'Dear One' Breathes Fire

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'Dear One' Breathes Fire Page 11

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Brad thought the old diesel engine was going to blow up as the captain had thrust the throttle to full astern. Soon the whole boat was shaking, but slowly but surely the boat slipped off the island.

  Everyone was high fiving each other. Brad knew the island was one of two that were located not far from Dalian. Slowly they sailed parallel to the island south and then once past it, set a course due west. All things going well, he thought around late afternoon they should be in Dalian.


  Due to the seriousness of the Asian situation, the President of the USA decided to visit China, South Korea and Japan. The first stop would be China and then over to South Korea. The last stop would be in Japan. He'd show the world he was not afraid to put himself in harm's way.

  Meanwhile he gave orders to have six submarines sitting off both the east and west coast of North Korea with weapons ready. In addition he had two carriers steaming toward the Peninsula.

  Meanwhile in Beijing, at the airport, crews were working hard to keep the airport open. The President of China was expecting the American President. As a matter of fact, after talking to the leaders of South Korea and Japan, it was a good thought to have all of them visit Beijing at the same time. That meeting would put all the principals involved in the major dispute at one table. It was time for straight talk.

  Sujin, now tucked into a very comfortable spacious room in a quiet area somewhere in Beijing, longed for word of her husband. She was standing at the window looking out on a winter wonderland. She wondered if her husband was freezing in some rice field.

  Sujin flashed back to when they first met in the mountains of Afghanistan. She'd been a Red Cross worker helping the civilians injured or wounded by Americans or the Taliban. One day she was warned bad men were coming and she ran to the mountains to hide. That was when she found the wounded Brad Pratt delirious from fever from his wound. Voices were heard coming. She dragged him into a small cave; lay on top of him with her hands over his mouth, while the bad guys walked along the narrow mountain trail.

  Sujin had medicine to take care of him, but food was another matter. A knock at the door broke her past experience. She walked to the door with Rocky alongside of her. A polite young Chinese man handed her a folded note. He bowed and left. Sujin shut the door and opened the note. Rocky was looking up her expecting her to tell him what it said.

  In English, she read that Brad was in Dalian with Park. He would be in Beijing tomorrow sometime. He was coming by train. Rocky watched her drop to her knees and start bawling her eyes out, finally releasing all the pent up emotion from the last few weeks. Rocky moaned a little and she hugged him. All she had to do now was toss and turn all night long waiting for the morrow to bring her husband to her.

  Next door to her were Jongun and his sister. There wasn't a lot to talk about as the future was not what anyone would count on. He did say, "I'm afraid to go home. I think the general will try an assassination attempt on both of us."

  "Let's tell the Americans our suspicions," said his sister.

  "They all ready know. We are the bait and they will take care of General Ri."


  It was around noon the next day when a scruffy looking Brad Pratt knocked on her door. Rocky wolfed his recognition and Sujin flung open the door leaping into his arms. He smelled awful, but she didn't care. He carried her through the door and kicked it shut with his foot. Rocky was beside himself bouncing up and down making whining sounds. Brad sat down on the floor and let the tears roll down his unshaven cheeks.

  A few minutes went by then he held her at arm's length and said, "There was never a doubt was there?"

  "She laughed and wiped the tears away. Then she said, "No there was no doubt you'd come back; the when was the real question. Now my husband, you really need a hot bath."

  Later the evening a meeting was convened in The Great Hall of the People. A side room was used for the closed meeting that included the USA president, South Korean president, Japan's PM, and Kim, Jongun and his sister Sulsong. Of course the President of China chaired the meeting.

  He said, "We're here to establish a repertoire between our diverse countries. Our first order of business is peace in the region. War is out of the question. China will not condone war. I think all here agree we don't need an attack on any country in Asia or around the world. We have a rogue temporary leader in North Korea. We've warned him of the consequences of an attack on South Korea or Japan. Our only saving grace right now is this winter storm. So all of you know we sent word to Pyongyang and specifically to General Ri that Kim, Jong ill, son and daughter are arriving as soon as the weather allows. Now let's begin with South Korea and what are your thoughts Mr. President?"

  "To all of you friends and allies. South Korea is taking a hard line stance with North Korea. We've been patient since 1953. We've almost lost count how many times North Korea has attacked our homeland and against our military ships. With the latest attack more than one hundred people died and the final count is yet to be totaled. My counterpart in Japan, the Prime Minister and I have agreed to see what the outcome is of the return of Kim Jongun. General Ri must be neutralized. Reforms must begin. Aid and loans to prop up the country must be instituted. Also a ten year plan must be implemented for the reunification of our two separate nations now. Thanks you."

  The Chinese president nodded to the US president. President Bates said, "This is an historical moment in time. Not since the fall of the Berlin Wall has such an event about to unfold. I'm confident Kim Jongun can institute reforms for a base of economy patterned after China. We have a plan for the downfall of General Ri. Part of the same team that kidnapped the Kim's will be along on the trip to North Korea."

  Later that same day, Brad freshly cleaned up, a hot meal in his stomach, sat with President's of China, South Korea and the USA. The Japanese PM had a meeting of his own to attend with his China ambassador.

  The Chinese President asked Brad, "How do you intend to naturalize General Ri?"

  Brad went on to explain the drug in the former Leaders son, Jonguns palm. Also he said, "We will have to rely on the general making an attempt on Jongun's life. If he makes a move in that direction our snipers will take out the shooters. The two side exit emergency doors of the aircraft will be manned with two snipers each."

  "I've no better idea, but this seems a little less than a good plan," said the Chinese President.

  I've given this considerable thought and I think the assassin will be from the limo car waiting to give General Ri and the Kim's a ride. General Ri will say it was a disgruntled person. Meanwhile, we'll take him out while Jongun sinks the needle into the General's arm."

  "Unless there is something else to discuss, let's adjourn and have a nice Chinese dinner with all of us. Let's meet back here in two hours after all of us have freshened up," said the Chinese President.

  Chapter 17

  The storm finally passed on leaving a cold clear and windy day behind it. The snow storm had lasted almost a week. Brad and Sujin had a chance to catch up on many things. The phones worked well, the internet the same. Billy had patched Brad in on the satellite pictures of the North. Brad had called Mike and three SEALs to come to China. They had plenty of time to practice throwing open the emergency doors of the aircraft and quickly locating their target. A black car was moved to different location for target practice. Paint guns were used for practice.

  A plane was dispatched ahead of the passenger plane. It was loaded with salt to insure the Pyongyang runway was free of ice. The plane carrying the two remaining Kim family was due to depart at noon the following day.

  That night Mike, the SEAL team and Brad along with Sujin had a special dinner of Peking duck. It was the first time Mike and the SEAL team heard his story of escaping from North Korea. Brad left no details out and made sure that they understood that without the help of the local North Korean's he would have had a much harder time escaping.

  Brad also took a jab at Mike saying, "You shouldn't worry so muc
h my friend. Your age is showing, but at least you still can follow orders."

  "I'm a little embarrassed for sure. That was the second time I've had to fly off and leave you. I don't think I can handle a third time. I'm getting close to retiring to milking the cows."

  "That'll be the day I'd like to see Mike. All of us flying off on a mission and you staying home to milk the cows. Get real Mike. You love it and can't leave it."

  They enjoyed dinner and then went home for an early get up to stop an assassination the next day.


  In North Korea two secret meeting were taking place. The first one, with General Ri and a hand selected sharp shooter was discussing the hit on the young Jongun. The driver of the limo would stay in the car while the passenger opened the door on the opposite side that was broadside to the airplane. All eyes would be on the plane as the steel ladder was wheeled up to the door. As soon as the young Kim Jongun stepped out and walked down the stairs, he was to kill both the brother and sister.

  The other meeting was between Colonel Moon and his loyal subordinates. It was being discuss how to stop the fanatic General and his proposed assassination attempt on young Jongun. It was decided that Colonel Moon would be behind General Ri and the others would slowly block the sharpshooter near the car. All agreed the car would be the only place a rifleman could not be seen. All were prepared to die to save their country from the evil General Ri.


  The Air China A330 was ready for takeoff. The Business Class and First Class section was filled with the two Kim's; Brad and wife; Rocky; and various other officials. Brad sat next to Jongun and said, "Remember, if I say down, you hit the ground rolling. I would expect the hit to take place when you stepped onto the ground from the stairs. If there is no immediate danger, step forward with a smile and grasp the general's arm sinking the needle into his bicep. I expect a lot of gunfire is going to occur so be prepared to fall and don't forget to roll."

  In the back of the plane, Mike and his team of Seals were going over the drill one more time. In the exit door, one SEAL would kneel down and the other would be above him. That would make a total of four expert guards at two exit doors. Brad's job was to follow Jongun and his sister down the steps with Rocky. They were to leave a spacing of at least four steps between Jongun and his sister. Sujin would be directly behind the sister.

  The seat belt sign came on. It was very close to game time. What happened in the next forty minutes would determine the fate of North Korea. The USA President Bates was in Seoul awaiting word from the North. Brad double checked his Glock and found it to his liking.

  In the back all SEAL members had AK-47s. Mike felt this could get bloody as hell. He looked out the window and a bright sunny day contrasted by a gloomy site on the ground. It would seem that no matter what the government did to improve the beauty of the capital Pyongyang, nothing much helped the colorless buildings. Mike felt the tires make contact with the runway and then the reverse thrusters kicked in. Soon the plane was slowly moving towards the terminal. Mike did get a look before the plane turned into the terminal of a crowd of brown uniformed military personnel waiting for the plane.

  Brad eye caught the black limo sitting discreetly behind and off to the side of the greeting party. The most colorful uniform had to be General Ri and he was surrounded by many staff officers.

  The plane rolled to a stop and the engines shut down. All waited for the metal stairs to roll up to the front door near the front of the plane. It was obvious that Jongun was nervous and beads of sweat formed on his brow. Contrasting him was his sister who appeared both calm and cool under the pressure of the impending attack. The door swung open letting in a blast of cold Arctic air. Brad dressed in suit with a tie on, stepped out and waved to the crowd. In the five seconds he saw the general and saw the limo with a short man standing on the passenger side of the car. No doubt he was the shooter.

  What Brad didn't see was Colonel Moon standing behind the general. He and his friends were prepared to take out General Ri's staff.

  Brad stepped back and let Jongun pass by and he and Rocky followed him down the stairs. Jongun had enough presence to wave and give a salute to his military. The only one who didn't salute back was General Ri.

  Half way down Sulsong waved as she stepped out followed by Sujin. Brad had his eye on the black limo. As soon as the man moved he would push Jongun and let the fireworks begin. General Ri stepped forward with his arm stretched out to shake the hand of Jongun. Jongun did the same. They were perhaps ten feet from each other when the limo shooter pulled up his rife. Brad waited one second and said, "Down and roll."

  The two exit door flew open and the limo was sprayed with armor piercing bullets. At the same time, Colonel Moon pulled his pistol and shot the general in the back taking out a portion of his devil heart. Brad quickly analyzed what was going on and he waved to Mike to cease firing. By the time Brad had called for a cease fire, Rocky had circled the black limo and came back totally relaxed. Brad knew the shooter and the driver were dead. So was the general as he lay face down hatless. Colonel Moon threw his pistol down and raised his hands. Meanwhile Jongun got up slowly and brushed the dirt off his clothes. His eyes never left the dead general who would now be disgraced as well as his family.

  Sujin helped Sulsong up and joined her husband on the runway. Brad motioned Colonel Moon over and he complied quickly. Mike and team were still scanning the area for bad guys, but they were all dead; or had been taken into custody by Moon's men.

  Brad asked, in Korean, "I suppose you are one of the good guys."

  "Yes, Sir. From this moment forward, we are a new nation. I know Jongun has a different idea than his father. He's a new generation and this is a new century. I hope this is only the beginning."

  Brad shook his hand, smiled at Jongun and said good bye.

  Twenty minutes later they were flying first to Seoul and then the Air China plane would return home.

  Brad was unusually quiet. Sujin left him alone with his thoughts. Rocky was in the back with Mike and the SEAL team. The bar was open and the wine and beer flowed. Anytime you can return from a mission with no one hurt and mission accomplished, it was time to rejoice. It was justified when Mike raised his beer bottle and said, "Here's to the Batt Team."

  Afterwards at the Round House.

  Just back from Washington DC, the Batt Team minus Steve Lewis and Nancy Longstreet, who remained in DC, sat on the floor in a circle enjoying a sense of community. Mike would say 'family' but Brad, wouldn't go that extra yard just yet. They had a new member of the team, Mr. Park. He'd proved his worth which more than qualified him a member of the evolving notoriety of the Batt Team.

  Brad flashed back on the last meeting in the situation room with the President and his team members; including his father. The President said, "Excuse me a moment Brad, but I've news for your father," Brad knew it was only a temporary raise in rank, but he'd hoped the Commander and Chief would let his father down easily. "I've decided he is an important part of your team Brad. I've instructed the congress to make his four stars rank permanent."

  Brad looked at his father and the stoic old bastard never batted an eye. The President continued, "What can I add Brad that hasn't already been said of you and your team. Once again you've pulled the rabbit out of the hat. I can safely say, the world is a safer place today due to your efforts. Technically you’re a military officer and because of the deeds you have preformed, I'm bestowing the Medal of Honor around your neck. Please step forward."

  Brad was never so shocked in his life. As far as he was concerned, he just did his job and nothing more. The real heroes were the farmers of North Korea.

  Brad and family were watching young Brian play in the circle. Sujin let everyone know she was with child again.

  Billy looked at the rain running down in rivulets wondering if he dared brave the weather for a much desired smoke. Inside was so warm and fuzzy he hated to leave, but the big "N" called him.


/>   The Golden Trail


  The next Brad Pratt novel begins in Norway 1940 then moves to England. From there by ship to Canada; then transferred by train from Montreal to its final destination in New York City. The more than ten tons of gold disappeared between Montreal and New York City before the USA had entered World War II

  It's the Batt Team's job to find the missing gold. A black mark it being held over the head of the USA by the English Union. Those ten tons of gold would go a long ways to strengthen the Kroner and erase a black mark on the United States.


  The Golden Trail


  Eighty seven year old Alina Muller sat huddled up in an afghan near her pellet stove in the small living room of her house. Her grandson, Eric Weber was due any moment now. While she waited, her vivid memory of the past was clear as it was outside her window in Montpelier, Vermont on this late February day. Snow was stacked window high, but Alina paid it no mind. The color gold, not white was on her mind. She was about to reveal to her grandson Eric that just a stone's throw away, sat more than twenty tons of gold bullion.

  Alina and her husband Albert, in 1940, followed the gold from England to Montreal. In Montreal the gold was shipped by rail car to its destination in New York City. This gold was half of the total gold reserves from Norway. As World War Two broke out, Norway feared for its gold reserve. By the skin of its teeth, just ahead of the blitzkrieg by the Germans, the gold was loaded on board ship and sent to England. Three Germans got wind of the treasure and cleverly followed the trail.


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