Agent Undone

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Agent Undone Page 20

by Cassidy Reyne

  Once he was back out in the large VIP lounge, Peeters excused himself, saying he had work to attend to and left Carter to enjoy the VIP privileges as he chose. What he really wanted was a stiff drink back at the house, but when he caught Gary looking at him and discreetly giving him a quick nod, he decided he could have one more drink before heading home. Did Gary want to speak to him or was he just acknowledging his presence? Carter didn’t know the man enough to work it out so he figured it was best to give him a chance to talk if that's what he wanted. He took a seat at the far end of the bar, waited until the barman was free to order another scotch and settled in to appear as if he had all the time in the world.

  “Look, Mr Henderson, I don’t know what your business is with Mr Peeters and I shouldn't be saying anything at all, but be careful.”

  “Oh? How do you mean?” Carter narrowed his eyes, studying the man as he waited for him to explain his comment.

  “Let’s just say Mr Peeters is well known for his temper and unpredictability. He shows no mercy to anyone who crosses him and always looks for an opportunity to get the best he can out of any deal he makes. Not that I’ve told you any of this, right?” Gary kept his head low and his voice lower, but Carter got the message loud and clear.

  By the time he got back to the mansion, both Caroline and Nathan had also returned and were waiting for him in the lounge. Neither of them had noticed anything out of the ordinary at the other nightclubs, so Carter got right into his account of the evening and the deal he was building with Konrad Peeters. He didn’t mention Madison as he still didn’t know what to make of it and needed some time to himself to think it over.

  He lay awake for hours that night analyzing every look and every gesture Madison had made in that room, not that there had been much, as well as every interaction with Konrad and his responses. Before he finally fell asleep, he’d pretty much come to the conclusion that the bio on Peeters had been correct. There had been something possessive and cruel in the few words he’d spoken to Madison and the way he’d sent her out of the room with his lackey. He knew he had to find out more of what was going on but had to do it very discreetly, so he didn’t jeopardize the mission.

  The second meeting with Peeters had Nathan asking all sorts of questions, almost driving Konrad nuts, but as Carter explained, they couldn’t be too careful with the kind of merchandise they were discussing. After a handshake, they all walked away having achieved what they’d come for. The next week would be crucial to their mission. They now had to work out how to find where the girls and the drugs were being kept and how to make sure they nabbed Peeters as well as his associates.

  At each meeting, Madison stood behind Peeters, in complete silence, and only moved when he told her to do something. Her movements were robotic and her eyes vacant. A lump of ice formed in Carter’s chest at the knowledge that she was mixed up in all this. A tendril of anger started to uncoil in his stomach when he thought about how she’d duped him. Whether she knew who he was and what he did made no difference. She’d lied about herself and what she really did for a living. He wondered whether she’d been in Florida looking for more girls to add to Konrad’s seemingly endless supply of them. Maybe that’s how he got hold of so many? Was it Madison’s job to lure them to some place where they could be drugged or knocked out and then transported to Seattle? Hell of a long way to shuttle human beings, though. And risky, if the state police stopped you on the highway for some reason. But what did he know? Maybe they were well hidden in the back of some large truck and a state trooper could search all he wanted and not find anything.

  Carter watched her furtively and noticed the dark shadows under her eyes which looked too big for her face. Instead of the skimpy top she’d worn when Carter had first seen her, she was now in a tight, long-sleeved blouse and was pulling them down her arms all the time. He wondered what that was all about and almost hissed in anger when he saw the reason for her fidgeting. As she leaned forward to pour Konrad another drink, her sleeve pulled up and large, black bruises were visible on her lower arm. He also noticed similar marks in the shape of fingers around her slender throat. Fucking hell! Peeters had beaten her and now she was trying to hide the evidence. This changed things slightly. Maybe she was an innocent victim in all of this? Fuck, this was getting complicated. He had allowed her to get into his head and it had to stop. He just couldn’t let himself be distracted right now. He returned his attention to Peeters, thankful that Nate had kept the man occupied with details in the contract he wanted clarified.

  To keep up appearances, Carter, Caroline and Nate returned to the club a couple of nights later and while the other two danced in the main lounge Carter took the opportunity to speak with Gary again. He was pleased to find the VIP bar almost empty and the barman cleaning glasses.

  “The usual, sir?” Gary reached for a low tumbler while glancing at him for confirmation. Carter just nodded and leaned his back against the polished wood of the bar counter. His eyes scanned the room and paused on a petite woman standing in a doorway to one of the smaller rooms with her back to the main area. It was Madison, Carter was sure of it. A glass of single malt whisky appeared by his elbow and he turned to see the bartender watching him with a wry expression.

  “Busy day?” He asked Carter.

  “Yeah, you could say that. Busy week so far, actually.” Carter took a sip of his drink, letting the smoky flavor explode across his tongue and the smooth liquid warm its way down his throat. “Tell me, Gary. What’s Peeters like as a boss?”

  “Why do you want know?” Gary narrowed his eyes at Carter’s question.

  “I’m curious and I like to find out everything I can about a man I’m about to do business with.” The woman he was sure was Madison disappeared into the room and the door closed behind her.

  Several days passed before the bosses in Virginia got back to them with an approval of their plans. Marcus Henderson would be throwing a small party at Overdrive with all the extra benefits available to his ‘clients,’ all of whom would be undercover agents. The teams had already been in Seattle for a week establishing their covers. They were supposedly in town for a large conference on shipping and trade between the US and Asia. As soon as the girls and drugs were in front of them, a signal would be sent to more agents outside and the whole operation would be shut down. Carter just hoped they’d be able to find out where the girls were being held because they still hadn’t been able to find that out. They were pretty sure the drugs were somewhere on Overdrive’s premises as Peeters always seemed to be able to produce more whenever it was asked for in the club, but that was as much as they’d been able to glean from their visits.

  Once again, Carter found himself standing at the bar talking to Gary. He seemed to be the only barman working there and Carter wondered briefly if the man ever really took a day off, despite what he’d said a couple of weeks ago.

  “Back again, eh?” Gary smirked at him.

  “Yeah, can’t seem to stay away. Tatiana has been away for a few days but she’s back tomorrow, thank God. I hate sleeping on my own.” Carter sniggered quietly.

  “None of the girls here take your fancy?”

  “Nah, too tired. Might be fun, but I really can’t be bothered. And Tati would have my balls for garters if she ever found out. Not that she has up till now.” He shrugged and smirked conspiratorially. “But, speaking of girls, who is the woman Peeters always keeps around? She never says a word, but he can’t seem to let her out of his sight. I don’t even know her name.”

  Gary’s features became serious and he leaned forward over the counter and stared Carter straight in the eyes. “Don’t go anywhere near her, don’t say hello to her, don’t even acknowledge her presence.” He straightened up again and looked around to make sure no one was listening. “Her name is Vanessa and she’s Peeters’ girlfriend, or whatever you want to call her. She left once and he went ballistic. Now, he keeps her close at all times and if she so much as breathes the wrong way…” The bartender suddenly
turned away and poured a large shot of vodka over ice and put it down on the counter near Carter. A voice behind him made him stiffen in surprise and he cursed himself for not paying better attention.

  “Mr Peeters sends his apologies, he is just finishing something up and will be right out.” Hugo Tanz had appeared behind him and was his usual creepy self. Carter nodded and took a sip of his vodka while he schooled his features. A grimace always hovered whenever the loathsome man was around.

  A door marked “Office” opened across the room and Peeters walked out. Carter’s stomach turned as Konrad pulled the zipper up on his pants and tucked his shirt back in, a satisfied smirk pulled at his lips. Behind him, Madison tottered out on her high heels, her hair mussed as if someone had been gripping it tightly. Her face was serene with a small smile playing on her lips. Carter’s stomach dropped as the scene settled in his chest. He knew exactly what had just gone on behind that closed door. She’d blown Peeters and she looked pleased — happy, even. There was a vacant, dreamy look in her eyes. Absentmindedly, she tugged at her dress and adjusted her bra before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  Stark reality punched him in the face. There was no doubt about it now. She was with Konrad as his girlfriend, not as one of the trafficked women or held against her will. She’d chosen to be here and was fine about it. Carter felt his walls come up, the same one’s he’d put up after Mira died. They’d started to come down during his time in Florida and he cursed himself for it. Never again! Fuck ‘em and leave ‘em was a mantra he would tattoo on the inside of his heart so he could never forget it. Carter felt ice settle in his veins and in his heart. The cover of a hard-nosed, always-in-control professional slipped over his shoulders like a second skin. He was there to do a job and he would do it to the best of his abilities, as always. Madison was just another of Peeters’ employees, one of his inner circle, and she would be treated accordingly. Everything that had happened in Florida was now memories locked away in the darkest recesses of his mind.

  “Mr Henderson. How nice to see you enjoying my lounge without us having a meeting planned. Is there anything I can get you to make your evening even better?” Konrad Peeters was standing only a few feet away and grinned lazily at him. As always Madison, or Vanessa, was standing right behind him. She was looking even thinner, if that was possible, and had a vacant look in her eyes.

  “Come and sit down with me, drinks are on the house.” Konrad waved Carter over to one of the seating areas.

  “Vanessa, go to my suite and wait for me there. Hugo, go with her and make sure she behaves.” He barked out the orders and Carter had to restrain himself from saying something that would ruin their whole operation. He tightened his hands into fists and swallowed hard. He could feel his anger subside, but not disappear completely. It still simmered under the surface.

  He stood up as Madison started towards Konrad’s office with the hulking bodyguard in front of her, but she stumbled just as she passed Carter. Without thinking, he reached out an arm to steady her. As he touched her skin, a jolt of electricity raced up his fingers and he almost pulled her into his arms. Instead, he pulled away and let her go past without so much as glance at her face. He knew Konrad was watching and any display of kindness towards the woman could be seen as an attempt at encroaching on his territory. All he felt for her was contempt. He hadn’t been able to avoid seeing the track marks of needles on her arms, though, and felt bile flood his mouth. She was taking drugs, the kind that were injected into the bloodstream, and the most common one of those was heroin. Something Peeters had plenty of right here in the club. Shit! Had she been taking drugs while she was still in Florida? No, that was impossible. He would have noticed if she’d been high and would have seen the marks from needles on her bare arms. He couldn’t remember her wearing anything but tank tops or short sleeved t-shirts back in Florida so this must be a new thing. There was no way he’d ever be involved with anyone who did drugs. It was a scourge on society and needed to be eliminated permanently.

  “You should have just let her smash to the ground. She’s a worthless piece of trash.” Peeters sneered as he looked at Madison’s retreating back. Carter had seen the look of terror in her eyes as she stumbled and had a good idea what would happen to her later. It made the anger start to bubble up again and he had to douse it as best he could.

  “I was raised to always be a gentleman whether the woman is trash or not, and I have no intention of disappointing my mother by dropping those manners, now or in the future.” Carter stated calmly as he sat down again and crossed one leg over the other with an air of indifference. He deliberately didn’t glance towards Madison and just held his gaze steadily on Peeters. Konrad sipped his drink while returning Carter’s stare. Then he sneered and nodded in the direction Madison disappeared.

  “That one is just a useless whore. I only keep her around to be nice. She’s a useless fuck, a piece of meat who is only good for one thing. If it wasn’t for me, she’d be dead on a street corner by now. She thought she could leave, but soon came crawling back when I offered her my protection again.” Spit flew from Peeters’ mouth as he ranted on about how worthless women were. “They need to be constantly reminded of their place; either under a man with their legs spread, on their knees in front of him, or behind him ready and waiting to do whatever he asks. They should shut the fuck up and only speak when spoken to. That one, Vanessa, she likes a bit of rough and I’m more than happy to give it to her. It’s what gets her off.” Konrad’s eyes had taken on a sadistic gleam and Carter found it harder and harder to sit impassively and listen to this sick fuck talk about women — his woman — like that. It was disgusting and Carter had an overwhelming urge to rearrange the man’s face. Instead, he sat calmly and listened to his almost incoherent ramblings.

  “There are plenty of women out there who want what I have to offer, and I like to spread it around a bit. After all, it’s my fucking right as a man, and I’m not satisfied with just one woman. Too fucking boring, is what it is.”

  When Carter walked out of Overdrive half an hour later, he felt sick to his stomach and couldn’t wait to get into the limo and be home as soon as possible. He’d be very glad when this assignment was over and Konrad Peeters was in jail. At least he’d had it confirmed from Peeters himself that Madison was there of her own free will and was clearly enjoying herself.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nathan and Caroline were waiting for him when he got in and before he’d even uttered a word, Nate walked over to the well-stocked bar and poured a large drink which he shoved in Carter’s hand.

  “Drink this and tell us what happened.” Nate sat down on the couch and waited patiently. Carter swallowed the scotch in one big gulp and Nate’s eyes widened slightly, but he said nothing and just brought the bottle to the coffee table for Carter to help himself. Having refilled the glass, Carter slumped down in the armchair and took a deep breath. He ran his fingers through his hair and down his face, the day-old stubble scratching against his hands. He was still seething from Konrad’s comments about Madison, or Vanessa as he called her. The man’s whole attitude towards women was so completely against anything Carter had ever been taught, or had experienced and it stuck in his gut like something rotten and vile. He had no idea how to get rid of it except for throttling the guy before burying him in a deep hole somewhere no one would ever find him again.

  “Everything is set on his end for the party at the club. As planned, all the guests will be agents playing the parts of clients of Titan Industries. Nate, you’ve been in touch with them, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, I’ve been speaking to them over the last few weeks about all sorts of business deals depending on what specific company they’re representing. Their covers seem solid and the companies are cooperating. I’m just a bit worried about things leaking out with so many people aware of something going on. None of the CEOs know exactly which agency we’re working for, or what we’re trying to do, but of course, there’s no guarantee
ing one of them isn’t in Peeters’ pocket. I don’t see a way around it, but we need their cooperation.” Nathan’s eyebrows pinched with concern.

  “What story are they operating under?” Carter already knew the answer but wanted it confirmed anyway.

  “The CEOs have been asked to accommodate a ‘negotiator’ for a few weeks to liaise with Titan while they’re getting established in the region. Any deals the negotiator makes will be referred to the CEO and properly set up before anything is signed. That is, if they even get to that point. Head office is hoping we can get this all busted wide open before any deals are even down on paper but as they have to make sure it looks legit, our guys have had to pull on their best business suits and shine their shoes for long days in the office.”

  “I bet they’re all loving that. I feel claustrophobic in these things, not to mention the garrote around my neck!” Carter had already pulled his tie off and undone the top button of his shirt.

  “What happens next?” This time it was Caroline who wanted to know. She’d been sitting quietly watching Carter as his mind tried to deal with the bile Konrad had spouted in the club. There was no need for her to even ask what had been going on in there. She knew Carter well enough to know it must have been something pretty stomach churning for him to wear that face as he walked in. She wanted this assignment over as much as the other two agents and felt relieved her cover had been that of Marcus’ girlfriend. Her presence had only been needed in the club a few times. The remainder of her days had been spent acting like a woman with plenty of money and too much time on her hands. An obscene amount of cash had been charged on a black American Express card with no credit limit, buying evening gowns, shoes, handbags and any other clothes she could find by all the latest designers. She’d also bought jewelry, gone to the hair salon, and had her nails done countless times. It was all to ensure appearances were kept up and quite frankly, she hated it. Never having been one to waste money on luxury items, she was more comfortable in jeans and sneakers with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Luckily, anything she’d bought that hadn’t been worn would be returned to the stores after the op was over and everything else sold secondhand. The money would be donated to women’s shelters around the city. The CEO of Titan had promised he’d make sure it was all taken care of.


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