Alan Lomax

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Alan Lomax Page 66

by John Szwed

  England, Alan’s work in. See also BBC Radio

  collaboration with Ewan MacColl

  departure from England

  film ideas

  folk song album

  freelance writing

  life in London

  May Day festival film

  police surveillance and inquiries

  prospect of work

  psychology research proposal

  Punch cartoon

  television program on folk music

  English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The (Child)

  English Folk Dance and Song Society

  English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians (Sharp)

  Ennis, Seamus

  Erickson, Edwin

  Ertegun, Ahmet and Nesuhi

  Estes, Sleepy John

  ethnomusicology as academic discipline

  Ethnomusicology journal

  Europe, world music project in. See also specific countries

  Evans, Jean

  Evans, Luther

  Everly Brothers

  Fadiman, Clifton

  Falcon, Cléoma

  Father of the Blues (Handy)

  Faulk, Johnny

  FBI interest in Alan

  arrest at protest demonstration

  Communist allegations


  notification of London police

  notification of Spanish authorities

  surveillance and reports

  Feather, Leonard

  Federal Theatre Living Newspaper

  Federal Workers School

  Federal Writers’ Project

  Ferguson, James

  film and filmmaking

  American Patchwork

  blues project

  choreometrics project

  Colonial Williamsburg project

  of dance and movement

  documentary form

  of English May Day festival

  formation of film company

  global network of archives

  of music in Greenwich Village

  of Newport Folk Festival

  series proposal

  shortcomings of, for scientific study

  “small movies,”

  Finney, Ross Lee

  Fisk University/Library of Congress project


  fieldworker seminars

  goals and plans

  personnel conflict

  unfinished book about, My Heart Struck Sorrow

  Fitzgerald, Ella

  Flanders, Helen Hartness

  folklore, Alan’s approach to

  Folklore Center (New York)

  folk music

  authenticity in performance


  compositions based upon

  copyright protection

  cowboy songs and ballads

  early collections

  ethnomusicological study of

  payment of performers

  psychological study of


  song style and song families

  vocal style and behavioral traits

  women as bearers of tradition

  folk plays

  folk song collecting

  American interest in


  in field

  impact of audio recording

  lack of support for

  Lomax partnership

  systematization of

  Folk Songs of Mississippi and Their Backgrounds (Hudson)

  Folk Songs of North America, The (A. Lomax)

  “Folk Song Style” (A. Lomax)

  Folk Song Style and Culture (A. Lomax)

  Folk Song U.S.A. (J. Lomax and A. Lomax)

  Folkways Records

  Ford Foundation

  Fort Valley State College (Georgia)

  Foster, Pops

  Fragments of Ancient Poetry Collected in the Highlands of Scotland . . . (Macpherson)


  Frank, Lew, Jr.

  Frank, Waldo

  Frazier, Calvin

  Freedom Singers

  Freedom Songs of the United Nations (Lomax)

  Friends of Old Time Music

  “From Spirituals to Swing” concerts

  Fruit Jar Guzzlers

  Fuson, Harvey H.

  Gabler, Milt

  Garner, Jack Nance

  Garroway, Dave

  Geer, Will

  Gellert, Lawrence

  General Records

  Gennett Records

  George, Brian


  Georgia Sea Island Singers

  Gershwin, George

  Gerstman, Pamela

  Gibson, Jackie

  Gilbert, Ronnie

  Gillespie, Dizzy

  Gladden, Texas

  Glazer, Tom

  Global Jukebox project

  Glover, Savion

  Gods of Lightning (Anderson and Hickerson)

  Golden Gate Quartet

  Goldschmidt, Walter

  Goldstein, Kenneth

  Goldwyn, Sam

  Goodman, Elizabeth Harold. See Lomax, Elizabeth

  “Goodnight Irene,”

  Gordon, John Wesley “Left Wing,”

  Gordon, Lewis

  Gordon, Max

  Gordon, Robert W.

  Gottlieb, William

  Graham, Katherine

  Grainger, Porter

  Granada TV

  Grapes of Wrath, The (film)

  “Grapes of Wrath Evening” benefit

  Grauer, Victor

  Graves, Blind Roosevelt

  Graves, Robert

  Green, Paul

  Green, Shirley

  Greenbriar Boys

  Grimble, Ian

  Grofé, Ferde

  Grossman, Albert

  Growing Up in the Black Belt (Johnson)

  Guggenheim Fellowships

  Guion, David

  Guthrie, Woody

  in Almanac Singers

  antifascist songs


  Bound for Glory

  commercial recording contract


  film appearances

  friendship with Lead Belly

  Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People


  Library of Congress recordings

  as performer

  political work

  radio performances

  Rosenwald Fellowship

  separation from wife


  Alan’s marriage in

  anthropological interest in

  civil decline


  guides for researchers

  languages and class structure

  Vodou religion

  Halifax, Joan

  Hall, Vera

  Hall Johnson Choir

  Halpert, Herbert

  Hamer, Fanny Lou

  Hammerstein, Oscar

  Hammond, John

  on death of Bessie Smith

  “From Spirituals to Swing” concerts

  jazz connections

  People’s Songs project

  support for Alan’s projects

  in Writers’ Committee

  Hand, Learned

  Handy, W. C.

  Hanford, A. C.

  Harburg, E. Y. “Yip,”

  Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People (Lomax, Guthrie, and Seeger)

  Harold, Elizabeth. See Lomax, Elizabeth

  Harold, Michael

  Harris, R. H.

  Harris, Roscoe

  Harris, Roy


  Alan’s studies at

  Lead Belly performances at

  John Lomax’s studies at

  plans for Alan to attend

  Hawes, Bess Lomax. See Lomax, Bess (Alan’s sister)

  Hayes, Helen

  Hays, Lee

  Hellerman, Fred

  Hemphill, Sid

bsp; Henderson, Hamish

  Herald Tribune (New York)

  Herrmann, Bernard

  Herskovits, Melville J.

  Herzog, George

  Hickerson, Harold

  Highlander Folk School (Tennessee)

  Hillary, Mabel

  Hines, Gregory

  Hinton, Sam

  History of Jazz, The (radio program)

  HMV recording company

  Hodge, Beryl

  Holcomb, Roscoe

  Holman, Libby

  “Hoodoo in New Orleans” (Hurston)


  House, Son

  Houseman, John

  House Un-American Activities Committee

  Houston, Cisco

  Howard, James

  Hudson, Arthur Palmer

  Hughes, Langston

  Hughes, Tom

  Human Relations Area Files

  Hunt, J. M. “Sailor Dan,”

  Hunter, Joe (later Ivory Joe Hunter)

  Hunter, Nell, and the North Carolina Spiritual Singers

  Hunter College

  Hurston, Zora Neale

  Hurt, Mississippi John

  I Hear America Singing (Cooke)

  Imperial State Prison Farm (Sugar Land, Texas)


  Indiana University

  Indian music

  Interval Research Corporation



  Ivens, Joris

  Ives, Burl

  as alleged subversive


  as performer

  radio performances


  J. Walter Thompson Agency

  Jackson, Aunt Molly

  activism for coal miners

  concerts and radio performances

  contribution to Lomaxes’ book

  as performer


  Jackson, George Pullen

  Jackson, Michael

  Jakobson, Svatava Pirkova

  James, Skip

  James, Willis

  Jarmusch, Jim


  Creole tradition in

  as folk form

  “From Spirituals to Swing” concerts

  Jelly Roll Morton on

  new directions in

  trad jazz in England

  vocal and physical aspects of

  white interpretation of

  Jefferson, Blind Lemon

  Jelly’s Last Jam (musical)

  Jenkins, Gordon

  “John Henry” variations

  Johnny Johnson (Green and Weill)

  Johnson, Blind Willie

  Johnson, Bunk

  Johnson, Charles

  Johnson, George

  Johnson, Guy

  Johnson, James P.

  Johnson, James Weldon

  Johnson, Pete

  Johnson, Robert

  Jones, Bessie

  Jones, Elijah

  Jones, Leroy

  Jones, Lewis

  Jones, Thomas E.

  Jordan, Louis

  Kapp, Jack

  Kazan, Elia

  Kazee, Buell

  Kempton, Murray

  Kennedy, Peter


  coal miners’ strike


  Kilmer, Kip

  Kincaid, Bradley


  King, Coretta Scott

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kingston Trio

  Kirkpatrick, Frederick Douglass

  Kissinger, Clark

  Kittredge, George Lyman

  Knott, Sarah Gertrude

  Koslow, Pamela

  Kulig, Carol

  Laban, Rudolf

  LaFarge, Peter

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  Lamothe, Ludovic

  Lampell, Millard

  Land Where the Blues Began, The (Lomax)

  Larkins, Margaret

  Leach, McEdward

  Leacock, Ricky

  Lead Belly

  commercial recordings


  death and memorial concert

  failed comeback attempt

  introduction to New York intellectuals

  legal rights to songs and performances

  Library of Congress recordings


  media attention to

  in prison

  prison stripes

  radio performances

  song-learning approach

  white audiences of

  work for John Lomax

  Leadbelly (film)

  Ledbetter, Huddie. See Lead Belly

  Ledbetter, Martha

  Lee, Canada

  Lee, Will

  Lehman, Herbert

  Léon, Rulx

  Lerner, Irving

  Leventhal, Harold

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude

  Lewis, C. I.

  Lewis, Meade “Lux,”

  Lewis, Sinclair

  Library of Congress. See also Archive of American Folk Song, Library of Congress

  Alan’s lecture-and-record performance

  American Folklife Center

  designation of Alan as Living Legend

  Librarians of Congress

  Music Division chiefs

  Radio Research Project

  recording laboratory

  sale of recordings

  Thirteenth Amendment celebration

  Lieberson, Goddard

  Life magazine

  Lifetime (prison singer)

  Lion, Alfred

  Lion, Margo

  Lipscomb, Mance

  Liss, Joseph

  Listen to Our Story (A. Lomax)

  Littleton, Joan

  Living Newspapers dramatic form

  Lloyd, A. L. (Bert)

  Locke, Alain

  Logan, Tex

  Lomax, Alan James. See also specific people, places, and issues in Alan’s life; specific works

  birth, childhood, early education

  career achievements

  career choice and principles

  daughter’s birth


  influence of



  relationship with father

  relationships with women

  self-doubt and anxieties

  Lomax, Anne (Anna) Lyttleton

  with Alan after parents’ divorce

  at Alan’s departure for Europe

  during Alan’s final years



  in Europe

  in West Indies

  Lomax, Antoinette “Toni,”

  Lomax, Bess (Alan’s mother)

  Lomax, Bess (Alan’s sister)

  as Alan’s assistant

  on Alan’s living conditions during college

  in Almanac Singers


  concerts and radio performances

  on father’s affection for Alan

  government jobs

  Lomax, Elizabeth

  daughter’s birth and support

  in Europe

  fieldwork with Alan

  marriage to Alan

  marriage to Herbert Sturz

  move to New York City

  relationship with Alan after divorce

  as writer

  Lomax, James and Susan Frances

  Lomax, John Avery

  Adventures of a Ballad Hunter

  American Ballads and Folk Songs

  bank jobs


  cowboy ballads, interest in collecting

  Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads


  education and academic positions

  Folk Song U.S.A.

  as lecturer

  Library of Congress position


  mental breakdown

  Negro Folk Songs as Sung by Lead Belly

  Our Si
nging Country

  prison songs, interest in collecting

  relationship with Alan

  “ ‘Sinful’ Songs of the Southern Negro,”

  Lomax, John Jr.

  Lomax, Shirley

  London, University of

  Long, Worth

  Long Henry (prison singer)

  Lord Invader

  Losey, Joseph

  Louisiana. See also New Orleans

  Lowell, James Russell

  Lowry, Peter

  Lundy, Emmet

  Lunsford, Bascom Lamar

  Lyle, Cordelia

  Lyttleton, Humphrey

  MacArthur Foundation

  Macbeth the Great

  MacColl, Ewan

  on Alan’s politics

  ballad opera

  folk festival planning

  party for Alan

  praise for Mister Jelly Roll

  radio and recording projects

  in skiffle band

  as suspected subversive

  MacDiarmid, Hugh

  Machanofsky, Becky

  MacLean, Calum and Sorley

  MacLeish, Archibald

  on Alan’s loyalty to country

  contribution to Lomaxes’ book

  as Librarian of Congress

  Office of War Information (OWI) position

  original radio drama

  Macmillan Press

  Macon, Uncle Dave

  Macpherson, James

  Maddox Brothers

  Mahon, Jimmy

  Mainer, J. E.

  Mainer, Wade

  Maitland, Dick

  Manchester Ramblers

  Mansell, Chris

  Marchand, Antoinette. See Lomax, Antoinette “Toni”

  March of Time news programs

  Martin, David Stone

  Martin, Fiddling Joe

  Martins and the Coys, The (radio play)

  Maxwell, Elsa

  Mayo, Margot

  McAdoo, David

  McAllester, David

  McCollum, Mother

  McCormick, Mack

  McCuen, Brad

  McDowell, Annie Mae

  McDowell, Fred

  McGhee, Brownie

  concerts and radio performances

  film appearance

  at Newport Folk Festival workshop


  in skiffle band

  McGhee, Stick

  McIlhenny, E. A.

  Mead, Margaret

  on Alan’s enemies

  on Alan’s leadership skills

  on Alan’s scientific research

  arrangement for Alan’s lecture

  death and memorial service

  political work

  research findings

  support for Alan’s work

  Memphis Minnie

  Memphis Slim (Peter Chatman)

  Métraux, Alfred

  Meyerhold, Vsevolod Emilievich


  military service. See Army, Alan’s service in

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Mitch

  Mills, Susan

  Mississippi. See also Fisk University/Library of Congress project

  Mister Jelly Roll (A. Lomax)

  Mitchell’s Christian Singers

  Mitchum, Robert

  Modern Language Association

  Monroe, Bill

  Montoya, Carlos

  Moore, Johnny Lee

  Morganfield, McKinley “Muddy Waters,”


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