Devil's Charm

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Devil's Charm Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  With quick easy moves, he turned her to the bed, putting her on her knees. “This is how I want to spend my days.”

  Lexie gasped. His fingers probed her pussy, sliding through her slit, coating his digits with her cream before caressing her bud. He knew just how to touch her to get what he wanted.

  Closing her eyes, she moaned as his other hand caressed her ass.

  In different motions he fingered her pussy at the same time dragging some of her lube back to her anus. She tensed up, but he tapped her clit, making her forget everything else.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait.”

  His touch disappeared, and then she screamed as his cock found her entrance and was rammed right to the hilt inside her. There was no way he put a condom on in such a short time. Licking her parched lips, she groaned as his cock seemed to jerk like it had a mind of its own inside her.

  Gripping the sheets beneath her body she wondered how on earth she was going to survive his harsh fucking. He had the power to make her melt, and there was nothing she could do to stop his brand of possession.


  Fuck, he could so get fucking used to this. Closing his eyes, Devil gritted his teeth as he waited for her rippling pussy to cease. The bitch was going to kill him at this rate. Holding onto her hips, he felt her wriggling on his shaft.

  “Be still,” he said, slapping her ass.

  The red of his handprint stood out in contrast to her whole body. Was there nothing this woman did that didn’t turn him the fuck on?

  The music flowed into the room creating a steady, throbbing beat. Gazing down the length of her back, he found it deeply erotic that she was completely naked while he was fully dressed. His cock stood out through the opening of his slacks, now buried without a rubber in her tight, little cunt. He was going to nickname her special place heaven. Devil sure felt like he was in heaven inside her.

  Reaching around, underneath her, he slid his fingers through her creamy slit, coating them with more of her cum. The dance she’d given him had been pure perfection. He loved watching her body move, the thrust of her tits, the sway of her hips—all of it turned him on. There was no way he’d let her dance again. Only he would get the privilege of seeing her dance. The more he thought about what she sacrificed for him the harder it was to pull away. All of those years ago when Snitch had pressed the barrel of a gun to his head, he’d been ready to die. In fact, he’d welcomed it.

  Devil knew the only thing that kept him alive had been the fact he had nothing to lose. He really hadn’t cared if he lived or died. Nothing could stop Snitch from killing him, apart from the fear that Devil would pull the trigger without caring that in the next breath he’d have been dead.

  After Snitch had pulled the gun away laughing, Devil had reached down, grabbing the girl. He’d taken her out of Fort Wills away from the wretched life waiting for her back home. Every now and then he made a few calls, making sure she was safe, looked after, and taken care of. On his last call he’d discovered she was a married woman with three teenage boys. She thanked him for the life he’d given her.

  Pushing the thoughts aside, Devil came back, staring at his cock inside Lexie’s body. She hadn’t moved since the spank he’d landed on her rear. Teasing her clit, he waited for her to make a move. It wasn’t long before he was blessed with her thrusting against him. Once she started moving, thrusting on his cock, he lost all thought for anything else.

  Her cunt tightened around him, and he felt each new wave of cum surround him. The sensation was fucking magnificent.

  “Come for me, baby,” he said, leaning down to kiss her back.

  Stroking her clit, he slowly withdrew from her pussy only to glide back inside. Each time he felt the tip hitting her cervix, making her moan.

  His woman loved a little bite of pain.

  Pinching her clit, he ran his fingers over her clit prolonging her pleasure.

  “Please, Devil. Don’t tease me.”

  “You’re talking to the devil, baby. All I ever do is tease.”

  However, he wanted to do more than finger her. His teasing ceased, and he started to caress her clit.

  Her peak drew nearer. He heard her gasps along with feeling the tightness of her pussy.

  Closing his eyes, he sent her over the edge feeling, hearing, and relishing the sounds of her orgasm. Lexie let him have it all without holding anything back.

  When she was finished, he gripped her hips, pulled out of her heat only to slam back inside. He was relentless as he fucked her hard. Through it all he stared at the tight hole of her anus.

  Pulling out of her, he slid two fingers inside her pussy getting them slick. Once they were wet, he replaced his fingers with his dick once again.

  Sliding his wet fingers against her ass, he pressed on that puckered hole. She tensed up, but he kept up his thrusts, waiting for her to relax. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her.

  Devil wanted to give her the entire world. No woman, not even Lash’s woman, had ever inspired such good feelings inside him. For so long women had become a source of fucking. They gave him a release his body needed, and for it, he gave them money or a good time.

  “Devil?” She glanced over her shoulder at him.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, baby. I wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you.” Stroking the base of her back, he returned his gaze back to his fingers. Using the tip of his index finger he slid the tip inside, her muscles fighting to keep him out.

  Earlier in the week he’d already picked up some lubrication from the sex store near the strip club. He kept it in one of the drawers beside the bed. Devil wasn’t in the mood to leave her pussy. The urge to fill her with his cum was too fucking strong, which surprised him. He hadn’t bothered buying any rubbers, and the thought of Lexie getting the morning after pill riled him.

  There was no way she would be killing his baby. He wouldn’t have it. Devil refused to let her even think about it.

  “You feel the burn, Lex?” he asked, going deeper into her ass. He paused in his fucking, wanting her to want it as well.

  “Yes.” She whimpered, yet slowly, her body started to relax, giving in to what he wanted to do.

  Smiling, triumphantly, he fingered her ass and claimed her pussy at the same time, working both holes together in harmony.

  Lexie soon took over, thrusting back against him, begging for more.

  There was a knock at the door, interrupting them.

  Devil paused as he listened to someone try the door. “What the fuck do you want?” he asked.

  “They’re all out of burgers,” Judi said.

  He felt Lexie tense at the sound of Judi’s voice.

  “They told me to come and ask you as you wouldn’t bite my head off like you would theirs.”

  His men were fucking pussies. They sent a teenager to do a man’s job.

  “They’re in the fridge,” Lexie said, shouting up for Judi to hear.

  “Okay, do you want some saving?” Judi asked.

  Running a hand down his face, Devil actually felt himself blush. With his cock in Lexie’s pussy and his finger in her ass, he couldn’t believe he was talking to the girl through the bedroom door.

  He hoped she hadn’t been listening to them screwing for too long.

  “Yeah, make sure none of those dipshits leave, either.”

  “Will do. Have fun.”

  He heard Judi walking away, humming to herself. His cock hadn’t lost any of its hardness.

  Lexie giggled. “I hope she didn’t hear anything.”

  “Me, too.” Rubbing her back, he waited for his heart to stop pounding from the interruption. “My boys did that on purpose.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, glancing at him.

  “I’m going to kick every one of their scrawny asses.”

  She laughed. “She’s doing much better.”

  He nodded. Devil was impressed by Judi’s attitude. None of them knew how long she’d been working the streets or how l
ong Rob got his claws inside her. Devil didn’t really want to know the answer. He had a feeling that once he knew the truth, there would be no way he could let Rob live.

  Right now, he needed to keep the peace. Jerry promised him that Rob would stop being all that important once he caught up with the little shit.

  All of that could wait. Thrusting his finger inside Lexie’s ass, he took her hip and started to work his length inside her.

  “Together we’ll work on wiping everything from Judi’s mind,” he said. “Kid deserves some peace and happiness, and we’re going to see that it happens.” He closed his eyes, thinking about Lexie by his side. The image turned him the fuck on. “First, I’m going to fuck you until I fill you with my cum, and then we’re going down to the barbeque.”

  Pulling out of her pussy, he watched himself slide right back inside. Working his finger in her ass, he did the same, working her body, possessing her for his own.

  His balls tightened up, and he knew it was only a matter of minutes before he found his release. He pushed a second finger inside her ass, opening her up for so much more. Lexie whimpered, and she didn’t fight him. She pressed back against him, and Devil couldn’t stop as he held her hip tighter than ever before and slammed inside her.

  Over and over he slammed his cock so deep inside. Her moan turned to full blown cries echoing off the walls. The pleasure intensified with every second.

  Devil plunged into her one final time as she found her second peak. Their moans mingled, and her pussy took every bit of his cum. When they were finished both had a nice sheen of sweat over their skin.

  Removing his fingers from her ass, he moved to the en-suite bathroom, washing his fingers and returning with a cloth. Lexie lay collapsed on the bed.

  “I can’t move.”

  “You can move, baby.” He wiped her ass, cleaning away his excess cum, which was dripping from her pussy.

  They changed back into their clothes, and together they walked out toward the barbeque. Devil kept hold of her hand even as he grabbed a beer. The men noticed his possession, but he didn’t give a fuck. Their smiles, however, pleased him.

  From the looks on their faces, he knew they were happy for him to settle down.

  Chapter Nine

  Lexie felt really brave. She didn’t know how she could have been fucking Devil when Judi asked about the burgers and then come down to face the other girl. With Devil holding her hand, she figured he didn’t give her much of a choice. He handed her a beer, which she accepted. She took sips not wanting to lose her head about anything.

  The men were all giving her knowing smiles. Ignoring them was not an option. Then Devil grabbed her around the back of the neck, pulled her close, and claimed her mouth.

  She heard him mutter the words “old lady” to his men. Lexie wasn’t sure what the words meant, but the teasing left their gazes easily. Frowning, she saw something similar to respect coming off them.

  Squeezing his hand, she left his side to find Judi. The younger girl was studying in her book, writing notes, drinking some juice. She looked so damn young. Her gaze looked up to meet Lexie’s. Judi simply smiled at her. There was no condemnation in her gaze or judgment.

  “Hey,” Judi said.


  “The food is going thick and fast. Devil’s boys know how to eat. Next time I think you should order twice as much.”

  Glancing toward the barbeque she saw Curse had taken over flipping more burgers. The pile of buns on the table had diminished as well. Lexie made a note to buy more for the next barbeque.

  “How are you doing?” she asked, returning her attention back to Judi.

  “I’m good. I think I’m going to ace the history part of my exam. I’ll struggle with math, though. Never been too good at math.” She sucked from her carton of juice.

  “I’m really sorry about what you heard,” Lexie said. There was no way she could leave anything unsaid or unfinished with Judi. She really did enjoy having the other girl around.

  “I didn’t hear anything bad, Lex.”

  She noticed Devil and Judi called her either Lexie or Lex, depending on their mood. Was the young girl trying to make her feel at ease?

  “Look, I’m really sorry. I know it must be hard for you after everything that happened.”

  Judi dropped the book, her frowning gaze directed at Lexie. “Do you like Devil?”

  “What?” Lexie asked.

  “Devil, do you like him?”

  Looking toward where he stood. Simon was in his arms looking around the garden. It was like Devil had never not been there. Simon took to him faster than Lexie understood. Did the little boy know the man was his father?

  “Yeah, I like him.”

  “I don’t know everything that happened, but I know Simon isn’t your son.” Judi’s words cut Lexie deep. She knew Judi wasn’t being mean by her words, only speaking the truth.

  “He’s my, erm, he’s my sister’s son.”

  “Devil doesn’t care about her, Lex. I can see it the way he looks at you. You’re so right for each other. I hope you can see that.”

  She quickly looked back to see Devil watching her. Raising her beer, she saw he raised an eyebrow before looking down her body. She felt his touch from his gaze alone. The heat within his depths reminded her that less than an hour ago he’d been pumping away inside her, giving her one of the most amazing orgasms she’d ever known.

  Turning back to Judi she saw the young girl smile. “See, he’s lovely.”

  “I think you’re the only one I know who sees him and the whole club as lovely.” Tucking some hair behind her ear she smiled at the young girl.

  “He did for me what no one has ever done before. He fought for me. I’ve never known what that would be like at all.” Judi gazed down at her books. “I thought my life was over. Rob…” She stopped talking to run her hand down the spine of her course book. “He took everything away from me. He made me feel like scum.” Tears were shining in Judi’s eyes. “I had no one but him and the beatings he liked to give me.”

  Lexie hadn’t known the truth behind what had happened. She asked the young girl why Rob was beating her.

  “He took me to one of the houses—” She stopped to point up and down the garden.

  “In this street?” Lexie asked, shocked.

  “Yeah. One of the men wanted a bit of fun. When he saw me he asked how old I was. He didn’t like my age and kicked me out of the house. From what I saw, he started to hit Rob, in the ribs, not in the face. Told him to take me away and learn what real women were. I didn’t know his name. Then when we got back to the apartment block, I was taken by three different men in cars. They all wanted something different but refused to pay. Rob wanted his money. He only ever wanted the money I earned.”

  “Did you see any of your own money?” Lexie asked.

  “No. He took it all. I got a shopping bag each week of food. I wasn’t allowed anything else at all.” The tears were sliding down Judi’s eyes. “I don’t think I can do this.” Moving to the sun lounge that Judi was sitting on, Lexie pulled the young girl into her arms.

  “We’ve got you, and nothing is ever going to happen to you.” She held her tightly. None of the men approached even though they were watching the interaction. Devil moved a little nearer but didn’t close that gap.

  “How can I go to school? Everyone is going to know what I was. I could have been with their fathers. Their friends.” She sobs grew louder.

  “Come on. We’ll go inside and have some privacy.” Standing up, Lexie helped Judi into the house. The men were watching them. Devil looked ready to commit murder. He really was a softy providing no one got on his bad side.

  “I didn’t mind what I heard with you and Devil. It sounded like you were having fun,” Judi said.

  Sitting her at the kitchen counter, Lexie grabbed another fruit juice from the fridge. She paused, looking at the other woman.

  “Do you know how much I wished for something like that? I’ve b
een with over a hundred men, and I’m not even eighteen years old.”

  Lexie didn’t say anything. She’d been with two men in her whole life.

  “How do you know the number?” Lexie asked.

  “I counted them.”

  “We’ll get through this together, honey.”

  “Anyone who attacks your name will deal with all of us,” Devil said, entering the kitchen. “The men had this made for you.” He lifted up a small leather jacket. Lexie smiled as she read what was printed on the back: Chaos Bleeds Princess. “You’re one of us, and we take care of our own. Stand up.”

  Judi went to Devil putting the jacket on.

  “There, no one will mess with you. I get angry when I don’t get my own way. Just you watch. You’re a Chaos Bleeds member.”

  Lexie fell for Devil right then. She had liked him, but in that moment where he was being really nice to Judi, she truly fell in love with him. He was so sweet and tender.

  In no time at all the rest of the boys had pulled Judi out. Just watching them with her, Lexie could tell they made her feel like a princess.

  Devil grabbed several beers from the fridge.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, washing up the plates. The barbeque was long finished, and the sun was setting. The strong ambers and intense colors were shooting across the sky.

  “Having a few beers with the boys. They’ll be staying the night here,” he said, tugging her close to press his lips to hers. “You’ll be with me. Come on out.”

  Simon had been settled down, and Judi was in her room, reading.

  Heading out with Devil, she sat on his lap as the men started playing cards.

  “You’re all a bunch of pussies,” Devil said.

  Lexie laughed, knowing he’d been waiting for the right moment to tell his men what he thought.

  “What?” Ripper asked.

  “Sending a girl to do your job. I didn’t realize the kind of cowards I rode with,” Devil said.

  “We weren’t wrong. You’d have castrated us for interfering with your fun.” This came from Curse.


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