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by J.W. Phillips

  “Gene, can we have a minute?” she asked and griped his arm to warn him not to go far.

  “I’ll be over there when you’re ready.” He pointed over to a group of guys standing around a table.

  She gasped for air and peeked up at Trucker. His rugged beauty still stunned her. He stroked her face as his lips twitched and broke out into a breathtaking smile.

  “Please, quit running from me. I won’t hurt you. I only want to make you happy,” he stated, clenching and unclenching his fist at his side.


  He leaned back into her. Brushing his lips against her hair, he spoke lightly in her ear, “because you consume my every thought.”

  Her heart quivered. Her mind couldn’t register what he was saying, and she fought back tears. She noticed Trucker’s hands in a tight fist. She was not so sure he wouldn’t hurt her in one way or another.

  “Trucker, you can have any girl here. You don’t want me.” She glimpsed over at the crowd and noticed a cluster of fake-tits staring at them. “Looks like you already have a fan club waiting on you.” Julie turned and walked away. As she did, she heard a slight growl coming from Trucker.

  Gene joined and followed her to class. They both were at peace in their own quietness. She couldn’t understand why Trucker said that to her. Why she had become the center of his focus? She felt a tear escape, and she hoped Gene didn’t notice. She didn’t get so lucky. As she was about to wipe it away, Gene reached over and gently did so. Then he simply took her hand.

  “Gene, I sense something in him. I know it’s stupid. I’m just a freak,” Julie blurted out.

  “Julie, you’re no freak. I know he scares you. You can sense something about him that terrifies you. He won’t hurt you and believe it or not, he might simply want you.” Gene looked over at her, and she saw a special glimmer in his eyes.

  “I don’t understand why he wants me.”

  “Because he can see how special you are.”

  Julie laid her head over on his arm, “Thank you, you always know how to make me feel good.”

  “That’s my job.”


  If Julie wanted Trucker to leave her alone, he would try. He wasn’t so sure he could achieve it, but he would try. He entered the classroom, paused, and leaned against the door jam. His head tilted as he watched her. A beam of sunlight danced across the room and wrapped around her, causing a faint glow to bounce off her skin; most would see it as the sunlight filtering through her hair, but he knew differently. She glanced up at him, her eyes were wide and questioning. She brought out his dominant tendencies. He wanted to protect her, take care of her, control her. He felt his throat rumble. She could tempt a saint, much less a monster like him.

  He suddenly found himself surrounded by a group of immature girls, all trying to get his attention. He would had soon they’d all just roll over and die, but he turned his powers on full blast and was his regular charming self.

  Trucker had no choice but to walk by Julie. It took all his strength not to grab her up and hold her close to him. He worked to keep his thoughts on the mind-numbing idiot walking by him. He believed her name was Courtney. She carried on about choosing the right shade of lipstick or was it about the pyramid blunder in cheerleading practice. He really didn’t care. Julie encompassed his mind. It was hard enough when she was out of his sight or even across the field, but to be only feet from her; to smell the flowery scent coming off her, to feel her angelic presence pulsating against his skin, and being blinded by the light she emanated. He heard each beat her precious heart took, felt her warmth wrap around him, watched her slowly chew on her lip. It was almost too much to bear.

  He had to remind his other side to calm down. That was not the place for him to show his ugly head. Still he imagined kissing the hallow of her neck and how soft her skin would feel under his. Get a hold of yourself, boy. You’ll get to see her all day long, he reminded himself.


  Julie met up with friends at lunch. They picked out a table at the far end of the cafeteria. Julie enjoyed talking and laughing with them, unaware that Trucker sat across the room, watching her.

  “He’s still checking you out, I see,” Gene whispered so that only Julie could hear.

  Julie looked around and found Trucker sitting alone at a little round table in the corner. He was picking at a leather band around his wrist. When he started writing in a book, Julie saw a side of him she liked. He was not hanging out with the jocks or flirting with the popular girls, but he was studying.


  8-8, lunchtime

  Her heart beats an average of 86 times a minute. I can see each treasured heartbeat as her blood courses through the artery in her neck. It’s a fight with myself not to cross this cafeteria and wrap my hand around that fragile neck, to rub my nose down it, and take in her smell. I’m dying to kiss those lips she is slowly nibbling on.

  Trucker felt a hand rub across his shoulder. Courtney, the girl who wouldn’t leave him alone, leaned into him.

  “Care if I join you?” Her lips ran across his cheek as she whispered in his ears.

  He slapped his journal shut and motioned for her to have a seat. Why not? Julie wasn’t going to join him anytime soon. Shortly after, he found himself surrounded by a load of jocks and cheerleaders. He wanted out of there. The pressure of so many auras, so many moods, left him dazed. He smiled anyway. It was worth the headache, if it meant he could be around Julie.

  Courtney rubbed her hand over his. His skin crawled in disgust. He yanked his hand away and pushed it under his leg. The only person Trucker wanted touching him was Julie. Plus, he didn’t want any ideas running around in that vast, empty head of Courtney’s. The bell rung, and he flipped around in time to see Julie throwing away trash and putting her tray away. She was laughing with a redheaded guy that made his blood run cold. She never once glanced his way.

  Chapter 3

  The following month was long and horrendous. Julie tried avoiding Trucker, but he was everywhere, even in her dreams. She had to watch him walk the halls at school with Courtney.

  Courtney’s hair was about the same color as Trucker’s, and it flowed down her back perfectly. Her eyes were blue, but a darker shade than Trucker’s. She was tall, built, and beautiful. Julie had to agree they fit.

  No wonder Trucker picked her, but Julie felt he didn’t want Courtney’s company. Julie would catch him staring at her. He lingered whenever she was near. Her fear of him grew daily, but also her need to be with him.

  Julie’s jealously surfaced around Courtney. She shouldn’t have cared who Trucker was with. However, she did care. But Trucker was not good for her. No matter how her heart felt.


  I should let her go. She’s happy and at peace with herself, but something is pulling me to her. I can’t take much more of this. I’ve tried for a month to leave her alone. It doesn’t work. I told her hello after class today. Her smile lit up my world. As we walked side by side to leave, her hand scraped over mine. It was a battle with myself not to hold that small, fragile hand in mine. Tonight, I will make my move. It’s some bonfire everyone is excited about. I’ll go and find her. I believe every damn student from Motlow will be there, so it would make sense for the now most popular boy in town to show up. Here is to a weekend with my girl or a weekend alone with my thoughts. Truck


  Dear Diary,

  Everyone’s so excited about the weekend, but me. Every weekend is dreadful, and as much as I hate to admit it, it’s because I don’t get to see Trucker. After class, he walked up to me and said, “Hello.” I saw the want in his eyes, but also the pain, doubt, and fear. I smiled at him and I tried to speak, but words escaped me. We walked side by side to the parking lot to leave for the day. He walked me all the way to Tiffany’s car. I felt like he wanted to kiss me, but unfortunately, he didn’t try. I did discover that his favorite poet was Walt Whitman, too. He said his mom use to read his poems to him when he
was little. His face softened when he talked about her. Something in his face made me want to reach over and hold his hand. I have so many questions to ask, but I can’t shake the feeling I should run. Everyone else seems drawn to him. What’s wrong with me? Am I missing something? I don’t know, but one look in his eyes and I know he wants to be with me, too.

  Julie Danielle Emison

  It was the night of the annual bonfire at Mr. Neal’s farm. Julie wasn’t in the mood to go, but after much begging by Tiffany and Gene, she decided to go anyway. Gene was picking her up around seven. She could never understand their relationship. He never appealed to her in a boyfriend way, but he was the one person that made her feel at peace with herself. Julie wondered all day if Trucker would be there. He acted like he didn’t care for normal teenage activities. Actually at times, he acted more forty then eighteen.

  The party was loud and the beer flowed everywhere. Julie was ready to leave by the time she got there. She looked around at the different set ups. There was a man over in the corner grilling hotdogs. He was surrounded by a line of coolers that were bookmarked on each end with a keg. The school’s drunk was already stoned and doing a handstand on one, while a large crowd stood around and cheered. Julie glanced over at the big bonfire encompassed by loving couples roasting marshmallows and making out. She wanted Gene to take her home, but he had disappeared.

  Resigned to her fate, she fell into an empty chair and started watching the fire burn. She rolled her eyes, taking in all the couples snuggled up to each other and briefly fantasized about Trucker holding her around the fire. Ugh, come on Julie, that’s not going to happen, nor do I want it to. She was always good at hiding the obvious from herself. Even though she told herself a million times she didn’t care if she saw him, she couldn’t keep her eyes from sweeping the place. Julie gave herself a mental kick, and turned her focus back on the bonfire. She watched the fire flickering around, sending shadows across the crowds. Occasionally a log would shift, sending bright ambers through the night sky. Julie reached for a stick then carefully placed a marshmallow on it. She leaned back and took a deep breath before she started concentrating on toasting it. She wanted to block out everything around her. When her marshmallow was the way she liked it, burnt to a crisp, she sat back to slowly blow on it. Just as it was ready to plop it in her mouth, a large hand reached around and pulled the marshmallow from the stick. Shocked, she stood up and turned around in time to see it disappear into Trucker’s mouth.

  “Hey, I made that,” she protested.

  “I know, thanks for making it for me. That’s the way I like it too,” he answered with a mouthful of marshmallow and grinned her favorite half smile. “Want a taste?”

  He held up his hand so she could see he still had some stuck to his fingers. Her mouth unconsciously opened at the thought. He placed his fingers on her lips. The warmth from them tingled. She closed her eyes, taking in the way his touch made her feel. He removed his fingers as she slowly ran her tongue across her lips. She opened her eyes, looked into his, and was stunned back into reality.

  “I can’t.” She dropped the stick and walked away.

  She had to find Gene and get out of there, before her emotions betrayed her. She could hear some girls telling him they would like a taste. Julie glanced over her shoulder as Trucker licked his fingers clean, held them up, and wiggled all ten of them.

  “All clean, ladies.”

  Julie clenched her stomach as a quick stab of jealously hit her. She was mad at herself for caring and set out searching for Gene to have him take her home. Julie found him talking to a girl at the hotdog bar.

  “Can you take me home?” she asked.

  “Yeah, sure. You okay?” Gene turned and wiped a tear from her face.

  “Sure, just ready to go.” She glared over at Trucker, who was leaned against a fence post watching her.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Gene told her, reaching out for her hand.

  Walking back to the parking lot, they were unexpectedly blocked by Trucker.

  “You’re coming with me,” he said and grabbed Julie’s arm. He pulled her toward the parking lot, blocking them from view behind a truck. He cupped her face in his hand. The strength and command of his will formed a bubble around them. Everything on the outside ceased to exist. The world stood still and all that mattered was the two of them. The fact he had such a profound, visceral effect on her sent her head spinning. She took a step closer to him.

  “What kind of relationship do you have with him?” he asked, breaking the hold he had on her.

  Blinking out of her daze, she jerked her arm away. “Huh?” she asked and started pulling at the bottom of her shorts, trying to avoid looking at him.

  “Yours and Gene’s?” He paused and lifted her head, forcing her to look at him. A low, primitive rumble vibrated in his chest. “Do you have any idea how irresistible you are when you do that?” His voice was so enticing. His eyes bored into her lips.

  She realized she was biting them. She stopped immediately. He traced her lips with his thumb.

  “Do you know how hard it is to sit in class and appear normal, when I glance your way and you’re doing that? It’s maddening.” He hunched over her, his tongue traced the throbbing vein between her neck and shoulder. She melted into him as a warmth spread through her. She had never experienced anything like it before. She felt his finger glide across her face.

  “Julie, you need to go.” There was a warning behind his voice.

  “We’re just friends!” she said, not ready to leave.

  He radiated such raw strength her eyes burned just looking at him.

  “The hell we are,” he screamed. He gestured at the space between them. “You feel it too. This is going to happen.”

  She fisted her hands together. “Me and Gene are friends.”

  His eyes closed. She counted each breath he took. 1,2,3,4,5,6... His eyes opened. The intensity of his gaze was searing.

  “Julie, leave,” he whispered. He curled his fingers around her hand. “I need you to walk away now, but I won’t ever let you walk away from me again.”

  The tremendous power she felt the first time they met was evident. She took an involuntary step back, turned, and ran into Gene’s arm.

  Gene griped Julie’s arm and gave her a small shake. She fought his grasp. Numb, she wasn’t ready to talk. She turned her head and saw Trucker talking to Courtney.

  “Asshole,” she whispered to herself.

  “I thought I was a pretty nice guy,” Gene said and chuckled.

  “Him,” Julie said and motioned her head in the direction of Trucker. “Why did you let him drag me off like that?”

  “I knew you would be okay, and I figured it was something you wanted.”

  “I don’t think anybody is okay with him.”

  Gene draped his arm around Julie. “Come on, I think it’s time to go.”


  Dear Diary

  I finally gave in and talked to him. I was wrong. He doesn’t want me. The minute he saw Courtney, he told me to leave. I guess I should’ve known. Courtney can have him. He is no good anyway.

  Julie tossed the journal across the room and pulled the elastic out of her hair. She needed a bath. The only thing she could think of was washing him away.

  “Ow,” she screamed as she kicked the side of the tub out of pure frustration.

  She had thought the bath would wash away the lingering presence that Trucker’s touch left. Now she cringed at the idea of losing it. Her inner voice screamed, ‘He’s Courtney’s!’ That was her undoing. She wanted him and was tired of denying it. She wished she knew how he truly felt. She would find out one way or another. “Oh, great Julie, entering psycho territory,” she whispered to herself as she climbed out of the tub. She saw a piece of paper that had fallen out of her pants pocket. She wrapped the towel around her and picked it up. At closer inspection, it revealed obvious male handwriting.

  345-2398 call me PLEASE.

  She sa
t on the commode, trying to steady herself, and pressed the paper to her chest. The fluttering in her stomach was intense as fears bombarded her mind. She grabbed the cellphone off the vanity. Her fingers shook so bad that she could hardly dial the number. She leaned against the back of the commode, as she heard the ringing in the phone.

  “Speaking,” Trucker’s voice rumbled in her ear.

  She tried to speak but couldn’t. She sat there with the phone pressed against her ear, breathing hard.

  “Any day now,” Trucker said. His voice was filled with annoyance, which did nothing to ease her nerves.

  She heard the phone go silent and realized he’d hung up. She debated whether or not she should call back. She glanced at his note. He asked her to call, but what if he was with her. Determined that Courtney wasn’t going to always top her, she hit redial. He answered immediately.

  “Are you going to talk? Because you don’t want to play mind games with me,” he warned.

  “Hello,” slipped out of her trembling lips.

  “Julie?” he sounded doubtful, but excited.

  She could almost hear him grin; the tension eased from her body.

  “Yeah, Trucker, do you need something?”

  “Yeah, you. Why do you ask?” A small laughed escaped his lips.

  She was so glad to be sitting down, because her whole body felt like it could collapse. “I saw the note and thought maybe . . .”

  He interrupted her, “Maybe, I’ve just gotten started with you.”


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