Chance Encounter

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Chance Encounter Page 12

by Jill Shalvis

  “I want to taste you again,” he murmured into her hair as he dropped the scarf and wrapped his arms around her.

  “No kisses,” she said quickly, trying to pull back, but he held her right where he wanted her, not hurting her, not letting her go, either. “Remember? We just decided.”

  He simply brushed his mouth across her cheek and jaw, to the soft spot beneath her ear, where he gently drew in a patch of skin and sucked.

  Was it possible for bones to melt? “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because it feels good. You feel good.” He brushed his lips over hers. “You taste good, too.” And then he used his tongue, slowly, thoroughly. Expertly.

  Instant heat. Instant need.

  He angled her head where he wanted her and brought her against him, hard. At the feel of him, so wild, so aroused, she shivered. He simply drew her even closer, his hands sliding over her waist, her hips, her back, untucking her shirt so he could touch bare skin, and when he did, he moaned at the feel of her.

  It was a struggle to remember they had no future. That he was determined to be alone to live as he chose. That she was determined not to mess up her life again. She didn’t want to care for him, didn’t want to care for anyone this way, at least not now.

  She wanted her freedom, too.

  But freedom didn’t have to mean celibacy. She could want him, have him, then walk away, couldn’t she? It could be part of the adventure. Knowing that, she let herself sink into how he made her feel. He was so good at making her aware of nothing but him, at making her skin hot, her mind blank. Making her want to do things she’d never thought of before. So she kissed him back with all she had, which was with far more emotion than finesse, but he didn’t seem to mind. She couldn’t stop touching him, running her hands over his corded neck, his broad shoulders, the hard planes of his chest and the bunched muscles of his arms.

  With a low, heartfelt groan, he pressed her back against the tree. She felt his fingers stroke her sides beneath her shirt, outlining her ribs. His warm, calloused hands skimmed over her belly, tingling every inch of her heated, damp body. “So soft,” he whispered. Nibbling his way to her ear, he let out a rough sound of pleasure as his hands closed over her breasts. His fingers were long and warm, and he glided his thumbs over her tight nipples, back and forth, making her whimper for more. One of his hands slipped down, down, past her bottom, her thighs, catching her behind the knee, lifting her leg up to his hip, so that he could press his hips to hers and glide the neediest part of him to the neediest part of her.

  She nearly lost it. Her limbs turned to rubber, her vision was interrupted by stars and her head hit the tree trunk with a light thud as she cried out his name, so close, so close…

  “I’ve wanted to touch you this way since I first saw you,” he whispered against her ear.

  Beyond manners, beyond rational thought, much less humility, she grasped his shirt in her fists. “Then touch me. Touch me now.”

  “Here?” he murmured, dipping his head to kiss her throat. He sounded as if he’d just gotten out of bed. Rough. Sexy.

  Well, she’d wanted wild, hadn’t she? And he was making her wild, no doubt. “Here.”

  His deep, dark gaze searched hers for exactly one heartbeat before he lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. With a flick of his fingers, her front-clasp bra opened and he took her aching flesh into his hands, making them both gasp with pleasure.

  She tugged off his shirt, too. So far gone she didn’t care that they had only the sky and the trees for coverage. At the sight of all his dark, edgy beauty, right here in front of her, all hot and aroused, for her, she nearly sank to the ground.

  With no little amount of awe, she ran her fingers over hard muscle and hot skin that rippled with strength and quivered with desire at her touch. Marveling at the feel of him, she wanted more, and tried to get it. Bold for the first time in her life, she cupped him in her hands. He blew out a serrated breath and captured her wrists. Gathering them over her head against the tree, he looked down at her with a gaze so hot it sizzled her skin everywhere it landed.

  “I want to touch you,” she murmured, flexing against the restraint, letting out a sigh when he bent to trace wet, openmouthed kisses over the column of her neck.

  He groaned when she arched against him, groaned again when she rubbed her aroused, aching flesh back and forth over his erection. “Not…yet.”

  Her protest ended on a shivery sigh as his lips closed over a nipple, sucking her into his warm, wet mouth, making her writhe against him, straining against the hand that still held her to the tree. His free hand slid down her body to the button at the top of her shorts. He lifted his head, staring into her eyes, and slowly undid it. Next came the rasp of her zipper. His fingers squeezed her waist, stroked the base of her spine, then skimmed lower, inside the material now, where he spread his hand wide over her bottom, kneading her bare skin, urging her to feel him, all of him, every single hard inch.

  He still had her hands and gaze captive, but it was the subtle movement of his hips to hers that really held her bonded, and helplessly she thrust back, again and again, a slave to the erotic rhythm that only mocked what she really wanted. “Chance…”

  “I know.” He dropped to his knees before her, slipping off one of her shoes, then the other, his fingers lingering over her thighs and calves as he skimmed off her shorts as well.

  Which left her standing outside in the bright morning sun, wearing nothing but an uncertain smile and white cotton panties. She’d forgotten that an adventuress would probably have invested in sexy lingerie.

  He hooked his thumbs under the elastic.

  Stricken with a sudden sense of modesty, she put her hands over his. What was she doing? She tried to pull him back up, but he was unbudgeable. “Um…Chance?”

  He slowly tugged on the only scrap of material covering her.

  “I’m thinking that maybe this isn’t— Oh, my,” she gasped as his tongue swirled over her hipbone. “I’m not sure—” This time she broke off with a moan as he took a little bite out of her, but when she could draw a breath, she gamely tried again. “It’s…a little breezy out here.”

  “I’ll keep you warm,” he promised.

  Okay, he’d keep her warm.

  Her embarrassment didn’t stand a chance of maintaining itself, not when he slowly dragged her panties down, past her thighs, her knees…gone. He let out a moan at the sight of her, and his head bent to his task as he gently guided her legs farther apart so he could touch her with his fingers, opening her to him so that he could kiss her…there.

  She let out a surprised cry that was actually little more than a whimper, and sank her fingers into his hair, thinking he shouldn’t, she shouldn’t— But his tongue stroked, claimed, teased, tormented and performed the most magical sweet torture she’d ever experienced.

  And somehow she ended up tugging him closer.

  Against her, he groaned and gripping her hips, holding her still while his greedy tongue took over her world. She trembled, she cried out, she went utterly, utterly still, holding back with every ounce of control she had.

  “Come for me,” he coaxed in the sexiest voice she’d ever heard.

  “I can’t,” she said without thinking.

  It was his turn to go still, and he looked up at her with dark, dark eyes. “You’ve never?”

  “I— Well—”


  She closed her eyes, a light breeze dancing over her bare skin, as she admitted the embarrassing truth. “Only…you know…by myself.”

  She felt him staring up at her. “Are you telling me Thomas never—”

  She managed to look at him, blushing wildly under his intensely heated expression. “He was usually…in a hurry.”

  “And before him?”

  “No one,” she whispered.

  Chance ran his gaze slowly over her very naked body, his eyes flaring with heat. “Since he was an idiot, and you’re the hottest thing I’ve e
ver seen, let’s surmise it was his failing, not yours.”

  “I don’t know, I—”

  “Trust me on this, sweetheart. Trust me. In fact, let me start all over…right here—”

  Her breath caught at the barely there touch of his fingers on her skin.

  “And here…”

  His thumb was featherlight, and on the one spot that could make her instantly hot and trembly. “Chance?”

  “Right here, Ally.”

  Such soft, slow strokes, she couldn’t control the rocking of her hips.

  “And this, what do you think of this…?” His fingers were magic, firmer now, and in a rhythm that matched her pulse, gliding in and out of her wetness, in and out…

  At her low, needy cry, he let out a rough groan. “Yeah, you like that. Come for me, Ally, come for me…”

  That simply, she shattered. She would have fallen to the ground in a weak, trembling, boneless heap if he hadn’t surged to his feet and caught her, holding her upright. Though she could hardly see, much less breathe, she blinked at him, stunned. Exposed. Aching and yearning.

  “More,” he whispered, “I want more of you.”

  “Yes,” was all she could say, and then his mouth was on hers, his hands on her skin. She felt a blinding stroke of intense need, a need so violent she thought she would die if it wasn’t met, even after the most mind-blowing orgasm of her life.

  Unable to just stand there and receive, she tore at his jeans, fumbling, but it didn’t matter. He helped her, and not nearly soon enough, his jeans were opened and a condom was in place. Lifting her off the ground, bracing her against the tree—their tree now—he sank into her, his quiet “oh yeah” echoing in her mind. She cried out his name, she couldn’t help it, it was so powerful, the pleasure so perfect, all she could do was hold on for dear life as he filled her body, mind and soul.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he commanded in a rough, thrilling whisper. “Like that, just like that.” His hands weren’t any more steady than hers, and it filled her with such a sense of feminine power, she nearly came again from just the look on his face.

  Then he moved, oh how he moved. His big body pressed her into the tree as he thrust into her, pumping his hips until she quivered and shuddered, over and over again. Then he was coming, too, powerfully, triggering another helpless response from her.

  Afterwards, he softly breathed her name as they slumped together against the tree. He was still holding her, and while his heart rate slowed, his mouth found the spot where her jaw and neck met.

  Clinging to him for balance, Ally was dazed, sated and quite possibly glowing with satisfaction, especially when they stayed like that for a long, long time, together in a way she hadn’t imagined possible. Then, eventually, he released her so that she slowly slid down his body, and sensitive as her flesh was, her body tightened again, at the mere feel of him.

  He must have felt it, too, but still he pulled away, holding her steady until she stood on her own shaky legs. He found her panties, which had been flung over a branch, and helped her back into her clothing.

  But he didn’t speak to her, not once while they hiked down and showed Brian the scarf or when they got him to admit he had indeed been up on the mountain before the fire started, with his girlfriend, the same girlfriend he refused to name for reasons only he could possibly understand.

  Chance didn’t speak to her, not even when Brian’s girlfriend came forward on her own, when she confirmed Brian had been with her the entire day, that he’d been protecting her from the wrath of her father, that they hadn’t had anything to do with the fire.

  He didn’t speak to her at all.

  CHANCE DIDN’T DO “love,” only sex. But he’d had plenty of sex in his life, and nothing compared to what had just happened with Ally in the woods.

  Against a tree. Lord. He’d known from the very first kiss it would be more than just a hot coupling, and still, he’d done it. Even knowing she wouldn’t be able to turn back, that she’d expect more from him than just the physical release, he’d gone ahead and taken her.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about that, and the reasons why. Ever since he’d discovered women and the pleasures they could bring, he’d done his best to do two things. Always give the pleasure back, and make sure to keep everything on a temporary basis.

  He had no doubt he’d done the first. He’d given Ally pleasure back. Her soft cries and low whimpers had assured him of that. The way she’d held him, stroked him, giving every bit as much as she got, had assured him, too.

  But as far as keeping things temporary, he’d really screwed up. He didn’t claim to know all Ally’s private thoughts, but he could bet the bank she had taken their actions very seriously.

  What now?

  He could walk away.

  He could take her again.

  Definitely the walking away option was the kindest, but either way, the end result wouldn’t change. She would leave Wyoming. She’d get her life back, and…so would he. But there would be hurt.

  That had been the one thing he’d wanted to avoid at all costs, and it was now inevitable.

  Damage control, he decided. He needed some serious damage control, and quick. Because that made him ache, made the heart inside his chest do a slow roll and a hard squeeze, he rubbed a hand there.

  It didn’t matter that he already hurt. He would just get over it. He’d get over it, and her.


  ONCE AGAIN THEY ALL gathered in the lodge. Jo sat next to Brian and took his hand. Chance stood behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, his face a mask of strength and careful control.

  No insight to his thoughts there, thought Ally in frustration. He’d hidden everything, and if he remembered what they’d been doing in the woods only a little while before, there was no sign of it.

  And yet when their gazes met, his eyes flickered with that heat that made her knees quiver.

  Okay, he remembered.

  Then Brian looked up at Chance with an expression of nervousness and fear, and Chance sent him a small, reassuring smile, one that brought both a sheen of tears and a smile of hope to Ally.

  See? she reassured herself. Tough as Chance was, his heart wasn’t immune. And if it could accept Brian, maybe it could accept her as well.

  She looked at the people she’d grown to care so much about and felt such a burst of warm emotion she could hardly speak. They were a unit.

  And she was part of that unit. For the first time in her life, she belonged. Not because of what she could do or provide, but because she as a person was wanted and welcome. She needed them, and they needed her.

  She loved that. She’d come for the adventure, was still here for the adventure, but contrary to what she’d once thought, she’d definitely be leaving a piece of her heart here when she left.

  “Tell us,” Chance urged Brian.

  With a deep breath, Brian did just that. He and Monica had been together, carving their initials into the tree and “messing” around, leaving by three-thirty so she wouldn’t get caught by her father. They’d been gone by the time the fire had started, at approximately four o’clock. He hadn’t wanted to say so before because he hadn’t wanted to get her in trouble, which she’d be bound for if her father had known the truth.

  He’d been protecting the girl.

  Ally’s heart broke, but for the moment at least, Brain was free from more trouble with the law. She wanted to believe he’d been scared straight by the events, but she wasn’t that naive. Whatever he felt was well hidden beneath his tough bravado.

  The boy reminded her so much of Chance, and his equally tough bravado. But she’d seen past the facade now, and there was no going back.

  If only either one of them would let her all the way in.

  MUCH LATER SHE CAME across Brian. He was alone in the huge, deserted locker room in the lodge, staring at his opened locker. Just staring, all tough guy gone, just one lone teenager, unsure of his future.

  Ally’s heart twisted, and she
stepped toward him, but it turned out he wasn’t alone at all.

  Down the aisle, about fifteen lockers away, stood an equally silent, an equally alone Chance.

  Everything inside her reacted at just the sight of him. She thought she’d been quiet, but she must have given herself away somehow, because he turned his head and looked right at her. Though his eyes flared with some emotion she didn’t dare place, he said not a word. Hadn’t said one word directly to her since they’d ravished each other.

  Her face flamed, but oddly enough, it wasn’t embarrassment making her hot, but the actual memory of what they’d done. How it had felt. Incredible. She wanted to feel it—him—again.

  But since she couldn’t say so, she looked at Brian. “I don’t know about you,” she said quietly. “But I’m glad it’s over. And I wanted to tell you how proud I am.”

  He lifted one shoulder, still staring at his biking helmet and gloves.

  “You going for a ride?”

  “I have work.” He slammed the locker and started to walk away, only to stop before he got to the door. With his back to both her and Chance, he said, “You believed me. You always did.” He turned then, and looked at her from eyes blazing with confusion and pain. “Why?”

  That, at least, was simple. “Because I believe in you.”

  Brian’s gaze shifted to Chance, then down to his feet, which he shuffled around a bit. “Chance told me the same thing.”

  Ally looked at Chance, who held her gaze with an unreadable expression. “Then you know it’s the truth,” she said.

  Brian’s smile transformed his tough, hard face into what a fourteen-year-old’s should look like. “Yeah.” He shot a sideways glance at Chance. “You’re not mad anymore because of Monica?”

  “I was never mad because of Monica,” Chance said.

  “But she’s the daughter of your competitor.”


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