
Home > Other > Bastard > Page 7
Bastard Page 7

by J. L. Perry

  “Okay, good. After I set the table I’ll get the potato bake out of the oven,” I say without making eye contact with him.

  “Would you like another beer, Mr. Montgomery?” Meg asks my dad. God I love her. She must’ve noticed the look my father was giving us, so she’s trying to smooth things over. I love how she always has my back.

  “I’d love one,” he answers. Disaster diverted. Meg walks back into the house while I set the table.

  “Come on, boy,” I say to Lassie when I’m done. Although Carter doesn’t seem to mind that Lassie is sprawled out all over him, it’s a hot night so he can’t possibly be comfortable. The dog ignores me. He never does that. Damn traitor. “Lassie.” This time my voice is a little more forceful. He still doesn’t come.

  “Larry’s fine, leave him. Aren’t you boy?” Carter says smirking at me as he runs his hand through the dog’s long mane.

  “It’s Lassie,” I snap, placing my hands on my hips and pursing my lips. His smile widens. I’m sure he does that to annoy me. I hear my dad chuckle. He obviously thinks it’s amusing as well. I leave them both in a huff and head back to the kitchen.

  Thankfully the rest of the night goes by without incident. Actually, we all seem to be having a nice time. I can’t believe how different Carter is tonight. My father really does bring out the best in him.

  “It’s getting late, I should be getting home,” Meg says. She usually sleeps over, but she has to go to her grandmother’s house in the morning so she can’t tonight.

  “I’ve been drinking,” my father says, standing. “I’ll get one of the boys from the station to come and give you a lift home.”

  “No bother, Mr. Montgomery. I’ll walk,” Meg replies.

  “I’ll walk you home,” I offer, rising to stand next to her.

  “No. I don’t like the idea of Megan walking home on her own, and if you go then you’ll have to come back alone,” my dad says.

  “I’ll go with them,” Carter chimes in. My dad’s eyes move to him as he considers his offer.

  “Okay. It’s fine as long as Carter goes with you.” I look at my dad. Is he serious? After the look he gave us before, I’m surprised he’s comfortable with us being alone together now.


  Once we’ve walked Meg to her door I hug her goodbye. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she whispers in my ear. It earns her a pinch under the arm. There’s not much she wouldn’t do. “Ouch,” she laughs. “Thanks for walking me home, Carter,” she adds looking over at him.

  “No problem,” he replies. His hands are shoved in his pockets looking all cool, calm and sexy.

  “Feel free to take advantage of my friend on the way home,” she says with a wink. Oh. My. Fucking. God. She did not just say that. Carter just laughs at her comment. I, on the other hand, want to crawl under a rock and die. I’m glad I pinched her now. I should’ve done it harder. She’ll pay for that remark tomorrow. I give her a look letting her know I’m not impressed with what she just said. She just smiles at me sweetly. Bitch.

  We’re both quiet on the walk back. I don’t know what to say to him. I’m still dying inside from Meg’s words. In a way I hope he takes her advice, in a way I don’t.

  I know I probably shouldn’t pry considering I get the sense that all dad talk is off limits, but I jump straight in. “Does your stepdad speak that way to you often?” I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.

  “I guess,” he shrugs. “He’s a cocksucker. I can’t stand him. What my mum sees in him, I’ll never know.”

  “I’ve thought the same thing. She seems so nice,” I tell him as I shake my head trying to make sense of it.

  “You don’t like him either?” he asks, looking at me surprised.

  “No. Neither does my dad. They nearly came to blows a while back.”

  “Why?” he asks.

  “Lassie did his business on his lawn. You know, a poop. Let’s just say he wasn’t impressed. When he screamed at me and made me cry, my dad lost it.”

  “Larry’s a fucking champion,” he chuckles.

  “Lassie,” I remind him.

  “Sorry, kid,” he says draping his arm around my shoulder. “He’s always gonna be Larry to me. You’ve gotta admit Lassie is a shit name for a kickass dog like that.”

  As much as his comment gets under my skin, I’m smiling like a fool. I can’t believe he has his arm around me. I take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. It’s musky and manly and very him. I could drown in his scent. Ugh! It’s official—I’m pathetic.

  The nights this time of year in the suburbs of Sydney are quite hot, but his body temperature next to mine feels fine. I’m certainly not complaining. “I used to watch Lassie on television with my dad when I was a kid, which I’m not anymore by the way.” He throws back his head and laughs. Ignoring him I continue. “After every episode I’d beg him to buy me a dog just like that. One day he came home with Lassie. Of course he wasn’t a Collie, but I didn’t care. They both had the long hair and similar colouring. My Lassie came from a litter of pups from one of the police dogs on the force. That’s how my dad got him.”

  “Nice story, great dog, but unfortunately still a shit name for my man Larry.” I playfully elbow him in the stomach and he laughs again. He’s really let his guard down tonight. I wish he was like this more often. He’s actually not a bad guy when he’s not being an arsehole.

  “I like it, so it’s staying,” I enforce.

  “Well, I like Larry, so that’s what I’m going to continue to call him,” he counters, pulling me closer to his side. I’m so short compared to him that I fit neatly under his arm.

  We walk the rest of the block in silence. I’m tempted to wrap my arm around his waist, but I don’t. I’m sure that his arm around me is nothing romantic on his part, just a friendly gesture. When we reach my place we stop walking. “Are you going to come in, or head home?” I ask.

  “Nah. I think I’ll head home. Tell your dad thanks for inviting me over tonight,” he replies, dropping his arm from my shoulder and turning to face me.

  “I will.” I turn to walk away. “Goodnight, Carter,” I say looking at him over my shoulder. He reaches out and pulls me back towards him. My body lands flush against his. Turning me to face him, his arms slide around my waist pinning me to him.

  “Are you sorry I didn’t take your friend’s advice?” His voice is low and sexy. His eyes lock with mine, and my heart rate accelerates.

  “What?” At first I’m not sure what he’s talking about, then it hits me. Meg’s comment. “No,” I screech screwing up my face.

  “Liar,” he says smirking. “You were hoping I’d take advantage of you.”

  “I was not.” I try to turn to walk away again, but he holds me tight. He’s so full of himself. Sure there was a part of me that hoped he would, but I’m certainly not going to admit that to him. It’s puzzling that I’d even want that considering the way he treats me.

  He pulls me closer against him while one of his hands tilts my face up towards his, locking his eyes with mine. My heart is beating so fast now. His gaze moves down to my lips before moving back to my eyes. His face inches forward ever so slowly. Oh God. I think he’s going to kiss me.

  My breath hitches when his lips are mere centimetres from mine. “You want me to kiss you don’t you?” he breathes.

  “Yes,” I whisper without hesitation. Did I just admit that out loud? I kind of expect him to start laughing and hold it over me with a, “See I told you, you wanted me,” but surprisingly he doesn’t. Instead he groans before his lips gently meet mine. My hands slide up his front, fisting in his shirt, pulling him closer.

  When my lips part he slides his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss. This is one hot kiss. I moan against his mouth. Nobody has ever kissed me like this before. It’s one of those kisses that make your toes curl. Is it possible to have an orgasm from just a kiss because I think I’m close to having one right now?

  I clench my thighs togeth
er. Nobody has ever turned me on like this. Suddenly, the porch light comes on. Shit, my dad. We both pull away from each other with a start. “Indi, is that you out there?” my father calls through the screen door.

  “Yes, it’s me,” I reply, my eyes still locked on Carter. We’re both breathing heavy. “I’m coming inside now.” Carter exhales as his hands run through his dark hair. His eyes still haven’t left mine. I think he’s just as shocked as I am.

  I take a few steps backwards. What the hell was that? I can’t speak. I have no words for what just happened. No words for how that kiss made me feel. “I have to go,” is all I say as I turn and run up the front steps. Far out.



  Jesus Christ. What the fuck was that? I don’t know what just came over me. Sure, from the moment I saw her, I wanted those lips on mine, I’ll admit that. But, never did I think I would act on those feeling. Never did I think it would actually happen. And never did I think it would make me feel what I just did. Fuck.

  I’m well and truly screwed.

  After she walks into the house I continue to stand there. I can’t seem to get my legs to work. My middle leg is working just fine. That fucker is standing proud. It’s so fucking hard it actually hurts. Why did I go there? Why?

  When the blood eventually leaves my cock and flows back into my legs, I drag my arse towards the house. I don’t bother going through the front door. I head straight for my bedroom window. I can’t face my mum or Fuckwit right now. My head is all over the place. What am I going to do? As much as I’d like to, I can’t go there with her. I just can’t.


  After a sleepless night, I rise early and head for my car. I have no idea where I’m going, but I can’t hang around here today. I can’t risk running into Indiana. That kiss is still haunting me. What I need to do is stay the hell away from her. She makes me feel things. Things I don’t want to feel.

  It’s taken me twelve long years to build this barrier around my heart. My protective shield. The one that blocks out all feelings. If you can’t feel, you can’t hurt. Right? That’s my logic anyway.

  It has only taken her days to put a crack in the foundation I worked hard at erecting. Fuck her and her sunshine and rainbows. Fuck her and her light that’s trying to penetrate my darkness. I don’t need it, and I sure as hell don’t want it.

  I end up at a park, miles from where I now live. I’m not even sure of the suburb. Who fucking cares? It gives me what I need: distance, time to think, time to process. Time to figure out what the hell I’m going to do about Indiana-fucking-Montgomery. Why is she worming her way into my heart?

  Stubbing out my cigarette, I light up another. That’s not helping either. Reaching across to the passenger seat, I slide my hand underneath and pull out my sketchpad. It’s been months since I’ve drawn anything. Maybe that may calm me the hell down. It’s worked in the past.

  Flicking through the pages, I study some of my other drawings. They’re pretty dark; skulls, demons and snakes, shit like that. It suits my personality I guess. Retrieving a pencil out of the glove compartment, I start to draw. When I’m done, I stare down at my work.

  Usually I get into the zone and let my hand draw what it wants. Of course today it chose to draw her. Those big eyes framed with long, thick, dark lashes and those beautiful plump lips that taste like fucking heaven. Christ she’s beautiful. Damn her.

  Tearing the drawing from the sketchpad, I screw it up and toss it on the floor. Grabbing my cigarettes, I get out of the car and walk across the park, eventually settling under a tree.

  I open my pad to a fresh page. This time I make sure I control what my hand does. No fucking kid. It ends up being a picture of a skull with a snake coming out of the eye sockets and black roses wrapped in its tail. That’s more like it. Placing it on my lap, I light another cigarette and I sit back and admire my handiwork.

  “Hey, buddy. Got a light?” someone asks. I look up to see a guy approaching covered in tattoos. He has a huge silver spike piercing through his eyebrow and one-inch ear plugs in his lobes. I don’t mind the odd piercing, but stretching your earlobe seems extreme to me. It’s not like you’re gonna be wearing plugs in your ears when you’re seventy years old. What are you gonna do with those huge-arse fucking holes then?

  “Sure,” I say throwing it to him.

  “Thanks. I left mine at the shop.” He leans forward and passes it back once his cigarette is lit. “Hey, did you draw that?” he asks looking down at my sketchpad.

  “Yeah,” I answer.

  “That’s pretty good. Mind if I take a look?”

  “Sure. Knock yourself out,” I say handing it to him. I’ve never shown anyone my work before, but I don’t know this guy, so who cares what he thinks? I don’t.

  “That would make a fucking awesome tatt. Ever thought of selling these?” he asks.

  “Nah. I just do it for fun.”

  “I own the tattoo parlour across the road,” he says pointing across the park towards the line of shops on the other side of the street. He flicks back through some of the other drawings. “Fuck, these are wicked.”

  “Thanks man,” I answer. I’ll admit I’m pretty stoked that he likes my work.

  “I’m serious. I’d love to buy some of these. I’m always looking for new designs. You wanna sell them?” I shrug. Do I? I’m not really sure. It would be kind of cool to know my drawings were inked on someone permanently. I’ve even considered getting a few myself when I can afford it. Tattoos don’t come cheap. “Do ya wanna come check out my shop?”

  “Sure, why not,” I reply, standing. I’ve got nothing better to do.

  “Jax,” he says extending his hand to me.


  I walk with him across the street. His shop’s pretty cool. It doesn’t look like much from out in the street, but inside the setup is wicked. My eyes dart around before landing on the girl behind the desk. She has a full sleeve tattoo on both arms and hot pink hair, but believe it or not it suits her. She’s pretty hot. She has a nice rack, too. I’m guessing she’s in her early twenties.

  “Candice, this is Carter,” Jax says as we approach her.

  She makes no attempt to hide the fact she’s checking me out. “Hi handsome,” she winks.

  “Hey,” I say with a flick of my head.

  “Check out these drawings,” Jax says giving her my sketchpad. I know my drawings are good, but I’m uncomfortable about her seeing them for some reason.

  “Wow, these are amazing. Did you do these?” she asks making eye contact with me. I nod. “They’re great. Oh I’d love this one on my arse,” she says pointing to the image of a skull laying across a bed of roses. Her comment makes me smile. I bet she’s got a nice arse, too.

  “I’ll give you a hundred and fifty dollars,” Jax says suddenly. I shrug.

  “I guess.” I still can’t believe he wants to buy them.

  “Alright.” He flips through the book and counts how many drawings there are. “Fifteen,” he says leaning over to pick up the calculator off the counter. He presses some numbers into it. “That’s … two thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars,” he adds. “You happy with that?”

  “You’re paying me a hundred and fifty dollars per drawing?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yeah. Did you think it was one fifty for the lot?”

  “I did.” I feel stupid now. Jax laughs and shakes his head at my naivety.

  “These are good man. I’ll make more than my money back in one sitting. They’re going to sell well. I already know a few guys that are gonna love these.”

  “Shit,” I say, smiling as I shake my head. Who knew a few little drawings could make me that much cash? I’ll be able to get those parts I put on hold for the car now.

  “I’ve got a client coming in shortly. I’ve gotta go set up. Candice will fix you up with the cash. It was nice meeting you man,” he says shaking my hand. “If you have any more drawings you wanna get rid of, you kno
w where to find me.”

  “Thanks,” I reply. I’m still shocked. This is fucking awesome.

  “No, thank you. Catch ya on the flip side,” he says walking towards the back rooms. I like him. He’s a cool guy.

  Candice opens the register and starts counting out the cash onto the counter. “There you go, handsome.” She gives me a flirtatious smile when she hands me the money.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking the money and shoving it into my pocket. I watch as she carefully tears out the pages with the drawings on them before picking up a pen and writing something inside the cover of my pad.

  “Here. I wrote my number inside. If you ever want to hook up give me a call. I’d like to see what else you can do with those hands of yours.” I chuckle at her comment as I reach for my sketchpad. I like a woman who knows what she wants.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say with a wink as I turn to walk out of the shop. Usually I’d be all over that, but I need to sort this shit out with Indiana first. Fuck me.

  I decide to get something to eat. Since I left the house so early I haven’t even had breakfast. There’s café a few doors down, so I head in that direction.

  Once I’ve eaten I head back to my car. It’s not even midday and I have no plans to go home yet. If I can avoid seeing Indiana all day, I will. Now that I’m cashed up I guess I can do whatever I want.


  It’s dark by the time I sneak back into my room. Indi’s bedroom light is off. She’s probably already asleep. Fuck knows what I’m going to do about school in the morning. I’m not sure if I want to give her a lift. Having her near me isn’t a good idea. I need to get these feelings I have, sorted out first.

  “Carter, are you in there?” my mum asks knocking on my door.

  “Yeah, Mum. Come in.”

  “Where have you been all day? I’ve been worried,” she asks, concern etched on her face.

  “Just went for a drive. That’s all.”

  “Are you okay?” she says, coming to sit beside me on the bed. I recognise that tone. She’s worried. I hate making her worry.


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