Highland Revenge

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Highland Revenge Page 13

by Brandy Golden

  "Mother would be proud of her, wouldn't she, Aunt Ester?” Gallagher's smoky gaze swung back to his Aunt.

  "Aye, she would indeed. She would be most happy to know ye have found love, Gallagher. It was her deepest desire."

  Eileen waited with bated breath for him to confirm his Aunt's words, but it didn't come.

  "Tis time for us to go, Aunt,” said Gallagher huskily, getting to his feet. “I promised Eileen a picnic in the woods at the Rose cottage.” He pulled Eileen to her feet. When he touched her, Eileen knew immediately he was holding back. She could feel the tension and strain inside him like a stab of instant knowledge.

  It seemed she only got these insights when someone touched her—when they were in the depths of strong emotion. Gallagher must be having a hard time with their relationship. He must not be able to love her and didn't know how to tell her. She gave him a faltering smile and ducked her head to hide the disappointment she knew would show in her eyes.

  She knew she was in love in with him. That first night, when he had been so patient with her, had sealed it. She had only fallen harder as the days had gone by.

  "The Rose cottage, how delightful! Such a beautiful place,” replied Lady McCann. “The perfect place for lovers.” She followed them to the door. “Have a good time, my dears,” she added as she gave each of them a gentle kiss on the cheek.

  When Eileen didn't answer, she sensed something was wrong, but held her council as she watched them down the path. “Bless ye, my children,” she murmured. “I pray that whatever is wrong, ye are able to work it out. Tis obvious ye belong together."

  Gallagher sensed Eileen's withdrawal, and her replies to his questions and comments were short and clipped. He finally lapsed into silence. He carried the basket with the picnic food inside it in one hand and held Eileen's hand in his other one. Had he really offended her so much?

  He hadn't replied to his Aunt's comment about his mother wanting him to find love. He knew Eileen didn't love him, and he didn't want to push her. He was doing his best to make her love him, the way he already did her, but he was worried. Not once had she even whispered her affection for him. Gratitude—yes. Affection—no.

  The Rose cottage never failed to lift Eileen's spirits, and she had spent many happy hours here with Soren as a babe in her arms. Donald had never come near the place. It had been designed and tended by the Lady McDuggan, his wife, and he didn't like to be reminded of her.

  Amelia McDuggan had loved roses, and there were all kinds of them. The arch that stood at the entrance path to the cottage was lined with rambling red roses, their pretty scent filling the air. The roses continued along the low brick wall that surrounded the thatched cottage. Pink ramblers climbed the twin trellis on either side of the door and ran along the wooden ledge above the stone doorway. Behind the cottage, was a rock patio made of many different colors of rocks and surrounded by large white rose bushes. Near the feet of the bushes, short lavender lilies grew, their beautiful heads just meeting the whiteness of the roses, creating a soft elegant look. A large oak tree stood in one corner of the backyard, a white wrought iron bench beneath its spreading branches. Everywhere the eye looked, there was a profusion of green foliage and bright heads of colored roses. There were dainty arbors to sit beneath, each covered with brightly colored rambling roses intertwining among the iron supports.

  There was a peace and serenity here that had been a balm to Eileen's troubled spirit, and she had spent as much time here as she could. After Donald was gone, she had spent many nights here as well, enjoying the evening peace and a cheerful fire in the stone fireplace that ran along one entire wall of the cottage.

  Gallagher spread the blanket he had brought beneath a red rose arbor, its flower covered roof providing a shelter from the hot sun—and any curious eyes that happened by. He began taking the food out and setting it on the blanket, hoping she would begin talking again.

  Eileen watched him silently, her disappointment almost a tangible thing. She had allowed the physical side of their union to overcome her concern for the future. She hadn't realized how much she had hoped he might fall in love with her until she had been brought up short at his reluctance to say anything earlier. What if he were to get bored with her and resort to another woman? Wouldn't she be better off to end it now and take Soren back to Castle McKenna? The longer she put it off, the harder it would be, and she didn't know how much more sorrow she could take.

  When Gallagher urged her to eat, she smiled wistfully and tried to obey him, but the food seemed to choke her.

  They made love beneath the rose arbor. For the first time, Eileen was able to accept Gallagher's body above hers, to accept his kiss as he gently took her. The tears trickled down the sides of her face at the sweetness and beauty of it. She made up her mind then, she couldn't stay. Not when every day tied her more strongly to him. Soon, she would never be able to leave, and Gallagher deserved to find that true love his mother had wanted for him. He had helped her to heal; the least she could do was let him go.

  "What is it, wee one?” Gallagher caught a tear with his finger as it trickled down the side of her face. “Why the tears?” He pulled her into his embrace on the blanket, tucking her small head under his chin.

  "Ye have given me so much, Gallagher,” she replied softly into his chest. “Ye have taught me the true beauty of physical love. And ye have chased away the darkness. For that, I thank ye."

  "It has been my pleasure, Leeni. Ye are a very special lass, and I'm grateful to have ye in my life."

  Eileen regretfully rolled over and sat up. This was going to be hard, but she might as well get it over with. “I ... I'll be leaving for Castle McKenna in the morning. I'll take Melba and a few personal guards with me. I ... I just wanted ye to know."

  She was shocked when she was suddenly slammed back against the blanket, the breath whooshing from her as Gallagher pinned her beneath him. “What do ye mean—leaving? Why would ye be leaving?” The smoky haze turned to glinting steel as his eyes raked her face.

  "Because this isn't going to work, and ye know it,” she hissed.

  "So ye are leaving me? Just like that?” He looked so angry that Eileen turned her face away from him, flinching. “We had a deal!” Desperately he looked for a reason to make her stay, despair filling his heart. “Ye promised me, Eileen!"

  When she closed her eyed and refused to answer him, he flung himself off her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he yanked his clothes on. “Go then, damn ye! But don't bother coming back, I'm not interested in a woman who doesn't want me."

  Eileen's heart broke as she watched him stride away. It was a long time before she was finally able to dress and go back to the castle, her feet dragging with every step. She didn't see Gallagher anywhere, and it only deepened her sorrow at having hurt him. He would get over it, though, once he found real love. She would only be a brief memory in his life. She would always remember him, though, and she didn't think she would ever marry again.

  Eileen was as pale as death when she and Melba began to pack. Melba fussed and scolded, chiding her young charge for her foolishness. “Why ye would want to leave a man who is so obviously taken with ye, I can't imagine,” she said scathingly.

  Unable to endure her old friends censure any longer, Eileen burst out, “He doesn't love me, Melba. I love him, but he doesn't love me, and I cannot tie him down, knowing his mother wanted him to find love above everything else in this world. Don't you see?” She sat down on the edge of the bed, the tears flowing once again. “Oh Melba,” she said brokenly, “I have to leave, while I've still got the strength to do it. I can't do this to him, I can't tie him to a loveless marriage."

  * * * *

  "What do ye mean, she's leaving?” Dungally scowled at Gallagher, his expression fierce as he asked the question.

  "Ye heard me,” replied Gallagher, landing another fierce blow to the log he was splitting. After leaving Eileen, he had taken the axe from the gardener and began chopping kindling and firewood, his
back glistening with sweat as his powerful muscles took his frustration out on the hapless logs.


  Gallagher stopped to wipe the sweat from his forehead, glaring angrily at Dungally. “Because she doesn't love me, that's why!"

  "Huh?” Dungally grunted, scratching his head. “Just how do ye figure that one? Are ye daft, lad? Did she tell ye that?"

  Gallagher swung mightily at a new log before answering in a clipped voice, “She didn't have to. Why else would she leave? And don't call me daft!” He stopped again to scowl at Dungally.

  Dungally bowed mockingly. “Pardon me, my Lord, but have you ever told her ye loved her? Women need to hear these things ye know."

  "No, I didn't want to push her."

  "God's breath,” muttered Dungally. “It's obvious ye don't know anything about women."

  "I know plenty about women—I've bedded my fair share,” growled Gallagher, flushing at Dungally's mocking tone.

  "Aye, but ye've never loved one—until now. Love and lust may be cousins, but they aren't the same shaft at all."

  Gallagher looked suddenly unsure of himself. “It's too late now, I told her to never come back."

  "May the saints preserve us,” sighed Dungally. “Mayhap we can yet pull your bacon out of the fire. Go to her, tell her ye love her, then see what she says."

  Gallagher looked doubtful.

  "What have ye got to lose?” Dungally asked, getting aggravated. “Go! Before she leaves ye!"

  Gallagher looked at the older man, then threw the heavy axe on the ground and stalked off determinedly. He would tell her, he decided. And if she didn't stay then, he would just put her over his knee and remind her of her commitment to him!

  Eileen looked up, startled at the brown-skinned, bare-chested man storming into her bedroom with the angry scowl on his face. He looked furious, but she stood and faced him bravely.

  Gallagher waved Melba out of the room, and she left, closing the door behind her.

  Hands on his hips, Gallagher studied her pale face. It looked like she had been crying again. He cleared his throat and spoke, “I love ye, Eileen McDuggan. Are ye going to stay with me, or do I have to turn ye over my knee and spank your bare arse until ye give in?"

  At first Eileen stared at him in unbelief. “Say that again,” she demanded.

  "I love ye, ye wretched woman!"

  Tears spurted into Eileen's eyes once again. “Oh, Gallagher,” she sobbed flying to his arms and burying her face in the broad chest. “I love ye too."

  Gallagher sighed in relief and held her so tightly that Eileen thought she might suffocate for a moment. “I love ye so much, Leeni, I can't imagine my life without ye.” He tipped her chin up to kiss her soft trembling lips.

  The knowledge flashed through Eileen once again, the strongest impression she had received yet, and she cried and laughed with pure joy. Then she surrendered to a long drugging kiss.

  She was shocked when Gallagher suddenly sat on the bed and flipped her over his broad thighs, her long skirts tossed over her head. “What are ye doing..."

  Gallagher cut her off with a sharp spank to the creamy rounded globes peeking from between the divided knickers. “This is for leaving me the first time,” he growled. Then he smacked her again on the other side. “And this is for leaving me the second time and getting yourself kidnapped.” Finally, he slapped her powerfully across the middle of her backside, eliciting a painful howl from his victim. “And that was for telling me ye were leaving me for yet a third time!"

  "But ... Gallagher..."

  "And this is to make sure ye never think of leaving me again,” he said cheerfully. He laid into her then, despite her cries and protests and gave her a good hard spanking. At last he pulled her upright and began to take off her clothes. “Are ye going to leave me again, Leeni?” He asked, after he had her naked on his lap.

  Eileen's smile was beaming through her tears, and she wound her slender arms around his neck, pushing her soft breasts into his hard chest. “Never,” she whispered throatily.

  He laid her back on the bed and quickly divested himself of his clothes and joined her.

  "It's a good thing,” he said fervently. “I'd hate to have to spank ye again."

  "I wouldn't,” she replied, and then blushed becomingly. “Sometimes, I like it when ye spank me, but not as hard as ye just did."

  He chuckled knowingly and smiled down into those gorgeous purple eyes that had so entranced him from the moment he met her. “There's plenty more where that came from, so ye had best behave yourself."

  "Aye, my Lord,” she whispered against his mouth. “I'll try my best.” Her eyes twinkled up at him.

  "Me too,” he promised wickedly as he ran his palm beneath her warm buttocks and squeezed gently.

  He dipped his head and their mouths met. When his hard shaft found its home deep inside her, she knew instantly she had conceived. She thought her heart would burst with joy as she clung to Gallagher. Glancing out the brightly lit window, she thanked God fervently for this man, and the light he had brought into her life.

  "I love ye, Gallagher,” she whispered ardently.

  He smiled gently down at her. “I love ye too."

  * * *

  Visit www.disciplineanddesire.com for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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