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Corbin Page 7

by Melanie Karsak

  Granny Al had come to save Wonderland.

  And she had failed.

  And what in the hell did it mean that I was here—along with a brand new Alice? How in the hell were we supposed to save this place when Al, riding a fire-breathing dragon, could not?

  The lights went dark. The image of my grandmother faded.

  My heart lurched.


  The cart moved on. When the hologram came to life once more, we were in a courtroom. Seated on tall platforms above the crowd were the rulers of Wonderland. I saw the pennants for each house: Roses, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, and the black-haired warrior Queen of Hearts. I studied the Queen of Spades. Cahya looked the same as she did now. Was she really undying? If so, then she would have been here where it all happened. She would know what really befell Al in Wonderland.

  “The kings and queens of Wonderland brought the rulers of the Kingdom of Stars to trial. The rulers of Stars lost their lands. Their kingdom was disbanded. As a punishment, their people burdened with a curse,” President Snark narrated.

  The Queen of Hearts lifted her scepter. A magical red light spread over the assembled soldiers for the army of Stars. Each of them changed form, shifting into animals.

  The curse.

  It was the Red Queen who had cursed the Kingdom of Stars to exist only—at least in Wonderland—in their shifted form. I suddenly felt sorry for any harsh words I’d said to Florin. It was not his fault he could not shift into the form of a man. He was trapped.

  “And while the people of Stars were cursed for their treachery, their leaders…” the president said.

  “Off with their heads,” the Queen of Hearts screamed.

  The image showed the defeated king and queen for only a moment as the ax men lifted their weapons above the defeated monarchs’ necks.

  “…were dispatched. If not for the Kingdom of Hearts, Wonderland would have fallen into destruction and disarray. The King and Queen of Stars perished, their line ending with them. Their people were cursed. Alice the Merciless, the Overthereian, was driven back to her homeland, never to return. An accord was drawn in the wake of the Greatest of Disasters, as the rebellion was henceforth known. The remaining kingdoms pledged peace.” The president heaved a sigh. “On the grounds of Wonderland Academy, you will see scarring from war. And you might also stumble across artifacts from the Kingdom of Stars. They remain as a reminder of these dark times in Wonderland. And while the descendants of the Kingdom of Stars still walk among us, they do so as friends.”


  There was nothing here about Nanette, the Princess of Stars. Surely people realized Al had left Wonderland with the girl? Or did they believe she was dead too? Didn’t anyone wonder what had happened to her?

  Of course they did.

  They all would.

  But who could say anything?

  I looked back at the Red Queen. Her eyes bulging, her chest rising and lowing rapidly with excitement, she stared off-screen at the scene we had not been shown: the decapitation of the White Queen and King.

  And there was glee in her eyes.

  The ride shook.

  They didn’t know where Al had gone. Granny Al had come home, went into hiding, and had hidden the princess to boot. Al had left the man she loved behind to do it. Why hadn’t the Hatter ever come for her? And how had the Hatter managed to escape the retribution of the Queen of Hearts? There were times when I would catch Al looking out the window or staring off in the distance, her eyes glassy. Was she thinking of this place, of him?

  The ride moved on. A moment later, we came to a scene wherein President Snark was on the grounds of the Academy.

  “It is the duty of everyone in Wonderland to maintain peace. You are here to learn Wonderland’s magic, to better yourself, to better your world, and to protect Wonderland at all costs. There is no greater place to learn Wonderland’s magic. It is our honor to have you at Wonderland Academy. This is no ordinary institution. You are here because our world depends on you. You must be ready to fight when the time comes again. The Caterpillar foretold that the peace in Wonderland was not to last. One day, a new Alice will come to Wonderland. When she arrives, Wonderland will be undone. That is why there is one rule in Wonderland that can never be broken. No one named Alice may ever step foot in Wonderland. Because if she does, it will be our undoing. Which is, of course, why we have decreed that any Alice will be beheaded,” he said, then laughed merrily. “But just in case, make sure you study hard. You never know when you might need a little extra magic. Now, off you go. Good luck.”

  Alice…Lacey. Don’t worry. I will protect you. I won’t leave you like the Hatter left Al.

  Even if it kills me.


  Just your Basic Intro Classes

  The cart turned, the lights flicking back on. The bar lifted, and we all emptied out into an alcove that led down a hallway.

  “All right, Spades. This way to advising,” one of the Academy attendants called. She motioned for us to follow her. There were a dozen of us in the group of new students. Aside from Nova and me, everyone else was in their uniforms already. It looked like only the two of us had come from Overthere, even if I’d gotten here indirectly.

  I studied Nova out of the corner of my eye. Hearts had been murdering their way through the new recruits from Overthere. How had they missed her?

  “So, Montana?” I asked her as the others lined up to meet with the attendant.

  She shifted a little. “Yeah. But I fell through the cement on a sidewalk in LA.”

  “Los Angeles?”

  “That’s what it stands for.”

  “How’d you get here?”

  “Long story. Here are the CliffsNotes. Drunk dad. Meth-head mom. Online gamer friend invited me to come stay with her in LA. I got there, and she was a dude. So… I guess I’m glad I’m here,” she said, the last part sounding more like an uncertain question than a statement. “Except for the part where I fell through the sidewalk. That, I could have done without.”

  I huffed a laugh. “Understood.”

  “You said you’re Scottish…”


  “Oh. Sorry. No offense. Clovers not kilts. Got it.”

  I chuckled.

  “Daniels? Corbin Daniels?” an Academy attendant called.

  “That’s me.”

  Nova slapped me good-naturedly on the back. “Good luck, Ireland.”

  Shaking my head, I chuckled then turned to the attendant, who handed me a slip of paper.

  “Office twenty-seven, please,” she said, pointing to the hallway behind her.

  I looked around to see a long corridor lined with doors. Metal placards hung above each doorway.

  Taking my slip of paper, I headed down the hall to office twenty-seven. As I walked down the hall, I spotted other students talking to their advisors. Everyone was discussing their classes. I kept an eye out for Lacey as I went, but given her group was first, she was probably already gone. Now I’d have to figure out how to find her in this blasted place where I was just as new as she was.

  When I arrived at office twenty-seven, I found an otter wearing glasses and a purple-and-orange blazer sitting at a desk waiting for me.

  “Ah, Mister Daniels,” she said, waiting for me to come inside. “Please, have a seat.”

  I slipped into the chair across from the big oak desk.

  “I am Missus Brownlow, your academic advisor. I’m here to provide you with your schedule and answer any questions. Now, let’s see what we have for you. Here is your course schedule,” she said, pushing some papers toward me.

  On the first sheet of paper, I found my schedule: Monday and Wednesday, I had Necromancy first thing in the morning followed by Enchantments and Creatures of Wonderland. On Tuesday and Thursday, I had been enrolled in Wonderland Mythology, History of Wonderland, and Tinkering.

  “And what might I expect to learn in Necromancy?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at Mrs. Brownlow.

e laughed, her sharp little teeth pulling into a grin. “How to deal with the dead, I suppose.”

  “And who selected these classes for me?”

  “Your recruiter provided me with a list of suggested courses,” she said then tapped some papers on her desk. “And I have my own records of your academic achievements.”

  I glanced at her desk. Sure enough, I saw a transcript from Saint John’s Boys’ School lying there.

  I looked from the paper to the woman. She was staring at me, her dark eyes assessing me.

  I glanced back at my schedule, noting Florin’s name listed as my recruiter.

  “Now, like all Overthere students, you have a scholarship to help you meet your basic needs. Just use your key to pay for any food items you want. It is also keyed to your room in Spades Chambers. You will find an upperclassman Spades student waiting for you outside to help direct you to your chamber. And, I understand you already have your pocket watch?”

  “Yes.” Now, how did she know that?

  “Very well. Any other questions?”

  I looked back down at my schedule once more. It was then that I realized another piece of paper was stuck to it. I slid my schedule aside to find another schedule there—this one for Lacey Crane. It listed her name and a few details, including Hank’s name as her recruiter. And it also noted her chamber information.

  “Mrs. Brownl—“ I began.

  “Very good, Corbin. Now, if no other questions, please be on your way,” she said. “You have everything you need right there—at least to get started. A pleasure to meet you. Good day,” she said, motioning toward the door.

  She was one of them—one of us.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Brownlow.”

  She inclined her head to me.

  As I headed back out into the hallway, I took a quick look at Lacey’s schedule. We were in two of the same classes. That, of course, had been no accident. Nothing in Wonderland was ever an accident. Now if I could just figure out my next move. In Overthere, it had been easy to keep an eye on her from afar. Here? Well. Something told me it was time to meet Lacey Crane.

  And maybe, this time, I’d find a way to make that girl smile.


  Spades Chambers

  I exited the hallway to find Nova, Lucas, two girls in Spades uniforms, and another guy from Spades waiting.

  “Ah, here is the last one. Corbin?” the boy called.

  I nodded.

  “Good. I’m Lex. All right, everyone with me. We’ll go to Spades Chambers and get you settled in. This way,” the boy said.

  Lex led us across campus, pointing out the library, which was the tall building at the center of the campus, the airship platform, a number of classrooms, and other official buildings. “On the other side of campus, you’ll find Tiger Lily Field and the arena. They hold jabberwocky practice there,” Lex said.

  “What’s a jabberwocky?” Nova asked.

  Lex pointed to the mountain range behind the college. There, at the very top of the mountain, I saw some castle ruins. And among the ruins, I saw them—the dragons I had seen in the orientation program.

  “You call them dragons in your world,” Lex told Nova and me. “But here, they are called jabberwockies.”

  “Holy shit,” Nova said. “No way. And people ride them? Really?”

  Lex nodded.

  “That’s…okay, just call me Khaleesi.”

  Lex’s brow furrowed. “Khaleesi?”

  Nova shook her head. “Never mind.”

  “Right. So, in addition to the field, Brilling Café is on the other side of campus. You can find something to eat there. Oh, and in the Quad near the library, there are food carts. Let’s head down this way,” he said, then motioned for us to follow him down a path away from the campus.

  The Academy, from what I could see, sat on the edge of a cliff. There was a wide, green valley below. Lex led us toward the edge of the cliff. As we grew near, I heard the sound of running water.

  “What’s that?” Nova asked.

  “Look,” Lucas told her, pointing.

  I looked to see a massive waterfall tumbling over the ledge. Lex led us toward it. We followed a path that led to some stairs along the side of the cliff. We wound down the steps. The stairway, to my surprise, led into a cavern network. I could hear the sound of rushing water as we emerged at the end of the steps once more. We were on a terrace that had been carved into the side of the cliff. Not far away, the massive waterfall fell. Mist enveloped the place.

  “This is the Spades terrace. Our chambers were carved into the cliffside centuries ago by the dwarves that once resided in the Kingdom of Spades. There are several spots like this around the waterfall,” Lex said, motioning. “But we’re headed in here,” he told us.

  I turned to find the entrance to the Spades Chambers. Two massive wooden doors, both of which were carved with symbols like those I’d see in the Queen of Spades’ chamber room, marked the doors. Torches on the walls flickered in the damp mist.

  Lex pulled open the door to the chamber. The deep, rich smell of minerals and stone wafted out. It was dark inside, the place lit with torches on the wall.

  “Follow me,” he said.

  We headed inside. The long hall had been carved into the cliff itself. Engravings trimmed the walls as we headed both in and downward.

  “Good thing I’m not claustrophobic,” Nova said.

  “They wouldn’t have put you in Spades if you were. We are all placed in chambers which best fit our personalities,” one of the girls told her. “I’m Mia, by the way,” she told Nova.

  “Cait,” the other girl added.

  “Nova. And Lucas and Corbin,” Nova said, introducing us all.

  Mia smiled at me. “Hi,” she said, a flash of red coloring her cheeks.

  “Hey,” I said, then turned back.

  Pretty, but no.

  We came to another set of doors. Lex pushed them open to reveal a chamber with very high ceilings. Tall pillars made of stone supported the domed ceiling. A fire roared in a fireplace that was taller than myself. Off the center chamber were a number of hallways. Couches and chairs sat around the fire. Students were lounging there, chatting with one another.

  “New recruits,” Lex called.

  The other students turned and waved, but mostly paid us no mind. In the least, I didn’t feel any animosity coming from anyone. Which, given everything else I had to contend with, was a relief.

  “Men are down this corridor,” Lex said, pointing. “Ladies this way.” He motioned to the other side of the room. “There are common areas, including a meeting room, a small library, and a common eating space there. Storage down that way. And that hall,” he said, pouting toward a hallway in the very back, “well, unless you know where you’re going, I strongly advise against going that way.”

  “Where does it lead?” I asked.

  “To the Kingdom of Spades,” Lex explained.

  “Really?” Mia asked, her voice full of surprise. “But that’s hundreds of miles from here.”

  “So it is. Which is why, unless you want to use it for a morning run, it’s best not to go that way,” Lex said then turned to Nova and me. “That tunnel has many branches leading to the major villages in Spades and the capital. The dwarves used to use it to travel around Wonderland, but they’ve all retreated from the known world since the Greatest of Disasters. Anyway, it is very long, very dark, and almost never used. The Queen of Spades keeps it patrolled, but it’s not safe. If you want to go anywhere, we mostly travel by mirror here.”

  “Mirror?” Nova asked.

  “I can show her,” a female voice said. I looked back to see another student joining us. She had long, dark hair pulled back into a braid. “I’m Elissa,” the girl said. “I’m the co-CA of Spades Chambers.”

  “CA?” Cait asked.

  “Chambers Assistant. In fact, let me get the girls settled in,” Elissa told Lex.

  Lex nodded. “All right. Lucas, Corbin, come with me.”

; We separated then, Lex leading Lucas and me to the hall where the men’s rooms were housed.

  I looked back at Nova. She had a curious, but slightly nervous, expression on her face. Judging Nova would be fine, I turned my attention back to Lex. We headed down the long, narrow cave. There were arched doors off each side. Torches cast a yellow glow, illuminating the space. As we went, I paused a moment, surprised to see a skeletal figure lumbering toward us. Like the guards in the Queen of Spades’ hall, the figure was wearing old armor. Its vacant eyes scanned the place, looking each of us over.

  “Good morning, Fred,” Lex said good-naturedly.

  The skeleton eyed him, then Lucas, then me. His empty sockets lingered on me for a long moment, then the skeleton pushed past.

  “What is…” I began, but didn’t know what to ask.

  “Sentinels of Spades Chambers,” Lex explained. “During the Greatest of Disasters, Spades remained neutral in the conflict. But to ensure we stayed neutral, Queen Cahya raised her own army to protect Spades, including the students at the Academy. You’ll see a lot of the soldiers still milling about. Fred and George, as we call them, hang around the main rooms of Spades Chambers. George wears a helmet,” Lex said with a laugh. “There are a lot of them in the Spades tunnel. They won’t harm you—unless, of course, you mean to do anything that will bring harm to the Kingdom of Spades. Mostly, they just rattle around and scare the hell out of students from other Chambers who don’t know they’re here. Needless to say, we don’t get many visitors in Spades Chambers. Diamonds have a nice backyard with a barbeque pit. We get the undead.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Figures. We have them at home too. They keep watch in the village.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Aquintis,” Lucas replied.


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