Devil's Charm

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Devil's Charm Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck me, Devil.”

  She gave in to him, and he released her hands.

  “Good, first we’re going to get washed, and then your ass is mine.”


  Devil finished washing the soap out of her hair. Lexie had remained silent as he washed her body. She didn’t fight him, but she kept staring at him as he worked. When he was done, he turned the water off and handed her a towel. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he walked into the bedroom waiting for her to follow. Sitting down, he dried his hair as she walked into the room. Her hair was semi-dry as she bunched the length up with a towel.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She walked over to him. He saw the hesitation in her eyes as she stood between his thighs. His dick thickened, and he knew he wouldn’t last the first time he was inside her.

  Tugging on the towel, he watched it fall to the floor. Her body was damp.

  Reaching around, he brought her closer with a grip on her ass. He pressed kisses along her stomach, watching her close her eyes.

  “Have you ever felt like this before?” he asked. Her stomach was visibly quivering as she gazed down at him. Her eyes looked almost black with the dilation of her arousal.

  “No, never.”

  “How many men have you fucked?” Opening her legs, he scented her arousal.


  “Over three years ago?” Covering her mound, he felt her cream leak onto his fingers. She was so fucking wet for him.

  “Yes. He was my first boyfriend and didn’t have a clue what to do.”

  He smiled. “Climbed on and rode his way for his own release?” Devil knew the sort. Some men really didn’t know how to awaken a woman sexually. He learned from a young age that to get the woman he wanted in bed he first needed to spend the time working her up into a frenzied need. Devil also liked an open woman in the bedroom. He couldn’t be done with a woman scared to want to fuck. There was no time for him to draw a woman unwilling to give herself to him. He didn’t do unwilling women who fought everything straight away.

  Lexie wanted him, and she was only fighting her need. Now, he saw she was giving herself to him.

  “Yeah, he was a real piece of work. I didn’t like him at all, and we parted ways a while ago.”

  Good, he would have to beat the shit out of anyone who tried to make a claim on her.

  “Straddle me.”

  She climbed onto his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. He claimed her lips, tasting her as her body rode his. Her naked tits pressed against his chest, and they were real.

  Turning her, he slid between her legs as she kissed him back. The bed sheets were wrinkled underneath them. The towel he had on slipped off, and he slid his cock between her slit. Her cream coated his shaft. In no rush, he bumped her clit feeling her relax beneath him.

  When he could take the feel of her slit no longer, he broke the kiss working down to suck on her nipples. She arched under him. Gripping her hips, down he went, sliding a tongue into her belly button before going down. Opening her thighs wide he stared at her puffy, red slit. Using his thumbs he opened the lips of her sex to reveal her swollen clit and the entrance to her cunt.

  Closing the distance he sucked her clit into his mouth, much like he’d done with her nipples. Flicking his tongue over her nub, he glided down to fuck her pussy. She cried out. Glancing up, he saw her back arch off the bed.

  “Please, yes, please,” she said, moaning.

  He loved hearing the sounds of her begging. Going back up, he tongued her clit wanting her to orgasm before he slammed deep inside her.

  She gasped, and still he kept up his ministrations wanting her to come apart. His cock was so fucking hard it hurt.

  It had been too fucking long since he’d fucked a woman. Lexie was driving him crazy, and he knew if he didn’t get inside her soon he’d be suffering with blue balls.

  “Come for me,” he said, muttering the words against her clit.

  Sliding a finger inside her, he tongued her clit.

  Seconds later she screamed out in climax. Smiling, he continued caressing her clit as she screamed, shuddered, and jerked underneath his touch. Only when he was satisfied did he pull away, wiping her cum from his lips and face.

  “I’m clean, are you?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I’m not protected,” she said, breathlessly. He cursed. Climbing off the bed, he grabbed a condom from the drawer, quickly tearing into the foil to cover his cock with the latex.

  Lexie stayed in the same place. He moved between her thighs, sliding his covered cock through her slit. It wasn’t good enough, but until she was on the pill he’d have to use rubbers. He wasn’t ready to give her a kid yet. When he was ready there was going to be no stopping him in what he wanted to give her.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.


  Pushing the tip inside her cunt, he gripped her hips and slammed inside. She cried out. Her pussy was so fucking tight. Groaning, he rested his head against hers as she grew accustomed to him inside her.

  “You’re, erm, you’re a little big.”

  He chuckled.

  “Baby, you know what to say to make a man crave you.” Kissing her lips, he gave her a couple of minutes before pulling out of her tight heat only to thrust back inside. The sudden jolt made her tits bounce. Rearing back, he watched her tits as he thrust inside her, feeling her tight heat surround him.

  The sight alone made his balls tighten. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes as the pleasure intensified. He stilled within her. If he moved Devil knew he wouldn’t last. He was so close to the edge of orgasm. The control he had could only last so much before he blew apart. There was no way he was only going to be like the other man in her life.

  He’d been fucking for a lot longer and knew what to do to bring his excitement down. Her body was addictive. It was hard for him not to pound away until he came.

  Running his hands up her body, he cupped her breasts pinching her nipples. “Why have you stopped?” she asked.

  “I’m not ready to call an end to it.” Biting down on her nipples, he moved her legs to circle his waist.

  In one quick movement he pulled her up, turned until she was on top with him sitting up. Her arms banded around his neck, holding onto him.

  Gripping her ass he brought her up and down on his shaft. She moaned, moving her hips in time with each of his thrusts.

  “You’re so fucking sexy,” he said. Reaching in front of them, he fingered her clit, watching her cry out, begging for more. “Come for me, baby.”

  “I can’t,” she said.

  “Yes, you can, and I’m not coming until you give me what I fucking want.” He slammed inside her, going deeper, and she cried out. The look on her face was a cross between pleasure and pain. “This is only the beginning, Lex. We’ve got all night and the rest of our lives.”

  She gasped. Her pussy tightened further around his cock.

  “I can’t.”

  “Give me your cum.” Caressing her clit he knew it was only a matter of seconds before she climaxed. Her hands tightened on his shoulders. Her breathing got deeper, and he added a second finger to stroke her clit. She was shaking and her whole body covered in a layer of perspiration.

  “Come on, baby. Give it to me.”

  She screamed out, and he took possession of her lips at the same time as slamming inside her. Two thrusts was all it took to find his climax. Growling out, he held her to him, biting on her flesh as the pleasure rode him hard.

  He knew without the condom he’d feel every ripple and the wash of her cum. Devil needed to get her on the pill so he could get what he wanted.

  “Devil,” she said, moaning.

  They came down together, and he stroked her hair, loving the feel of the silky strands wrapped around them. Her hair was long, brushing the top of her buttocks. Kissing her lips, he pulled his hand away and then licked her cream off his fingers.

  She tasted so sweet.

nbsp; “You really are the devil.”

  He chuckled. “If I’m the devil, what does that make you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “Why not?” he asked, feeling her pussy still rippling around him. She whimpered.

  “I don’t know you at all. Nothing makes any sense when I’m around you.” Her fingers were stroking circles in his flesh.

  “Don’t give a fuck how long we’ve known each other. You want to be here with me, then fucking be here with me. Don’t over-analyze everything. You’ll waste your life away trying to act like others think you should.”

  Gripping her ass, he tightened his hands around her plump flesh. Her body really was a fucking dream.

  “So I should stop fighting what I know?” she asked, smiling.

  “Yeah, I’m not going to grade you on good behavior, princess.”

  “What will you grade me on?”

  She was teasing him.

  He laughed, loving the sudden change inside her. “I’ll grade you on being so fucking bad.”

  Chapter Seven

  A little after midnight Devil carried her, naked, out to the swimming pool. The pool was obscured from the main house so no one would see them swimming. She stared up at him as he stood on the edge of the pool about to climb in. The ink stood out against his tanned flesh.

  “You know, for an old guy, you’re ripped,” she said, smiling.

  “Old guy?” he asked, raising a brow. “Did I feel old to you in there?”

  She couldn’t believe the stamina of the man. After their first time she thought that would be the end of it, sleep, then wake up in the morning. Not Devil. After he removed the condom and threw it in the trash, he had a smoke, and then he was on top of her again. She couldn’t complain. He always made sure she found release before he found his.

  “Do I look like I care?” she asked, standing up in the water to show off her breasts. She padded to the side of the pool. He sat down on the edge, and she stroked his length. “Are you coming inside?”

  “I like this side of you,” he said. She worked his length, feeling him thicken in her palm.

  “You do?” Using his legs for leverage, she kissed his lips.

  He kissed her back and she moved away from him in the pool. “So, what was Kayla to you?” he asked, climbing into the water. The sudden change of subject surprised her. Swimming around the edge of the pool she thought about her sister.

  “We’re half-sisters. She came first and me a few years later.” She turned, watching him in the water. He wasn’t advancing toward her, and she stopped swimming to look at him.

  Even in the low lighting of the pool, he looked so big and terrifying. He didn’t scare her at all. No, he made her ache.

  “Were you close?” he asked.

  “No. Our mom liked her a lot more than me because she was blonde, beautiful, and perfect. At least, by our mother’s standards, she was perfect.” Lexie pushed the hair out of her face, staring at him. “She used to thieve off everyone. No one would suspect the crying blonde girl of taking shit. Mom thought it was funny, and so Kayla stole until boys became her thing.”

  “What did you do?” he asked.

  “I stayed out of the way. There’s only so many times you get slapped around the face before you realize you’re better out in the dark than at home.”

  She saw him visibly tense.

  “By the time Kayla was a teenager she had more men than you could count on both hands. She loved the attention, and with her looks and figure, she had all the men eating out of her hand. That time was the only time that Mom hated her.”


  “Kayla didn’t charge. I was useless. I earned money waitressing or cleaning some of the houses up for rich people.”

  Neither of them moved. Lexie wondered what the hell was happening between them. “Where did you meet her?” Lexie asked, struck by jealousy.

  “On the road. She was in a bar one night looking for some action. I needed some relief. She was there and didn’t cause a fuss.”

  “How did she get to steal over ten thousand dollars?” she asked.

  He started walking toward her. Only when he was a few steps away did she try to swim away. He caught her around the waist, drawing her back against him. His hands were on her stomach, her back to his chest. Devil buried his face against her neck, inhaling her in.

  Her body was covered in bruises from his rough possession. The marks didn’t make her terrified. The marks made her want him so much more. She craved his rough possession. Her body was aflame for his touch.

  “I’m not a good man, Lex. I break the law to make money. The ten thousand dollars was from a drug run for a friend. The money was going into our liquid cash fund that Vincent takes care of. No one looks at cash hidden within a safe.” He kissed her neck, breathing her in.

  “How come I’ve never seen you here before?” she asked.

  “It has been a long time since I’ve been here, and I didn’t make a lot of fuss. Vincent fell in love with Phoebe, and I wasn’t going to screw that up for him when I knew I wasn’t sticking around.” One of his hands moved up to cup her breast. “Have you been here your whole life?”

  “Yes. I’ve never heard of you.”

  “I doubt Kayla even knew who I was. Crazy bitch is going to learn not to steal money from me and get away with it.” He kissed her neck. “Your sister is as good as dead.”

  The words shocked her. Turning in his arms she looked him in the eye. “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “No one steals from me. I’m not a fucking charity. She took without even asking. Bitch stole my money and my kid. She will pay.”

  Her heart was thumping against her chest. “What about me? I took Simon and the money. What are you going to do with me?”

  Devil tilted her head back, letting her go. “I’m not going to kill you. What Kayla did was fucking stupid, but she knew I was going to go looking for her. I bet she’s hoping you’ll take her place, easily.”

  Lexie wished she could deny it. “You think she wants you to kill me?”

  “Kayla’s no fucking saint, Lex. She’s hoping I’ll be so fucking angry I’ll take it out on your ass.” Devil smiled. “Just goes to show the bitch doesn’t know me at all.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I don’t take debts out on family members who are not involved. My problem with Kayla will be settled with her.”

  She looked down into the water. Lexie wasn’t scared or even upset by his words. She and Kayla had never been close at all. Taking in Simon had been the closest thing to sisterly love that Lexie had ever done. Not that she had much choice. Kayla had simply dumped her kid on her doorstep. Devil’s reasoning explained the ten thousand dollars.

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked, taking a step closer.

  Lexie shook her head. She didn’t trust her voice in that instant. How horrible was she that she still desired the man who threatened her sister?

  “Good.” His arms surrounded her, and he moved her close to the edge of the pool. “Hold on here.” He put her hands on the edge.

  Gripping the ledge, she wondered what he was going to do. He moved the hair off one shoulder, leaving it to trail down the side. The tender way he touched her surprised her. She had started to believe he didn’t know how to be gentle or tender with her.

  “Don’t let go.”

  “I won’t.” The air between them changed. She didn’t know what had happened to make it so.

  Devil laid his lips against her temple, kissing her. Closing her eyes, she tried not to be drawn into the web of seduction he was creating. The man behind her was dangerous.

  Licking her lips, she tried to think past her own arousal. For once she felt selfish as she didn’t wish to think about anything else but herself.

  “This thing between us,” he said. “It’s going to last a long time. You better understand what is happening.”

don’t you tell me? You’re not speaking words of love.”

  “I don’t love anyone, baby.”

  The words didn’t hurt, but she knew what he meant by them. There would never be any words of love between them. This was the reality of everything they were doing. What happened when the chemistry fizzled out?

  Don’t think. Feel.

  His lips grazed her neck, nipping at her flesh. Tilting her head to the side she gave him better access. His hands caressed her body, cupping her tits and tweaking the nipples. Still, she held onto the ledge keeping her eyes closed. Everything else faded away. There was only the two of them hidden away in the darkness. The warm air washed over her shoulders, and she shivered as his touch moved down to her pussy. One hand slid down, caressing her slit, stroking her, heightening her arousal for what was about to come.

  “I’ve got you, Lex.”

  She felt protected. Devil wouldn’t let anything happen to her providing she didn’t betray him. The club would be like a family to her. The answers she’d been missing for a long time came to her as he touched her body. She knew he was holding himself back. Devil was many men, and this time he showed her another part of himself.

  Opening her legs, she cried out as he pressed two fingers inside her. His cock was huge, much bigger than his fingers, yet she felt tender from everything he’d done.

  “I’m not asking for love.” Seeing what happened on the streets with married men looking for a night of release, Lexie had long given up the dream of ever finding love.

  Love was for princesses and fairy tales. She’d stopped believing in fairy tales at a young age. Fairy tales didn’t pay the bills or stop bad men from coming in the night.

  “You’ll be mine,” Devil said.

  “In what way?” She felt him stroke her body. His cock poised at her entrance.

  “You’ll be my woman. No other man will touch you. You’ll be waiting for me, night after night.” He slid inside her, achingly slowly. “You’ll never deny me.” He bit down onto her neck. The marks were going to stay there forever. “You’ll stop stripping and will only strip when I say so.”

  He gripped her hips, slamming in deep for the last inch. They both cried out. Holding onto the ledge, Lexie opened her eyes. He felt so large behind and inside her. His hands swamped her thick hips.


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