Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five

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Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five Page 6

by Jones, Celeste

  I’d come closer than even more experienced cops to catching him and just when I was closing in on the suspect, word came down from command that I was to stop my investigation.

  Of course, I questioned the order and even risked insubordination by chasing down my precinct captain and demanding an explanation. All he said was that orders were orders and if I was smart, I’d shut my yap and be glad I still had a job.

  That was the day I turned in my badge.

  Rather than sharing my outrage at the corruption, my parents had gloated. “Now that you’ve got that out of your system,” my father had said, “let’s see about getting you enrolled in law school. Or better yet, there’s always a job for you at the bank.”

  By a stroke of fate, I’d seen the advertisement for a sheriff’s deputy in Juniper Junction. Wyoming Territory had seemed just about far enough away from my family and as soon as I’d secured the job, I hopped on a train headed west.

  And now, I was in the best room of the Grand Hotel bathing the former maid who had been my travel companion.

  She sighed and stirred in the water and I gave myself a mental kick for wasting time thinking about the past instead of focusing on the present.

  But without the pain of the past, the pleasure of the present would not be nearly so sweet.

  And there was nothing sweeter than seeing my Minnie, who never hesitated to do anything she could for others, relaxing in the bath.

  Holding her right hand in mine, I made gentle circles with the washcloth all the way up her arm. At first, she had tensed but did not protest. As I continued dipping the cloth into the water to rinse off the suds and then soaping it again to cleanse her shoulders and neck, I felt the tension in her ebb and I smiled to myself.

  I worked my way around to her left hand and by that time, she moaned. “Oh Roy, that feels so good.”

  I chuckled hoping she’d be repeating that line several times over the following hours.

  Next I moved to her feet and did the same, though when I approached the apex of her thighs, she stiffened and her eyes flew open. “Hush now,” I whispered while I held her gaze and moved the cloth upward until it skimmed her womanhood.

  Minnie gasped and gripped the edge of the tub and I continued to stroke the fabric over her sex. As I did so, she moved her hips to increase the friction. The cloth slipped from my hand and I explored with my fingers. It was even better than what I had imagined. The lips of her pussy were plump with arousal. I pushed back the hood over her clit and rubbed my thumb there.

  My bride startled at the sensation and jolted a bit in the tub, sending water over the sides. “Oh, I’m sorry. Let me clean that up.” She turned and made as if she intended to get out. I put a stop to that.

  “You’re not going anywhere and you are not, under any circumstances, to clean anything while we are here.” I gave her clit a tweak to emphasize my point.

  She inhaled sharply. “Wh-whatever you say, Roy. Just keep doing that. It feels so good. Not like anything I’ve ever felt before.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I like touching you this way.” I pushed one finger all the way into her tight virgin passage. My cock nearly exploded, but I held back. I had other matters to take care of first.

  I continued rubbing her clit with my thumb while working my finger in and out. Even in the bath, I could feel her natural wetness increase with each stroke. Little whimpers escaped from her lips and she wiggled her hips, seeking deeper contact. Ah, I knew she’d be responsive, my sweet Minnie.

  I watched her face as a surprised expression filled it and her mouth fell open. “Roy?” She looked to me with a bit of trepidation.

  “It’s fine, Minnie. Just let me pleasure you. Relax and let it happen.”

  “Bu-but what is it? I feel… I don’t know what I feel.”

  “You don’t need to know what it is, just enjoy it. Trust me, sweetheart.”

  She nodded, then gasped before flailing in the tub, her feet pushing against the base as she reared back and let loose a moan of pleasure.

  It was music to my ears.

  Chapter 6


  My body felt hot all over and not just because of the bath water. Roy’s fingers touched me in places I didn’t know a husband might touch. It was astonishing. My body quaked in the tub, making ripples in the water and my chest heaved up and down as I struggled to calm my breathing.

  Roy cupped my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes, a satisfied smile on his face. “My sweet Minnie. That was perfect.” I had no real idea what I’d done or how it could have been done better, but between the lethargy that filtered through my body and the touch of Roy’s lips on mine in a tender kiss, all I knew was that I’d never felt this euphoric.

  “That was a climax. An orgasm,” he explained when our mouths parted.

  “Oh,” I said. “I have never heard of such a thing. Or had one.”

  “Well, you should be prepared because I expect you’re going to have plenty of them now that we are married.”

  “Really?” I asked, incredulous. “That sort of thing can happen whenever I want?” I bent forward and glanced down at the area between my thighs that Roy had been touching. The place that made me tingly.

  “In a manner of speaking. More accurately, a climax will happen whenever I want. For you are never to touch yourself here,” he placed his finger on the same spot he’d rubbed before, the one that sent jolts of pleasure all through me. Just like it did when he touched it again. “This is your clitty.” He took my hand and guided my fingers over the little nub.

  “I had no idea,” I gasped as he pushed a finger inside me while continuing to stroke my hand over my clitty, as he called it. “But Roy,” I said, “you said I am not to touch myself there, but isn’t that what you’re making me do?”

  He chuckled. “You are correct, Minnie. I should have been more clear. You are not to touch yourself there without my permission. You belong to me. This is my clitty to touch and this,” he worked another finger into my passage, “is my pussy to do with as I please. Understand?” He twisted his fingers inside me and I reared up, lusty sensations filled me.

  “Y-yes,” I said. I’d have said about anything he wanted me to, so long as he kept touching me the way he was.

  He put both my hands on the rim of the copper tub. “Don’t move unless I give you permission.”

  “O-okay,” I answered. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I trusted Roy. Plus, he’d just given me the most intense pleasure I’d ever had in my life and it seemed like he was planning to do the same again. I put my anxieties aside and focused on my husband.

  He’d already removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, though his shirt had gotten splashed with water and clung to him in different places. It was nearly translucent and I could see one of his nipples very clearly sticking out against the fabric. I licked my lips and my fingers twitched with an urge to taste and touch him.

  It was as though some primal instinct had overtaken me. Yearnings and desires I’d never considered for even a second in my entire life, flooded through me. Rather than feeling shy as Roy reached beneath the surface of the water and touched my womanly parts, I fought the need to raise my hips and meet his probing fingers.

  When Roy leaned over the tub, I wiggled and splashed more water on his shirt, revealing his other hardened nipple as well as the flat planes of his stomach.

  Oh mercy.

  He raised his brows at me after the splash, but said nothing. His attention focused on touching me. While one hand probed my core, his other hand skimmed through the water. My nipples, like Roy’s, were hard and tight. Roy cupped one in his hand, brushing his thumb over the peak.

  “Oh,” I gasped.

  “Does that feel good, Minnie?”

  “Y-yes,” I nodded, watching as he moved to do the same to my other breast. Meanwhile, he continued to plunge the fingers of his right hand in and out of my pussy.

  “Roy?” My hands gripped
the rim of the tub. I was desperate to move, but terrified that if I did so, he’d stop touching me. I never wanted him to stop touching me.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” His voice was husky and he looked at me with eyes that were half-lidded.

  “I-I think I’m going to have another… climax,” I confessed.

  “Good. That’s my goal.”

  “Bu-but, I really need to move around. I feel squirmy and wiggly.” I gazed up at him, pleading with my eyes.

  “Really?” he said, then lowered his face until his breath blew across one of my nipples. It was excruciating.

  “Please, Roy,” I begged.

  “Nope.” He sucked my nipple into his mouth and rolled it with his tongue.

  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”

  A climax rumbled through me like a stagecoach with runaway horses. But, I didn’t move.

  “What a good girl, Minnie,” Roy said with a sly grin. He lifted me from the tub and gently dried me with a towel. I rested my hands on his shoulders because my legs were quivering.

  Roy scooped me up and carried me to the massive bed, pulled back the covers and tucked me in.

  As I watched, he stood next to the bed and stripped off his wet shirt.

  “Let me hang that by the fire so it dries,” I pushed back the covers and started to get out of the bed, oblivious to the fact I was naked.

  “Stop right there,” his voice boomed.

  I froze. Confused.

  “You are not to lift one finger to take care of laundry or dishes or cleaning while we are here. Do you understand?”

  “B-but, Roy, it’ll get all wrinkled and the fire is right over there,” I protested.

  “What is it going to take for you to stop arguing with me?” He tilted his head to the side and raised his brows. “I’ve already spanked you. I’d hate to stop what I have planned next in order to discipline you, but if I have to, I will.”

  “No, no, that won’t be necessary.” I slipped under the covers and pulled them up to my chin. “See?”

  He gave me a slow, lazy smile and then held my gaze while he continued to undress.

  Oh, Lord have mercy. Those pulses between my thighs started up again. I was insatiable and yet I didn’t even really know what I wanted.

  Roy. I wanted Roy.

  His pants slid down around his hips and I stared unabashedly at his manhood.

  I’d never seen a naked man before, and certainly not one with a hard penis like Roy’s. It was so big. Thick and ramrod straight with a rounded head. I swallowed hard but couldn’t take my eyes off it.

  Once he stepped out of his pants, I took a moment to look further. His thighs were powerful and the muscles flexed as he strode toward me with a purposeful glint in his eye.

  A whimper escaped from deep in my throat.

  * * *


  I gave myself a great deal of credit that I had managed to undress and bathe my sweet virgin bride without losing all semblance of gentlemanly control.

  However, now she was mine by law and in my bed.

  She’d pulled the covers up to her chin, but that only emphasized the wide-eyed way she gazed upon my naked body. My cock was so hard, it hurt.

  I straddled her on the bed, my knees on either side of her hips, trapping her inside the blankets. I gazed at her and began to work the bedding down her body, like unwrapping a present, the way I had wanted to before her bath.

  First her shoulders, which I kissed. Then I uncovered her breasts. God in heaven. Pert and just the right amount to fill my hands. I palmed them both and watched her face as pleasure moved through her body. When I squeezed the nipples, she gave a sharp inhale and swept her head from side to side. I continued plucking at one tight tip as I lowered my mouth and kissed the other.

  Though I had her pinned between my knees, Minnie’s hips bucked and her arms, which were still under the blankets, twitched as well.

  I switched and suckled at her other breast.

  “Want to touch you,” she said, trying to free her hands.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. It’s my turn to taste you.”

  “Please,” she begged.

  “All in good time.”

  I shifted my knees around and pushed the covers off the end of the bed, revealing all of her to my touch. I moved further down and positioned myself between her thighs.

  “Roy?” she asked, her voice a husky whisper.

  “Yes, darlin’?” I kissed along her inner thigh.

  “Wh-what are you d-doing?”

  I ran my tongue along the slit of her sex, the sweet tang of her juices burst across my tongue.

  “Roy!” she gasped. “You can’t kiss me there!”

  I chuckled and looked up at her from my post between her legs. “Oh, sweet girl. I just did. And I plan to do so again and again.”


  “Does it feel good?”

  Her face flushed a deep red and she glanced away.

  “Tell me, Minnie.”

  “Yes, is that shameful?”

  “Not at all. Relax, Minnie. Let me show you.” I lowered my face again and sucked her pussy lips into my mouth. Her juices coated my chin and my tongue darted into her passage.

  “Oh, oh, Roy,” she mumbled.

  Her pussy clenched around my tongue and I knew she was close to another orgasm. I moved around so that I was kneeling with my cock just touching the opening of her sex. I pushed in about an inch and she gasped.

  “It’s okay, Minnie. You’re doing great. It might hurt a little bit this first time, but I promise you, there will be great pleasure too.”

  “You’re so big, Roy. How will … how will you fit?”

  “Don’t worry. Just relax.” I leaned down and took one breast between my lips and sucked hard while I worked my cock into her tight passage an inch at a time. I paused to allow her to get used to the feeling. I looked up, and our eyes met. There was a small smile on her face.

  “Oh, Roy!” she said, an astonished expression on her face. “It’s incredible.”

  I kissed her on the mouth and pushed in the rest of the way, swallowing her gasp of surprise when I broke through her maidenhead, holding her close as the pain subsided before I began to claim her in earnest.

  My body moved over hers and she grabbed my shoulders, squeezing as she moaned with pleasure. “Roy, I’m having another climax,” she cried out before her pussy clamped around my cock and then released as she came.

  That was all I needed and in just a few strokes I exploded inside her tight passage, my seed filling her and dripping out onto her thighs.

  I collapsed onto the bed next to her and pulled her to me. “You did great, Minnie. How do you feel?”

  “Oh, Roy,” she said, her voice dreamy, “that was wonderful. When can we do it again?”

  * * *


  I was in a daze.

  Did other people know about this?

  “Yes, Minnie. Other people do know.”

  I shrieked and stared up at Roy. “Did I say that out loud?”

  Roy was on his side, his head propped on his hand and he smiled down at me, his eyes filled with affection. “Yes, you did. I take it you enjoyed our marital relations?” He tucked a bit of my loose hair behind my ear. The touch of his fingers sent tingles through me.

  I nodded. “I did enjoy it. Did you? What can I do to make it better for you?” I touched the side of his face.

  He took hold of my hand and placed a kiss on each finger before sucking my index finger between his lips and working it in and out like a piece of stick candy.

  I whimpered and inched closer to him. He released my finger after one long slow suck, then grabbed my hip and pulled me close to him. Our naked bodies aligned. He opened his legs and tucked my top leg between his, pinning it with his powerful thighs. “I like being all tangled up with you, Mrs. Gantry.”

  I giggled. “I like being tangled up with you, Mr. Gantry.” I touched his bare shoulder, my fingers lightly strokin
g over his skin. “But you didn’t answer my question. How can I be better at… at what we just did? At that thing.” Despite the intimacy of the last hour, this was all very new and mysterious to me.

  “Just like with anything, Minnie. The way to get better is to do it over and over.”

  His hand skimmed across my hip and cupped my backside, drawing me even closer until his hardening manhood pressed against my stomach.

  Curious, I slipped my hand between our bodies and touched the tip of his manhood. Roy inhaled sharply and I snapped my head up to look at him. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Lord no!” He took hold of my hand, much as he had during my bath, and guided it over his appendage. “This is my cock.” We stroked from bottom to top and then he let go. “Now it’s your turn,” he said and I continued with the up and down motion, marveling at the way it hardened against my palm.

  “Holy cats, Minnie.”

  He grabbed me around the waist and rolled onto his back in one swift movement then lowered me down over his cock before I even realized what was happening.

  In this position, his cock was even deeper inside me, though this time there was no burning pain from the loss of my virginity, it was only pleasure. The muscles of my womanhood tightened around him as he continued to hold me around the waist, lifting and lowering me on his manhood.

  “Touch yourself,” he commanded.

  “What?” I gasped, trying to comprehend his meaning.

  “Like we did in the tub. Touch your clitty. I want to watch you touch yourself while I fuck your pussy.”

  I paused for a moment. It was like he spoke a foreign language, but I got the basic idea. Shyly, I reached down and put my fingers on my private parts.

  “That’s it. Just like that,” he ground out jamming upward into me vigorously. “Now pull the lip back so I can see your clitty. Remember where that is?”


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