Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five

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Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five Page 8

by Jones, Celeste

  “That’s it, Minnie. Just a few more and I bet you’ll have an orgasm. I’m so hard right now, just watching the way your bottom responds to having my finger in it, I might let you suck my cock again if you’re a good girl.”

  Oh Lord have mercy. His lewd talk should shock me, but it only wound the coil of longing tighter and after one deep push from his finger I pounded my fists on the bed and moaned savagely into the pillow. Stars danced behind my closed lids and my whole body quivered.

  When I stilled, Roy removed his finger. “That was beautiful to watch, Minnie.”

  He stepped away and then returned with a warm cloth that he used to clean me. I ought to have been embarrassed by such an act, but after he’d had his finger in my rump, embarrassment seemed silly at this point.

  Mostly, I just felt… happy.

  When I had the strength, I rolled onto my side and smiled up at Roy. I gave a brazen glance to his crotch, the outline of his firm cock visible against the fabric of his pants.

  “Are you ready for another lesson in cock sucking, Minnie?” His eyes gleamed with passion and I nodded eagerly.

  Just as he began to open his pants there was a knock on the door. He refastened his trousers while I attempted to get up. I couldn’t have anyone else see me naked.

  “Stay right there, Minnie.”

  “But, Roy!” I said, alarmed.

  He tsked and shook his head at me. “You really must learn to trust what I say, Minnie.”

  Walking over to the folding privacy screen he repositioned it to shield the bed from the view of anyone on the other side of the suite. “Wait right here, and I’ll come for you when our food is ready.”

  He really did take good care of me.

  He hurried to the door and let in the waiters with our meal. I could hear the movement on the other side of the screen, followed by a cheerful, “Thank you, sir!” from the men delivering the food. No doubt, Roy had given them a nice tip.

  Not only had I never stayed in a hotel, but I’d never had room service. This was all quite decadent and I worried about the expense. I’m sure being a deputy sheriff was a good job and all, but he seemed to have a budget that went well beyond what a deputy sheriff in a small town like Juniper Junction would earn.

  I worried my lip. What if he was reckless with money and we ended up destitute?

  That hardly seemed likely. Roy was a steady, honest man. That’s part of what I loved about him. He had many fine qualities.

  Still, his spending was a mystery.

  The door closed and Roy came to get me, wrapping me in his dressing gown and rolling up the sleeves before leading me to the table which had been set up for our meal.

  “Roy, shouldn’t I put my clothes on before eating? I’ve never eaten in a dressing gown before. In fact, I don’t even own one. Working people don’t have the luxury of sitting around half-dressed.”

  “Well, you are not a working person right now, are you?” he said with a grin.

  He pushed in my chair and then set about filling my plate with food from all the platters which had been delivered.

  My eyes nearly fell out of my head. “All this food for just the two of us?”

  “You’re going to need your strength, little Minnie.” He winked at me and set a plate down in front of me.

  It was more food than I’d eaten at one time, ever. When I worked at Pendleton House, elaborate banquets happened often, but all that fancy food was reserved for the guests. Though I recognized many of the dishes Roy had served me, I’d never tasted them before.

  When Roy took his seat next to me, he poured a sparkling liquid into my glass. “Champagne,” he said.

  “Roy!” I squealed in surprise. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “What’s the point of having money if I can’t use it to spoil my wife?” He touched the rim of his glass to mine. “To you, my sweet Minnie.”

  “Maybe I should pinch myself. This is so unbelievable, Roy. I’m a maid. An orphan. And now I’m sipping champagne in a fancy hotel in Wyoming?” I shook my head. “You shouldn’t be spending all your money this way, Roy. You work too hard for it. I know some of the things you’ve had to do as deputy sheriff. It’s a tough job.”

  “It makes me happy to do nice things for you, Minnie. Now, eat up.” He gestured toward the plate of food in front of me. “And drink your champagne.”

  I took a sip of the bubbly liquid. It was sweet and felt like sparkles on my tongue. “Mm. That’s good.” I drank more and Roy refilled my glass.

  He picked up a piece of shrimp and held it to my mouth. “Taste.”

  I opened my lips and he slipped it onto my tongue. The unique flavor made me smile. “This is almost as good as the champagne.”

  He returned my smile and it made me happy to see him relaxed and enjoying himself. He popped a piece of shrimp into his mouth and chewed with delight. “If only we could eat like this all the time, eh, Minnie?”

  I tried another of the delicacies on my plate. Lobster had been a frequent dish for the parties at Pendleton House and I’d always wanted to try it. As I ate a piece, savoring the delicious flavor, I thought for a moment.

  “I don’t know, Roy. I’ve been around people with money for years and they don’t seem to be very happy. Maybe they don’t appreciate what they have. If we ate shrimp and lobster and drank champagne every day, it wouldn’t be such a special treat, now would it? It would become ordinary like beans and cornbread.”

  Roy finished off a glass of champagne and looked at me thoughtfully. “You are very wise, Miss Minnie. Very wise, indeed.”

  * * *


  “Roy, I’m stuffed, but it was all delicious.”

  I glanced across the table at my bride. She was adorable. Her hair was half up in some sort of bun or knot or whatever women called their coiffures, with large hanks of it falling loose around her shoulders. She had a very content just-been-finger-fucked-in-the-ass-before-a-good-meal look about her that made me happy. More than happy.

  Putting my dressing gown on her was like marking her as mine, as though fucking her tight virgin pussy, putting my cock in her mouth and then breeching her ass with my finger hadn’t been enough to lay my claim.

  “I would like a bit more champagne, please,” she said, holding her glass out to me with a lopsided grin.

  “I think two glasses is enough for your first foray into champagne, little bride,” I said putting the cork in the bottle.

  “Roy!” she whined then gave me a pout. “Please?”

  “No,” I said, giving her a stern look.

  “You look serious, Roy,” she whispered. “I’d better be careful.” Then she burst into peals of giggles. “I wouldn’t want to get arrested.”

  Delightful. She brought light to my otherwise dreary existence. I hadn’t realized how colorless my life had been until I met Minnie. She brought vibrancy and left smiles in her wake.

  “Are you sure I can’t have more champagne?” she asked, batting her eyelashes. “I’ll show you my titties.” Moving quickly for a tipsy person, she yanked the dressing gown open to reveal her gorgeous breasts, the nipples beaded and ripe for sucking.

  The last of the champagne in her glass spilled out and splashed across her breasts. The temptation was too much, and I leaned forward to lick her clean, my tongue stroking over both breasts until she clutched at my head and cried out my name.

  I pulled away and righted her dressing gown. Charming though she was with a snoot full, I didn’t wish to take advantage of her lowered inhibitions.

  “Roy?” She smiled up at me. “You’ve spent a lot of money on me lately. Are you sure you can afford it? I’d hate for you to go broke spoiling me because I’d love you no matter what. I’ve been poor my whole life, even though I lived in a fancy house. But no one has ever loved me. Not the way you do.” She squeezed my hand. “But, please, Roy, where did you get all this money?”

  I paused for a moment. I’d been holding this part of myself, of my history, back from
her and from everyone in Juniper Junction. I guess I wanted to be liked and appreciated for who I was, not for my bank account.

  But, she was my wife and she deserved an explanation.

  She leaned back in her chair and gazed at me, a contented, and possibly a bit inebriated, expression on her face.

  I cleared my throat and thought about where to begin. The story had many layers, as most family intrigue did. There was no need to go into an extensive description of the cast of characters, though it would put one of Shakespeare’s dramas to shame.

  “Before I met you, sweet Minnie, my favorite person in the whole world was my grandfather, Ezekiel Granger.”

  “Oh, I wish I had a grandfather. Or a grandmother. What was he like?”

  This trip down memory lane caused more anxiety than I’d expected, and I stood to pace while I talked.

  “He was a very kind and generous man. Years ago, he came into some money. He never told me exactly how, but I suspect he might have been a gambler.” I chuckled at the recollection of him. “He used that money to open a small bank. He made loans to new settlers in Missouri who moved to the state for a fresh start. They were mostly farmers and my grandfather valued hard work and often extended credit when others wouldn’t if he knew a man’s character.”

  I stopped to gaze out the window to the street below before I continued. “My father was his only child. Unfortunately, he and my grandfather couldn't have been more different. As far as my father was concerned, hard work was for fools and money was the reward for those who were wily enough to get more than anyone else. I know it hurt my grandfather to see his son this way and I believe he was making plans to turn his bank over to others to run instead of my father. But, my grandfather died before he could do that. The money I have, which is substantial, I inherited from my grandfather. But I’ve always wanted to make my way on my own, like my grandfather did and with hard work that he valued, so that’s why I haven’t made a big show of it. I don’t want people to treat me differently.”

  “Would you have fallen in love with me if you knew, Minnie?” I knelt down next to her chair and peered up into her face.

  She was fast asleep.

  Chapter 9


  “I’m sorry I fell asleep, Roy,” I said, yet again, as we strolled out the door of the hotel.

  “You’ve already apologized at least a dozen times, Minnie. Besides, you need your rest. From now on, one glass of champagne is your limit.” He tucked my hand into his elbow and we set off for an afternoon stroll.

  “I never thought I’d ever drink champagne at all, and now I have a limit?” I shook my head in disbelief.

  Though Black Clover was nothing compared to St. Louis, it still had much more to offer than Juniper Junction in the way of stores and things to see.

  Not that I’d ever done much shopping in St. Louis as it was, but I did go along with Lizzie when she did and had enjoyed being in the stores full of gowns and hats and stockings. We passed one such shop and I stopped to gaze at a lavender dress displayed in the window.

  “Come on,” Roy said, “let’s go inside.”

  “Oh, no. I just wanted to look at the dress in the window.” I wished I hadn’t been so careless as to stop at all.

  “But, I’d like to buy you a new dress. Maybe a hat too.”

  We were inside the door before I could protest again.

  “Thank you for wanting to buy me a dress and hat, but I can just have Josie make them. Her dresses are just as pretty as these and I’m sure they don’t cost nearly as much.” I kept my voice low, not wanting to insult the women who worked in the shop. The items were all quite nice and possibly a bit more elaborate than Josie’s usual, but where would I wear something that fancy anyway?

  Roy led us toward the window with the lavender dress as a saleswoman bustled over, her big smile directed at Roy while her eyes gave me the once over and the corners of her mouth turned down slightly before returning to their forced smiling position.

  “How may I help you, sir?” she asked.

  “I’d like to see my wife in this dress. Is that possible? Oh, and the hat too.”

  He spoke to the saleswoman as though he did business in fancy clothing stores all the time. He did dress well, much better than most of the men in Juniper Junction. I’d just assumed that when he wore out his city clothes, he’d replace them with items more suitable to life in the west, but maybe I was mistaken about that.

  The saleswoman’s smile turned from fake to genuine happiness. No doubt she saw a fat commission standing in front of her.

  “Of course, sir. It would be my pleasure.” She looked at me again and I forced myself not to wilt under her scrutiny.

  “We have one right over here, if you’ll come with me.”

  Moments later I was in the large fitting room and the saleswoman was fastening the buttons on the dress. She placed the wide-brimmed matching hat on my head. “I guess that’ll do,” she muttered to herself before opening the door for me to model the ensemble for Roy.

  I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and faltered for a moment. Not even my wedding dress had looked this pretty on me.

  Roy’s gaze roamed over me appreciatively. “I think that color is ideal for you, it brings out your beautiful brown eyes.”

  His compliment made me blush and the saleswoman cleared her throat awkwardly.

  “We’ll take it. And the hat,” Roy pronounced.

  “B-but, Roy. You didn’t even ask the price,” I whispered to him frantically.

  “We are on our honeymoon, Minnie. Price is no object.” He gestured for me to go back to the fitting room. “I’ve found another dress I’d like you to try on.” He held up a fashionable gown the same color as a desert poppy.

  It was stunning. With every fiber of my being, I wanted to wear that dress.

  “I don’t really care for that one, Roy,” I lied.

  Roy gave the saleswoman a flash of his most charming smile. “Would it be possible for us to have a moment alone?”

  “Absolutely, sir.” And she was gone.

  Roy tipped my chin up so I could not avoid his penetrating gaze. “Now, little Minnie. Need I remind you of our discussion of rules and expectations and what happens when you lie?”

  I swallowed hard and struggled to keep my expression bland. “I remember those rules, Roy.”

  “I’ve already spanked you once today and I’d rather not do it again. Now, tell me the truth, Minnie. What do you think of this dress?”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to continue the lie, but I couldn’t. “It’s beautiful, Roy,” I admitted.

  He tsked. “I knew it.”

  “But, Roy,” I grabbed hold of his arm, “where would I wear a dress as fancy as that? Serving dinner at Mrs. Campbell’s boarding house?”

  He paused for a moment, thinking. “I suppose you are right, Minnie. However, that does not excuse your lie and we’ll address that when we get back to our room later.”

  The tone of his voice sent a pulse of heat through my body.

  He gestured for the saleswoman. “We’ve decided to just take the lavender dress and hat today.”

  “Very good, sir,” she said and then Roy took care of payment while the dress was marked for alterations. It was to be delivered to the hotel by evening.

  * * *

  We left the shop and continued our stroll through town. A funny feeling came over me, and I realized that I regretted not telling Roy that I liked the poppy-colored gown. Not because I was likely to get a spanking due to my lack of a forthright answer, but because...I really wanted it.

  What a change had come over me in only a couple days of married life. I’d gone from wearing made over hand-me-down clothes to purchasing dresses altered to fit me precisely. And I liked it.

  As we strolled arm in arm along the street, I noticed that I felt more confident and I nodded to the people we passed rather than looking away or worrying that they’d recognize me for the imposter I was. A mai
d playing dress up.

  But I didn’t feel that way anymore.

  Roy glanced down at me and smiled. “You look very happy, Minnie.”

  “I am, Roy. Happier than I thought I could be.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Me too.”

  It seemed the sun shone brighter and the flowers in the park bloomed larger and more vibrantly than ever before.

  Our progress along the main thoroughfare of Black Clover halted in front of a rather imposing looking building. I stared up and saw the words EG Bank and Trust carved into the facade. Roy gaped at the building, his eyes focused on the words. He shook his head back and forth slowly.

  “Well, look at that,” he said under his breath.

  I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but since it seemed he was talking to himself, I stayed quiet. As a maid, it was a skill I’d practiced often.

  I stole a glance at his face as he studied the bank’s exterior. His good humor from earlier had disappeared, replaced by stony determination.

  Just past Roy, I noticed another man who was studying the bank, but his eyes also darted in our direction, as though he was keeping watching on Roy. Without looking too obvious, I stole a few glances at him as well. Something about him seemed familiar, though I was sure I’d never seen him before. I’d have remembered.

  He was extremely handsome and dressed in the latest fashion. As he stood there I noticed several stylish ladies take notice of him and soon there was a small parade of young women passing back and forth in front of the EG Bank and Trust hoping to get his attention, but he paid them no mind.

  There was a charge in the air, as though something extraordinary was about to happen, but I had no idea what it could be. And, after a few moments, Roy took my hand and we continued our walk.

  “Did you want to go inside the bank?” I ventured. I had never actually entered a bank before. No money equaled no reason to need a bank.


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