Surviving Love (Surviving #2)

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Surviving Love (Surviving #2) Page 25

by Mrs Ada Frost

  “One and a half million dollars,” I shouted, then covered my mouth.

  Ryan nodded. “Then there’s the sale of the estate.” He shrugged like this kind of money passed through their hands daily. “My mom came from old money. My brothers took their cut, except Kyle. He wants nothing to do with it.”

  “I don’t want anything from those bastards. It’s yours if you want it.” Johan looked up at Ryan with a disdainful look.

  “That’s what I thought you’d say,” Ryan admitted. “There’s something else...” He paused, taking a moment to compose himself. “There’s a storage locker we need to go through.”

  “We? What do you mean we?” I snapped.

  Ryan turned his head to offer me a sympathetic shrug and that’s when I saw it in his eyes. He was taking Johan away from me, he had come to take his little buddy home. I swallowed, blinking away the tears. Johan lifted his head to look up at Ryan, total bewilderment swirling in his beautiful blue eyes. I wanted to stand up and demand Ryan leave my home, I wanted him gone and I wanted to keep Johan here.

  “In the will it stipulated there was a key to be passed on to you in the event of my parents’ deaths. Obviously I was told you were dead and checked out this lockup. It’s all your parents’ stuff, there are hundreds of photos of your mom, Jo. You and her together. Everything left in the house when she died is in that locker. Chase must have—”

  “No!” A choked sob echoed around the room. Johan buried his face in his hands.

  “Chase saved that shit for you, Jo.”

  “That bastard sent me to hell! It’s his fault. All of this is his fault.”

  “He knows that, he never wanted you in—”

  “Hold up!” Johan shot to his feet and glared at Ryan. His squared his shoulders and the dark intense look in his eyes made me shrink back against the sofa. I had never seen Johan look so irritated. The rage palpitated from him, stirring energy in the room, scaring me. I reflexively covered my stomach with my hands.

  Johan took a step towards Ryan and bent to look him directly in the eye. Will stood and placed his hand on Johan’s shoulder. I think it was meant as a back off gesture, but the look he gave Ryan clearly stated Will had Johan’s back.

  “What do you mean, he knows?” Johan enunciated each word slowly and deliberately.

  “Jo, buddy...”

  “What the fuck do you mean?”

  Ryan sighed, his shoulders dropped and he averted his gaze to the floor. “I went to see him. When I found out.”

  “What?” Johan pulled back, stumbling into Will’s chest. The hurt in his eyes undid me and a tear streamed down my face. His face contorted with pain and utter betrayal.

  “Wait.” Ryan stood to his full height towering over Johan, his hands held out before him. “It’s not...I didn’t go...fucking hell,” he muttered, rubbing his hands over his face. His biceps bunched under his shirt. “When I found out what happened to Dad I had to go see him, you were gone, mom was catatonic. I needed to hear it myself.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Ryan lifted his head to look over Johan at Will, whose composure had suddenly shifted. He stepped away from Johan and lowered his gaze; it was like an emotional game of tennis the way these huge hulking men kept switching.

  Johan noticed the change and turned to look over his shoulder at Will.

  “Will?” Johan asked, pleading.

  “Jo...” Ryan started but Will held up his hand.

  Will ran his hands through his hair and let out a loud grumbled sigh. He looked out of the window for a few seconds before turning his attention back to Johan.

  “We were never supposed to find out. Mom doesn’t even know, Dad made sure...we just needed...don’t hate Dad for it, okay? He isn’t like them, but he wanted to protect his son, he wanted justice and we thought...” Will turned and plopped down into the chair covering his face with his hands.

  “What happened, Will?”

  “When the police took Chase into custody, we knew there was a firm chance that with him being the district attorney he would get off. No one would believe a snot-nosed kid over him.” Will pointed to Ryan and lifted his head to look between Ryan and Johan. “Dad used his influence in the town, pulled some strings and the boathouse was investigated. They found video footage that your...that Chase had stashed in his office at work of...stuff know.” Will’s cheeks paled. Johan stumbled back and perched on the coffee table. “We never saw it I swear. But enough kids were brought into question without us having to involve you. Dad made sure you were never to be questioned. That’s why Kyle, Gray, Tate, and Jace were removed from the family home. Violet didn't face neglect charges under the condition she didn’t fight the boys being taken. But Dad warned her if she did, he would make sure she had the cell next to Chase.”

  “So he...” Johan choked. “He was sentenced for child abuse?”

  Will turned his head to glance at Ryan. A look I couldn't decipher passed between them.

  “Yeah. But a D.A. sent to the pen for being a nonce is an inmate’s dream. The money and influence he had kind of protected him in a sense so...let’s say he had preferential treatment.” Will glanced at Ryan again.

  “What does all this have to do with your dad though? Why were you so freaked out?”

  “He played them at their own game. He...God, I swore I would never tell you this shit.” Will stood and started pacing the room. “Dad used his influence. He became like them to get what he wanted.”

  “What did he want?” Johan asked suspiciously.

  “Chase in the same prison as your father.”


  Will nodded solemnly. “Dad thought that sending him there would be retribution to both of them. Your dad would have to face the consequences of his actions of sending you to your grandfather, and Chase would face the kid he made into a monster.”

  “Fuck me!” Johan gasped, covering his face with his hands. “What happened?”

  “Your dad found out why he was in there, what had happened. You were never mentioned in the courts, but he knew. He somehow managed to craft a weapon and took revenge on the old man.”

  I covered my mouth as a sob burst from my lips. Johan’s shoulders slumped and he dropped his head between his shoulders.

  “You’ve seen him?” Johan said, turning his head a little to look at Ryan.

  Ryan nodded. “Yeah.”

  Johan huffed out a breath. I could see the clouds gathering above him as his demeanour changed. He was the defeated little boy, the frightened child fighting monsters and I hated these two for doing that to him.

  “He didn’t hate you, Johan, he hated himself,” Ryan said. “He was terrified to become his father, and do what your grandfather did to children. He never—”

  Johan held up his hand to silence Ryan.

  “He killed my mom, I don’t forgive that. His actions sent me to hell, I still live with it. She,” he pointed towards me without looking at any of us, “is my rapture, she is the one who brought some light into my life, she stood against my terrors and fought them away. Twenty-eight fucking years I’ve lived with monsters in my head. He doesn’t get to have excuses for that shit. He doesn’t get to say sorry. He created scars no apology can heal.”

  I couldn't stand not to hold him any longer, I had given the brothers space, now I needed him in my arms. I went to him and wrapped my arms around him and cradled his head to my chest. I kissed the top of his head whispering words of support into his hair. I needed him to know I was there, I was standing beside him. He didn’t respond, he remained captured in my arms stiff and unyielding. I hated we had reverted back to this, I knew those walls had gone back up and I could feel him slipping away from me. Tears stung my eyes as I held onto him, I tried to convey with my silent hold that I needed him to come back, we were a team and I would stand by him through this.

  Ryan cleared his throat. “You going to be...a dad, buddy?”

  I covered my bump with my
hand and smiled, waiting for Johan to use the same nickname in reference to my baby that Ryan used for him.

  “I’m not,” Johan said despondently. I pulled away slightly and looked down at him; he had his head down and his eyes screwed shut as his body slowly rocked back and forth. I looked up at Ryan who had a strange look on his face as he watched Johan. “I don’t want to be,” Johan hazarded.

  “Sorry, I thought you two were—”

  “No!” Johan’s voice emerged as a pleading cry.

  I stepped away, my heart cracked and crumbled. I fought the tremble of my lip and tears came unbidden. I swiped at my face, trying and failing to hide how much it hurt to hear those words. Johan had staked a claim on both me and my child. He wasn’t just going to throw us away was he? Had it all been an act?

  I wanted to scream at him to look at me, to acknowledge what we had shared, that he said he loved me and wanted to be a family. But the cold posture and unfeeling eyes said it all. I was out, he didn't need me anymore. He had his hero.

  “I better...anyone want a drink?” I said quickly and dashed out of the room before anyone could answer. I closed the lounge door behind me as quietly as possible and grabbed my car keys; I needed to see my sister. I just hoped that I could hold it together before I completely lost it. I sat in the car and rubbed my stomach.

  “I love you little bean, we don’t need anyone else. We...we will...we only need two to make a team.” I sobbed. I wiped angrily at my eyes and started the engine.


  I drove to Jill’s house from mine with puffy eyes, a runny nose, hiccupping from my sobbing session. Eve and Dominic were staying here for a few days, keeping an eye on the place while Jill was on holiday. I walked down the long driveway and heard Eve’s sweet laughter coming from the back of the house. I rounded the corner to the garden and paused to watch the sight before me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Eve was sitting cradled in Dominic’s lap on a lounge chair. He had his hand on her back rubbing gentle circles, and he held her Kindle in his other hand while she read. His head rested on the top of hers and his eyes were closed in serene contentment.

  They were beautiful together. I wanted that kind of love. I covered my mouth as a whimper escaped at the realisation the man I thought loved me like that had just dismissed me as nothing. I turned and walked away.

  I had to deal with this alone.


  I wanted to cover my ears, I fought at the urge to hide in a tiny dark place to send all this away. My palms were clammy, my heart beat wildly and I couldn't breathe. I could feel them coming, and I wanted to fight, to open my eyes and make them disappear. But the monsters were coming, my skin crawled with apprehension. I felt dirty, their hands, their smell and the sounds of hell. Their laughter as we cried in the corner knowing our turn was coming. I closed my eyes tightly and saw the empty blue eyes of the girl with the blonde hair. I shook my head, I couldn't think of her, I didn't want to go back there. But it was coming, the cold, damp musty smell suffocating my senses. I desperately needed to hide; my therapist had said I needed to fight the urge to hide from myself, I had to face it. Face the fears and fight them. But I couldn't do it. I rocked myself and chanted in my head.

  I don’t want to be there, I’m not. I’m safe. I balled my hands into fists. I don’t want to be here, I’m not with the monsters. No! I’m with Lou, Lou! My avenging angel in my hell, my light in the darkness. The smells receded and I was engulfed by her scent, her warm womanly loving scent. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. She was my shield against the monsters, the shadows went away. The tension seeped out of my body as I opened my eyes and looked around the room to see my woman had disappeared.

  “Are you fucking stupid?” Will roared. I nearly jumped off the freaking coffee table. He shouted so fucking loud. The creak of wood as he walked me into the hell hole. I shook my head again trying to shake away the thoughts. They needed to go.

  “What?” I looked up at his tall frame; I swear the guy grew an inch a day, he must be nearing six-foot-five now.

  He lifted his hand and pointed to the closed door. I looked around the room to see Lou had left.

  “Where’s Lou?” I asked, looking up at Will and then to Ryan who sat staring at me like I was some weird science experiment he was trying to figure out.

  “Are you shitting me? You just broke the girl’s heart, I swear to God, Jo, I could kick your ass right now.” Will seethed, placing his hands on his hips and glaring at me. I jerked back, regarding him. What was his problem? I had never seen my brother so worked up.

  “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”

  He threw himself into the chair sending it back into the wall, then stretched his long legs out in front of him and covered his face with his hands in frustration. “Ry, you talk to him. I have no fucking clue what just happened.”

  I turned to look at Ryan.

  “Where did you go? Just now, in your head. Where did you go?” Ryan asked.

  Will groaned as if realising what had just occurred. Ryan ignored him and stared at me intently. I wanted to hide, for years I had hidden what was inside, what I saw, what the nightmares did to me. Lou had broken in and I trusted her. Ryan was different, Ryan knew what had happened.

  “The boathouse,” I said quietly.

  He nodded. “You in love, little buddy? With the woman out there?”

  I frowned, wondering what that had to do with anything; I nodded.

  “That your kid she’s carrying?”

  “What the hell does that have to do with anything?” I snapped.

  “Answer the question, buddy.”

  I swallowed. “He might as well be, I want him to be. So...”

  Will groaned again and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees and cradling his shaking head.

  “Jo, I think you just fucked up,” Ryan said, rubbing his eyes.

  I had no clue what the hell these two drama queens were talking about and the riddles were pissing me off.

  “Does she know? About the shit you lived through?”

  Again I nodded.

  “I asked you if you were going to be a dad, and you just said it wasn’t yours, and that you two weren’t together. I saw Lou’s heart break right here in this room, and it wasn’t pretty,” Will said scornfully.

  “I didn’t.”

  “Yes, you fucking did. She tore out of here like the fires of hell were torching her ass,” Will snapped.

  “I wasn’t...she’s everything to me. I was having a fucking panic attack and the only reason I didn't turn into my usual freaky fucker was because I thought of her.”

  I stood, and headed for the door. Ryan placed a meaty hand on my shoulder. “She’s gone, bud.”

  “What?” I tugged my shoulder away forcefully and glared at him.

  “She got in her car and left.”

  “And you just let her?” I shouted at them both.

  “Not our business to stop her.” Ryan shrugged his massive shoulders.

  “FUCK!” I roared, pulling at my hair. If I truly said that shit, I could only imagine what she was thinking after what Darren had done to her. “I have to find her and apologise. I didn't mean..she’ll think...I wasn’t...” I grabbed onto the doorframe as my vision blurred and I gasped for breath. Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into the lounge, pushing me onto the soft couch.

  “Breathe, buddy.”


  “She lives here, she’ll come back and you’ll be ready to crawl on your knees for her forgiveness. Let her kick you in the balls if need be, but just wait it out. Let her cool off.”

  “You don’t know Lou, she’s likely to cut my balls off and stomp them into dust.”

  Will chuckled. “I like her, she seems pretty cool.”

  “She makes it all go away.”

  “Yeah?” Ryan said, smiling. “I’d like to have somebody like that one day.”

  I nodded, knowing I was a lucky son of a bitch for hav
ing someone perfect like Lou, I just prayed I hadn’t fucked it up.

  “It’s good you’re not dead, Ryan.”

  “It’s fucking great you’re not, little buddy, although where the fuck did the muscles come from. You got ripped since the last time I saw you.”

  I laughed. “Well that pansy ass was shit at protecting me,” I pointed at Will.

  “Fucker.” Will snorted, knowing I wasn’t serious. Will had taken on more than one mean as hell bully for me. When I told him I was moving overseas he practically begged me not to go, he was worse than Mama-su. If it wasn’t for Marissa I’m sure he would have followed me here.

  “How’re the wedding plans going?” I asked.

  Will groaned and Ryan laughed. “She’s hell to live with. I swear, man, she’s turned into a completely different woman. She’s moody and completely irrational. It’s like you propose and they turn into this crazy-ass wedding demon.”

  Both Ryan and I grabbed our sides and laughed loudly.

  “You can laugh all you want, bro, but your turn is coming.”

  I sobered quickly, not because I didn't want that, but because I did. More than I had wanted anything in my life.

  “She’s worth it though.” I looked at Will and smiled. I would put up with all that shit if it meant I got to keep her for life.

  “Yeah. I’m whipped, what can I say? Fourteen when I fell for that girl, I’ll be old and gray and still find her the sexiest woman alive,” he chuckled, the smug bastard.

  Ryan laughed. “I still remember how fucking scared you were about asking her out.”

  “Shut up, shithead.”

  We all laughed, and another broken shard within me was replaced. I just needed Lou back, and for once I’d have a real shot at a happy ending.


  Will and Ryan stayed for a few hours, before Will had to go to the formal; I refused to leave until I spoke to Lou. I was seriously beginning to worry Lou wouldn’t come home. I hated myself for hurting her, for making her feel the need to run. I wanted her back, and I wanted to hold her in my arms and apologise for being a fucked up freak. I don’t even remember hearing Ryan ask the questions he said I answered. The door lock clicked and I shot out of my chair. I met her in the hallway and paused when I saw the awful red puffiness to her eyes. Fuck, I had done that to her.


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