

  Chiara and Tamika had all they could do to hide their surprise and excitement at the unexpected revelation. Chiara was the first to take advantage of it.

  “We think the man responsible should be paying child support. Don’t you agree?”

  “Damn right he should. After I finally got her to tell me what happened I told her to go after him but she wouldn’t listen. Said it was impossible.”

  “She may have thought so at the time,” Tamika said, “but that may not be the case now. We need to know exactly what she told you.”

  Between sips at the vodka Mrs hill confided the details of her daughter’s ordeal that long ago night.

  Elizabeth had gone to a fancy apartment, supposedly to entertain at a party. There had been signs of some earlier partying but only one man was there when she arrived.

  He’d handed her five one hundred dollar bills and told her not to worry. They’d have a private party and she could just dance for him alone. Elizabeth had told him that all she did was dance and if he had something more in mind she’d call a girl she knew from the club who would be up for anything. No, he’d said, all he wanted was some company. Someone to have a few drinks with. So she’d shared some wine and danced with him before she passed out.

  She came around to find that she was naked and tied down on the bed. He’d had a crop and some sex toys. He called her a whore and a slut and told her she needed to be punished. He’d hurt her and when her screams got too loud her panties had been shoved in her mouth.

  It was almost a relief when he finally climbed on top to use her. Elizabeth had been afraid for her life but when he was done he’d simply untied her. He’d poured himself a drink and, without even looking at her, told her to get dressed and get out.

  Realizing he had no intention of killing her Elizabeth’s anger displaced her fear. The idea that this animal thought a few hundred dollars gave him the right to do whatever he liked made her want to hurt him back. As she’d hurried into her clothes she threatened to charge him with rape. He’d laughed at her and pointed at the phone.

  “Call them. I’m on a first name basis with almost every cop in town. I’m a lawyer and you’re a whore. They’ll show up and after I talk to them they’ll haul you off to a cell and probably screw your bitch ass again on the way there.”

  Mrs Hill stopped talking long enough to refill the tumbler.

  “She showed up on my doorstep and locked herself away in her old room until I finally got her to tell me all that” the woman finished.

  “So the man never learned that Elizabeth had become pregnant?”

  “Oh yes he found out but only because of me. She was afraid of that crap he’d given her about the cops. But when she came up prego I made her get his name and number from the creep at the club who sent her out that night. Smith his name was. It was me that called him. Turned out he really was a big deal lawyer after all but he didn’t scare me.”

  “So what happened?” Chiara asked.

  “Ten grand crash in a FedEx envelope happened. It was for an abortion and for her keeping shut about it. But she wouldn’t listen to me again. Silly girl took the money to move out west and then had the kid.”

  “Did Smith find out that she had the child?”

  “Not that I know of. Liz insisted she just wanted to get away somewhere and forget him.”

  “We’ll be leaving now. If we can help we’ll be in touch.” Tamika said rising.

  “I hope so. I told her to have the abortion. Ten grand don’t raise no kid.”

  Chiara turned at the door, “What is the boy’s name?”

  Mrs Hill waved the tumbler, “David, I think.”

  They had returned to Chiara’s and found Grace somewhat upset over having been left out.

  “I know you two have been playing big sister to me and I’ve gone along with it because you are both more experienced. I trust you Chiara and we both trust Tamika but it’s about time the two of you placed a little more faith in my ability in return.”

  They knew she had a valid point. Her future was also tied up in the battle they were waging. So they shared what they had learned with her.

  “What a gem that Mrs hill is. Not even sure of her grandson’s name. No wonder Elizabeth was so mixed up.” Tamika said.

  “And now we know that Peter Smith, in addition to being a selfish, evil son of a bitch, is also a secret sadist with an illegitimate son.” But none of it bears on the trial. Milton disallowed the tape I made and he definitely won’t let us bring this to bear. It is dirt but totally disassociated dirt.” Chiara complained.

  “And even if we could get Elizabeth to come forward it would never happen by Monday. I had best go home and rest up. I’ll have to be sharp to challenge Clay’s barrage.”

  Tamika was making to rise when Grace forestalled her. She had been listening without saying much but her mind had been racing.

  “I have the answer!” she declared and began outlining her plan.

  Peter Smith had escorted his wife to Sunday services as usual. His reward for that weekly chore was always a round of afternoon golf and some cards at the club.

  He had just folded a low pair when his cell chimed. He glanced at the readout and smiled. It the Brown woman, Chiara’s minority attack bitch. He stood up from the green felt.

  “Deal me out next hand, boys. I think the box fairy who thought she could bother us in court is ready to wave a white flag.” He moved off to a corner before answering.

  “Well, well, Ms. Brown, what can I do for you this fine afternoon?”

  “I think you might want to come down to my office this evening.”

  Smith laughed, “And just why on earth would I want to do that? I’ll see you soon enough in court tomorrow.”

  “That’s exactly why you should see me before then. I have a show and tell that will probably change whatever plans you and Clay had for tomorrow.”

  “You could save both of your clients a lot of pain and embarrassment by getting them to just withdraw.” He said.

  “Nice phrase that.” Tamika countered, “Pain and embarrassment is just what I want to save you from. Let me give you a hint…Elizabeth Hill.”

  “What the hell are you suggesting here, Brown…are you trying to blackmail me? Who’s gonna give a shit what a little stripper has to say? Besides, Cyrus Milton will block any sideshow like that. You saw what happened to the recording she tried to hang on me.”

  “Well, maybe so but it’s not our court case you need to be worried about. I’m thinking about a divorce court. It would be a shame to see your pretty little redheaded wife leave you and walk away with half of every thing you own.”

  Smith was no longer laughing. He was thinking fast. The little stripper bitch’s mother must have read about the trial and contacted this damn Brown woman to put the squeeze on him again. Tamika spoke to his silence.

  “This is no bluff, asshole. We have more than Elizabeth’s word to offer your wife. We have hard evidence.”

  “What evidence?”

  “You coming over or not?”

  “Where the hell is it and what time do you want me there?” he asked.

  Tamika was gloating…she could almost smell the arrogant prick sweating. She gave him the address and advised him to be there within the hour. She snapped her phone shut and smiled across at Chiara and Grace, “He’s coming.”

  On his way there Smith had regained some of his composure. If all they had was the stripper’s word he could fight it. Hell, it had been two years ago. He had bluffed her out of going to the cops so there had been no rape kit taken. It would be a he said against she said case. But if they really did have something then he was going to have to bargain with them.

  He found the place and walked in with as much confidence as he could muster. All three women were waiting for him at scarred old oak table. He was glowering as he sat down. Chiara, Grace and Tamika smiled at the stone faced man across from them. There was absolutely no sound in that room except the swish of an overhead fan.

  “I’m only here to be polite. I figure the girl’s drunken hag of a mother put y’all up to this. She already put the bite on me once. It’ll be their word against mine. Worst case scenario is that years ago…in a foolish moment…I got drunk and had consensual sex. If I have to I’ll apologize to my wife and she’ll forgive me. End of story. But I’d rather not hurt my wife so if we can work something out I’ll listen.”

  Chiara had seen enough of the man’s wife over the years to know better. No way would that woman forgive such a scandal. His face reddened in anger when Chiara burst out laughing.

  Tamika bore in on him, “We didn’t ask you here to dicker. We just want to tell you what you will do and why you will do it.”

  “Yes, so shut up and listen.” Grace piped in.

  Tamika brought three manila envelopes up from her lap and fanned them out.

  “One of these is Elizabeth’s sworn deposition with all the nasty details of how you like to play with whips and ropes. The whole horrible ordeal that left her pregnant by you. Another is Mrs. Hill’s statement relating the money you paid for an abortion. This last one is the most important.”

  Tamika opened it and extracted a clear plastic baggie. Inside it was a cotton swab. She waved it tauntingly at Smith.

  “Elizabeth did not go through with the abortion. She had the child. This is a swab from young David Hill’s mouth. When your wife sends this DNA for a paternity test it will be game over.”

  The fight went out of Smith and he sagged in his seat.

  “Ok. What do you want?”

  It was Chiara’s’ turn and she made the most of it.

  “What your net worth Peter?”

  “Hell, I don’t know exactly.” He hedged.

  “Lucky that I have a pretty good notion of it then, huh? You’ve piled up about sixty million in various assets, Peter. So a divorce would cost you thirty minimum. And airing all your smut would hurt the firm’s earnings. Soo…I had said five million. Now it is another five for Grace. Three more for our legal expenses with attorney Brown and last but not least two for Elizabeth and her son, David. You’ll be cutting your loss by more than half.”

  Silence for a moment. Then, Smith said,

  “Is that all?” and as he asked his ears got even redder.

  “No, you muzzle your dog Clay and have him move to stipulate to the suit as charged in return for an agreed settlement.” Grace chimed in, “And tomorrow as you leave the reporters will be waiting again. You will stand on those steps and announce that though the firm will settle for damages out of court it admits to having knowingly and willfully discriminated against us for being gay.”

  “What the Christ you two! Isn’t blackmailing me for $15 million enough for you?”

  “Not blackmail at all.” Chiara said, “More like delayed justice. Think of it as a plea bargain.”

  Tamika stepped in again, waving the baggie, “If you don’t think you can manage that last bit I’ll messenger these envelopes over to your wife on the way to court tomorrow.

  “Oh fuck it all. Fine. Agreed.”

  Tamika pushed an office phone across to him.

  “Smart man. Call your boy now and break the news.”

  She switched it to speaker and they could hear it ringing.

  “Clay here.”

  “Adam, it’s Peter.”

  “Hey, Hoss. Now don’t be losin’ any sleep over tomorrow. I got it all set.”

  “I’ve decided the publicity sucks, Adam. We’re going to settle with them.”

  “Tell me I’m not hearin’ that right! That’s crazy. I
can win this for y’all!” Clay was adamant.

  “Maybe, maybe not. But I’ve already been in conference with them and made up my mind.”

  “What! You did a deal without even waiting for me to beat up on ‘em in court. Hell, I had some med student the girl dated back in college. He was ready to say she all but dragged him into the sack with no intention of marriage. Picture of a pure slut if painted right. And I had that Alex Callaway from Emory. She fucked him and ditched him. He was gonna call her a tramp and a liar. You should have at least waited until I pulled the angel mask off of her before you offered them a cent.”

  “Look… just tie it up fast with no more fuss in the morning.”

  “How much you giving ‘em?”

  “You won’t be involved so it’s confidential.” Smith answered.

  “This flat out pisses me off, Pete. It makes me come off as a loser.” Clay fumed.

  “Oh grow the fuck up!” Smith growled and hung up on him.

  No sooner was Smith safely out the door than they were up and hugging in celebration. Tamika was laughing as she tossed their supposed evidence into a trash bin.

  “Grace baby doll, your idea for a phony DNA swab was inspired!”

  “Totally inspired. That was the clincher and he bought it hook line and sinker. You are definitely the heroine of the hour.” Chiara agreed.

  Grace beamed as she basked in their praise.

  As Chiara and Grace entered the courtroom the next morning, the sun was shining and the world seemed to have become a fairer, nobler place.

  From their seats they could see that Clay was still arguing in harsh whispers with Peter Smith, but the older man remained unmoved. Brooks and Weinstein were sour faced. Smith had coerced their agreement as well. The Judge’s entrance ended Clay’s entreaties.

  “All rise for the honorable Judge Cyrus Milton. Court is now in session.”

  Adam Clay was glaring venomously over at the Plaintiff’s table. All he received in return were three sweet half smiles. Trapped, he stood and choked out a capitulation.


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