'Dear One' Breathes Fire

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'Dear One' Breathes Fire Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Where would Brad Pratt go and he must assume that a search was going to take place sooner or later. Park was totally familiar with the west coast of North Korea. There were only a few places where fishing boats could be found to sneak him aboard.

  The North Koreans thought the fugitive would go directly to Yangampo area to catch a boat. Park had total respect for Brad Pratt and thought that is what the North would search that area first. Park thought it would take them the better part of a week to search that area. Then Park used his head and decided that Cholson was a more likely place. It would be a much longer hike both east and then south, but his chance of hiding was much better.

  Park decided to work his way towards Cholson. He would stay at any farm house along the way. It would be difficult to search every farm house so he decided to make it to Cholson as quickly as he could. From there he had a stash of American dollars sewn into his clothes to hire a fishing boat. His best guess was he had about ten to fourteen days to reach Cholson.


  In Seoul Sujin was rather calm considering her husband was stuck in North Korea. If caught, she didn't want to think about what might happen. A long time ago Brad had told her if he was captured, they could probably arrange an exchange, but that took many days, weeks, months and even years sometimes. Meanwhile her sister had flown back to Oregon to make sure the Round House was taken care of. She realized she needed to stay busy. She decided to take her North Korean pictures and make a portfolio for a record of her visit to the North.

  Steve had called her and wanted her to fly to Washington to interpret the first interview with the Leaders daughter. He apologized for the rudeness requesting her services while Brad was wandering around North Korea looking for a way out. Actually she jumped at the chance to stay busy while Brad was away.

  It was a lonely ride on the Gulf with Rocky her only companion. However, sorting through pictures on her laptop occupied the time. After a smooth landing Sujin, with Rocky, strode down the short steps of the Gulf to a waiting Steve Lewis and Nancy Longstreet. Just behind them was Billy Riker grinning with twin smoke trails exiting his nose from the ever-present Marlboro.

  Nancy had a long face, but she broke into a pleasant smile seeing how Sujin was handling the idea of a missing husband stuck in an enemies land. Nancy was a little shocked and she asked Sujin, "Sujin, how can you be so calm at a time like this?"

  Taking Nancy by the arm and walking to the waiting helicopter, Sujin said, "I guess when we both were in the mountains of Afghanistan hiding from the Taliban, we both felt that we would get out a terrible situation. If my husband is not badly hurt, then I've no fear for him. I think this situation he harder on the team than on him. What he's doing now is what drives him to push as hard as necessary to outfox the enemy."

  Billy asked, "How is Mike taking this situation?"

  "Not well at all Billy. He's suffering for guilt and depression. This is the second time he's left his friend to the whims of the enemy. But remember, like Brad, he's a true professional and guys like he and Brad never give up.

  It was a fairly short ride in a light snow fall that brought them to a private clinic in a very secluded area in Maryland. Sujin could see as they lowered the helicopter onto the helipad, the place was high security protected. As soon as safety permitted, a marine guard opened the door.

  Rocky stuck close to Sujin as they entered the front doors. From all appearances, the place looked like a five star hotel. Marble floors, lovely murals on the walls, recessed lighting with a charming person at the reception desk. All had to sign in except Rocky. Apparently, the receptionist was prepared a large German shepherd dog would be with the VIPs coming to visit the female in maximum security. No one in the clinic was aware of who the female was that arrived earlier. It was clear she was an Asian, but most thought she was Chinese.

  A quick trip up the elevator to the third floor was silent. Sujin hardly felt the lift off and stopping. The door opened into a large open area with doors spaced for apartments or rooms. It was octagon shape with a space in the middle with comfortable furniture.

  An Asian doctor greeted them at the door. He spoke excellent English, but Sujin spoke Korean to introduce herself. Steve had told her to tell the doctor she was a doctor as well. After the introductions between the two of them, she spoke in English asking how the Asian patient was doing.

  He told her she, the patient, with no name, was just coming out of the drugs she'd been given. He said, "I'm ordered to give her a stimulant upon your arrival so you can talk to her. After that I'll bring her out here."

  Sujin and the rest of the Batt team sat down on very nice sofas and chairs. An arm chair was left for the visitor to face Sujin. She saw the doctor and a nurse go in and come out a few minutes later with a pale North Korean woman who was the daughter of the Dear Leader, Kim, Sulsong.

  Sujin could tell Sulsong was fighting to maintain some dignity with her head held high. Her eyes rapidly took in the room and then focused on the people sitting down. Her angry eyes locked onto Sujin and stayed there while she was guided to her chair. Sujin, contrary to Korean culture, kept her eyes on Sul song. She wore plastic leg cuff and handcuffs for security. One must assume she was trained in martial arts. Her dress was a pale yellow pants and matching top; no buttons on the pull over.

  Sujin spoke Hangeul or the official Korean language. She told Sulsong that she was here to answer some of her questions, but not all. She broke the ice by telling her she was in the USA.

  Sulsong never batted an eye and kept staring at Sujin. So much time passed that Sujin thought she was not going to speak at all. Well, she thought, two can play this game and quickly stood up saying, "Let's go have lunch. We've other business to take care. Sulsong, when you're ready to talk," she said in Korean, "tell the doctor."

  Everyone, Nancy, Billy, Steve and Rocky were standing at the elevator when a deep girl voice said in English, "I'm ready now. What do you want from me?"

  Steve gave Sujin the back - to - the - chair nod and all sat back down.

  Sujin said, "We've abducted your entire family. Your father, unfortunately, didn't survive the trip. Your youngest brother Jongun is tucked away and will soon be losing weight. Your other two brothers are incapacitated. What are we going to do with you? That's yet to be determined and is going to be entirely up to you."

  Sujin could see her mind working, but her eyes still hate tons of hate streaming forth. Sulsong said, "Why should I believe you?"

  "Time will reveal the truth. At a future date, we will connect you to General Ri. Meanwhile we would like you to consider this, your country is leaderless and we presume the military will take over. The free world needs a 21st Century government that is for the people and not militaristic or a dictatorship. You think it over Sulsong. If you have some ideas, tell the staff and they will pass the word along."

  Steve said on the way down, "The president would like to visit with you right away."

  "Steve, I've never talked to the president before. Why would he want to talk to me? He has you and many others to choose from."

  "He doesn't want it let out that Brad and his team is behind the removal of the North Korean leader. This way we can keep it in-house."

  After a hasty snack in the cafeteria, Steve's cell alerted them the president was ready to see Sujin. Outwardly Sujin showed little emotion, but inwardly, she balked having to talk to the President of the United States. She was happy Rocky was with her, along with Nancy and Billy. Steve would take care of her. She relaxed a little when they entered the Situation Room and sat down waiting for the 'big boss' as Billy called the president.

  The President entered alone without his shadow his Chief of Staff. He gave Sujin a neck bow and smiled. He said, "Thanks for coming Sujin, if I may call you by your given name. First we've no word on your husband, but our Mr. Park is on the job looking for him. Our satellite pictures show us nothing due to cloud cover. Of course if we hear, or you hear, anything concerning your husband, please notify us at o
nce. Now I'd like to tell you what are plans are concerning Kim, Sulsong, and the former Leaders' daughter. For a variety of reasons, we'd like to see her as the new leader of North Korea. It would be a temporary position as democratic reforms, hopefully, will take place. Simply put, it's a chance for her to put right a country of twenty plus million people to enjoy a better life. We have the Chinese wanting to help and of course your own country would be a great assistance.

  There's one thing that bothers us and that is the military government will care out the Dear One's orders and launch nuclear missiles on Japan and South Korea. We must prevent that at all costs. As the daughter was the Leaders favorite, she probably knows what he ordered and what he didn't order. You job is trying to find out what is fact from fiction. I realize that would be very hard to tell if she is lying or telling the truth. However, please give it a go. I have to go now. Let's talk later."

  Chapter 13

  As the sky began to turn a lighter shade to the east, Brad spotted an old farm house with a small trail of smoke from the round pipe chimney. This had to be a now or never shot. He just couldn't afford being out in the rice fields during daylight hours. Besides he was cold, hungry and his shoulder hurt like hell.

  Brad watched and listened. No sound came from within, but the smoke indicated life was inside. The house was made of old stone and red mud. The roof was old corrugated galvanized roofing common throughout the world. He decided to take a risk. He gave a short rap with the butt of his Rambo knife. It didn't take long for an old man to appear at the door. He peeked out the crack of the door, looking Brad up and down more than once. Brad greeted him in Hangeul. He asked the man for a place to warm up. The man shut the door and left Brad to wonder what was going to happen next. A couple minutes went by and then the door opened wider. The old man stepped back to let Brad in. Brad hesitated because he still had on his military boots. He pointed at his shoes and the man shook his head to come on in.

  A small fire was burning and lying on the floor next to the fire was an old lady. She smiled and gave Brad a hello in Korean, which he returned the greeting with a bow. A stool was provided next to the fire and he sat down gratefully. They waited patiently for Brad to tell them who he was and so on. He decided to tell them the truth.

  He told them he was an American who wanted to see North Korea free of a one man rule. Also he was part of a team that kidnapped the Dear One and he was left behind due to an injury. It was probable that the military would be looking for him very soon. As it was becoming light out, he needed a place to hide. He told them he was hoping they might hide him from the military and when night came again, he would leave. He left it there for the time being for the two elderly North Koreans to think about.

  The man dropped his head to his chest in deep thought. The woman put water on for tea. She also put another stick of precious wood on the fire. The light inside was very dim as all the windows were covered with some fabric or scraps of wood. Finally the woman looked at the man and he nodded. Both stood up and the old lady rolled up the bedroll. Brads eyes open wide when he saw a trap door being opened by the old man. Brad had a flashlight and turned it on to look down the hole. He had a hard time following the man down the wooden ladder with his bad shoulder. The old man saw his pain and when they reached the bottom the old man told Brad to take off his coat. Using himself as a example, elbow at a 90 degree angle across his belly, and then swung it out opposite side to show the procedure, Brad knew the procedure.

  The pain was severe but Brad endured, as the old man swung his arm to and fro to reset the shoulder back its regular place. In a few minutes he felt better. The old man lit a candle showing Brad his store of rice and potatoes. He smiled a toothless grin and said if he didn't hide his rice; the military would steal it from him. It was clear to Brad that this man had no love for his government. He dug out some old musty blankets and made a place for Brad to lie down. Sure it was cold, but not as cold as outside. It was lucky for Brad no snow had fallen to leave tracks. He felt fairly safe. In reality, he had no choice. Just before he fell asleep, he thought of his son Brian and that empowered him to newer heights of resolve.

  Unknown to Brad, the military had come and gone. The old man had woken him around six pm. A weak cup of tea awaited him with an equally weak bowl of rice porridge. Brad was grateful and when he left gave the old couple some Chinese Yuan. The old man shook his head, but the elderly lady took it with a deep bow. He thanked them and wished them well. Outside was cold with a stiff wind from China blowing down and across the Peninsula.

  Brad's shoulder felt much improved as well as his head. He ate some protein supplements and hurried southeast. He realized the soldiers would stick to the rural areas and cover the ports. Brad loved a challenge, but not like this. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his uniform. Also, if he did find old clothes, his over six foot height dwarfs most North Koreans. As always, he decided to take it as it came and deal with whatever obstacle was in the way.

  He trudged on thinking he might make it to Yomju and find a place to hide for the day. He didn't think he would be so lucky to find a nice place like last night, but his shoulder felt good and his spirits were high. He dog trotted on to stay warm.

  Park was almost to Cholson area. He blended in well. Having found a school where soldiers were bivouac in and around the yard he found a corner in a classroom and took a rest.

  When he woke up the next morning, trucks of troops were rolling into the area. The escape by fishing boat was looking grim. He ate some rice and fish then left for the port area. Somehow he needed to secure a boat. How to do that without killing an owner of a boat was becoming quite a dilemma. Certainly flashing money would be the wrong thing to do. What he needed to do now was change clothes into a fisherman's dress. The way to do that provided a mystery in itself. Where to get the clothes; where to change clothes; what to do with the old clothes and the what ifs never ended in his mind. Well, find the clothes first then go from there.

  He did have a few things going for him. For one he was not alone in escaping North Korea by boat. He did have North Korean money. Also he had American money, but didn't want to flash that just yet.

  A few hours later he walked into Cholson and found the market. The market reeked of fish and the nasty smell of seashore at low tide. What few people were around could be found in the market and dock area where fishermen were repairing nets and such things. Park found a used clothing area and picked out what he needed. No one paid any attention to him. North Korea was: mind your own business period, end of story.

  It wasn't hard to find a burn barrel and in it went his army uniform when no one was watching. He warmed his hands then walked on looking for an opportunity. At lunch time he was back in the market with other fishermen eating a meager lunch. After lunch he followed some men down the front street lining the harbor. The tide was coming in and soon, he thought, some fishing boats might come in to offload their catch. He found a fairly comfortable place to watch from and waited patiently.


  Brad was hungry and thirsty from jogging for hours on end. He skirted the city lights of Yomju, stayed well south of the mountains, not a long ways from the coast. From what he gathered he was about half way to Yomju. Soon it would be daylight again. Brad came across a bridge with a frozen creek and saw a farm house in the distance. At about two hundred meters he crouched down and observed the house. A slight trace of smoke rose from the roof or side of the old farm house. Next to the house was a lean to of sorts that housed some hay and a water buffalo. The old buffalo was laying down chewing its cud when Brad peeked in. He decided to not risk being seen and burrowed like an animal into the backside of the hay. He was next to the back wall and snuggly warm. Hunger was going to be his only friend for a few more days. He drank what was left of his water and dropped off into a dreamless sleep.


  General Ri, Yong ho, sat in the middle of a long table filled up with his underlings left and right. They were in a large conference
room filled with politicians and military officers. He said, "Our Dear One has been kidnapped along with his off spring. My orders are clear and to the point. The Leader instructed me to carry on in his absence as if he were still here." He held up the mike that was found at the site where he was kidnapped and said, "Here is proof the Americans are responsible for this dastardly attack. I'm going to give the Americans two weeks to give back our Dear One or face the consequences of a nuclear attack on Japan and South Korea."

  There was absolute silence as only a few military generals knew about the proposed attack with short range nuclear missiles. These men were not stupid. They soon realized North Korea would not exist if they attacked South Korea and Japan with nuclear weapons. However, not a voice was heard in protest knowing how cold it was in prison camp these days. Some politicians were already thinking about ways of leaving the country. General Ri realized that most were thinking the same thing: desert the ship while it still floats.

  He said in answer to the unsaid plans, "I've instituted bans on all travel in or out of the country. No one leaves; no one enters by my direct order. Anyone attempting to leave will be shot. I'd suggest comrades, prepare for war. I've also doubled patrols along our west coast as its possible one American was left behind. However, when war comes, one American among thousands waiting to die is not a big deal. The patrols are to keep our people in for the long term battle."


  In the Oval Office of the President of the USA, a red phone was being held to the ear of Samuel Bates. A one sided conversation was taking place between the leaders of the two most powerful economies in the world: China and the USA. He said, "Yes, that's right. The Leader of North Korea is dead of a stroke. Yes, indeed I understand all of the ramifications of his death. The North will use it as martyr to show the world how we didn't just kidnap him, but murdered him. Do you have any suggestions Mr. President?"


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