Devil's Charm

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Devil's Charm Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He dropped the envelope beside him on the floor. The air between them changed. It became charged, and she found it hard to breathe as his gaze moved down her body. She felt naked beneath his gaze rather than wearing her night clothes.

  “You left before I got a chance to get back.” His fingers slid up the inside of her thigh.

  “Nothing was going to happen.”

  Devil reached out, grabbing her around the waist and tugging her onto his lap. “Something was going to happen, baby.”

  She straddled his waist feeling the hard length of his shaft pressed against her sex.

  Staring into Devil’s eyes Lexie tried to control the response inside her body. No man should have this kind of hold over her.

  “God, your body is to fucking die for.” His fingers sank into her hair, drawing her close. She was shocked when he buried his face against her neck inhaling deeply. “Fuck.”

  Her nipples were so tight they hurt. Thrusting her pelvis on his lap she tried to force her arousal to the back of her mind. The clothing between them felt too rough. His leather jacket covered up his chest.

  “Come on, Lex. You know something was going to happen.” He gripped her ass holding her steady against his cock. One of his hands moved to cup her pussy. “You’re like a bitch in heat.”

  Lexie didn’t say anything. Closing her eyes she let her body dictate to her for once.

  You don’t know him.

  He’s dangerous.

  There’s no way to know what he’ll do.

  Even with all doubts rushing through her mind the pleasure he was creating with his hands was too much.

  “You’re fucking hot, baby.”

  His hand went into her shorts, and Lexie moaned, tensing back up. This was the furthest she’d ever gone with a guy in years. The last guy she’d been with didn’t have a clue what he was doing. He certainly never inspired this kind of response from her.

  She felt bound up in knots from the pleasure of his touch alone.

  Devil separated the lips of her sex sliding down her slit to her entrance. He pushed a finger in deep, and she cried out.

  “Fucking tight.”

  Opening her eyes she lifted up off his lap for him to get deeper.


  Her cunt was so fucking tight Devil felt like he was in heaven. Pressing a thumb to her clit he watched her face scrunch up as she rode his hand. Her chest was so close to him. He wanted one of her tits. Tugging the vest from her body he admired her rounded breasts. She worked his fingers, and her tits bounced with each thrust.

  He couldn’t wait to drive his cock deep inside her. She’d drive him over the edge easily.

  Lifting her off his lap, he tore off all the clothing stopping him from getting to her body. He loved every curve and wanted to show each part of her attention. Devil tugged her back onto his lap, and she straddled him, opening her pussy against his pants.

  Tipping her back to the sofa, he slammed his lips down on hers claiming the kiss he’d been wanting since he walked through her door. She’d looked so cute with Simon in her arms and her hair tousled. Then he’d grown angry at Kayla passing his kid onto someone else even though he knew Lexie was a better person to look after him. Looking around the small apartment showed she took care.

  Life had clearly been hard for her. She’d tensed up expecting the worst from him. He hated the fear in her eyes and would make sure she didn’t feel that way with him.

  Taking off his jacket, he removed his pants, kicking his boots off in the process. All that remained on was his shirt. He didn’t wear underwear. Fisting his length, he was ready to fuck her hard.

  He tugged her back onto his lap, getting her to straddle his hips. His naked shaft rested between her slit, bumping her clit. “That’s better.”

  “We can’t do this. I don’t know you. Shit, what am I doing?”

  Devil shut her up by claiming her lips and cupping her ass. She moaned. Her hands cupping his face as she kissed him back. Their tongues danced together, and the fire burned brightly between them. Breaking from her lips he kissed down her neck biting onto her flesh. He wanted to see his mark on her flesh. Down he went until he took one nipple into his mouth. He squeezed her ass, rubbing her pussy up and down the length of his cock. It would be so easy to slide his cock inside her.

  Instead he sucked on the hard bud feeling her shake in his hands. Her responses were not controlled. She wasn’t used to faking pleasure for men. He knew from her cream leaking over his dick. Lexie loved his touch. Her body awakened more with every second that passed.

  Biting down on her nipple to the point of pain he heard her cry out before moving onto the next. He did the same lavishing her breast with attention. They really were magnificent, and he’d always been a tit man.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Wrapping his hands around her waist he pressed her back to the sofa, kissing down her body until he lay between her thighs. He never went down on women as he tried to avoid it. The women he’d been with would fuck everything in sight, and the last thing he wanted to do was to be licking out another man’s cum.

  His boys thought he was crazy to think like that. Devil didn’t care. He wouldn’t be licking any woman out who went with other men.

  “How long has it been since your last man?” he asked, wanting to taste her.

  “Years,” she said, moaning.

  “How long?”

  “Erm, three years maybe a bit longer,” she said. They were whispering, but he heard her answer.

  Glancing at her pussy he saw her cream had slicked her pubic hair. She didn’t wax, but her pubic hair was neatly trimmed. Sliding a finger through her slit he stared at what all of his men had wanted to get a look at since her dance.

  She was red, puffy, and perfect. He’d never seen such a pretty cunt in all of his life, and he’d seen a fair few to last him a lifetime. Opening her lips he saw her clit peeking out and swollen.

  “No men at all.”

  “Why would I want a man? They’re a waste of time.”

  Her words told him all he needed to hear. The men she’d been with didn’t have the first clue in how to take care of a woman. Devil made it his life’s work to give a woman pleasure. By the time he was through with Lexie she wouldn’t be able to look at another man without thinking of what he could give her first. Devil liked the thought of owning her completely. No woman made him feel this way, and they barely knew each other.

  She was a stripper, and he was a biker. Both of them came from the same world but were miles apart from one another.

  “Oh, baby. I’m going to show you how wrong you are.” He flicked his tongue along her slit, looking up her body to see her cry out.

  The noise would wake the boy up, and Devil didn’t want to have to stop because of a kid. Lifting a hand between them, he covered her mouth with his palm, muffling any of the sounds that could come out. She didn’t fight him as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  Lexie arched against his touch, screaming into his palm. Her hands were clawed into the furniture while she held on for dear life.

  Going down from her clit he plunged into her entrance watching her come apart at the same time.

  He tongued her cunt, and his dick throbbed almost as if it had a life of its own and knew where it wanted to go. Devil fisted his cock working the pre-cum out of the tip to coat the head.

  His other hand still covered her mouth, and he tongued her sweet cream. She tasted so fucking good. He didn’t want to stop tasting her.

  When he could handle it no more, he flicked her nub watching her face scrunch up and her body shake with need. He wanted to watch her come apart in his arms.

  Suddenly, the sound of Simon interrupted their moment. Lexie tensed, staring up at him.

  “What the hell am I doing?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she scrambled away from him.

  Knowing he wasn’t going to be inside her tonight, he collapsed to the sofa, hating children at that moment.

  “I thi
nk you need to leave.” She quickly put her nightwear back on then headed toward the only other room in the poky apartment.

  Devil knew he could help Lexie out. Over the years he’d built up a good supply of cash and that didn’t even include what he kept in his bank accounts. He paid his taxes, and no one was any the wiser.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You can’t stay here.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re not in any position to tell me what I’m supposed to be doing.” He sat back watching her.

  “Whatever. We’re not having sex. You can count that out of the equation.” She left him alone.

  We’re not having sex yet.

  He wouldn’t stop until he knew how sweet and tight her cunt really was.

  After several minutes passed and he could hear nothing else, he walked into the room to find Lexie lying down in bed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, sitting up.

  Walking around to the other side, he climbed in.

  “No, you can’t sleep here.”

  Devil didn’t say a word. Banding his arm around her waist, he tugged her close. She didn’t struggle, and he sent thanks to Simon. If the little guy hadn’t been in the room she wouldn’t have relented at all.

  “I’m sleeping here.” He pressed his palm against her pussy. “Stop fighting me. We’re not going to be doing anything right now.”

  He didn’t move his hand as she settled beside him. With Lexie in his arms he tried not to think about how right it felt having her there. The women on the road he’d always kicked out never liking his space invaded by a woman.

  “Are you going to take him away from me?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not going to.” He’d already thought about the future. Until he found Kayla, Lexie was going nowhere. “We’ll deal with everything else in the morning. Stop worrying and sleep.”

  Then he did something that surprised him. He kissed her head, settling down with her in his arms.

  Chapter Four

  The following morning, Lexie tried not to think about the large biker in her bed. She’d woken at seven o’clock after only a few hours sleep. Making herself a coffee, she sat on the sofa feeding the baby taking sips of her drink every few minutes. All the time she couldn’t stop thinking about Devil and his touch on her body.

  How can he make me feel this way?

  Running a hand over her face she tried to get her rioting emotions under control. Nothing was happening at all. He’d started a fire within her, and she couldn’t stop it. Once she finished feeding Simon, she cleaned away her cup only to be started by banging on the door.

  She walked toward the door. “Who is it?” she asked.


  Recognizing the name, she opened the door. They had ruined what little lock she had last night. He stood looking as threatening as Devil. He was with two other men, and they walked into the apartment looking her up and down.

  Their gazes made her blush. She hated thinking of them getting horny over her. Lexie hated the attention and would prefer not to know it was because they’d seen her naked.

  “Back off. She’s taken,” Devil said, walking out of the bedroom. He was completely naked. Gasping, she turned away from him to look at the sink. Didn’t he have any problem being naked?

  “Look at Boss getting all possessive,” Curse said, laughing.

  “Shut it. What do you need to tell me?”

  She turned back to look at Devil, who was doing up his jeans.

  “Boys can’t stay at the strip club. Place is a fucking mess, and Vincent is going crazy. We can’t open for business tonight, and the guys aren’t helping.”

  “Ripper, stop eyeing up my woman,” Devil said. She looked at the red headed man who was staring at her.

  Averting her gaze she looked over at Devil.

  “Get dressed and start packing up your shit,” he said.

  “Hell no. I’m not moving into a strip club.” She also wasn’t allowing herself to be alone with him again.

  “You work at the club.”

  “Doesn’t mean I have to live there.” She ignored the other guys who were chuckling. Devil stopped her from picking up Simon, and she went to her room alone.

  Ignoring Devil and his men, she quickly changed into a pair of jeans and long vest shirt. She tied a sweater around her waist before going to the hole in the wall she called a wardrobe. Pushing her clothes back she opened the little bag that held Kayla’s number.

  Grabbing her cell phone, which she only used in case of emergencies, she sat on the bed and dialed the number. For the last three months the number hadn’t worked.

  “Who are you calling?” Devil asked, appearing in the doorway.

  Lie. Lie. Lie.

  Lying never got her anywhere. Showing him the card, she let out a sigh. “Kayla gave me this number to get in touch with her.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this last night?” he asked.

  “It hasn’t worked in the last three months. This is all I have of hers.”

  “When was the last time you spoke to her?”

  “About a month after she dropped Simon off. She told me she’d be a little longer and to use the money in the envelope. Is that money yours?” she asked.

  “Yep, she stole it from me while I was busy.”

  She nodded. “Look, I don’t want to get involved in club business or whatever business you’ve got going on. I’m not part of this at all.”

  All Lexie had wanted was a quiet life where she could have a family with no worries and no fears.

  “Not going to happen, baby. Kayla made sure of that when she gave you my kid. I’ve been wrong before, but I got the hunch you can’t just walk away from him, can you?” Devil asked, moving to the bed to sit down.

  Glancing through the doorway she saw Curse and Ripper playing with the boy.

  They looked up and gave her a little wave. Stepping away she walked in front of Devil.

  “No, I can’t walk away from him. It’s like he’s my own.”

  “And he’s my first kid. No joke, so don’t fucking say anything.” He took hold of her hand, turning her palm up. He traced along the crease frowning.

  “I don’t joke about shit. I don’t want to get caught up in this.”

  “Too late for you. I need you to take care of Simon.”

  “We’re not sleeping in a strip club. I’d rather stay here.”

  Was she really agreeing to Devil? Crap, there was nothing else she could do but agree with him.

  “Vincent called. He’s found a place, and we’re going to check it out. Boys are organizing a van and car seat. Get your shit packed, and I’m not going to ask again.” He tugged her close, and she stumbled against him. Devil was the one in control. There was no hope of her fighting. He wasn’t hurting either of them.

  His palm pressed against her pussy. The only thing separating them was the fabric of her jeans and panties.

  “I’m going to have this, Lexie. Your pussy, your mouth, your ass, the whole of your body is mine.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “No, I’m not crazy. I’m determined.”

  “Why? I’m not Kayla. You can have anyone.”

  He stared at her without breaking contact. “Vincent was right about you. You’ve got a low opinion of yourself.”

  Devil lifted her up and held her in front of the doorway.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

  “Boys, what do you think of the lovely Lexie?” Devil asked. One of his arms was wrapped around her waist as the other banded across her chest stopping her from going anywhere.

  “Don’t know if I should answer that, Boss. You’ve staked your claim, and I love my dick a lot,” Curse said.

  “I’m with him.”

  “Boys, Lexie doesn’t think she’s all that hot or worth my time. What do you think of that?”

  She saw their gazes wander up and down her body.

fuck her if you let me. Out of all the women on stage she was the fucking hottest. Don’t know what women have against food, but fuck me, Lexie, you’re fucking hot,” Curse said.

  Ripper stood up, showing her the evidence of his arousal. “Just by looking at you, sweetheart, and remembering you naked last night.”

  Devil took his seat back on the bed away from the men.

  “See, you’re more than worth my time and I’ve got to say, I can’t wait to feel all of you around my dick.” He kissed her neck, holding her in place as he sucked on her flesh.

  Moaning, she tilted her head to the side giving him better access.

  “That’s right, baby. You’re going to give me everything. I’m going to get my club a place to live, and you’re going to be by my side waiting for me.”

  His hand cupped her breast, pinching the nipple.

  Heat flooded her panties as he worked her body easily. His other hand moved between her thighs, stroking her pussy through the denim.

  “Tonight, I’m going to have this pussy, and I’m going to know exactly how tight you are.” He bit down on her neck, sucking the tender flesh into his mouth.

  “Boss, hate to interrupt you but boys are outside waiting. Vincent is there with his woman to take us to the place.”

  She heard Devil sigh. Seconds later his arms dropped from around her body. “They’ve got the worst fucking timing in the world. Fine, we’re coming.”

  He helped her onto her feet.

  Cupping her face, he tilted her head back to look at him. “Get your shit packed. My boys will be up to help.”

  Devil left the room seconds later. Ripper entered the room helping her pack. He didn’t say a word, but she felt his gaze on her body. She would never get used to that kind of attention away from the club. When she packed the bedroom up she walked into the other room as Carol knocked on the open front door.

  “Honey, what’s going on? I saw all of those men outside.”

  “Something has come up. One of those men is Simon’s father. He needs me to, erm, to look after the boy until he’s ready to take over.” The lies poured out of her mouth.

  “Is this the man who beat the shit out of Rob and crushed his hand?” Carol asked. “The very one.” Devil appeared in the doorway.


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