'Dear One' Breathes Fire

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  The Dear One Breathes Fire

  By Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2012 Robert C. Waggoner

  Smashwords Edition

  “The ‘Dear One’ Breathes Fire"

  Robert C. Waggoner



  In Seoul, South Korea a very nervous North Korean defector sat in a comfortable office while explaining to a collection of both USA and South Korean intelligence personnel what he heard directly from North Korea's current leader Kim, Jong IL, or, “The Dear One.”

  The defector, known by his surname Kim, was expanding on the nuclear threat of North Korea and its intended use by the North sooner rather than later. Most Western thinking was the North’s threat of actually using a nuclear bomb against its neighbor South Korea or Japan was just an empty threat. But now the defector was emphatically saying the North’s plan is to destroy both South Korea and Japan at the same time. Yes, the ‘Dear One’ knew it was suicidal; however he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory rather than see his country slowly die of economic woes and famine.

  The details were to follow as this hotbed of news was transferred by express courier to Washington DC. After viewing the video of the meeting with the defector the President of the United States, Samuel Bates, told his Chief of Staff to get Mr. X here soonest. The chief of staff knew it would not be long before Brad Pratt and his covert Batt Team would be having a face to face meeting in the White House.

  Chapter 1

  It felt good to be back home, Brad Pratt thought, as he stood at the window of the Round House looking south at the Pacific Ocean on a stormy day in early November. Hardly a fortnight had passed since they returned from China where the old Chinese Master, the hero, who saved the life of the secretary of defense at a White House press conference, in their last case, performed an exorcism of sorts to rid Brad of his nightmares from Afghanistan. He had been on a mission turned deadly for two others leaving Brad behind wounded and fully expecting to die saving the rest of the team. However, as it turned out, he was rescued by a South Korean humanitarian Red Cross worker before he died of infection. The two of them hid from the Taliban making their way slowly to a pick up point and were finally extracted back to safety.

  A cry from a baby made Brad turn to look at the play crib where his little boy Brian played with his toys. Sujin his mother, and the former Red Cross worker who saved Brad’s life, was in the kitchen and Brad told her he would tend to his little boy. Brad picked him up and held him close as his crying slowed down to a whimper. As Brad walked around the living room the phone rang. He ignored the phone knowing someone downstairs would pick it up. Little Brian stopped whimpering and Brad turned the baby sitting job over to Sujin knowing that the phone call would demand his attention.

  As Brad turned to walk downstairs to the basement Billy Ricker surfaced at the top of the stairs. It was obvious that Billy was going outdoors for a smoke break and from the look in Billy’s eye, knew the phone call was for the boss’s attention.

  Billy Ricker was part of the original team Brad had put together with the help of his immediate boss, Steve Lewis, to provide the government with a special covert branch to deal with sensitive issues not meant for public scrutiny.

  In the beginning, before the first major domestic case involving a serial killer, the team was primarily made up of Billy Ricker, a computer whiz, that Brad’s father, a retired General, had found cooling his heels in a federal prison for computer hacking; that in today’s world, computers were as necessary as sliced bread was to the older generation. Billy had a nicotine habit that only a three- pack a day man could satisfy. Billy had never ridden a horse, but loved the idea of being a Marlboro man. If one could stereotype how a computer geek might look like, then Billy fit the bill to a T. Tall, thin and gangly, with mouse brown, shoulder length hair with intense blue eyes, but rather nice looking, most would say about him. His dress consisted mostly of blue jeans and T-shirts or sweat shirts, preferably the hoodie type with his preferred Birkenstock sandals.

  In Brad’s opinion without Billy and his intelligence not only with computers, but with common sense, the team would be as useless as the original Apple computer that now sat in a dust proof case in his home near SeaTac airport in Washington State.

  As Brad reached the bottom of the stairs he found Mike Henshaw holding the phone with a sorry look on his face. Mike was Brad’s best friend and one of the original team members. Both he and Mike retired from the military Navy SEALs. Mike had been with him in Afghanistan on that fateful mission where Brad had ordered him and the two others who were still alive to take off in the helicopter while he gave cover fire to help them escape.

  Mike and his significant one Julie lived down the road about an hour drive. It was actually Mike who had first moved to Southern Oregon on the coast and then he persuaded Brad to find a nice place on the coast to live. He took his advice and Brad and Sujin found a desirable spot on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean just a few miles south of Bandon, Oregon. With the help of his boss and friend Steve Lewis, the federal government gave Brad permission to build a house on a quarter acre on a bluff not two hundred yards from the seashore. That part of the coast was blessed with giant sea stacks with personal names running south into Northern California.

  From Brad exploits with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda he had a bounty on his head. For that reason Brad had a custom built house that was for all intense and purposes a fort more than a residence. Security was tantamount and on the front line were his two German shepherd dogs, Rocky and Sandy. It was rare indeed that Brad or his wife Sujin went anywhere without one of the dogs with them.

  Brad took the phone from Mike and sat down on one of the sofas surrounding a glass top table. He acknowledged his presence and listened while a familiar voice was heard in his ear. Across from him sat Nancy Longstreet formally of the FBI and a recent member of the team since the serial killer case. Organizational planning was her forte. Behind the door in the computer room Wendy Brown, an ex FBI pro-filer, and Agent Jones, a young FBI agent of high intellect and energy, were working on the report of their last case, that involved the systematic demise of some of the leading politicians, bent on shoving a new form of government down the publics throat.

  Brad said he would get back to the caller and hung up the phone taking a deep breath. After a few minutes of thought he said, “Well looks like our vacation is over. We are being called to Washington for a sit down with the president. The only thing I’ve been told is that the subject matter is North Korea. Mike you best go home and pack a bag and tell Julie you will be gone awhile.” He looked over to Nancy who was intent on what was being said and Brad told her to alert Wendy and Jones and that he would see Billy and give him some instructions for preparing for the upcoming meeting.

  Sujin was helping her sister Earie fix dinner. Brad made for the front door to speak to Billy and then he would talk to his wife later. She already knew something was in the wind and she would wait patiently for him to tell her later tonight when they were in their own bedroom away from the others. With the addition of newer team members the Round House was fast becoming over crowded. Both realized that some additional space was needed for privacy. However, that was another part of life and now the president had called needing the euphemistic ‘Batt Team’.

  Brad found Billy huddled up under the overhand entrance smoking up a storm. Rocky sat at his side with Sandy inside for the night shift. Brad said, “North Korea Billy.”

  Bill blew a fresh lung full of smoke out and replied. “Anything in particular or a fresh update on all relevant things as concerns North Korea.”

  “I’ve no idea what the present situation is but let’s be safe and cover all the b
ases of anything recent or of importance to security on the peninsula. I’d include China in that look see to find out if anything recent has transpired between North Korea and China.”

  “When we leaving boss?”

  “Probably first light and as they’ve asked for all of us to come it must be important,” he replied with a voice that had a sound of regret to Billy’s ears. It would seem to Billy that for the last two years it had been nonstop for the team. But Billy also knew that come tomorrow morning, Brad Pratt would be focused and ready for action. And just as important, so would his team be ready to follow his orders.

  After dinner Brad and Sujin retired to their bedroom where Brian lay on the futon playing with some stuffed toys. Brad said, while tickling the toes of his son, “We fly out tomorrow morning to DC. I’ll leave it up to you as to whether or not you go or not. My thinking is we’ll have the meeting, and then we come home to make a plan. This time I’ll take Sandy as she has never met the president.” Sujin smiled and with her dark brown eyes gave her husband a look of love. Then she said:

  “I’ll stay here and wait for your return. Earie and I have a lot to do and we think we have a plan to expand our house to accommodate the growing family.”

  Brad sat up quickly and exclaimed, “Honey does that mean you are with child again?”

  “No, no my husband. Relax. I meant with our expanded team members we need to find some, how to you Americans say, elbow room so as some privacy is available.”

  “My heart was in my throat. At first I was scared and now I’m a little disappointed that you are not pregnant,” He said with a big smile and lay down dragging Sujin on top of him.

  Some months later he wondered if that was the time when the little girl was conceived. But it really didn’t matter as it was only a passing thought while he walked on the beach looking up giving thanks where thanks were welcome.

  Arriving at the North Bend airport the new Gulf Stream was fueled and ready to whisk them off to the east coast. Both pilots had flown in earlier from Portland in a twin Cessna that Brad had picked up on a tip from an old friend. That acquisition made life much easier for the two pilots whose families lived in Portland.

  It was still stormy out but with the Gulf in a big hanger, they unloaded from the van without getting wet and soon were taxing out for takeoff.

  The inside of the Gulf had been custom built to conference needs more than other creature comforts. Brad disliked the idea that flying around in a private jet was a luxury, but in fact a necessity to do business. Once airborne and flying at 40,000 feet Brad acknowledged it was time for work.

  Billy had a pile of papers for each team member from his night’s research. Agent Jones had sat up the whole night with Billy helping him with making copies and doing deeds at Billy’s beckon call. Now while Billy played with Sandy, who felt rather smug at the notion she got to go and Rocky had to stay home. After having a litter of pups, Sandy had been stuck home for a long time while Rocky got to fly all over the world. Who says dogs can’t think.

  While Brad and team read the latest update on North Korea and with China as their big brother, Brad really did not see anything out of the ordinary except the part of the new high ranking official who had defected recently. Brad asked the team, “Anyone got any ideas what’s going on here?”

  Mike the vocal one of the team said, “How can anyone know what that leader of North Korea is doing or is planning. No one can think like that. As I understand a little of their history, it was his father who took over the country after the Korean War. I guess he was well liked and when he died gave the country to run to his son. Oh, by the way, I use the term ‘run’ lightly as from what I gather he has run the country into the ground rather than made a decent place to live for the citizens. The country sounds like a prison state and anyone who steps out of line is thrown to the dungeon. It’s a well-known fact he has nuclear weapons, but what is not clear is does he have the means to deliver them?”

  Brad replied, “This new defector says ‘The Dear One’ is about to release death and destruction upon both Japan and South Korea. If that’s the case we have around 50 thousand troops in South Korea and Japan at risk. Not to mention millions of people. Apparently China is very nervous and doesn’t seem to have much control over North Korea, other than it does enough to keep its border free of western occupation. Anyone else got an idea what to do or say?”

  Agent Jones, boldly spoke up and Brad inwardly smiled knowing Jones would have done a ton of research into the project so far. Jones said, “I’d like to know what he would gain by raining death on his neighbors. Obviously it’s suicide as an ending. In addition, the fall out, both from radiation and the economic impact results in the demise of the world’s economy as we know it. Hard to imagine anyone could possibly consider such a thing.”

  A silence fell upon the team members as they digested what was obvious to all without saying; but needed saying. Now the hum of the jet was the only thing heard, but then Billy broke the silence by saying, “I know the leaders’ health is not good and they are grooming some fat kid for the next generation of ‘Dear One’s’ he said very sarcastically. My first thought is to go into North Korea and wipe out the whole damn family and all the high ranking followers who could retaliate, if left to their own devices. Now having said that, I’d kill for a Marlboro.”

  Nancy having just taken a sip of her water almost choked laughing so hard. Wendy sitting next to her pounded on her back.

  Billy jumped up and made for the restroom to have a smoke and some might think he did it on purpose, but in reality it was just Billy.

  Brad thought it a good time to take a break and wait until further information was forthcoming before speculating on what might or might not be. It was not but a few minutes passing when the seat belt sign came on and they were to land at Andrews Air Base where a helicopter would ferry them to the white house.

  Chapter 2

  Steve Lewis, Brad’s boss, who reported to Mr. X, was waiting for them to deplane on a cold windy November afternoon. It was but a few weeks till Thanksgiving, but the thought of a turkey dinner was very far from Steve’s mind at that moment. He strolled up to the bottom of the roll up stairs provided by some airmen for the passengers to exit the plane. First off and not unexpected was Sandy who stopped at the top of the stairs, looked around, sniffed the air then rapidly went down the steps to ask Steve for an ear rub. Brad was next and greeted his mentor and boss with a big smile and a firm handshake. They walked off heads together, to board the waiting helicopter.

  Billy as usual was the last one off as he hung back smoking, slowly walking to the ride to the White House. Sandy, after checking the helicopter ran back to hurry Billy up by playfully standing on her two back feet and placing her front paws on his back pushing him along. Soon they were airborne for the short hop to the white house. Brad always marveled at the grand sight of the nation’s capital as they slowly lowered down to the helipad.

  Upon landing a smartly dressed Marine stood alongside a grey haired man who stood straight and tall. To Brads surprise it was his father with a tight grin on his face staring into his son’s eyes as the team walked stooped over from the revolving blades. Brad not bothering to stoop knowing full well the blades were much higher than his over six feet height walked up to his father with a full white teeth smile. Brad knew his father was being a bit stoic, as his former rank of general forbade him to show emotion.

  After a handshake, Philip Pratt led his son and the team to the West Wing of the White House. Brad had never been to this room before and he wondered what name it was given. It was whispered to Brad that this was the Situation Room specifically designed for dealing with any domestic or global problems giving the president the ability to communicate directly with any country or allied command units worldwide. Its 5000 square feet was more than enough to accommodate Brad and his team along with every head of security and including the military Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  The Marine Colonel who stood wit
h Brad’s father showed the team where to sit and as soon as all were in place, the President Samuel Bates walked into the room. He took his place at the head of the table, and as his custom, locked onto the eyes of everyone in the room, as if to take roll call. The last one he looked at was Brad and he gave a brief nod in his direction, acknowledging his presence, with a small thanks for coming look on his face.

  The first thing the President did was nod at his chief of staff who relayed a look at the end of the room and a video suddenly appeared for viewing. It was the video of the interrogation of the North Korean defector Mr. Kim. The video only ran for ten minutes as just the highlights were shown. But it was obvious to Brad and his team; this was a highly placed person on the staff of the leader of North Korea. After that, a video of a military spokesperson gave off Mr. Kim’s bio and what could and could not be verified. However, once again, with pictures of Mr. Kim alongside ‘The Dear One’ provided little doubt he was for real.

  In addition, a recent history of events from front to back including the recent two tests of nuclear bombs, the sinking of a South Korean Naval vessel, the bombing by artillery of an off shore island that virtually destroyed all the houses of the island and the list continued with border clashes and the outright threats of death and destruction upon the South. The South Koreans had been patient with the North. Food aid and many thousands of tons of fertilizer had been sent north free gratis. However, with a new president that ran on a platform of a hard line when it came to North Korea, the aid dried up like a draught forcing North Korea to lean on China for help. The bottom line was that the Sunshine policy of South Korea failed to unite the two divided countries. Nothing could be clearer that unification was totally out of the question with the present and future rulers of North Korea.


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