Highland Revenge

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Highland Revenge Page 7

by Brandy Golden

  "I know ye mean well, but I also know Canton is not finished with us yet,” whispered Eileen gratefully, pressing an impulsive kiss against his mouth. Then she blushed slightly, confused at her own daring.

  Gallagher was delighted. “How do ye know this?” He quickly pressed his advantage and placed a tender kiss on her pink mouth and waited for her answer.

  "Because I do,” she replied somewhat breathlessly. “Sometimes knowledge just comes to me ... out of nowhere. I can't explain it, but I just know.” She hated to admit it, but she was actually enjoying the feel of his warm body on hers. Maybe that was an exaggeration ... at least she didn't feel repulsed by him ... not yet anyway.

  "Then ye must know how much I want ye right now,” he said huskily, bringing his hand up to tentatively cover her breast. His thumb found the small bud beneath the fabric and he teased it gently, feeling it harden. “Let me pleasure ye, wee one, let me make ye forget all about what happened before. I promise ye will enjoy it."

  Eileen stiffened. Whether or not she would enjoy it, she didn't know. But what was obvious to her was that he wanted to pleasure himself just as much. It didn't take a bolt out of the blue for her to know that! She also knew she wasn't ready for this and didn't know if she ever would be. Forget what had happened to her? Not in this lifetime. She grunted and pushed him off her. “I don't think so."

  Gallagher was disappointed, but he accepted his rejection philosophically. He would give her more time. He rolled away and came to his feet. The first fingers of dawn were stretching across the skyline and it looked to be a bonny day. He grinned down at her and put his hand out for her to take. “Up, wife. If ye won't see to your husband's needs, then ye can at least wash my back in the stream."

  Nonplussed, Eileen hesitated, and then put her small hand into her husband's large palm ... the same one that had blistered her butt twice over now. In a way, it felt symbolic to her, and she fought the feeling of belonging. Their marriage was only temporary, and she had no intention of tying him to her with a child ... not if he didn't love her. He had given her the option of leaving after a year, and she intended to hold him to it. Even though he meant well, she had no desire to be in another loveless marriage. Without love, he would eventually tire of her and be off to greener pastures, while she would be left behind, miserable and unhappy. She kept her thoughts to herself as she smiled up at him and rose to her feet.

  "I see rejection doesn't put ye in a foul mood anyway,” she replied cautiously as she allowed him to lead her to the brook.

  "Nay, I've been rejected before.” He winked at her. “But I'll win in the end, just so ye know."

  With his warm hand holding hers and his cheerful mocking grin, Eileen's heart melted a bit more, and she couldn't help but smile back. She was suddenly glad he was not the normal dour, brooding Scotsman that she was used to. His rakish humor appealed to her and lightened her heavy heart, making her feel almost like a young girl again. Some days, she felt as old as the hills.

  They spent an agreeable morning, Gallagher regaling her with some of the tales of his pirating days and describing the double wedding of Morg and Kat, and Frankie and Jacques. It had been a hectic few minutes when Kat had announced she wasn't going to marry a man dressed in a skirt, but Morg had rushed her off to his study to convince her. Gallagher admitted he didn't know what Morg had done to change her mind, but it had seemed to work! They had both come out with a big smile on their faces. He winked at her, and Eileen had to chuckle.

  When her lovely mouth turned up in a smile, Gallagher wondered what it would take to make her laugh ... really laugh ... and he vowed to make it happen. In the meantime, he was in no hurry. There would be plenty of work to do when they reached Brincairn and he wanted this time to get to know her better.

  He watched as Eileen concentrated on the rabbit, the tip of her tongue coming out to touch her upper lip as she drew the arrow back in the bow. The arrow flew true and straight to its intended target, and she flashed him a triumphant smile, her eyes brimming with satisfaction. “Excellent,” he said heartily. Then with mischief filling his own silver eyes, he pointed to the rabbit and said, “now, fetch!"

  Eileen gaped at him and then stuttered, “You ... you ... ohhhh ... you fetch it yourself! Do I look like a dog to you?” She folded her arms and tapped her foot, sending him a blistering glare.

  "Here now, what did I tell ye about obeying your husband?” He shook his head woefully. “And after we just discussed all this too. Ye leave me no choice but to take ye in hand yet again.” He advanced on her menacingly, a wicked smile on his face.

  "Don't ye even dare,” she replied nervously, backing up, holding her hand up to ward him off. “I mean it, Gallagher, ye are not going to spank me.” She knew he was just playing with her, but she still didn't know him well enough to know what to expect! Seeing his determined advance, she whirled to run.

  In an instant, he had her, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to the old tree trunk, purposely noted by him before he had started teasing her. He quickly dispersed of her riding skirt in spite of her hands everywhere, protesting and pushing against his own.

  It was a breathless few minutes until he had her face down over his platform of thighs, pushing the cotton knickers apart with his eager hand. “Naughty, minx,” he said softly, running his palm over the satiny texture. “Here is a bruise,” he added, and then bent down to place a tender kiss on the black and purple mark. He was pleased when she gasped.

  "Let me up, Gallagher, this instant,” she demanded, but Gallagher could tell her protest was halfhearted, and she was unsure of herself. Taking advantage of her indecision, he began to caress her warm flesh, gently kneading here and there, smiling when she groaned.

  "Don't be giving orders to your husband when he is correcting ye,” he demanded softly. His hand slid down one delicious curve of buttock to thigh and slowly back up the other, reveling in the satiny feel. When his fingers wandered into that secret place in a light caress, he could hear her strangled moan. With a chuckle, he lifted his hand and brought it lightly down on her upturned cheeks, loving it when they pressed in beneath his palm and bounced back out.

  Eileen gasped from the sting, but she knew he wasn't really punishing her, he was playing with her, and God help her ... she was enjoying it! This was so far from the way she had expected him to woo her that she was taken off guard. She was unprepared for the unexpected feelings that rushed through her body when his fingers brushed against her womanly parts, and she was shocked at herself.

  "Gallagher ... No!” She squirmed beneath his hand as he lightly spanked her several more times and with a horrified gasp, she felt wetness between her thighs that cooled as the gentle warm breezes blew across her buttocks. She was mortally embarrassed as his fingers once again found the cleft that led to the treasure trove between her thighs and unerringly, the soft nub of pleasure that had her instinctively pushing back against his hand.

  "Ye like that, don't ye, minx?” he chuckled, continuing his exploration between the springy curls; smug that his ministrations were proving she was not immune to pleasure. He gloried exultantly in the knowledge that he could evoke such a response from her, and in spite of her protests, he continued to slide in and out of that soaking channel, rubbing the delightful bud longer each time, and she began to writhe over his lap and plead.

  "Oh, please, Gallagher,” she moaned, “please!"

  "Please what,” he asked wickedly. “Please stop?"

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  Chapter Six

  "No! I mean, yes,” panted Eileen, “ye mustn't do this!” She didn't know exactly what “this” was, but the feelings he was evoking in her virginal body were very powerful.

  "Why not?” Gallagher asked teasingly, his fingers still stroking that soft sweet fold of flesh. “We are married, tis proper for a man and his wife to play in this manner."

  "P ... play?” Eileen echoed weakly. Something was building inside her, a feeling of need so strong sh
e was losing all power to concentrate on anything but the sweet pleasure that was coursing through her. Desperately, she tried to hang onto reason. “Lord's sake, Gallagher, have mercy,” she pleaded. “Don't ... don't...” She stopped begging, no longer able to utter more than a high keening as her body took over and refused to allow her to stop him, its need overwhelming and consuming her.

  "Don't worry, I won't stop,” chuckled Gallagher knowingly. He put every ounce of feeling into pleasuring her and was delighted when she screamed her release, her body shaking violently and trembling with pleasure she had never before experienced. While she lay panting over his lap, he stroked up and down her thighs, gentling her as he would a nervous filly, calming her with soothing words and soft touches. It was a beginning.

  Finally, he eased her over and pulled her up into his arms, her face flushing under his knowing eye. He hugged her close when she hid her face in his chest, his laughter and delight rumbling down deep in his chest. She was heartbreakingly innocent, in spite of all she had been through. He found himself captivated by this prickly little wench, as though she were weaving a spell around him, and Gallagher already knew he had no intention of letting her go. No, he would woo her instead. He would have her in his bed, teach her to love and trust him, no matter how long it took.

  He groaned as another part of his anatomy reminded him that it needed attention too, and he shifted her slightly on his lap.

  "What's wrong?” Eileen asked, feeling him move her. She looked up at him, still blushing.

  "Do ye need to ask that?” Gallagher asked, grinning wryly. Seeing that she still looked puzzled, he took her hand and slid it beneath his kilt. The feel of her hand on his throbbing shaft and her bare soft buttocks cradled between his thighs was almost his undoing. “Have pity, lass, let me sit ye on top here and relieve my own need.” He whispered in her hair. “Tis as powerful as yours was a few minutes ago."

  Whether it was the lack of a traditional bedroom setting, or just what it was, Eileen didn't know, but her curiosity was suddenly consuming, and she brushed the kilt back to get a better look. She gasped when she saw Gallagher's male protrusion standing straight up, and her small hand instinctively closed around it, barely able to contain its girth. It felt warm and smooth and it throbbed in her hand. She stared, fascinated at the sight as a small bead of moisture glistened on the slit in the head. “Unless ye plan on doing something with that, ye had best let go,” Gallagher said in a strangled voice. “I know I promised not to do anything ye didn't want, but a man has only got so much control."

  Eileen jerked her hand away and scrambled off his lap, then stood staring at him, the feelings inside her wild and foreign. She was tempted to throw caution to the wind and allow him to explore her body, and she his, but the thought of what their union would mean was too daunting. “I'm s ... sorry,” she stammered. She snatched her riding tartan up and put her legs into it, sliding it quickly back in place. When she looked up again, Gallagher was getting their horses.

  "Ye lead the way to your friend's home in LaCra,” he said tersely.

  Eileen swung into her saddle and began trotting ahead of Gallagher and Minion, her thoughts troubled. When she glanced back at him, he seemed tense and brooding, and she wondered if she had made him truly angry with her. A sense of loss swept over her as the playful, teasing companion of the morning disappeared and a curt, foreboding stranger took his place. Now, he resembled the Scots she was familiar with! Nevertheless, she lifted her chin in unspoken defiance. After all, it was his fault! She hadn't asked for his attentions!

  Gallagher watched her as they rode silently, her back stiff and straight before him. He knew he had only himself to blame, but he had been intensely disappointed when she hadn't returned to his lap. He had seen the indecision, the longing in her beautiful face, and he wanted her ... badly! He cursed himself for making that ridiculous promise to force nothing on her that she didn't want. He knew her body wanted it. It was her mind that was causing the problem, and he had to get past that first.

  He had only been teasing and playing with her and hadn't counted on the explosive reaction and the subsequent curiosity. There was no doubt about it ... Eileen Brincairn was a highly sensual woman, with hidden fire that even she was not aware of. Fires he was longing to explore. Damn! His shaft was still hard and throbbing ... he didn't think he had ever wanted a woman this much! Briefly, he considered breaking his promise and just taking her, but he discarded the idea. He had to build her trust, and that wasn't the way to do it.

  Eileen led the way through the sprawling village of LaCra, the colorful shops just as he remembered them. Nothing changed much in the Highland Villages; life went on as normal in spite of the wars and skirmishes in the outer provinces. The peaceful village nestled along the mountain pass, a welcome stop for many a visitor, and Gallagher sniffed the air appreciatively as they neared an Inn.

  He hoped her friend, Mary, had something to eat; he hadn't eaten since last night. He continued to follow her along a winding path that led off to the right of the main street through town, and it wasn't long before they came upon a small cottage. Chickens scattered as the horses plodded into the yard, and a bristling black dog barked, standing guard at the door of the home.

  They had dismounted and walked beneath the thatched overhang to knock on the door when they heard a woman crying out in pain. The cries were coming from behind the house, and they quickly rushed around the corner and stopped when they saw a man, holding a woman under one arm and spanking her dress covered behind with the other.

  "Stop, Allen ... someone is here,” yelped Mary, her arms flailing. She blushed red with embarrassment at the site of Eileen and her handsome companion.

  "Would ye like us to wait around front?” Asked Gallagher politely, as the strong man set his petite woman on the ground and turned around, still holding onto her arm.

  "Eileen, tis a pleasure to see ye, lass,” he boomed, his blue eye's twinkling. His blonde thatch waved in the afternoon breeze, and his ruddy cheeks fairly glowed with health and good humor. He strode forward, dragging Mary with him, to shake Gallagher's hand heartily as Eileen introduced them.

  "This is Gallagher Brincairn,” she said, smiling at Mary with sympathy. She turned to Gallagher. “And this is Allen and Mary Montgomery."

  Allen's bright eyes were inquisitive. “Brincairn ... you don't mean the old Laird's son that took off for parts unknown do ye?” Everyone in the Highlands had heard the story of Donald and his son at one time or another, although Allen had been but a youth when it had happened.

  "Aye, the same,” replied Gallagher, nodding cautiously.

  "Welcome home,” added Mary thoughtfully, glancing sideways at Eileen. Her brown eyes were asking Eileen what the story was, but she didn't say anything aloud. “It's good to see ye well, Eileen. I take it ye were successful in overthrowing Canton?"

  "It wasn't much of a battle. Morgan and Gallagher arrived in the midst of it, and everyone just stopped fighting. Canton escaped after that."

  "How is it that ye two are traveling alone? Where is Morgan? And where is the rest of the Brincairn clan?” Allen looked disapprovingly at Eileen, and then behind her as if hoping to see the rest of their party.

  "Eileen and I are married now,” broke in Gallagher, putting his arm defensively around Eileen's waist. “We were married two days ago at the Abbey in Castle McKenna. We are getting to know each other on our return trip, and chose to travel alone."

  Allen noted the protective gesture, but his concerned gaze slid sideways to his wife. She looked at him too, but neither was inclined to pry, although they were fair to bursting with curiosity. He cleared his throat. “I've some business to finish with my wife, then we'll meet the two of ye inside. Mayhap you can tell us what ye feel comfortable with whilst Mary fixes ye a bite to eat."

  "But, Allen, we have company!"

  "All right,” Gallagher agreed smoothly, taking Eileen's arm and turning her towards the house. He had no intention of interfering w
ith a man on a mission.

  Eileen shot Mary a sympathetic glance as she allowed Gallagher to lead her away. When she glanced behind her, Allen was escorting Mary towards the woodshed out back. Eileen had been in there, although it was only to get wood, but she knew Allen used it for discipline.

  Eileen fidgeted uneasily, pacing back and forth as they waited for Mary and Allen. Poor Mary! Having to receive a spanking when she had company waiting for her!

  "Will ye settle, wife, and stop pacing?” growled Gallagher finally. He reached up and pulled her down on his knee, ignoring her protest.

  "I don't think he should humiliate Mary like that,” she said through gritted teeth. Her own backside twinged in sympathy, the bruises from her own spanking making themselves known as she sat on Gallagher's hard muscled thigh.

  "Tis not for us to judge,” he replied firmly, taking her slender fingers in one hand and playing with them. “A man handles his own wife as he sees fit."

  "I still don't like it,” she responded. At that moment, Mary preceded Allen through the back door of the cottage, her eyes red, and sniffling. Eileen sprang up to help her friend while the two men sat at the table to talk, Allen offering Gallagher a tankard of Highland ale.

  "How did ye end up married, Leeni?” Mary asked curiously as she sliced large slabs of bread. “And to the old Laird's son at that!"

  "It's a long story, Mary,” confessed Eileen cautiously. As much as she loved her friend, it wouldn't do to share all her personal life with her. Protecting Soren was her first objective these days, and anything that might point to Donald Brincairn not being his father must be strictly kept to herself. Eileen, herself, had not known Soren's father. But the King had authorized their marriage ... therefore it was acceptable. Another example of male power, she thought bitterly.


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